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Baltimore Methodist Bishops

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Surnames/tags: Maryland Religion
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The Baltimore-Washington Conference of the United Methodist Church claims the following as their bishops. This list represents bishops of several denominations which now constitute the Baltimore Washington Conference:

  • Methodist Episcopal Church
  • Methodist Protestant Church
  • Methodist Episcopal Church, South
  • The Methodist Church
  • The Evangelical United Brethren Church
  1. Francis Asbury, Methodist Episcopal
  2. Philip William Otterbein, United Brethren
  3. Enoch George, Methodist Episcopal
  4. Christian Newcomer, United Brethren
  5. Joshua Soule, Methodist Episcopal
  6. John Emory, Methodist Episcopal
  7. Jacob Erb, United Brethren
  8. Beverly Waugh, Methodist Episcopal
  9. John Russel, United Brethren
  10. Levi Scott, Methodist Episcopal
  11. Jacob Markwood, United Brethren
  12. Edward Ames, Methodist Episcopal,
  13. David Edwards, United Brethren
  14. Edward Andrews, Methodist Episcopal
  15. Jonathan Weaver, United Brethren
  16. John Hurst, Methodist Episcopal
  17. Ezekiel Kephart, United Brethren
  18. Earl Cranston, Methodist Episcopal
  19. Alpheus Wilson, Methodist Episcopal, South
  20. William McDowell, Methodist Episcopal
  21. Edwin Hughes, Methodist Episcopal
  22. James Straughn, Methodist Protestant
  23. Adna Leonard, Methodist, New England Jurisdiction
  24. William A. C. Hughes, Methodist, Central jurisdiction
  25. C. Wesley Flint, Methodist, New England Jurisdicition
  26. Alexander Shaw, Methodist, Central Jurisdiction
  27. G. Bromley Oxnam, Methodist, New England Jurisdiction
  28. Edgar Love, Methodist, Central Jurisdiction
  29. John Wesley Lord, Methodist, New England Jurisdiction
  30. James Matthews, United Methodist
  31. D. Frederick Wertz, United Methodist
  32. Joseph Yeakel, United Methodist
  33. Felton May, United Methodist
  34. John Schol, United Methodist
  35. Marcus Matthews, United Methodist
  36. Latrelle Miller Easterling, United Methodist

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