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Badging a Trail

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Badging a Trail

Sharing the first seven entries from the Magna Carta Project's Glossary to "set the stage".

Term Short Answer Project Page(s)
Badge (noun) can refer to the Project Member Badge (on the profile of a Badged Member) or the {{Magna Carta}} Project Box (on the profile of a Magna Carta-Badged Profile) Badge List, Space:Magna Carta Template Trail
Badge (verb) the project co-leaders can "badge a member" (award the Project Member Badge to an active WikiTree member with the pre-1700 badge) and project members can "badge a profile" (add the {{Magna Carta}} badge to a profile after it has been reviewed/approved as part of a trail) Badge List, Space:Magna Carta Template Trail
Badged Member actively works toward achieving the project’s goals and helps monitor profiles on the project’s watchlist Badge List
Badged Profile a profile on a project-reviewed/approved trail between a Gateway Ancestor and a Surety Baron should have the {{Magna Carta}} badge, which adds them to the Magna Carta category Space:Magna Carta Template Trail, Base Camp, Category:Magna Carta
Badged Trail a project-reviewed/approved trail between a Gateway Ancestor and a Surety Baron Space:Magna Carta Template Trail,
Base Camp
Checklist used by project members to develop and review profiles in a trail Magna Carta Project Checklist

The first five entries are the various ways the project uses the term "badged". The Checklist is pertinent because that's used to get a profile up to project standards, which is the first step to get a profile into a badged trail. This page talks specifics about badging a trail.

Ready to Start

Base Camp has a "Ready to Get Started" table of trails that need to be developed and each row in the table includes an undeveloped trail. The rows are sorted alphabetically by Gateway Ancestor last name, and include links to the trail that needs development. Clicking the link will take you to the "Magna Carta Trails" section on that Gateway's profile. This section lists the profiles that need development and is updated as work progresses.

Trail Pending

A project leader will add any "Trail Pending" project boxes and "Magna Carta Project" section needed on the trail to be developed.


The project's Checklist is used to develop a profile on a trail. It is also used by the project when reviewing profiles in a trail.

Trail Development Team

The Trail Development Team oversees the trail work, usually reviewing profiles as they are developed and then reviewing and badging the completed trail.

Badging a Trail

A lot of little tasks occur between the initial badging of the trail - when all the profiles on a trail have been badged by the Trail Development Team and final steps are completed by the Admin and Maintenance Team.

Tasks by Team

Trail Development Team
  • Post a comment on each unbadged profile in the trail stating that you plan to develop the profiles on behalf of the Magna Carta Project
  • Use the project's checklist to research and write detailed biographies for each profile in the trail, using inline citations to approved sources
  • Carefully proofread each completed profile and double-check all links
  • When each profile is completed, post another comment on the profile stating that the profile is ready for project review by the Review Team
Trail Development Team - Review Team
  • Review each profile as they are completed, checking sources and citations
  • Update the Gateway's Magna Carta Trails section
  • Archive or delete any 5-star comments and remove the 5-star category from any profiles it is on
  • After ALL profiles on the trail are developed
    • Remove "Trail Pending" from the project box and remove any maintenance categories (if any) that no longer apply, this change "badges" a profile
    • For the Gateway, amend the Project Box to {{Magna Carta|Gateway Ancestor|[number of Surety Baron]}} - the Surety Baron number is in the Index of Surety Barons
    • Update the Magna Carta Project section on each profile in the trail
    • Add the appropriate Surety Baron descendant category to each profile in the trail which does not already have it
    • Update the Gateway's Magna Carta Trails section to show that the trail is badged
    • Remove reviewed profiles from the spreadsheets of pre- and post- 1500 profiles needing work if this has not already been done
    • Update Base Camp
    • Add info about the newly badged trail to the draft of the upcoming Newsletter



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