Surnames/tags: Carbery Cork Munster
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- The category for this Barony may be accessed here.
- This information page for the barony contains a list of the towns, civil parishes and townlands in the barony and links to their categories (if created).
- This page is maintained by the Munster Province team
Contents |
Barony of Carbery West (West Division)
- Irish or Alternate Name: Cairbrigh Thiar (an Roinn Thiar).
- Logainm Link: Barony of Carbery West (West Division)
- County: County Cork
- Province: Munster
- The Parishes, Towns and Townlands displayed are dependent upon the civil parish and towns having been fully processed. If you believe a parish, town or townland is missing from the list please contact the Ireland Counties Coordinator.
Population Centres of the Barony of Carbery West (West Division)
- Note: Population centres for this Barony are shown here. For a full list see Towns of County Cork
- The towns and other population centres are those taken from and validated against the 1851, 1871 and 1901 List of Towns and Townlands and, where appropriate, Griffiths valuations data.
- If the town has a category it will be linked (underlined) in the table below.
- [c] = city, [t] = town, [v] = village, [h] = hamlet, [p] = other population centre
Towns in the Barony of Carbery West (West Division) Ahakista [p]
Google Maps OpenStreetMapBallydehob [t]
Google Maps OpenStreetMapCaheragh [p]
Google Maps OpenStreetMapCrookhaven [p]
Google Maps OpenStreetMapGlanlough [p]
Google Maps OpenStreetMapGoleen [p]
Google Maps OpenStreetMapKilcrohane [p]
Google Maps OpenStreetMapSkull Town [t]
Google Maps OpenStreetMapTemplemartin [p]
Google Maps OpenStreetMap
Civil Parishes of the Barony of Carbery West (West Division)
- The parishes are those taken from and validated against the 1851, 1871 and 1901 List of Towns and Townlands and, where appropriate, Griffiths valuations data.
- If the parish has a category it will be linked (underlined) in the table below.
The Civil Parishes of the Barony of Carbery West (West Division) Caheragh Durrus Kilcoe Kilcrohane Kilmocomoge Kilmoe
Townlands of the Barony of Carbery West (West Division)
- The townlands are those taken from and validated against the 1851, 1871 and 1901 List of Towns and Townlands and, where appropriate, Griffiths valuations data.
- If the townland has a category it will be linked (underlined) in the table below.
The Townlands of the Barony of Carbery West (West Division) Aghagooheen Aghaville Altar Ardahill Ardanenig Arderrawinny Ardintenant Ardmanagh Ardogeena Ardrah (Scart) Ardura Beg Ardura More Arduslough Aughaleigue Beg Aughaleigue More Ballaghadown North Ballaghadown South Ballybane East Ballybane West Ballybrack Ballycommane Ballycummisk Ballydehob Ballydivlin Ballyieragh Ballynatra Ballynaule Ballyourane Ballyrisode Ballyroon Ballyroon Mountain Ballyvoge Beg Ballyvoge More Ballyvonane Balteen Balteen Barna Barnatonicane Barryroe Bauravilla Baurgorm Bawnaknockane Bawnboy Bawnishal Bawnshanaclogh Beakeen Boleagh Boulysallagh Brahalish Bunalunn Caher Caher Caheragh Caheravirane Cahergal Caherlusky Caher-Mountain Caherogullane Caherolickane Caherurlagh Caherurlagh Mountain North Caherurlagh Mountain South Calf Island Middle Calf Island West Callaros Eighter Callaros Oughter Cannawee Cappagh Beg Cappagh More Cappaghglass Cappaghnacallee Carbery Island Carravilleen Carrig Carrigacat and Milleen Carrigacurriheen Carrigboy Carrigeengour Carrigmanus Carthy's Island Cashelfean Castle Island Castlemehigan Castlepoint Clash Clashadoo Clashmore Cloghanaculleen Cloghanalehid Cloghane Cloghane Beg Cloghane More Clogher Clooncugger Cloonee Cloonee Coarliss Colla Coney Island Coolagh Beg Coolagh More Coolbane Coolboy Coolcaha Coolcoulaghta Coolnaclehy Coomfarna Coomkeen Cooradarrigan Cooradowny Cooragannive Cooragurteen Cooranuller Coorlacka Coosane Coosheen Corran Beg Corran More Corravoley Cove Croagh Crookhaven Crottees Cullomane East Cullomane West Cusovinna Derreenard Derreenavarrihy Derreengreanagh Derreennaclogh Derreennacno Derreennalomane Derreennatra Derreeny Derrycarhoon Derryconnell Derryculvane Derryfunshion Derryishal Derrylahard Derryleary Derryvahalla Dick's Island Dooneen Doonour Dough Drinane Drishane Dromataniheen Dromcorragh Dromkeal Dromnea Dromore Dromourneen Dromreagh Dunbeacon Dunkelly East Dunkelly Middle Dunkelly West Dunlough Dunmanus East Dunmanus West Enaghoughter East Enaghoughter West Eskraha Fahane Farranamanagh Fastnet Rock Faunmore Foilakilly Foilnamuck Furze Island Garrane Garranes Gearhameen Gerahies Glan Glanalin Glanaphuca Glanatnaw Glandarta Glanlough Glanlough Glannakilleenagh Glansallagh Goat Island Goat Island Little Goleen Gortacloona Gortalassa Gortavallig Gortbrack Gortdromagh Gortduff Gorteanish Gortnagashel Gortnagcarriga Gortnagrough Gortnakilly Gortnamona Gortnascreeny Gorttyowen Gouladoo Greenane Greenmount Gubbeen Gunpoint Gurteennakilla Gurteenroe Gurteenulla Hake Island Horse Island Illaunroe Illaunroebeg Illaunroemore Inchingerig Inchybegga Kealanine Kealfadda Kealties Keilnascarta Kilbarry Kilbronoge Kilbrown Kilcoe Kilcomane Kilcrohane Killeane Killeen North Killeen North Killeen South Killeenleagh Killoveenoge Kilnagospagh Kilpatrick Knock Knockagallane Knockatassonig Knockeennagearagh Knockeens Knockeens Knockgorm Knockroe Knockroe Lackareagh Lackavaun Lackenafasoge Lackenakea Laharan Laharandota Laharandota Mountain Lassanaroe Leamcon Leenane Leighillaun Letter Letter Letter East Letter Lower Letter West Letterlicky East Letterlicky Middle Letterlicky West Letter-Mountain Lisheenacrehig Lisheennacreagh Lissacaha Lissacaha (North) Lissaclarrig East Lissaclarrig West Lissagriffin Lissangle Lissydonnell Lognagappul Long Island Lowertown Madore Mallavoge Mannin Island Mauladinna Maulagallane Maulinward Maulnaskehy Maune Maunvough Meenvane Milleennahorna Mountgabriel Mullaghmore Murrahin Murrahin North Murrahin South Murreagh Oughtminnee Oughtohig Owen's Island Parkana Raferigeen Raheenroe Rathcool Rathruane Beg Rathruane More Ratooragh Reagh Reenacappul Roassard Rock Island Rosnacagheragh Rossbrin Rosskerrig Rosskerrig-Mountain Rossmore Rusheenaniska Scartbaun Scarteenakillin Scrahanyleary Shanavagh Shanavalla Shanavally Shantullig North Shantullig South Shronagree Skeagh Skeaghanore East Skeaghanore West Skull Spanish Cove Sparrograda Stouke Toor Tooreen Tooreen Toormore Trawlebane Tullig Woodlands
External Resources
- A list of external resources for this barony may be placed here. More general sources for Cork should be added to the main Cork page. If you are adding a source here it would be helpful if you could let me (David) know so I don't accidentally overwrite your input with an automatic update. Thanks.
- Whilst care is taken to ensure links are not made to disreputable, phishing or other sites of doubtful integrity it is your responsibility to ensure that you are not going to such a site by clicking on one of the links which may have been added after this page was created.
Version Notes
- Current barony format version 4.3. Linking of townlands to parishes, parishes to baronies etc.
- 4.2 Addition of proper Placenames Northern Ireland links on categories implemented.; 4.1 Changed Electoral Divisions to show 1901 and 1911 names. 4.0 Addition of Griffiths valuation on parish pages.; 3.6 Change to teams structure implementation.; 3.5. Addition of 'Places Nearby' link where coordinates are known. Upgrading Logainm links to match new Logainm web site
- Information shown on this page may have been sourced from one or more of the following sources.
- The Placenames Database of Ireland created by Fiontar & Scoil na Gaeilge in collaboration with The Placenames Branch (Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht).
- Griffiths Valuation and the Cultural Heritage Project is an initiative of public libraries together with local museums and archives.
- Irish Townlands derived from OpenStreetMap data under the Open Data Commons Open Database License (ODbL).
- Census of Ireland 1901/1911 and Census fragments and substitutes, 1821-51
- List of towns and villages in the Republic of Ireland and List of towns and villages in Northern Ireland
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