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Augusta County Land Grants-Campbell

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Surname/tag: campbell
This page has been accessed 161 times.


The purpose of the Campbells of Augusta County Virginia is to identify the various Campbell families that settled or passed through Augusta County, Virginia. The long-term goal of this project is to collect male Y-DNA from Campbell male descendants of these Campbell male settlers.

In an effort to untangle the genealogies of the Campbells of Augusta County we are collecting marriage, land and probate records of the Campbells of Augusta County. This page has the Campbell Land Grants for the years 1746 to 1835 where a Campbell was the Grantee of the property..

If your Augusta County Campbell ancestors WikiTree profile has not been attached in the table, please post a comment or send us a private message with the WikiTree ID number and we'll attach it. If your Augusta County ancestors profile does not have a Y-DNA test attached we encourage a descendant to take a Y-DNA test so we can properly document the line for posterity.

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Land Grants

Note: The table is sortable. Sort on the Given_Name column to group those with the same first name together or by WikiTree_ID. To get table back in order, first record to last record, sort on Record# column as the Creation_Date column is alpha numeric and does not sort well.

Augusta County
Land Grants
1746 -1835
Updated: 19 Feb 2024
Record# Creation_Date ___WikiTree_ID___ Grantee Surname Given Name Property_Description Comments Doc_Image
G001 12 Jan 1746 Campbell Charles 50 acres adjoining Robert Brown and William McGill. Doc Image
G002 12 Jan 1746 Campbell John 400 acres on the north side of Catheys River on the Sinking Spring Branch at the head of Little Run. Doc Image
G003 25 Sep 1746 Campbell Hugh 400 acres on a branch of the North River of Shanando called Naked Creek. Doc Image
G004 25 Sep 1746 Campbell Hugh 400 acres on the waters of a branch of Shanando called Naked Creek. Doc Image
G005 5 Mar 1747 Campbell Charles 100 acres on the south side of Beverley Mannor on Hammocks branch on the south side of the Land the said Charles Campbell now lives on. Doc Image
G006 25 Jun 1747 Hungate Charles 150 acres on the south side of Goose Creek opposite to Charles Campbell land. Doc Image
G007 5 Apr 1748 Campbell-3303 Campbell James 267 acres on the west side of Roanoak above a place on said river called Arthurs Bottom. Doc Image
G008 20 Sep 1748 Campbell Hugh 333 acres on the north branch of Shanando. Doc Image
G009 12 July 1750 Walker Alexander 400 acres on a branch of Catheys River joining to the land of John Campbell. Doc Image
G010 3 Nov 1750 Campbell Esther 287 acres on a branch of Littles Creek. Doc Image
G011 24 Oct 1752 Campbell Charles 400 acres on Goose Creek. Doc Image
G012 22 Aug 1753 Campbell Charles 1400 acres on the north fork of the Indian River. Doc Image
G013 22 Aug 1753 Campbell Charles 380 acres on the north fork of the Indian River a branch of Mississippi. Doc Image
G014 22 Aug 1753 Campbell Charles 135 acres on the north side of the north fork of the Indian River a branch of Mississippi. Doc Image
G015 22 Aug 1753 Campbell Charles 220 acres on the north branch of the Indian River. Doc Image
G016 22 Aug 1753 Campbell Charles 300 acres on the north branch of the Indian River. Doc Image
G017 10 Mar 1756 Blayr James 220 acres adjoining Hugh Campbell and Alexander Blayr. Doc Image
G018 10 Mar 1756 Campbell Hugh 187 acres on the south side the North Branch of Shanando. Doc Image
G019 16 Aug 1756 Campbell Hugh 160 acres on a branch of the North River of Shanando called Fowlers Branch between Naked Creek and the North River. Doc Image
G020 16 Aug 1756 Campbell John 130 acres on the south river of Shanando on the lines of Beverley Manor. Doc Image
G021 10 Jun 1760 Campbell Thomas 210 acres on the north fork of the Hunters Spring Draft. Doc Image
G022 11 July 1761 Campbell-34108 Campbell John Grantee(s): Campbell, John and Campbell, Samuel.;100 acres on the branch of the Great River of the Calfpasture. Doc Image
G023 11 July 1761 Campbell-13827 Campbell Samuel Grantee(s): Campbell, John and Campbell, Samuel.;100 acres on the branch of the Great River of the Calfpasture. Doc Image
G024 23 May 1763 Magill James 154 acres adjoining Andrew Erwins land and the land Willm. Magill and Campbell. Doc Image
G025 5 Jun 1765 Campbell, Jr John 118 acres on a branch of the Middle River of Shanando between his own and John Campbells land. Doc Image
G026 6 Apr 1769 Gratton John 540 acres on some small branch of the North River of Shanando between Hugh Campbells and John Harris's land. Doc Image
G027 12 May 1770 Johnston William 230 acres on a small branch of Middle River between Campbell's and Connelly's. Doc Image
G028 12 May 1770 Campbell Robert 55 acres on a small branch of the Middle River. Doc Image
G029 27 Aug 1770 Campbell Robert 46 acres in the fork of James River. Doc Image
G030 16 Mar 1771 Campbell Robert 50 acres on both sides of Halfway Creek. Doc Image
G031 16 Mar 1771 Campbell Robert 200 acres adjoining to the line of Beverley Manor. Doc Image
G032 16 Mar 1771 Campbell James 154 acres in the Calf Pasture. Doc Image
G033 1 Aug 1772 Campbell-2759 Campbell George 96 acres upon Elk Creek a branch of James River. Doc Image
G034 1 Aug 1772 Campbell-2759 Campbell George 76 acres on the south side of James River joining to his own land. Doc Image
G035 5 July 1774 Campbell Robert 140 acres on the head of the Mary Creek. Doc Image
G036 5 July 1774 Campbell Robert 150 acres adjoining his own land. Doc Image
G037 23 Dec 1779 Preston William Grantee(s): Campbell, William and Preston, William.;1946 acres. Doc Image
G038 23 Dec 1779 Preston William Grantee(s): Campbell, William and Preston, William.;1000 acres. Doc Image
G039 23 Dec 1779 Preston William Grantee(s): Campbell, Wm. and Preston, Wm.;1150 acres. Doc Image
G040 23 Dec 1779 Preston William Grantee(s): Campbell, William and Preston, William.;720 acres. Doc Image
G041 23 Dec 1779 Campbell William Grantee(s): Campbell, William and Preston, William.;720 acres on Shallow Creek a branch of the Mississippie. Doc Image
G042 23 Dec 1779 Campbell William Grantee(s): Campbell, William and Preston, William.;l000 acres on Shallow Creek. Doc Image
G043 23 Dec 1779 Campbell William Grantee(s): Campbell, William and Preston, William.;1946 acres on Woods River and Shallow Creek a branch of the middle fork of Indian River at a place called the Saplin Grove. Doc Image
G044 23 Dec 1779 Campbell Wm Grantee(s): Campbell, Wm. and Preston, Wm.;ll5O acres on Sinking Branch on the waters of the middle branch of Indian River. Doc Image
G045 1 Sep 1780 Campbell Thomas 150 acres on the hickory level on the north side of Seneca Creek a branch of the north fork of the south branch of Potowmack. Doc Image
G046 1 Feb 1781 Campbell John 250 acres on some drafts of the Middle River. Doc Image
G047 5 July 1784 Adair John 100 acres adjoining Robt. Campbell and crossing a branch of the Middle River. Doc Image
G048 28 July 1789 Hay William 196 acres adjoining John Wilson, Rusks and Robert Campbells lands and between them and the mountain. Doc Image
G049 2 Jun 1790 Burket Frederick 22 acres on the waters of the Middle River between Robt. Cockran's, Wm. Johnston's and Robt. Campbell's land. Doc Image
G050 5 Dec 1794 Campbell James 30 acres on the north side of Jenning's Branch. Doc Image
G051 22 Mar 1796 Campbell Robert 270 acres on a small branch of the Middle River of Shenandoah. Doc Image
G052 23 Mar 1796 Campbell John 328 acres on a head branch of Littles Run a branch of the Middle River of Shenandoah. Doc Image
G053 22 Dec 1803 Campbell Robert 118 acres on the waters of Littles Run a branch of the Middle River. Doc Image
G054 26 Dec 1803 Campbell Robert 127 acres on Littles Run a branch of the Middle River. Doc Image
G055 10 Feb 1810 Campbell, Sr Robert 60 acres on the waters of the North River joining the lands of Campbell and others. Doc Image
G056 12 Sep 1835 Campbell James Grantee(s): Campbell, James and Sellers, Isaac.;27.2 on waters of Naked Creek. Doc Image
G057 12 Sep 1835 Sellers Isaac Grantee(s): Campbell, James and Sellers, Isaac .;27.2 acres. Doc Image
G058 12 Sep 1835 Campbell James 7..1..27 on waters of Naked Creek. Doc Image




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