Location: [unknown]
Surnames/tags: Atkinson DNA One_Name_Studies
Contents |
Research Workspace to Coordinate Atkinson Projects Genealogy / DNA.
- This Atkinson DNA Group Project is associated with Atkinson Name Study
- This Atkinson DNA Group Project is associated with the FTDNA Atkinson Project, Ann Sawusch, Project Admin.
- Contact Ann (Atkinson) Sawusch for additional information.
- https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Help:How_to_Get_Started_with_DNA
- https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Help:DNA_Test_Connections
- FTDNA Autosomal Transfer Guide: https://help.familytreedna.com/hc/en-us/articles/4402392808463-Autosomal-DNA-Transfers-Guide
Atkinson DNA Project
In the Atkinson DNA Project we are grouping Atkinson (and variant named) Y DNA kits into matched related Y-DNA family groups to provide additional evidence about which Atkinson families are related on their direct paternal lines, even if the paper connections have not yet been made. Please assist us by building out Atkinson lines here on WikiTree. In collaboration with ATKINSON Project at FamilyTree DNA (FTDNA)
The Atkinson Family DNA Project is open to all who are interested in working together to find their common heritage through sharing of information and DNA testing.
If you have not DNA tested for genealogy (yet) - please consider doing DNA testing for genealogy! Surname Studies especially need y-DNA Testers as additional solid evidence for their genealogical work, especially when paper records are thin.
FTDNA Atkinson Project
- Website: https://www.familytreedna.com/groups/atkinson
- Join Link: https://www.familytreedna.com/group-join.aspx?group=Atkinson&code=D96957
- FTDNA Atkinson Project Administrator - Ann (Atkinson) Sawusch
- FTDNA Autosomal Transfer Guide: https://help.familytreedna.com/hc/en-us/articles/4402392808463-Autosomal-DNA-Transfers-Guide
The Atkinson Project is seeking additional Atkinson male y-DNA testers. Please join us to help untangle the connections between various Atkinson lines. Big-Y is encouraged if at all possible.
Those with Atkinson (or variant) surname within 6 generations who have DNA tested, male or female, are also invited to join the FTDNA Atkinson Project. If you have not tested at FTDNA, it is possible to upload your DNA results to FTDNA for free and join the project. We are looking for any clues that will assist us with building Atkinson family relationships.
Current Atkinson Project FTDNA STR Y-DNA Matched Numbered Groups - link to FTDNA Atkinson Public Page
- Not all on WikiTree: [| FTDNA - Atkinson DNA Results]
Atkinson Y DNA Connections on WikiTree
Leverage WikiTree and FTDNA Project Tools
- TASKS Note: 3 Feb 2025:
- Male Atkinson or Surname variant: Join Y-DNA kit to FTDNA Atkinson Project for Grouping.
- Add Y-DNA kit to your WikiTree profile.
- Work you genealogy out to your EKA Atkinson ancestor.
- Contact Ann (Atkinson) Sawusch, Atkinson FTDNA Project Admin. for more information on Atkinson STR Y-DNA Matched Group <number> Categories.
- See: https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Help:DNA_Categorization_for_Projects
Atkinson and Variant Surname Y-DNA Test Connections Where the Shared Paternal Line Ancestor is Currently Unknown - Research Needed
Potential Tasks
- Grouping EKA of two or more FTDNA Atkinson Project testers - with genealogy on WikiTree.
- Categorize the EKA of these groups by the numbered Matching group of the tester in FTDNA Atkinson Project. Not all FTDNA Atkinson Project Members are on WikiTree (yet).
- Categorize EKA Atkinson identified for FTDNA Matching Y-DNA Atkinson Project Group Use: [[Category: Atkinson STR Y-DNA Match Group <number>]] Groups fom FTDNA Atkinson project.
- Last revision: Date : This section will be revised as the project develops with new information
Atkinson / Variants WikiTree Descendants View <beta>
- EKA Where FTDNA Y DNA Testers Surname = Atkinson / Atkins and Tester is on WikiTree (manual process)
- Task: To aid in building genealogy to support DNA evidence.
- Identify furthest ancestor Atkinson of Surname Atkinson Y-DNA testers on WikiTree
- Post link to Wikitree Descendants view report.
- Last updated: 26 May 2024 by [Atkinson-8059 | Ann (Atkinson) Sawusch]]
- Edward Atkinson (1542-) England
- Descendants view: https://www.wikitree.com/treewidget/Atkinson-6699/890
- Thomas Atkinson Sr. (1607-1666) Migrating Ancestor
- Descendants view: https://www.wikitree.com/treewidget/Atkinson-6696/890
- William Atkinson (bef 1698) in Bramption, Cumberland, England
- +William Atkinson (abt.1662-bef.1714) b. location? / d. New Jersey Migrating Ancestor
- Descendants view: https://www.wikitree.com/treewidget/Atkinson-763/890
- +Mahlon Basil Atkinson (abt.1833-abt.1903)
- Descendants view: https://www.wikitree.com/treewidget/Atkinson-14836/890
- +Note: See Matching Group on FTDNA Atkinson Project. Big-Y Testers match, suggesting expected most recent common ancestor in mid 1700s, however their genealogy is not yet linked. Please help us build out tree to find connection!
- Descendants view: https://www.wikitree.com/treewidget/Atkinson-14836/890
- John Atkinson (abt.1720-) b. Stamfordham, Northumberland, England
- Descendants view: https://www.wikitree.com/treewidget/Atkinson-1582/890
- FTDNA Y Test of descendant pending 7 Apr 2024
- Joel Atkinson b. 1780 Virginia / d.1842 Tennessee
- Descendants view: https://www.wikitree.com/treewidget/Atkinson-1742/890
- William J. Atkinson (1818-aft.1860) South Carolina
- Descendants view: https://www.wikitree.com/treewidget/Atkinson-9269/890
- Note: photo of will suggests son Charles Frances Atkinson was his adopted son.
- Samuel Atkinson (-bef.1860) Ireland
- Descendants view: https://www.wikitree.com/treewidget/Atkinson-11772/890
- Thomas Paul Atkinson (abt.1915-2010) Canada======
- Descendants view: https://www.wikitree.com/treewidget/Atkinson-8066/890
- Albert James Atkinson (1868-1950) England
- Descendants view: https://www.wikitree.com/treewidget/Atkinson-9160/890
- Last revision: Date : This section will be revised as the project develops with new information
- Is your Surname Atkinson? Have you DNA tested anywhere? Jul 24, 2024.
- Login to edit this profile and add images.
- Private Messages: Send a private message to the Profile Manager. (Best when privacy is an issue.)
- Public Comments: Login to post. (Best for messages specifically directed to those editing this profile. Limit 20 per day.)