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Antelope, Arrived 23 October 1751

Privacy Level: Open (White)
Date: [unknown] [unknown]
Location: Ebenezer, Georgiamap
Surnames/tags: Salzburger Province of Georgia
Profile manager: Sandy Patak private message [send private message]
This page has been accessed 243 times.

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The sticker for Immigrants of Georgia Salzburger Profiles:
Ebenezer Wooden Church
Georgia Salzburger Immigrant to Province of Georgia
{{Nonmigrating Ancestor |addinfo=Georgia Salzburger Immigrant to Province of Georgia |flag=Georgia_Salzburgers.jpg |tooltip=Ebenezer Wooden Church }}

Sticker: {{US Southern Colonist Sticker|Georgia}} shows as
U.S. Southern Colonies Project logo
... ... ... was a Georgia colonist.

The Passengers of the Antelope


The individuals listed below made up the 2nd Swabian Transport Ship of the "Salzburgers". Captain John McClelland

These settlers left Europe bound for Savannah and then the Ebenezer Settlement in the Province of Georgia. It was a two month trip across the Atlantic Ocean to escape religious persecution in their native country of Salzburg, presently known as Austria.

  1. Brahm (Johann) Wilhelm (Gerhard) de, from Koblenz Note about Brahm
  2. Brahm Wilhelmina wife
  3. Gerber Paul, from Albeck
  4. Gnann Jacob (bro Georg) b. 1708 from Langenau
  5. Gnann (Johann) George b. 1704 from Langenau
  6. Gnann Anna Gress wife
  7. Gnann Andreas child b. 1745
  8. Gnann Michael child b. 1747
  9. Gnann Jacob b. 1749
  10. Hackel Jorg from Holtzkirch
  11. Haisler David from Germany
  12. Hammer Peter from Chemnitz Saxony
  13. Hammer Anna Rosina wife b. 1717
  14. Hammer Elisabetha child b. 1743
  15. Hasenlauer Sebastian from Langenau
  16. Kraft David from Ravensburg
  17. Kraft Anna Barbara Brant (Married Rabenhorst 1753.24 - Died 1753.28 - Married J. G. Niess 1755)
  18. Mack Wolfgang from Langenau Note about Wolfgang Mack - ALSO Listed on the Antelope Sailing - DO NOT DUPLICATE, SAME PERSON
  19. Neibling Alexander
  20. Neibling Bartholomaus from Langenau
  21. Oechsele Christian (son of Melchior) Note about Christian Oechsele
  22. Oechsele Angelika wife
  23. Oechsele Johann (son of Michael) from Langenau
  24. Oechsele (Johann) Melchior ALSO Listed on the Unspecified 1752a Sailing - DO NOT DUPLICATE, SAME PERSON
  25. Oechsele (Johann) Michael child
  26. Oechsele Maria Christian child
  27. Oechsele Michael
  28. Oechsele Maria wife ALSO Listed on the Unspecified 1752a Sailing - DO NOT DUPLICATE, SAME PERSON
  29. Remshard Daniel Died 1767 from Langenau
  30. Remshard Margaretha wife
  31. Schroder Anna from Langenau
  32. Schubdrein Daniel b. 1682 from Nassau-Saarbrucken
  33. Schubdrein Lorraine
  34. Schubdrein Margaretha wife b. 1685
  35. Schubdrein Johann Peter child
  36. Slesing (Johann) Leonhaard
  37. Tussing Jacob (Surname written as Tussing, with Duseign being an alternative spelling)
  38. Unselt David from Bernstadt
  39. Winckler (Hans) Georg from Niederstotzingen
  40. Ziegler Agnesia, nee Hermann
  41. Ziegler Eva Maria, child (Married Johann Caspar Boethe 1754)
  42. Ziegler Johann Michel child
  43. Zipperer Christian (Jonathan) b. 1710 from Bernstadt Died 1781
  44. Zipperer Anna Maria wife
  45. Zipperer Jonathan child
  46. Zipperer Peter child

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