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Mini Challenges of 2020
30 December 2019 - 6 January 2020:
Dutch Roots Mapping Cartographers Challenge
Challenge: Voeg vier belangrijke pioniers van de kartografie en hun families toe aan WikiTree. -The goal is to add four important pioneers of Cartography and their family to WikiTree:
Petrus Plancijus
Gerardus Mercator
Jodocus Hondius
Willem Jansz Blaeu and on special request of
Minke Wagenaar:
Bernardus Schotanus. All are connected to WikiTree now thanks all members that joined the challenge ! Thanks everyone !
THE WINNERS of this challenge are:
Speciale vermelding voor het connecten van de laatste carthograaf/special mention for connecting the last cartographer:
Willem Vermeulen
Mini Challenges of 2019
Er waren in 2019 geen mini challenges, alleen de Jaarlijkse Bevrijdingsdag challenge. There were no mini challenges in 2019, just the Annual Liberation Day challenge
Mini Challenges of 2018
27 March - 2 April 2018:
Koninklijke Hoogovens Hotemetoten Challenge - Royal Hoogovens Hotshots Challenge
Our wonderful Winner was Enoch Stuivenberg and a special thanks and Wonderful Supertrooper award for Amy Selby!
Mini Challenges of 2017
February 2017:
Wikilove Dutch Roots Challenge 3-12 February 2017
358 sources and 191 new family members added and .. the family connected in just one week
- Winner Connection badge: Joop van Belzen-1 connection Dennis Ling connected on 15:38, 3 February 2017 (EST)
- Winner Sourcerers Challenge Joop van Belzen 101 Sources added.
- Winner Demolition badge Charlie Panek 53 new profiles added
- Winner Dutch Roots Challenge badge {{NetherlandsChallenge Winner|date=February 2017}} Jan Terink
And....for all participants who didn't have one already, the Sourcerers badge. Congrats and see you all next time it was a pleasure .... as always :D
Mini Challenges of 2016
March 2016:
Dutch Roots Connection Challenge all Aalfs connected
March 2016 Challenge Winner was Abm Helsdingen!!
April 2016:
Dutch Roots Connection Challenge All Sohier connected
April 2016 Challenge Winner was B.W.J Molier!!
Extra April 2016:
Dutch Roots KING's DAY sourcerer challenge
Our Princess Mabel got in 4 days from 0! to 81!! sourced ancestors.
April 2016 Challenge Winner was Rob Ton!!!
September 2016:
Late Summer Monsterchallenge
Sorting/uitzoeken & sourcing/van bronnen voorzien in the/de Jungle van alle Monsters!
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