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Surnames/tags: Appalachia Newsletter
Category: Appalachia Project Appalachia Project || Appalachian News | 2022 Archive |2023 Archive | 2024 Archive | 2025 Archive
This is the archive of previously published issues. For comments about back issues, see the Archived comments on the Appalachian News page.
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Contents |
Appalachian News
Fourth Quarter Issue
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Shelley Monson |
Member Spotlight: Shelley became a Wiki Genealogist in October 2021.
- When and how did you get interested in genealogy?
- I started out helping my mother doing research, cranking the microfilm readers at the Family History Center, when I was in my teens. After I graduated college and started working, I didn’t have much time for genealogy for quite a few years, then picked it up again after my mom’s death, when I inherited all her genealogy files. During lockdown, genealogy suddenly became a major activity for me, since I could do quite a lot without leaving the house!
- What are some of your interests outside of genealogy?
- I’m a big history buff, and do a lot of historical re-enactment in various periods. As part of this, one of my biggest interests is in historical costuming. I also enjoy knitting, crochet and quilting, and love to travel.
- Read the entire interview here: https://www.wikitree.com/g2g/1825557/member-of-the-week-shelley-monson
- Did you know that Shelley regularly participates in Elizabethan re-enactment groups?
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Sven Elbert |
Member Spotlight: Sven became a Wiki Genealogist in March 2022.
- When and how did you get interested in genealogy?
- When I was a teenager, my uncle shared a fascinating story about some distant Elbert cousins who had emigrated to the United States. Back then, we had an atlas in school, and I vividly remember flipping through the pages and finding Mount Elbert on the map of the United States. I couldn’t help but wonder—was that mountain named after our relatives? That curiosity was the spark that ignited my interest in genealogy.
- What are some of your interests outside of genealogy?
- I enjoy spending time with family and friends, which always brings a sense of joy and relaxation. Gardening is my way to unwind after a long day, even though I’m not exactly a green thumb and probably should devote more time to it. I love being out in nature, travelling to new places, and listening to music. Metallica is my all-time favourite band, but my taste in music is quite diverse, and I find myself enjoying a wide range of genres. Genealogy has also sparked a keen interest in history, allowing me to dive deeper into the past and understand the world my ancestors lived in.
- Read the entire interview here: https://www.wikitree.com/g2g/1823163/member-of-the-week-sven-elbert
- Did you know that Sven has coal miners in his family that travel to Appalachia Pennsylvania? Another project I’m supporting is the Holocaust Project. Initially, I intended to focus on the victims from Osnabrück, but I’ve since become more involved in the Another project, Auschwitz 2025 Initiative, where I’m now dedicating most of my efforts.
- Stop in Appalachia Discord or the Germany Project on WT Discord and say hi to Sven Elbert this month!
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Kristin Anderson |
Member Spotlight:Kristin became a Wiki Genealogist in April 2019.
- When and how did you get interested in genealogy?
- I would say that I have been interested in family history since I was a small child. I have a great aunt who every holiday, would give me a picture of a relative and say oh that was so and so. She also would say we were descendants of General George Rovers Clark but never how we were related and that drove me crazy, so I decided to investigate it. At least according to WikiTree I may finally have an answer, George and I are supposedly 1st cousins 8 times removed.
- What is your nickname?
- So in the Appalachia Project I am known as the Queen of Tabs because I may have over a 100 browser tabs open at any given time. I do occasionally x out of them but then I fall down a rabbit hole and end up doubling what I originally started with.
- Read the entire interview here: https://www.wikitree.com/g2g/1817916/member-of-the-week-kristin-anderson
- Did you know that Kristin regularly visits and documents cemeteries and cleans the tombstones? She is also digitizing Franklin County, KY yearbooks.
- Stop in Discord and say hi to Kristin (Williams) Anderson this month!
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Appalachia Project Profile Completeness Our Project's 2025 initiative is to tell the stories of our own ancestors and family members. Learn how to add rich details to a biography, categories, and dig into the unindexed source records to discover hidden gems from your ancestor's life. Check out Eric Stamper's Profile Map.
Kicking off this exciting event was January's Zoom
Appalachia Profile Completeness Challenge. Eric S was this month's guest as he discussed ways to complete your Ancestor's profiles with the FamilySearch Catalog and Indexes not found without searches. Go beyond just adding sources and an Auto Bio.
To watch the recording, click here. If you are already on our Project's Google Group, you can access the recording of the Zoom Meeting. If you can not access it, please contact Sandy for access.
Projects Related to Appalachia:
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WikiTree's first Connect-a-Thon of 2025 is coming up! The goal of our 72-hour marathon: bring the world closer together by adding missing relatives to existing profiles.General Information and Register on any team and to register on our Appalachia Roots Thon Team, click here.

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We will show you how to quickly add profiles, with sources, to WikiTree as well as a few tips and tricks to help you with the Connect-A-Thon and WikiTree, in general. You don't want to miss this opportunity to also get your “How To” questions answered!
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Merge and Edit from #FamilySearch or #Ancestry to WikiTree profiles. A quick and easy way to compare existing data on a WikiTree profile AND add sources in one step. This feature will help you update an existing profile that might not have sources or very little information. Watch this very short video to learn how easy it is to update profiles.
- Are you a new user of Sourcer? Watch a short video to understand on How To Add Profile to WikiTree via Sourcer and Exclude Extra Sources from Sourcer (only include sources for the profiled person and not all of their children).
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Appalachia Trivia
🎶 Oh, give me a home, where the buffalo roam. To be correct the song should actually have used bison. Those are native to the United States. Buffalo are found in Asia and Africa.
We tend to think of them thundering through the Plains but our very own North Carolina was once the home to bison.
The Eastern band of Cherokees called them Yansa and utilized them for food, clothing, surgical instruments and war horns.
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Catherine Sarah Wood Marshall LeSourd |
Cultural Item: Catherine Sarah Wood Marshall LeSourd
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She authored more than 30 nonfiction, inspirational, and fiction works.
She endured significant personal hardships, including the loss of her first husband at a young age and a battle with tuberculosis.
Read more about Sarah Catherine (Wood) Le Sourd and discover her many books and articles.
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- Ongoing/Monthly:
- Ask Aleš
- New Member Q and A via Zoom
- Friday Date Night
- Help:WikiTree Challenge and so much more!
- Check out our Appalachia Project Challenges Page for the monthly challenges and stickers.
- Footnotes
Have something you'd like to see covered? Post a comment to this page.
Third Quarter Issue
Welcome New Members! Joined in July 2024: Stephanie (Snyder) Freund Anne Fiordalisi Susan Caldwell Carey Given MaryAnn (Ford) Thomas John Brion Jr. Patricia Roche Joined in August 2024: Heidi (Tucker) Glover Marie (Christy) Carpenter Katie Kaltenbach Karen Back Joined in September 2024: Ann (Hughes) Burns Paul Baukema Pamela (Beatte) Tish Robby Nesbitt John Simmons Jr. Leigh Taylor PhD Madison Trenary
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Cousin Jack Graham |
Member Spotlight: Jack became a Wiki Genealogist in December 2019.
- When and how did you get interested in genealogy?
- As a school assignment, my niece was to draw her family tree. This was 60 years ago, so she couldn't just jump on the internet. Her father, my brother, asked around the family and found that an older 2nd-cousin had done quite a bit of this and had created a tree going back several generations. This solved the school assignment, yet my brother and I got interested and began pecking away at expanding that tree, off and on, mostly off, for many years.
- What are some of your interests outside of genealogy?
- I was a patent attorney for 40 years, though I retired 25 years ago and don't keep up with that field. You would probably call me a fitness and outdoor enthusiast, though I've slowed with age.
- I've run the Boston Marathon, been backpacking in the mountains, scuba diving, offshore sailing, workout at the gym several days a week, rowing on Town Lake. For a few years I've been teaching bridge classes, and playing duplicate bridge at local sanctioned games, and sometimes in tournaments.
- Read the entire interview here: https://www.wikitree.com/g2g/1770580/meet-our-members-jack-graham
- Did you know that the highlight of Jack's WikiTree career is the three-way tie for 1st place in the July Connect-A-Thon where three of us (Appalachia Roots Thon Team Members, Patty LaPlante and Jeff Ikler) carefully stopped at 2,222 new profiles?
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Doug Leeper |
Member Spotlight: Doug became a Wiki Genealogist in Nov 2021..
- When and how did you get interested in genealogy?
- It all started with my Aunt Hazel (Hazel Edith (Leeper) Webster), I used to get excited to go to her house and learn about the family history, back when she babysat when I was three years old, but I also remember she would go on for hours and it would get hard to keep focus. (The fancy multicolored hard candies with the ribbons in the fancy glass dish, as well as the pastel melty mints in the other dish was also an attraction…).
- What are some of your interests outside of genealogy?
- Mountain bicycling, hiking, hunting, gardening, raising littles as a single dad. And collecting U.S. Marine knickknacks (served +12 years).
- Thank you for your service, Doug.
- Read the entire interview here: https://www.wikitree.com/g2g/1767537/meet-our-members-doug-leeper
- Did you know that Doug is also the Project Administrator of the Leeper Y-DNA study at Family Tree DNA?
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Judith Fry |
Member Spotlight: Judith became a Wiki Genealogist in June 2022.
- When and how did you get interested in genealogy?
- It all started with my dad asking “How accurate does that book have to be?” when my brother and sister-in-law were filling in a baby book for their 1st child. This is when ALL found out he was adopted (only he knew). So, I got into genealogy to help my dad figure out who his birth parents were.
- What are some of your interests outside of genealogy?
- I love to read—they know my mom and me at our local library. I love to do puzzles—jigsaw, crossword, sudoku, kakuro, and logic. And, I’ve been a NASCAR fan since the early 1990’s.
- Read the entire interview here: https://www.wikitree.com/g2g/1761937/meet-our-members-judith-fry
- Did you know that the majority of her ancestors were Appalachian?
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100 Days of Appalachia Did you have fun participating in our first 100 Days of Appalachia? Do you want to do it again in 2025?
The 100 Days of Appalachia is a goal to focus on Genealogy and the Appalachia Project on WikiTree. There were Mini Challenges, Quick Tasks, Show and Tell, Brick Wall Weekends, Notables Improvement and more.
Let us know what you liked the best and the least. Do you any ideas on how we can improve this initative
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Rocky the Thon Mascot |
It's finally time for the big annual event, the Source-a-Thon. This is our ninth and we are still going strong. Last year we added sources to 77,292 previously-unsourced profiles! Can we beat that total this year? I know we can.General Information and Register on any team and to register on our Appalachia Roots Thon Team, click here.
The event starts on Friday, October 4 at 8AM EDT (Noon UTC) and runs until Monday, October 7 at 8AM EDT (Noon UTC).
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WikiTree Tip - Add Categories when creating a new profile. The Category Picker lets you add categories when creating a profile. In the past, the profile had to be completely created and saved. Not any more! Watch this very short video to learn how easy it is to add categories.
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Image Table display |
Bonus Tip from Hacktoberfest: There is a new "Image Table" that works on profiles and space pages. This is a WikiTree Browser Extension feature that needs enabled. Once enabled, a pop up table is available for you to sort by date, location, name, and type. This was a Hacktoberfest 2024 request by a WikiTree'er.
Also, we highly recommend all three of these extensions be installed for Project work and to make your life easier around WikiTree.
Are you a new user of Sourcer? Watch a short video to understand on How To Add Profile to WikiTree via Sourcer and Exclude Extra Sources from Sourcer (only include sources for the profiled person and not all of their children).
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George Washington Harris |
Cultural Item: George Washington Harris
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Harris is considered the greatest of Southern humorists before Mark Twain.
About the mid-1860's, Harris started writing numerous "Lovingood" sketches. In 1867, Dick & Fitzgerald published his Sut Lovingood:Yarns Spun by a "Nat'ral Born Durn'd Fool," a collection of twenty-four Lovingood tales. Sut was a shiftless, self-deprecating frontiersman.
Read more about George Washington Harris, Mr. Appalachia, and read Sut Lovingood for free (link at the bottom of his profile).
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- See the entire Symposium Schedule here. Sandy will be presenting twice on Saturday, November 2nd, 2024: More than Moonshine at 9am (EST) and Bonding Over Branches at 6pm (EST)
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The October Source-A-Thon is this week! The goal of our 72-hour marathon: add sources to those lonely unsourced profiles. General Information and Register on any team. The event starts on Friday, October 4 at 8AM EDT (Noon UTC) and runs until Monday, October 7 at 8AM EDT (Noon UTC)
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Click here to register. |
And for those who don't have any programming skills, we are planning on doing a weekly recap and live video chat so you can keep up with what is going on. Watch the weekly livecasts!
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There are two Bingos this month. The Noon (EDT/EST) Bingo is called "Bingo Spaces". We show off those fantastic space pages that are hidden amongst the branches with a different WikiTree'er as a guest. The 6pm (EDT/EST) Bingo is our Historic Notables Bingo and every month is a different fun theme! This means you'll have 4 chances to win a beautiful Bingo Mug! Check out the Friday Night Bingo Schedule for 2024. WikiTree's Bingo Playlist on You Tube
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16 for 16 Mission Help: 16 for 16|WikiTree's 16 for 16 Mission List To accept this mission of missions, first go to this G2G post and reply with answer. Something as simple as "I'm going to participate!" works fine. See this space page for additional details: 16-for-16 Tracker
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The RAWK Event Returns in December! New Host, our very own, Kathy Nava will be taking over RAWK. RAWK stands for Random Acts of WikiTree Kindness and it's a month long event in which a team comes together to expand the CC7 of five fellow WikiTreers who have been nominated by the community. To date we've RAWKED 35 WikiTreers over the course of seven events!
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- October:
- November:
- WikiTree Symposium, November 1-3, 2024
- WikiTree Day is now WikiTree Week! WikiTree Day is Tuesday, November 5th, 2024 and activities will occur all week long.
- WikiTree Research Parties, November 9, 2024. Confirmed: Germany, Italy, Jewish Roots, USBH and a special Logo Maker Hour for ONS/OPS.
- Check out the November 2024 calendar On G2G in November.
- December:
- Make Appalachia Shine Project Challenge
- Check out the December 2024 calendar On G2G in December.
- Ongoing/Monthly:
- Ask Aleš
- Global Genealogy Spotlight
- New Member Q and A via Zoom
- Friday Date Night
- Friday Night Bingo
- Help:WikiTree Challenge and so much more!
- Check out our Appalachia Project Challenges Page for the monthly challenges and stickers.
- Footnotes
Have something you'd like to see covered? Post a comment to this page.
Second Quarter Issue
Welcome New Members! Joined in May 2024:
Elizabeth Schafer
Cynthia Shank Joined in April 2024: Tim Stamps Olivia Cunningham Willow Parish Jeff Ikeler Holly (Lay) Yancey Karita Blackwell Heather Jones Sarah Palmer Ann (Atkinson) Sawusch Deb (Burch) McCarter Donovan Brown John Carollo Jr. Sarah Edwards Anna (Walton) Grace Hilary Mason Dustin Keys Becca (Brown) Cutsail Laura (Huggins) Ward
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Karen Lee |
Member Spotlight: Karen became a Wiki Genealogist in in March 2023.
- When and how did you get interested in genealogy?
- It was a very roundabout process for me, but basically it came down to working with the practices of Ancestral Medicine which is a spiritual practice connecting with the ancestors and healing family lineages.
- How did you get into "Ancestral Medicine"?
- I had a traumatic childhood, and found refuge in the woods, where I developed a natural connection to the plants, trees and animals that lived there, that was in essence a spiritual experience, learning life lessons from owls, ancient oak trees, and all sorts of animals.
- Read the entire interview here: https://www.wikitree.com/g2g/1732045/meet-our-members-karen-lee
- Did you know that Karen is the Team Leader for the Kentucky Team on the US Black Heritage Project?
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Mark Lemen |
Member Spotlight: Mark became a Wiki Genealogist in in January 2022.
- When and how did you get interested in genealogy?
- I suppose I've been interested in genealogy my entire life. My dad was interested in genealogy as well, and he did his research back in the 80's the old-fashion way - going to the library, contacting record offices, and talking to living relatives. He would then share what he knew with me and my brother when we were growing up. This inspired me to ask my grandmother lots of questions about her parents and grandparents. When she told me their names and that they came from a far away place called Germany, I was fascinated. When my dad passed away in 1994, I was determined to carry on with his work.
- What are some of your interests outside of genealogy?
- I love traveling and exploring the world. Some of my favorite places include Greece, Iceland, New Zealand, Chile, road trips to U.S. National Parks, and many more. I've done some hiking in a lot of these places too. My absolute favorite was the 112 mile hiking trail through the French, Italian, and Swiss Alps on the Tour du Mont Blanc. I also love spending time with my family and my two new puppies.
- Read the entire interview here: https://www.wikitree.com/g2g/1741004/meet-our-members-mark-lemen
- Did you know that Mark's 10th great-grandmother and three of her daughters were accused of witchcraft in Salem, Massachusetts?
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100 Days of Appalachia Have you been participating in our 100 Days of Appalachia? If not, it is not too late to join the fun!
The 100 Days of Appalachia is a goal to focus on Genealogy and the Appalachia Project on WikiTree. There are Mini Challenges, Quick Tasks, Show and Tell, Brick Wall Weekends, Notables Improvement and more. Every Day will be something to work on that is related to Appalachia or to help out other Appalachians.
Find out what each day's quest is by looking at the calendar. The Calendar will be updated every Sunday night for the week.
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Rocky the Thon Mascot |
The July Connect-a-Thon is coming up! The goal of our 72-hour marathon: bring the world closer together by adding missing relatives to existing profiles. General Information and Register on any team
The event starts Friday, July 19, at 8 AM EDT (12pm UTC) and runs until Monday, July 22, at 8 AM EDT (12pm UTC).
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WikiTree Tip - Connect-A-Thon Rules. Are you new to the Connect-A-Thon (CaT)? Does a connecting a living person count? Do I only connect two existing (no)? Watch this very short video to learn the rules of WikiTree's CaT.
Remember: All WikiTree Profiles require reliable sources. For more information on what is considered a reliable source for our Project, click here. Also, we highly recommend all three of these extensions be installed for Project work and to make your life easier around WikiTree.
Prefer to watch a short video to understand Sourcer? Add Profile to WikiTree via Sourcer and Exclude Extra Sources from Sourcer (only include sources for the profiled person and not all of their children).
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Cratis Williams |
Cultural Item: Cratis Williams
Did you see that our very own Appalachian, Cratis Dearl Williams, was highlighted as a Featured Connection of the Week on WikiTree?
Cratis Dearl Williams, folklorist, ballad collector and singer, linguist, professor, and college administrator who became a specialist in the Appalachian culture of the region.
He is known as "Mr. Appalachia"' and considered the father of Appalachian Studies.
Williams was a staunch believer in Appalachians. He regularly discussed with students, at Appalachia State University, to not be ashamed of where you came from or who your ancestors are. Throughout his career Williams spoke, wrote and sang about the heritage of Appalachia.
When the US Federal Government was creating the Appalachian Regional Commission, Williams was the person they asked for to help them understand Appalachia and Appalachians. He fought to make sure the area was defined and the name was pronounced correctly. Williams stated that for the Commissioner of ARC to maintain credibility among mountaineers whom the commission was created to help, he must first "...learn how to pronounce Appalachia and Appalachian." (Correct pronunciation is: App uh LATCH uh)
Read more about Cratis Dearl Williams, Mr. Appalachia, and watch the video listed at the bottom of his profile.
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The Connect-a-Thon Sign Ups have arrived! This month, the Appalachia Project is asking all members to join the third Connect-A-Thon of the year! In the previous Connect-A-Thon held in April, we added almost 89,000 profiles to our big tree! Can we pass that number this time around?
The event starts on Friday, July 19 at 8 am EDT (Noon UTC) and runs until Monday, July 22 at 8 am EDT (Noon UTC) -- BUT you must sign up before the start! Registration will close on Wednesday, July 17 at midnight EDT. If you would like to join a Thon Team for the Connect-a-Thon, click here for details. It is a lot of fun!!
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Due to popular demand, there are two Bingos every first Friday of the Month. The Noon (EDT/EST) Bingo is called "Bingo Spaces". We show off those fantastic space pages that are hidden amongst the branches with a different WikiTree'er as a guest. The 6pm (EDT/EST) Bingo is our Historic Notables Bingo and every month is a different fun theme!
This means you'll have 4 chances to win a beautiful Bingo Mug! For July, the Space Page discussion will be about Marian Serówka's Wartime, and the evening topic is "Come one! Come all!" . WikiTree's Bingo Playlist on You Tube
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16 for 16 Mission Help: 16 for 16|WikiTree's 16 for 16 Mission List To accept this mission of missions, first go to this G2G post and reply with answer. Something as simple as "I'm going to participate!" works fine. See this space page for additional details: 16-for-16 Tracker
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Our second annual WikiGames event is coming up later this summer. Our goal is to make our tree fuller and stronger and while also having fun and making some new WikiTree friends. Did you miss the signup for the WikiGames? Never fear! There will be short additional sign up period after the CaT. For more information, check out the link. NOTE: The WikiGames is over two weekends (including Labor Day Weekend).
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The RAWK Event is on Summer Vacation The last RAWK, we had three Appalachians who were RAWKed. Our very own Project members, Eric Stamper, Jeremy Stone , and Mags Gaulden have been selected to be RAWKed. Our Project focused on increasing their CC7 throughout the entire month of April. Eric started with a CC7 of 1,254 and ended with 2,100. Jeremy started with a CC7 of 1,134 and ended with 2,078. And, Mags started with a CC7 of 2,450 and ended with 2,813.
- Footnotes
Have something you'd like to see covered? Post a comment to this page.
First Quarter Issue
Welcome New Members! Joined in December 2023:
Dawn Watson
Sarah Harrell Joined in September 2023: Matthew Combs Kathy (Stuewe) Zipperer Gail (Pickens) Martin Jeremy Thorne Melody (Tanner) Clark Lisa DeCarpio
Audrey (Hoppes) Martin Joined in January 2024: D Armistead Monte Mccoy
Lyn Young Joined in October 2023:
Emily (Boy) Holmberg Joined in February 2024: Abby Edwards Reta McCollum DC McCown Melodie Combs
S Esper Joined in November 2023: Debbie Gambrell B Hall Celia Marsh Rosann Kent Dave Stern Robert Hvitfeldt
Darrell Brown Joined in March 2024: Marcia (Coffman) Hicks RN-Ret. Sandi Compton George DeFrieze Connie (Chasteen) Pullen Lea (Walker) Sullivan Chris Wine Monica (Rienerth) Palmer Allison Matz Rebecca Kimberly
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Pam Fraley |
Member Spotlight: Pam became a Wiki Genealogist in in June 2018.
- When and how did you get interested in genealogy?
- For me it was going to the cemeteries on decoration day to clean and decorate the graves. I was only about 10 so I didn’t understand yet how it would affect me as an adult. I just knew how much I loved my Papaw and seeing his papaw's grave made me think how special he must have been because Papaw’s are special. When I stood by that grave as an adult I knew I wanted to honor his life somehow.
- What are some of your interests outside of genealogy?
- I love spending time outdoors with my family and friends. Camping, hiking, and of course cemetery exploring. My children even take photos for me if they see one that they think I would like when I am not with them.
- Read the entire interview here: https://www.wikitree.com/g2g/1696569/meet-our-members-pam-fraley
- Did you know that Pam has ancestors from all over Appalachia, mostly from Kentucky and Tennessee?
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Audrey Hoppes |
Member Spotlight: Audrey became a Wiki Genealogist in in Oct 2022.
- When and how did you get interested in genealogy?
- When my great-grandmother passed away in August of 2006, I felt like I had missed out on a lot of the history of her family. I knew a few of her nieces and nephews but little else at the time. I remember that she always kept a diary and wrote back and forth to her many siblings that were all over Kentucky, Ohio, and Indiana. Sadly, before I could get my hands on these invaluable documents and diaries, my grandmother threw them all away saying they had no value. That led me to start researching on my own to fill in the blanks of what I already knew. I joined Ancestry that same month.
- What are some of your interests outside of genealogy?
- I enjoy reading historical, religious, biographical, and geographical books, both fiction and nonfiction. I also am a little self-taught at playing piano. I also homeschool my son, who is now in high school.
- Read the entire interview here: https://www.wikitree.com/g2g/1722854/meet-our-members-audrey-hoppes
- Did you know that Audrey is the first generation in about 200 years to not be raised Quaker?
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Appalachia Project Maintenance Categories category Maintenance categories group profiles in need of some particular type of work. They serve as project-wide to-do lists. Your help is welcomed on any of these.
- NOTE: The Maintenance Categories already listed are the only Appalachia Project approved categories. Please do not create new Project Maintenance Categories.
- Projects Related to Appalachia:
- Battle of Point Pleasant
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Battle of Point Pleasant Drawing |
The only major conflict during Lord Dunmore's War was the Battle of Point Pleasant — which is also known as the Battle of Kanawha. This battle took place on 10 October 1774. It was mostly between Virginia militia and the Shawnee and Mingo tribes. The attack was near Point Pleasant West Virginia. The fighting was long and furious. Many men that that served at Point Pleasant continued their military careers into the American Revolution and onto high places in their communities.
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- WikiTree Tip - Removing yourself quickly from a WikiTree Profile. Have you ever wanted a quick way to remove yourself from a profile or a family of profiles?
The X Remove Me Button, when selected in the WBE Options, adds an X on profiles for which you are the manager. Double-click the X to remove yourself as manager.
This video shows you a super quick way to completely remove yourself from a WikiTree profile. 𝐖𝐁𝐄 𝐈𝐬 𝐑𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐢𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐨 𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐟𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞. Red X Marks the SpotAppalachia
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Harry Monroe Caudill |
Cultural Item: Harry Caudill
- Harry Monroe Caudill (1922 - 1990) Harry Caudill was an American author, historian, lawyer, legislator, and environmentalist from Letcher County, in the coalfields of southeastern Kentucky.
- A common theme explored in many of Caudill's writings is the historic underdevelopment of the Appalachian region specifically poverty due to, his opinion, the coalmines.
- Caudill's Night Comes to the Cumberlands is commonly referenced as a definitive source of Appalachia before 1962 when the US Federal Government Agency, Appalachian Regional Commission, was created.
- While Caudill helped bring about change for poverty stricken Appalachia, he was also controversial with his belief in eugenics and the theory of dsygenics. Read more about Harry's fascinating life, here.
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Our very own Project member, Matthew Combs, was randomly selected to be RAWKED (Random Acts of WikiTree Kindness) during the month of February. He has deep roots in Clay County, Kentucky. There were some challenges with NPE, and the team was able to disprove a paternal relationship. One NPE is very close to being broken through with new DNA discoveries. Matthew's CC7 increased by 735, and he also received his 2,000 Connection Badge.
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Another one of our very own Project members, Monte Mccoy, was randomly selected to be RAWKED (Random Acts of WikiTree Kindness) during the month of February. A lot of amazing discoveries occurred during his RAWK event, including source documentation and family connections being verified, cleaning up profiles to disconnect unsourced relationships and add sources prior to the start of the February RAWK event as well as continuing monitoring during the event. Monte's CC7 increased by 1,030, and he received his 2,000 Connection Badge.
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One of our newest Project members, Dave Stern, was also randomly selected to be RAWKED (Random Acts of WikiTree Kindness) during the month of February. Six or more of Dave's family lines ended up being worked on. The RAWKERS were able to added several close connections, including one as close as 4 degrees. Appalachia Pennsylvania carried him over the 1,000 CC7 mark. Dave's CC7 increased by 659, and he received his 1,000 Connection Badge.
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The Connect-a-Thon Sign Ups have arrived! This month, the Appalachia Project is asking all members to join the second Connect-A-Thon of the year! In the previous Connect-A-Thon held in January, we added almost 99,000 profiles to our big tree! Can we pass 100K this time?
The event starts on Friday, April 12 at 8 am EDT (Noon UTC) and runs until Monday, April 15 at 8 am EDT (Noon UTC) BUT you must sign up before the start! Registration will close on Wednesday, April 10 at midnight EDT.
If you would like to join a Thon Team for the Connect-a-Thon, click here for details. It is a lot of fun!!
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If you would like to volunteer to help those being RAWKED, click here. It is a lot of fun!! Don't worry if you forgot to sign up... you can still help out!
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Come join us for Bingo Fridays on the first Friday of each month, where you can play some bingo, learn a bit about one of WikiTree's many Notables, and discuss the History Topic of the Month. Make sure to catch this month's Friday Night Bingo. Two Bingo cards will be played at 6 pm ET (10 pm UTC) which means you have two chances to win the most coveted Bingo Mug! This month our Notable subject will be “Keene to Comfort” .
This is also a great time to get your questions answered about this topic.
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16 for 16 Mission Help: 16 for 16|WikiTree's 16 for 16 Mission List To accept this mission of missions, first go to this G2G post and reply with answer. Something as simple as "I'm going to participate!" works fine. See this space page for additional details: 16-for-16 Tracker
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