Location: [unknown]
Surname/tag: Notables
Location: [unknown]
Surname/tag: Notables
This page has been accessed 513 times.
BE# | DOB | POB | LN, FN | DOD | Notability | BE pages |
BE001 | ~624 | Thales of Miletus | ~546 | Remembered primarily for his cosmology | 1-2. | |
BE002 | ~580 | Greek | Pythagoras | ~500 | Philosopher, mathemaitician and foundation of mathemaitics | 2-3. |
BE003 | ~360 | Greek | Hippocrates | ~375 | Physician, father of medicine | 3-5, 13, 28. |
BE004 | ~428 | Greek | Plato | ~348 | Philosopher | 3, 5-7, 8, 10, 11, 28, 37. |
BE005 | 384 | Greek | Aristotle | 322 | Philosopher and scientist | 1, 7-12, 28, 33, 37, 45,58, 66, 67, 89. |
BE006 | ~500 | Egypt, Greek-Roman | Euclid | ~322 | Mathematician | 12-15. |
BE007 | ~285 | Greek | Archimedes | ~212 | Mathematician and inventor | 16-18. |
BE008 | 23 AD | Roman | Pliny the Elder | 79 AD | Savant and author | 18-22. |
BE009 | ~100 AD | Egypt | Ptolemy | ~170 AD | Astronomy, mathematics, geography | 22-26, 44, 46, 54, 71. |
BE010 | 129 AD | Greek | Galen of Perganum | ~216 AD | Physician, writer and philosopher | 26-29, 49, 52. |
BE011 | ~780 | Muslim | Al-Khwarizmi | ~850 | Mathematician and Astronomer | 29-31. |
BE012 | 980 | Islam | Avicenna | 1037 | Most influential of Islam's philosopher-scientists. | 31-34, 49. |
BE013 | 1220 | English | Bacon, Roger | 1292 | Philosopher and educational reformer | 34-37. |
BE014 | 1452 | Italian | Da Vinci, Leonardo | 1519 | Painter, draftman, sculptor, architect amd engineer | 37-43. |
BE015 | 1473 | Polish | Copernicus, Nicolaus | 1543 | Astronomer | 43-47, 67, 70-71. |
BE016 | 1493 | German-Swiss | Paracelsus | 1543 | Physician and alchemist | 47-51. |
BE017 | 1514 | Flemish | Vesalius, Andreas | 1564 | Physician and alchemist | 29, 51-53. |
BE018 | 1546 | Danish | Brahe, Tycho | 1601 | Astronomer | 23, 53-56, 71 72, 74. |
BE019 | 1548 | Italian | Bruno, Giordano | 1600 | Astronomer | 56-59. |
BE020 | 1561 | English | Bacon, Francis | 1626 | Lawyer, statesman | 60-65. |
BE021 | 1564 | Italian | Galilei, Galileo | 1642 | Philosopher, astronomer and mathematecian | 18, 45, 65-70, 73. |
BE022 | 1571 | German | Kepler, Johannes | 1630 | Astronomer | 18, 45, 70-75. |
BE023 | 1578 | English | Harvey, William | 1657 | Physician | 75-77. |
BE024 | 1596 | French | Descartes, Réné | 1650 | Mathematician, scientist and philosopher | 18, 45, 78-82, 89. |
BE025 | 1627 | British | Boyle, Robert | 1691 | Natural philosopher | 82-85, |
BE026 | 1635 | British | Hooke, Robert | 1701 | Natural philosopher | 82-85, |
BE027 | 1627 | English | Ray, John | 1705 | Naturalist | 85-88, |
BE028 | 1642 | English | Newton, Isaac | 1727 | Physcsist and mathematecian | 45, 56, 74, 88-95, 133, 251, 252, 253, 254, |
BE029 | 1646 | German | Leibniz, Gottfried Willhelm, | 1716 | Mathematician and philosopher | 95-98. |
BE030 | 1707 | Swiss | Euler, Leonhard | 1783 | Mathematician and physicist | 98-100. |
BE031 | 1707 | Swiedish | Linnaeus, Carolus | 1778 | Naturalist and exporer | 88, 100-104. |
BE032 | 1707 | French | Leclerc, Georges-Louis, comte de Buffon | 1788 | Naturalist, mathematician, cosmologist, and encyclopédiste | 104-106. |
BE033 | 1717 | French | Le Rond d'Alembert, Jean | 1783 | Mathematician and scientist | 107-110, 133. |
BE034 | 1731 | English | Cavendish, Henry | 1810 | Research chemist and physicist | 110-115. |
BE035 | 1733 | English | Priestley, Joseph | 1798 | Clergyman, political theorist and physical scientist | 112, 115-118, 130. |
BE036 | 1736 | English | Watt, John | 1819 | Instrument maker and inventor | 112-113, 118-121. |
BE037 | 1737 | Italian | Galvani, Luigi | 1798 | Physicist | 121-123. |
BE038 | 1745 | Italian | Volta, Alessandro | 1827 | Physicist | 121-123. |
BE039 | 1738 | German, British | Herschel, William | 1822 | Astronomer | 124-127. |
BE040 | 1750 | German, British | Herschel, Caroline | 1848 | Astronomer | 124-127. |
BE041 | 1743 | French | Lavoisier, Antoine-Laurent | 1794 | Chemist | 112, 113, 117-118, 128-132, 133, 151. |
BE042 | 1749 | French | de Laplace, Pierre-Simon | 1827 | Mathematician, astronomer and physicist | 132-135. |
BE043 | 1749 | English | Jenner, Edward | 1823 | Surgeon and explorer | 135-137. |
BE044 | 1769 | French | Cuvier, Georges | 1832 | Zoologist and statesman | 137-140, 170, 173. |
BE045 | 1769 | German | von Humboldt, Alexander | 1859 | Naturalist and explorer | 140-145. |
BE046 | 1776 | French | Germain, Sophie | 1831 | Mathematician | 145-147. |
BE047 | 1777 | German | Gauss, Carl Friedrich | 1855 | Mathematician and astronomer | 147-150. |
BE048 | 1778 | English | Davy, Humphry | 1829 | Chemist | 111, 151-153, 154, 159. |
BE049 | 1779 | Sweden | Berzelius, Jöns Jacob | 1848 | Physicist and chemist | 154-157. |
BE050 | 1785 | English | Aubudon, John James | 1851 | Ornithologist, artist and naturalist | 157-159. |
BE051 | 1791 | English | Faraday, Michael | 1848 | Chemist | 153, 159-165, 203. |
BE052 | 1791 | English | Babbage, Charles | 1871 | Mathematician | 165-169. |
BE053 | 1815 | English | King, Ada | 1852 | Babbage's associate | 165-169. |
BE054 | 1797 | Scottish | Lyell, Charles | 1875 | Geologist | 169-172, 176, 178, 181, 200. |
BE055 | 1807 | Swiss-born US | Agassiz, Louis | 1873 | Naturalist, geologist and teacher | 172-174. |
BE056 | 1809 | English | Darwin, Chales | 1882 | Naturalist | 644, 87, 171, 175-185, 189, 200, 201, 205. |
BE057 | 1811 | French | Galois, Évariste | 1832 | Mathematician | 185-188. |
BE058 | 1822 | French | Galton, Francis | 1911 | Explorer, anthropologist ane engenidist | 183, 188-190. |
BE059 | 1822 | Austrian | Mendel, Gregor | 1884 | Botanist, teacher and prelate | 191-194, 236-237. |
BE060 | 1822 | French | Pasteur, Louis | 1895 | Chemist and microbiologist | 194-198. |
BE061 | 1823 | British | Wallace, Alfred Russel | 1913 | Naturalist, geographer and social critic | 181, 198-201. |
BE062 | 1824 | Scottish | Thomson, William | 1907 | Engineer, mathematician and physicist | 163, 201-206. |
BE063 | 1831 | Scottish | Maxwell, James Clerk | 1879 | Physicist | 164, 206-208, 251, 252, 302. |
BE064 | 1834 | Russian | Mendeleyev, Dmitry Ivanovich | 1907 | Chemist | 209-212. |
BE065 | 1843 | German | Koch, Robert | 1910 | Physician and a founder of bacteriology | 212-216. |
BE066 | 1845 | German | Cantor, Georg | 1918 | Physician and a founder of bacteriology | 216-219. |
BE067 | 1854 | French | Poincaré, Henri | 1912 | Mathematician | 219-223, 235, 252. |
BE068 | 1856 | French | Freud, Sigmund | 1939 | Neurologist, founder of phychoanalysis | 223-230, 245, 246. |
BE069 | 1856 | Serbian-American | Tesla, Nikola | 1943 | Engineer and inventor | 230-232. |
BE070 | 1858 | German | Planck, Max | 1947 | Theoretical physicist | 232-236, 252, 263, 268. |
BE071 | 1862 | English | Bateson, William | 1926 | Biologist | 236-237. |
BE072 | 1867 | Polish-born French | Curie, Marie | 1934 | Physicist | 238-240. |
BE073 | 1859 | French | Curie, Pierre | 1906 | Physicist | 238-240. |
BE074 | 1871 | New Zealand | Rutherford, Ernest | 1937 | Physicist | 241-244, 262 |
BE075 | 1875 | Swiss | Jung, Karl Gustav | 1961 | Psychologist and psychiatrist | 245-248. |
BE076 | 1879 | German-born | Einstein, Albert | 1955 | Physicist | 222, 235, 236, 248-259, 263, 265, 268, 278, 279, 285, 297. |
BE077 | 1880 | German | Wegener, Alfred Lothar | 1930 | Meteorologist and geophysicist | 259-261. |
BE078 | 1881 | Scottish | Fleming, Alexander | 1955 | Bacteriologist | 261-262. |
BE079 | 1885 | Danish | Bohr, Niels | 1962 | Physicist | 235, 262-267, 284. |
BE080 | 1887 | Austrian | Schrödinger, Erwin | 1961 | Theoretical physicist | 267-269. |
BE081 | 1887 | Indian | Ramanujan, Srinivasa | 1920 | Mathematician | 270-271. |
BE082 | 1889 | American | Hubble, Edwin Powell | 1953 | Astronomer | 255, 271-273. |
BE083 | 1901 | Italian-born American | Fermi, Enrico | 1954 | Astronomer | 273-277, 288. |
BE084 | 1901 | IHungarian-born American | Neuman, John von | 1954 | Astronomer | 277-281. |
BE085 | 1904 | Russian-born American | Gamow, George | 1968 | Nuclear physicist and cosmologist | 281-283. |
BE086 | 1904 | American | Oppenheimer, J. Robert | 1967 | Nuclear physicist and cosmologist | 280, 281, 283-286. |
BE087 | 1906 | Austrian-born American | Gödel, Kurt | 1978 | Mathematician, Logician and Godel's proof author | 219, 281, 286-287, 293. |
BE088 | 1906 | German-born American | Bethe, Hans Albrecht | 2005 | Theoretical physicist | 287-290, 302. |
BE089 | 1907 | American | Carson, Rachel | 1964 | Biologist | 291-292. |
BE090 | 1912 | American | Turing, Alan M. | 1954 | Mathematician and logician | 292-295. |
BE091 | 1914 | American | Borlaug, Norman Ernest | 2009 | Agricultural scientist and plant pathologist | 296. |
BE092 | 1915 | British | Hoyle, Fred | 2001 | Mathematician and astronomer | 297-298. |
BE093 | 1916 | English | Crick, Francis Harry Compton | 2004 | Biophysicist | 298-301, 321. |
BE094 | 1928 | Watson, James Dewey | Biophysicist | 298-301, 321 | ||
BE095 | 1918 | Feynman, Richard P. | 1988 | Theoretical physicist | 301-305. | |
BE096 | 1920 | British | Franklin, Rosalind | 1958 | Scientist | 299, 305-306. |
BE097 | 1923 | American | Kilby, Jack | 2005 | Engineer | 306-308. |
BE098 | 1928 | American | Nash, , Jack Forbes Jr. | 2015 | Mathematician | 308-309. |
BE099 | 1934 | American | Wilson, Edward O. | Ethologist | 309-311. | |
BE100 | 1929 | American | Goodall, Jane | 2015 | Biologist | 312. |
BE101 | 1939 | English-born American | Kroto, Harold Walter | 2016 | Chemist | 313-315.. |
BE102 | 1943 | American | Smalley, Richard E. | 2005 | Chemist | 313-315. |
BE103 | 1933 | American | Curl, Robert F. | Chemist | 313-315. | |
BE104 | 1941 | American | Gould, Stephen Jay | 2002 | Paleontologist, evolutionary biologist and science writer | 315-316. |
BE105 | 1942 | English | Hawkins, Stephen W. | Theoretical physicist | 317-318. | |
BE106 | 1946 | American | Venter, J. Craig W. | Scientist | 318-321. | |
BE107 | 1950 | American | Collins, Francis | Scientist | 318-321. | |
BE108 | 1954 | Canadian-born American | Pinker, Steven | Psychologist | 321-323. | |
BE109 | 1955 | British | Berners-Lee, Tim | Computer scientist | 323-324. |
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Bernard Vatant

Bernard, could you add a very short introduction to the table, explaining what "BE" stands for, what is the BE#, and a reference to the book (I suppose) of which pages number refer to. All things the casual reader of this page can only guess. Thanks!
by Bernard Vatant