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Balzer Schonfelt

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Surnames/tags: Baltic_ancestry schonfelt balzer
Profile manager: Melanie Lever private message [send private message]
This page has been accessed 90 times.

The goal of this project is to find records of my great grandfather, Ludwig Ferdinand Balzer Schonfelt, known as Louis Balzer. He stated on his Australian naturalisation application and marriage records that he was born in Stockholm Sweden in 1880, and my grandmother remembered that she was told he was half German and had a sister who returned to Germany. He listed his mother as Sophie Wilhelmina Balzer and his father as Ferdinand Balzer Schonfelt, but no records confirm this as yet.

He could be from any Hanseatic country, looking at his colouring (white blond hair).

Right now this project just has one member, me. I am E M Lever.

Here are some of the tasks that I think need to be done. I'll be working on them, and could use your help.

  • finding records on any member of his family from around the time of his birth to 1911 (from that time he was a ship steward)
  • finding his ancestors
  • finding any information on him prior to his embarking (apparently in Cardiff) on the ship Boveric

Will you join me? Please post a comment here on this page, in G2G using the project tag, or send me a private message. Thanks!

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