Location: Tasmania
Surnames/tags: World_War_Remembrance Tasmania Australia
Location: Tasmania

Surnames/tags: World_War_Remembrance Tasmania Australia
This page has been accessed 292 times.
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Visit: Puchevillers British Cemetery |
- To gather and record information from Trove's newspapers, and other venues.
- The Soldier’s Memorial Avenue forms part of the Queens Domain in Hobart Tasmania.
The number next to the profile (537), is the index to the tree in the plantation map.
- More information on each individual can be found at Virtual War Memorial
- Also check the Places of Pride website
- Here is a Google Map with links to each soldier and his tree.
- Soldiers in bold are connected to the big WikiTree
- Soldiers underlined have a profile but not yet connected
- A
- Abbott Robert 251 | Absolom David 333 | Adams Arthur 4 | Adams Harcourt 112
- Adams Raymond 250 | Addison Barry 140 | Ahearne Thomas 383 |
- Aherne Reginald 292 | Albury Arthur 339 | Albury Thomas 431 | Alcock Hilary 213
- Alexander Harry (Henry) 55 | Allan William 277 | Allison Norman 481
- Allport Morton H07 | Allsebrook Gerald 25 | Anderson Benjamin 138
- Anderson Robert J 148 | Anderson Robert H18 | Andrewartha William 331
- Appleby Arthur 255 | Atkins George 420 | Atkinson Edward 463
- B
- Bailey Guy 206 | Banes Frederick 154 | Barclay David 104 | Barnett William 318
- Barrow Clive 236 | Bartley Alfred 50 | Bashfield Henry 457 | Batchelor Vernon 441
- Bates Charles 270 | Beard Norman 215 | Beard Thomas H09 | Benger John 278
- Bennett Frank 510 | Benson John 152 | Bentin Carl 93 | Best George 386
- Bidgood Harold 58 | Billinghurst George 442 | Binns Percy 491 | Birdwood William 34
- Birkett Leslie 241 | Blackmore Albert 212 | Bonser Arthur 369 | Boon Harry H21
- Bowden Hedley 452 | Bowen Arthur 299 | Bowen Percy 426 | Bowen Charles 387
- Bowerman James 78 | Bowman Vincent 56 | Brain John 180 | Brewer Edward 317
- Brewer Andrew H19 | Briggs Henry 127 | Brooke Vivian 271 | Brooks Leslie J 118
- Brooks Leslie B 190 | Brownell Lauriston 297 | Bruford Alex 184 | Bruford Harry 188
- Buckpitt George 13 | Burge Stanley 141 | Burslem Claude H05 | Burt Walter 354
- Burton Thomas 332 | Butler Brian 139 | Butler Claude H10 | Butler Edward 132
- Butler Gerald H16 | Butler Roy 153
- C
- Cahill Alfred 338 | Calvert Horace 356 | Cannon Joseph 174 | Capstick Victor 64
- Carr Walter 67 | Carrick Stanley 437 | Cartledge Albert 455 | Casbourne Ernest 245
- Cato Allan 156 | Cato Hubert 489 | Caulfield Henry 304 | Cearns Charles 129
- Chalmers Lionel 293 | Chambers Leslie 425 | Chance Thomas 191 | Charles Francis 440
- Chessell Roland 363 | Cheverton Roy 54 | Christie Reuben (Rupert) 98
- Chubb Theodore 414 | Clark Tasman 169 | Clark Claude 205 | Clark Cecil 454
- Cleary Errol 28 | Cleary John 76 | Cleary Wyn(fred) 389 | Cleaver Louis 361
- Collings Lionel 396 | Collins Archibald 498 | Combes Alan 143 | Commane Michael 199
- Conlan Percival 5 | Connel Thomas 39 | Conway Wiliam 504 | Cook Percy 408
- Cook (John) Jack 507 | Cooper William 357 | Cooper Randall 220 | Copcutt William 84
- Corbett Leslie 360 | Corrigan Leslie 511 | Cowen George 182 | Cowen Charles 391
- Cox John H06 | Cox Charles 444 | Cragg William 178 | Crane Wilfred 3
- Creed Russell 86 | Croft Arthur 234 | Cronin Daniel 130 | Crow John 247
- Currie Arthur 290 | Curtis Thomas 313 | Curtis Michael 81
- D
- Dalco Constant 484 | Dale George 470 | Dale Frederick 68 | Daley Sydney 177
- Daly John 291 | Davis George 61 | Davis Jesse 45 | Dawson John 242
- Delaney William 322 | Devine Richard 330 | Dewson Richard 404 | Dickens Charles 450
- Dineen Arthur 410 | Dixon Frank H20 | Donaldson Frank 79 | Douglas Osborne 422
- Dove Bertram 382 | Drake Richard 310 | Drake Ernest 427 | Drake Vernon 443
- Drew William 193 | Dunkley Andrew 134 | Dunn Thomas 480 | Dwyer William 208
- E
- Eddington Osmond 418 | Eddington Gilbert 296 | Edgecock Alfred 119
- Edwards Alfred 89 | Edwards Herbert 157 | Edwards Arthur 370 | Ellston Henry 214
- Eltham William 185 | Emery Percy 228 | Enman Arthur 207 | Escott Albert 500
- Evans Frank 38 | Evans Nuriel 400 | Eyles Arthur 92
- F
- Farrell Frederick 60 | Finch Cyril 126 | Finch Joseph 488 | Fisher James 52
- Flanagan John 388 | Fleming Arthur 421 | Flexmore Archie 399 | Flood William 57
- Ford Albert 144 | Foreman Charles 217 | Forster Charles 123 | Fowler Arthur 312
- Fowler Percival 329 | Fox Thomas 159 | Freckleton John 492 | Freeman Thomas 495
- Frier James 478 | Fry Frank 377 | Fuller Charles 433
- G
- Gadd Lambert 166 | Gard Joseph 501 | Garlick Lionel 260 | Gibson Arthur 22
- Gilbert William 121 | Gilham Arthur 474 | Glennon William 246 | Glover Roy 284
- Goodey Walter 324 | Goudie John 266 | Gould Archie 117 | Gray Victor 412
- Gray Charles 416 | Green John 316 | Greenland Percy H14
- H
- Hall Norman 120 | Hall Ernest 359 | Hall Eric 344 | Halton William 218
- Hammond William 252 | Haney Joseph 142 | Hanigan Cecil 18 | Enslow Norman 379
- Harding George 35 | Hare Herbert 23 | Harrex Albert 59 | Harris John H16
- Harris Leslie 237 | Harrison Claude 83 | Harrison John 395 | Harrison Percy 168
- Hathaway William H12 | Hawke Ernest H02 | Hawkesford Horace 204
- Hawkins Leonard 7 | Hawkins William 469 | Hay Charles 372 | Haynes William 27
- Hazell Frederick 476 | Heaton George 226 | Henderson John 113
- Henderson James 181 | Henley Charles 165 | Herbert William 103 | Heritage Keith 87
- Herron Edwin 200 | Hewett Benjamin 171 | Higgins Richard 294 | Hill Thomas 239
- Hill Walter 230 | Hill Clarence 219 | Hill Alfred 286 | Hill Robert 438 | Hills Leslie 415
- Hinchcliffe Stanley 288 | Hobson Oswald 506 | Hodge Joshua 468 | Hodgkinson William 6
- Hodgman Harry 275 | Hodgman Alan 279 | Holder Frederick 486 | Holmes Henry 94
- Hood Donald 461 | Horne John 472 | Howell Edwin 306 | Howell Ahlbare 392
- Hubbard Stanley 244 | Humphrey Norman 133 | Hunt George 15 | Hunter Maurice 202
- Hurst Walter 147 | Husband Adrian 429 | Hutchison Archibald 8 | Hutton Walter 358
- I
- Ibbott Walter 183
- J
- Jack Claude 40 | Jackson Robert 91 | Jackson Tasman 196 | Jeffrey William 24
- Johanson Olaf 146 | Johnson Herbert 460 | Jones Thomas 198 | Jones Alfred 272
- Jones Leslie 403 | Jones Clyde 346
- K
- Keats William 263 | Keen Clement 248 | Keenan William 16 | Kelly Patrick 256
- Kennedy Harold 447 | Kenshole Eric 451 | Kent-Newbold Frank 124 | Kilmartin John 257
- King Frank 465 | King Stanley 72 | King Henry 390 | Kirk Eric 20
- L
- Lacy James 502 | Lake Sydney 349 | Lane Newton 259 | Langdon Walter 164
- Lange Frederick 36 | Larkins Ernest 65 | Larsen Albert 445 | Latham Herbert 449
- Lawler Richard 43 | Lee Roy 238 | Leitch William 74 | Levis James 462
- Lewis Frederick 194 | Lewis Leslie 314 | Lewis John (Jack) 326 | Lewis Robert 41
- Liddall Ernest 224 | Lighten Albert 107 | Limbrick George 49 | Lisson Victor 96
- Littler Kenneth H17 | Livingston Walter 301 | Long Hector 467 | Lopez Felix 406
- Lord Robert 264 | Lord Hector 499 | Lovett Gilbert 483 | Lucas Charles 319
- Lucas Leonard 347 | Lucas Roy 512 | Luttrell Cyril 175 | Lyden Abraham 97
- Lynch Harry 9
- M
- Mackey James 151 | Mahoney Timothy 485 | Maine Clarence 21 | Margetts Ivor 430
- Marsh Alan 295 | Marshall Roger 471 | Mason Roy 281 | Massey Harry 137
- Matzen Andrew 456 | Maxfield Charles 42 | Mazey Lewis H13 | McAllister William 163
- McCredie George 203 | McDevitt James 19 | McDonough Hughie 435 | McDougall Wallace 176
- McGiveron Charles 446 | McGinniss Frank 269 | McIndoe Ernest 187 | McInnes Samuel 477
- McKendrick Alexander 99 | McLaren Leslie 69 | McLeod Sydney 51 | McMurchie John H15
- McNamara Edward 109 | McNeill David 136 | McNeill Alan 374 | McPartlan Thomas 262
- McPherson William 232 | Meagher Norman 300 | Mears Clarence 201 | Mears Albert H24
- Miller John 53 | Mills Kenneth 376 | Moate Percy 75 | Monks William 110
- Monks Walter 211 | Moore Errol 71 | Morey Harry 105 | Mulligan Alfred 268
- N
- Naden Nigel 401 | Newdegate Francis 1 | Newdegate 2 | Nicholson Fred 179
- O
- O’Brien Cecil 229 | O’Brien Harry 334 | O’Doherty Joseph H23 | O’Neal John 195
- Owen John 111 | Owen Herbert 423 | Owen Archie 479
- P
- Pace John 417 | Pacey Hector 323 | Page Lyndon 482 | Page Rowland 348
- Page Oliver 352 | Palfreyman Audubon 494 | Parker Rupert 17 | Parker Claude 249
- Parsons Robert 131 | Parsons Sidney 135 | Partridge Cyril 335 | Paton Herman 258
- Patterson George 235 | Patterson Herbert 366 | Payne Thomas 231 | Peacock John (Jack) 448
- Pearce Henry 173 | Pearce Albert 503 | Pearce Clyde 261 | Pearson Harry 375
- Pedder Spencer 283 | Pegler William 407 | Pelham Frederick 73 | Petterd Harry 508
- Pfau William 77 | Pharoah (Henry) William 274 | Piesse John 303 | Pike Leonard 464
- Pilcher George 155 | Pitman Tasman 167 | Pitt Alan 128 | Plaister Lionel 122
- Poultney Zephaniah 189 | Purcell Christopher 197 | Purcell John 221
- Q
- Quamby John 11 | Quinn Daniel 88
- R
- Rafton Harry 48 | Ray Kenneth 106 | Reader Albert 243 | Reading Alexander 337
- Reed Percy H08 | Reid Francis 394 | Rennie Robert 315 | Rex Percy (Percival) 29
- Reynolds William James 240 | Ribbon Charles 453 | Riseley John 233
- Robertson Albert 302 | Rogers John 362 | Rollins Leslie 210 | Rometch Frank 26
- Rometch Arthur 336 | Ross Wallace 95 | Rossendell Harry 367 | Rule James 287
- Rutter Walter 125
- S
- Salisbury Cecil 66 | Say(e) Douglas 100 | Scollick Archibald 459 | Scott Henry 267
- Scull William 490 | Scurrah Albert 365 | Seabrook Eric 149 | Seabrook Cyril 282
- Seidel Bernard 509 | Self Frederick 487 | Seymour Hobart 47 | Seymour Thomas 85
- Sharland Charles 320 | Sharp Richard 458 | Sharpe Charles H11 | Shea James 150
- Shearing Herbert 14 | Sheppard Frank H25 | Sinclair Robert 253 | Slade Alfred 436
- Smart Leonard 170 | Smith Charles G209 | Smith Charles E325 | Sorarn Henry 493
- Sowby William 380 | Speed George 381 | Spinks Alexander 397 | Sproule Ernest 309
- Stanton Archibald 393 | Stevenson Sydney 505 | Stewart Eric 298 | Stirling Roy 345
- Street Montague 327 | Sullivan James 31 | Summers Arthur 409 | Sweeney Edward 33
- Swift Thomas 12 | Swift John 145
- T
- Talbot Albert 432 | Tapner William 342 | Taylor William 466 | Taylor Albert 328
- Terry Edward 46 | Terry Grey (Guy) 265 | Thickins William 30 | Thollar William 321
- Thomas George 82 | Thompson James 384 | Thompson Norman 216 | Thorpe Robert 276
- Thurstans Alfred 378 | Tolman Alfred 102 | Tolman Owen 114 | Triffett Vivian 192
- Tuck Frederick 520 | Turner Phillip 162 | Turner James 419 | Turner William 373
- U
- Unknown Soldier of the Great War 10 | Uren Harold 227
- V
- Vaughan William (Bill) 355 | Vaughan Oswald 411 | Vaughan Ben 439 | Venus Hedley 311
- W
- Wadsley Lennard 343 | Walker Jean H21 | Wallace Hugh 424 | Wallack Gordon H03
- Ward Harold 44 | Ward James 497 | Ware James 371 | Warren Jack (John) 116
- Warren Alfred 223 | Watchorn John 285 | Watson Alfred 160 | Weaver Roderick 351
- Weavers Joseph 101 | Weeding Archibald 305 | Wells Arthur 405 | Wertheimer Arnold 434
- Westbury Robert 63 | Wharmby Arthur 307 | Whelan Francis 70 | Whelan William 428
- Whitmore Horace 158 | Wickins Vernon 32 | Wickins Rupert 222 | Wiggins Richard H04
- Wiggins Robert 37 | Wilkie Charles 172 | Williams Alfred 254 | Williams Ernest 289
- Williams Wilfred 308 | Williams Russell 353 | Williams George 350 | Williams Henry 398
- Williamson Gordon 80 | Willing Charles 225 | Wilson Charles 385 | Windsor Eric 341
- Wood George 402 | Woodberry Max H01 | Woodleigh Charles 161 | Woods Augustus 115
- Woodward Charles 413 | Woolley Ernest 62 | Woolley Gordon 108 | Woolley Clement 473
- Woolley Albert 273 | Wrathall William 496 | Wright William 340 | Wright Arthur 475
- Wright George 364 | Wyles James 368
- Y
- Yaxley James 90 | Young Trevor 186 | Young Gilbert 280
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