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Ashkenazi surname Zand

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Surname/tag: Zand
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Beider's book A Dictionary of Jewish Surnames From the Russian Empire includes an entry for Zand. He proposes that it is derived from the German surname Sand, meaning sand. The surname was found in Courland, Shavli, Vilkomir, and Kamenets.

Ancestry "Zand Name Meaning... Jewish (Ashkenazic): variant spelling of Sand."

The Museum of the Jewish People: "ZANDMAN. Surnames derive from one of many different origins. Sometimes there may be more than one explanation for the same name. This family name derives from an occupation (also connected with raw material, finished product or implements associated with that trade). The family name Zandman includes the German word Zand, which means "sand", thus was probably attached to a family of constructors or builders. Other related family names are Zhand, Zand, Zamd and Zamed. The name Zandman is common among Jewish families in Ukraine, and also in Oshmyany (Belorussia (today Belarus) and Troki (Lithuania)."

Emigrants from Lithuania with surname Zand

Israel Isser Zand born 1896 in Nemencine to Louis and Jennie. Changed name to Irving Rosenthal. Immigrated to MA. No children, I think.

Emigrants from Poland with surname Zand

Three brothers from Lodz, Poland immigrated to New York:

  1. Harry Zand/Sand (1881-1938)
  2. Morris Zand/Sand (1883-?)
  3. Joseph Zand/Sand (1893-1969)

Their family tree is on FamilySearch; their father is Meyer Michael Zand.

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