Location: [unknown]
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The following people are willing to provide expertise for merges of profiles relevant to WikiTree Geographical and Topical Projects.
Please feel free to add any new projects that aren't currently on this page.
Any questions or suggestions, or if there is no Project Liaison relevant to the profiles you are seeking to merge, please contact Gillian Thomas.
- French settlers who came to Nova Scotia and descendants
- Girouard-4019 18:50, 26 April 2019 (UTC)
- All Africa profiles
- All Australia profiles
- Gillian Thomas - any Australian profiles
- Marion Poole
- Families in the Bahamas
- All Canadian profiles
- Isabelle Rassinot French-Canadian profiles
- All Caribbean profiles
- Emma MacBeath If I am unable to help with a particular country, I will refer to a person with expertise in that country.
- Bermuda
- Danish ancestors
Early Scandinavia
- Scandinavian profiles pre-1200
- Profiles of people born in England
- Gillian Thomas - including pre-1500 profiles
- Marion Poole
- Wendy Sullivan
- Joan Whitaker
- Finnish people and Finnish descent
France and French Roots
- French Roots - Profiles of French people, French heritage and origins
German Roots
- Genealogies and biographies of families who came from Germany, and its population in Russia, Poland, Austria and Switzerland
- Profiles covering people from all the Indian subcontinent
- Profiles of persons associated with Indonesia
Irish Roots
- Irish Ancestry
Italian Roots
- Italian Ancestry
Latin-American Roots
- History and Genealogy of the 20 Latin-American nations
- Early Dutch people and their Descendants
New Zealand
- Profiles related to New Zealand
- Profiles of people who lived in Poland or who have Polish ancestry
- Portuguese profiles
Puerto Rico
- Profiles of people who lived in Nouvelle-France, modern day Quebec up to 1763
- General Scottish profiles
- Gillian Thomas - including pre-1500 profiles
Slavic Roots
South African Roots
United States
- Profiles of individuals from Connecticut and Massachusetts
- Linda Peterson - including pre-1700 profiles
- Profiles of individuals from Louisiana
- Girouard-4019 18:50, 26 April 2019 (UTC) - including pre-1700 profiles
- Profiles of individuals from Massachusetts
- Bob Keniston - including pre-1700 profiles
- Profiles of individuals from New York
- Susan McNamee - including pre-1700 profiles
- Profile of individuals from Tennessee
- Profiles of individuals with US Black Heritage
- Emma MacBeath - all time periods
British Isles Politicians
European Aristocrats
First Peoples
Huguenot Migration
- French-speaking Protestant Christians who fled their French-speaking homelands
Jewish Roots
- Jewish Ancestry
- Holocaust
Magna Carta
- Project-managed profiles include the 25 Magna Carta Surety Barons, the 16 Illustrious Men, and the 240+ Gateway Ancestors documented in Douglas Richardson's Magna Carta Ancestry (and some that were added in his Royal Ancestry). The project also manages profiles on trails between the Surety Barons and Gateways as it works on improving those profiles to provide verified trails for them.
- Michael Cayley, Project Coordinator for Research and G2G (and badged for pre-1500)
Profiles of the Mayflower passengers and their immediate families
Native Americans
Focuses on indigenous peoples of what became the United States.
- Jillaine Smith (co-leader)
New Netherland Settlers
- New Netherland families who settled the area during Dutch rule and their ancestors and descendants
Puritan Great Migration
- 40,000 early New England colonists who arrived during the period of the Great Migration.
- Jillaine Smith (co-leader)
- K Anonymous
US Black Heritage
- Emma MacBeath - all time periods
US Presidents
US Southern Colonies
William Penn and the Early Pennsylvania Settlers
- Login to edit this profile and add images.
- Private Messages: Contact the Profile Managers privately: Gillian Thomas and Sarah Callis. (Best when privacy is an issue.)
- Public Comments: Login to post. (Best for messages specifically directed to those editing this profile. Limit 20 per day.)