Surnames/tags: Laois Leinster Ireland
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Baronies of County Laois | Laois Registrar Districts |
Part of the Ireland Project
- Each barony has a category and its own information page. (Where the barony is not in bold no category and/or information page has been created yet). The Information page for the Barony contains a list of all the civil parishes, townlands and towns in the barony and links to the category for the each where it has been created.
Baronies in Laois WikiTree Category Link Barony Information Page Barony of Ballyadams Barony of Clandonagh Barony of Clarmallagh Barony of Cullenagh Barony of Maryborough East Barony of Maryborough West Barony of Portnahinch Barony of Slievemargy Barony of Stradbally Barony of Tinnahinch Barony of Upperwoods
- v4.3. Linking of townlands to parishes, parishes to baronies etc.
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