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Assisted and Bounty Immigrants Team

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Surnames/tags: Australia Immigration
This page has been accessed 3,079 times.

Categories: Category:Immigrant_Voyages_to_Australia|Category:Assisted_Immigrant_Voyages_to_Australia
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The goal of the project is to create profiles for the Bounty and Assisted Immigrants that arrived in Australia and categorise to the ships they sailed on.



Here are some of the tasks that I think need to be done. I'll be working on them, and could use your help.

  • Create categories for bounty ships to Australia and assisted immigrant ships to Australia.
  • Set up separate pages with tables listing all the Bounty Ships, and Assisted Immigrant Ships
  • Create profiles for all the passengers on each ship, and categorise them under the relevant ship
  • Connect up each of the passengers to the global WikiTree

Stickers for Passengers of Bounty and Assisted Immigrant ships

For Assisted Immigrants use:

New South Wales {{Assisted and Bounty Immigrants|assisted}}
... ... ... was an Assisted Immigrant to New South Wales.

Victoria {{Assisted and Bounty Immigrants|assisted|Victoria}}
... ... ... was an Assisted Immigrant to Victoria.

Queensland {{Assisted and Bounty Immigrants|assisted|Queensland}}
... ... ... was an Assisted Immigrant to Queensland.

Van Diemen's Land {{Assisted and Bounty Immigrants|assisted|Van Diemen's Land}}
... ... ... was an Assisted Immigrant to Van Diemen's Land.

Tasmania {{Assisted and Bounty Immigrants|assisted|Western Australia}}
... ... ... was an Assisted Immigrant to Tasmania.

For Bounty Immigrants (covering specific ships to New South Wales between 1828 and 1842):

{{Assisted and Bounty Immigrants|bounty}}
... ... ... was a Bounty Immigrant to New South Wales.

Categories for Assisted Immigrant Ship Voyages

Adding a New Category for Voyages to Australia

If you can't find an existing category and need one created you can request it here:
Australian Categories Waiting to be Added or Renamed

Sample Categories:
Bounty Immigrant ship -Category:John_Barry,_Arrived_8_Sep_1837
Assisted Immigrant ship -

Relevant categories that may be linked to the landing categories are:


List of NSW Ships - NSW Assisted and Bounty Immigrants Shipping Lists

Voyages currently being worked on

Name Voyage
Gillian Thomas Rajasthan, arrived 11 Jan 1855, Sydney
James Moran, arrived 6 Oct 1841, Sydney
John Barry, arrived 13 Jul 1837, Sydney
Jenny Grainger 'Wanderer' Sailed from London 3 Nov 1854 Arrived Hobart 13 Feb 1855. 187 passengers

'Baradine' Depart: London: 30 Sep 1926, Arrive: Melbourne ?
'Caledonia' Depart Liverpool: 27 Jun 1959, Arrive: Aden, Yemen - AU ?
'City of Winnipeg' Depart: Aden, Yemen, Arrive: London: 17 Jul 1960
'Cornwall' Depart: Plymouth Arrive: Port Phillip Bay: 11 Aug 1868
'Europa' Depart: Liverpool Arrive: Melbourne: 15 Sep 1852
'Fairlie' Depart: London 29 Aug 1836, Arrive: Hobart 5 Jan 1837
'Francis Freeling' - 1836 - Depart: Sydney 9 Jun 1836, Arrive: Hobart 5 Jul 1836
'Himalaya' Depart: London: 15 May 1957, Arrive: Melbourne
'Horizon' Depart: Liverpool, Arrive: Melbourne 9 Dec 1857
'Isabella' (on from Minerva) Depart: Sydney: 19 Mar 1838, Arrive: Moreton Bay: 30 Mar 1838
'James Thomas Foord' (2 sailings)
'Juanita' Arrive: USA 1849
'Kent' Depart: Arrive: Melbourne: 23 Sep 1852 ?
'Lady Palmira' Depart: 4 Mar 1846 ? from London ? Arrive: Tasmania (Van Diemen's Land)
'Nelson' Depart: Plymouth: Arrive: Melbourne: 11 Nov 1848, Arrive: Geelong: Dec 1848
'Minerva' (Fever Ship) Depart: Greenock, Renfrewshire, SC: 13 Aug 1837
Arrive: Sydney: 23 Jan 1838
'Otranto' Depart: London: Arrive: Fremantle: 8 Feb 1927 ?
To Wellington NZ via Toulon France, Naples Italy, Colombo India, Fremantle, Adel, Mel, Bris
'Oxus' Depart: Arrive: Melbourne: 19 Oct 1857
'Queen of the South' Depart: Liverpool: 22 May 1863, Arrive: Melbourne: 8 Aug 1863
'San Francesco' Depart: Hamburg, Germany Arrive: Melbourne: 1 Sep 1854
'Suffolk_1902' Depart: Liverpool: 21 Apr 1923, Arrive: Melbourne: 11 Jun 1923
'Westmoreland' Depart:: London, Arrive: Port Jackson: 19 May 1833

John Rosser the 20 voyages of 'Earl Grey's Famine Orphan Scheme (1848-1850)':
• Categories created/renamed to correct format (DONE Nov 2019);
• Category content/Free Space Pages (IN PROGRESS);
• Passenger Profiles (ONGOING).
Stuart Bayliss Lloyds, arrived 4 Sep 1856, Sydney
Amanda Myers Medway, Arrived 9 Aug 1849 Geelong, Colony of New South Wales (Victoria)

'Earl Grey's Famine Orphan Scheme (1848-1850)'


  • NSW State Archives. Immigration and Shipping Indexes
    • Assisted Immigrant Indexes - 1839-1898 (including Assisted immigrants arriving in Sydney and Newcastle 1844-59, Moreton Bay, 1848-59 and Port Phillip 1839-51)
    • Bounty Immigrant Indexes - 1828 -1842. Index at Familysearch.org. Australia, New South Wales, Index to Bounty Immigrants, 1828-1842. This index covers the following series: Persons on early migrant ships, 1828-1832 (4/4823); Persons on early migrant ships, May 1832 - Jan 1833 (4/4824); Entitlement certificates of persons on bounty ships, 1832-1842 (4/4825-4891). Index prepared by members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.


Will you join me? Please post a comment on this page, or add your name to this list with the task you would like to do. Interested in any particular ship? Feel free to take that on.

  • Login to edit this profile and add images.
  • Private Messages: Send a private message to the Profile Manager. (Best when privacy is an issue.)
  • Public Comments: Login to post. (Best for messages specifically directed to those editing this profile. Limit 20 per day.)

Comments: 25

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Just created a category for the Nimroud, Arrived 18 Oct 1855. All good, but the shipping list has two entries. The one for the arrival list (image says 18 Oct 1855 and the web link agrees), the second for the more detailed departure list (link is dated 19 Oct 1855 - possibly the date they filed the list which was probably carried on the ship).
  • It would be good to show both links on the category page, but the infobox only allows one. How should I add the second link?
  • I've used the date shown on the arrival form rather than the one that links to the departure. Is there anything special I should do if there are two records for the same arrival with slightly different dates?
  • Also, I've left a link in there for the Space Page (doesn't currently exist). Is it ok to leave it there to encourage someone to create it, or should I remove it until I'm ready to make it? - Ok, I think that got answered, it got removed.
posted by Mike Young
edited by Mike Young
Is it possible to run a query to show the number of profiles for each state under https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Category:Immigrant_Voyages_to_Australia?
posted by Eric White
I have been working on connecting and creating profiles for passengers that arrived in South Australia on the Adamant using the passenger list from The Ships List. This is the first time I have noticed a passenger list that has different classes of immigrants! GE (General Emigrants) AP (Assisted Passage) RE (Remittance Emigrants) CN (Colonial nominees) and PP (Passage paid) Mostly the passengers are GE class, but can someone tell me what that means? What is the difference between general and assisted? Thank you.
posted by Karyn Homburg
So is this restricted to the early settlers only or are you intending for ALL assisted immigration across time - I was an assisted migrant in 1973?.
posted by Steve Widdowson

Help needed please. I recently asked for a new Voyage Category to be added for the Beulah which Arrived 4 Apr 1849 into Port Jackson. See: https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Category:Beulah%2C_Arrived_4_Apr_1849. I would now like to add a sticker. Am I supposed to use:

  • Assisted Immigrants
    ... ... ... was an Assisted Immigrant to New South Wales.
    ... ... ... was an Assisted Immigrant to New South Wales. OR
  • Bounty Immigrants
    ... ... ... was a Bounty Immigrant to New South Wales.
    ... ... ... was a Bounty Immigrant to New South Wales. OR
  • Colonial Australia 1788-1900 - Came Free
    ... ... ... came free to the Colony of New South Wales (1788-1900)
    ... ... ... came free to the Colony of New South Wales (1788-1900)?

I can provide more info about this voyage if needed to answer this question.

Many thanks, Susan

posted by Susan Stopford
Hi Susan,

I saw your comment and advise I have updated Maria Grabert profile with what I believe are the relevant categories and stickers.

STICKERS: Immigration The category of the ship they arrived on should give you an indication. Beulah is under "Assisted Immigrant Voyages to Australia | Arrivals to New South Wales" so I used Assisted Immigrant to New South Wales.

Birth I also added German Roots in Baden-Wurttemberg. Full list of German stickers can be found here.

CATEGORIES Immigration Location I used "New South Wales, Immigrants from Germany"

Immigration Type - Assisted I used "Assisted German Immigrants to Australia".

Would be good to have more detailed documentation around the use of stickers and categories for immigration.

Regards, Eric

posted by Eric White
edited by Eric White
Are we still supposed to be adding names and ships here, or just adding categories to the profiles?
posted by Melanie Paul
Hi Melanie, now that we are organised with the voyage categories, if you or anyone else would like to take on to do the profiles of people on a specific voyage, that would be great. In addition, we still have a long way to go, I suspect to get all the categories up there, so if you come across a category that doesn't exist, it would be great to get it created at the Categories Waiting to be Added or Renamed page. Otherwise just adding categories to profiles is really helpful.
posted by Gillian Thomas
Haven't anyone specifically in mind right now. (Thought I did, but checked the profiles and they are already categoried.) Was more just checking in. (Ship's passenger lists aren't my thing.) All my recently found immigrants all went from Scotland and Ireland to the US or Canada.
posted by Melanie Paul
Whatever you happen to come across along the way is appreciated, but if you don't, that's fine too! Thanks.
posted by Gillian Thomas
Will continue working away on the lists I've already started. It simply takes so long !

Trouble locating verified vessel origins to enable listing sailing dates, linking back to different categories. Will keep at it.

JennyG in Croydon.

posted by Jenny Grainger
Gillian I am already quit active adding Immigrant ships as you know. Do you want me to help with this project also?

danny in canberra

posted by Danny Stapleton
Have inadvertently done most of the free female immigrants of the Renown (1832 to Sydney) before I came across this project. What can I do to link their profiles or contribute them to this effort?
posted by Matt. Lohmeyer
Hi M,

You can request a category be created for the arrival on this page.

Normally I provide a link to a source and at least 1 profile.

Once the category for the ship's arrival has been created you can then add that category to all other applicbale profiles.

Regards, Eric

posted by Eric White
Category exists (at least it does now): Renown, Arrived 11 Oct 1832

Simply add it to any profiles of immigrants that sailed on the voyage.

posted by Mike Young
Helen Craig and sister Jane (no profile yet .. still trying to get my geese in a row and cross the eyes and dot the teas) .. came assisted on the Parsee, arriving New South Wales 14th September 1859.
posted by Melanie Paul
Harriet Fountain (and birth family) arrived 6th January 1854, on the Rattler.

There were eight of them that came from Buckinghamshire, but I don't know if any of the others have profiles. (I was doing sourcing and got kind of sucked in, and adopted Harriet, her first husband (the source of the mystery that sucked me in), and her sons yesterday.)

posted by Melanie Paul
Arrival was the 6 Jan 1853 one - category added to profile (and year corrected :-) ).
posted by Mike Young
Thomas Crewe and Sarah Anne Crewe arrived in Queensland (Keppel Bay) on the "Rockhampton" on the 18th October 1863, as assisted immigrants.
posted by Melanie Paul
Gillian - I have just caught on to this page from your G2G message. I think it is a really great free space page as it encourages people who are writing profiles to think in more detail about the circumstances in which their ancestors migrated. I have an idea that is linked to this but I need to workshop a little more. I have been waiting until the new Australia project details have been announced. However. it looks as though a free space page followed by a series of G2G questions is a really good process for getting it off the ground.
posted by [Living Ross]
Ship "Northern Light" : arriving 9th May 1858.

Profiles: Wallace Gordon and brother John Gordon.

According to the NSW Gov AU it was an assisted immigrant ship.

posted by Melanie Paul
Ship "Wanata"; year arrived 3rd September 1864 (I've not bothered to calculate the departure date as I did with the Devonport .. but I needed the Devonport's because of the pregnancy); one profile Margaret (Vernon) Gordon

Ship "Devonport"; arrived 31 July 1868 (departed about the 2nd May, I think); one profile Margaret (Gordon) Campbell

All these ships are listed by their arrival date on the NSW State Archives site (NOT their departure date).

(There are posts here that seem to be saying the world standard is by departure. I guess NSW isn't part of the world, eh?!)

posted by Melanie Paul
I think we should try to follow the standard where possible. That seems to be "sailed on" and dates in the Month day, year format (e.g. Jun 24, 1865). As the discussion says, while other formats may have specific advantages, the advantage of consistency tends to be greater.
posted by Mike Young
Now some explanation in the comments on the Adding a New Category page. It would appear that there is no global standard yet and Australia has got ours approved. Consistency will make it easier to migrate things to a global standard if one ever emerges.
posted by Mike Young
As I posted on G2G .. I doubt I'd be of much help with creating categories, or setting up pages with tables, but I can add the profiles I already have (except their ships aren't listed) and any others once I find out what ships they were on (if they were assisted or bounty immigrants).
posted by Melanie Paul