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Victoria Team

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Victoria Team

Team Leader: Amanda Myers

Team members:

Specific Victoria Team Goals

  • Reduce items on the latest weekly Data Doctors report
  • Create well made Free Space pages and profiles to well present important Victorian Historic events and people.
* Victorian Settlers.
Sullivan Bay (Sorrento) 1803 - 1804.
* Western Port Bay 1826 - 1828.
* Portland Settlement 1829.
* Melbourne 1835.
* Geelong 1838.
* Seymour 1839. (Settled from NSW)
* Sale 1844.
* Victorian Historic Events.
* Explorers of Victoria.
* Victorian Statehood.
* Victorian Gold Rush.
* Rivalry between Melbourne & Geelong.
* Victorian Railways.
* Victorian Bushrangers.
* Victoria in Australian Federation.

Possible Future Projects

  • Parkhurst Boys were transported to the Colonies - 6 of those ship came to Victoria[1]. All ships have categories on Wikitree. Parkhurst Prison was in the Isle of Wight and was for juvenile prisoners 12-18.
Dispatch from London requesting Victoria take Parkhurst boys[2]

In conjunction with the Tasmania team leader, we are attempting to get a list of the boys on each ship as they were transported amongst convicts on the ships to the colonies. Request sent to SLWA 6Mar24

Paul Buddee's notes held at SLWA https://slwa.wa.gov.au/pdf/mn/mn1001_1500/mn1214.pdf

WP: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parkhurst_apprentices

Category: Victoria, Parkhurst Boys
Ship Arrival Boys on board Profiles created
Maitland October 1846 70 Maybe 4
Thomas Arbuthnot May 1847 89 2
Joseph Somes September 1847 84 1
Marion January 1848 125 -
Eden February 1849 62 -
Randolph August 1849 85 -
Total number transported 515 Maybe 7

Victoria Profile Improvement

Victoria Research Resources

Source Citation Generators
As well as browser extensions, a number of members have developed citation generators for various source information. These usually involve some cut and paste. Make sure you have the latest version of these by downloading the generator from the links below. These include:

Shortcuts to some Victorian Categories


  1. Wikipedia contributors. (2023, December 10). Parkhurst apprentices. In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 08:44, February 27, 2024, from https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Parkhurst_apprentices&oldid=1189173337
  2. Public Records Office Victoria - Inward Registered Correspondence (VPRS19). 42/2057 Enclosing copy of despatch from the Secretary of State (25 May 1842) relative to the employment of a certain class of boys from Parkhurst Prison in New South Wales https://prov.vic.gov.au/archive/E6EFE13D-BD5A-11ED-8BFF-D56E1BAAF7D0?image=1

  • Login to edit this profile and add images.
  • Private Messages: Contact the Profile Managers privately: Amanda Myers and Gillian Thomas. (Best when privacy is an issue.)
  • Public Comments: Login to post. (Best for messages specifically directed to those editing this profile. Limit 20 per day.)

Comments: 7

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Clare raised the question the other day of how well the Victoria project is doing. Which, I think of course that we are doing well, but parts of my assumption, would be that we would have well covered the early history of Victoria. Victoria BDM lists 22 records in 1803, and 11 in 1804. Only about 6 of them have profiles currently on Wikitree. The ships record for Calcutta's arrival in 1803, lists more people than that, who actually lived for several months at the new settlement.

So, I'm not sure if we have a current page of profiles that the Victoria Project is hoping to have completed. I know we have the Eureka Stockaid category somewhere. May I suggest that it would be great if we had a category for the Sorrento (Sullivan Bay) Settlement, with profiles for those who were part of that settlement. Also a category for the first arrivals in Melbourne, with the two groups who arrived in Melbourne, and the group who settled in Geelong. I think it would also be significant to have a category for those involved in the creation of Victoria becoming an independent settlement, before gold was announced as being found, around 1851, and those involved in finding the first gold, and keeping the fact hidden from New South Wales, until after we became a state. Also the bushrangers who became famous during this time. The Eureka Stockaid, as I said, is thankfully already covered, but we could also consider the settlement in Portland, and Sale, and those involved in establishing the Victorian Railways, and the Victorian's who represented our state at Federation. I'm hoping that we could aim to have a profile for ever person listed in Victoria BDM before statehood in 1851. After that point, the explosion in population makes it much more difficult to cover every person in Victoria. Would it be an appropriate aim, for the Victoria project to present this as a challenge that the team would like to see completed, with some stickers for these categories too. Incidently, the list of Ship Arrivals has been a great achievement by the team, not to mention how well the cemetery category is going. I'm not in the google group, but it would be great if we could have some discussion, and aims put in place to represent some of this great Victorian history.

posted by Ben Molesworth
Hi Ben, thanks so much for the excellent analysis and suggestions for future activities for the Victoria team! I support all of those goals, which could be worked on over time. Plenty to keep everyone busy :-)
posted by Gillian Thomas
edited by Gillian Thomas
If I could help get the ball rolling on this then. Could I ask a couple of things. Under the heading above Specific Team Goals, Could we please get Victorian Settlements:, and Victorian Historic Events. Under Victorian Settlements, could we have Sullivan Bay Settlement, Melbourne, Geelong, Portland (or Belfast / Port Fairy), and Sale. I'm not entirely sure of the history of the settlements, someone could correct me on it. Under Victorian Historic Events, could we please perhaps have Melbourne Land purchase, Victorian Statehood, Victorian Gold Rush, Victorian Railways, Federation. Once again, I could be corrected, and these topics could be up for debate, or others could be added. I'll try and add some aims to each page, such as a brief description of what happened, seeking profiles of people involved, seeking connections to other categories such as shipping arrivals, seeking category stickers. And I'll try and find some lists of people waiting to have profiles created. Hopefully, this gives us a starting point to aim at building on. If anyone wants to help, or thinks it could be done better differently, I will wait to hear from those who know the system and history better.
posted by Ben Molesworth
Ben, as a member of the Victorian team you are more than welcome to add the items you mentioned to the team page. Did you know that the team members won't see your comments (not on the page trusted list) so I'd suggest, after you add your suggestions to the page, that you post in the google group alerting the team, or contact the team leader, who also is not on the trusted list, so won't have seen your comments. Cheers, Margaret
Oh. Thank you Margaret. I'm not on Google groups. I am on Discord though. I'm not entirely sure about creating pages in a hierarchy tree. I can create free spaces. I'll have a look around and see if I can work it out. Thank you again.
posted by Ben Molesworth
Ben, there is no hierarchy tree for free space pages, this team page is a free space page. If you create a FSP for a Victorian topic, then add a link to it on this page, say under "Specific Victorian Team Goals", that's all it is.
As part of researching my Clancy ancestors from County Cork Ireland. I just created a profile for the guy Thomas Gerald Clancy, born in Cork, who is the person that the Poem Clancy of the Overflow is possibly influenced by. He is a Carlton Victoria person. I though you may have an interest in his profile for the Australia project. Feel free to edit the profile. Clancy-1498 . Note that at this stage he is not connected to my family tree so he may not be an ancestor.
posted by Anonymous Phillips
edited by Anonymous Phillips