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Surnames/tags: Clare Galway Connacht
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Surnames/tags: Clare Galway Connacht
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Baronies of County Galway | Galway Registrar Districts |
Part of the Ireland Project
- This information page for the barony contains a list of the towns, civil parishes and townlands in the barony and links to their categories (if created).
- This page is maintained by the Connacht Province team
Contents |
Barony of Clare
- Irish or Alternate Name: Baile Chláir.
- Logainm Link: Barony of Clare Logainm.ie
- County: County Galway
- Province: Connacht
- The Parishes, Towns and Townlands displayed are dependent upon the civil parish and towns having been fully processed. If you believe a parish, town or townland is missing from the list please contact the Ireland Counties Coordinator.
Population Centres of the Barony of Clare
- Note: Population centres for this Barony are shown here. For a full list see Towns of County Galway
- The towns and other population centres are those taken from Logainm.ie and validated against the 1851, 1871 and 1901 List of Towns and Townlands and, where appropriate, Griffiths valuations data.
- If the town has a category it will be linked (underlined) in the table below.
- [c] = city, [t] = town, [v] = village, [h] = hamlet, [p] = other population centre
Towns in the Barony of Clare Abbeyknockmoy Village [v]
Google Maps OpenStreetMapBallyglunin [p]
Google Maps OpenStreetMapBarnaderg [p]
Google Maps OpenStreetMapBelclare [p]
Google Maps OpenStreetMapCaherlustraun [p]
Google Maps OpenStreetMapClaregalway Village [t]
Google Maps OpenStreetMapCorrandrum [p]
Google Maps OpenStreetMapCorrandulla [p]
Google Maps OpenStreetMapCummer Village [v]
Google Maps OpenStreetMapHeadford [t]
Google Maps OpenStreetMapNew Claran [h]
Google Maps OpenStreetMapOwer [p]
Google Maps OpenStreetMapTuam Town [t]
Google Maps OpenStreetMap
Civil Parishes of the Barony of Clare
- The parishes are those taken from Logainm.ie and validated against the 1851, 1871 and 1901 List of Towns and Townlands and, where appropriate, Griffiths valuations data.
- If the parish has a category it will be linked (underlined) in the table below.
The Civil Parishes of the Barony of Clare Abbeyknockmoy Annaghdown Athenry Belclare Cargin Claregalway Cummer Donaghpatrick Kilcoona Kilkilvery Killeany Killererin Killower Killursa Kilmoylan Lackagh Monivea Tuam
Townlands of the Barony of Clare
- The townlands are those taken from Logainm.ie and validated against the 1851, 1871 and 1901 List of Towns and Townlands and, where appropriate, Griffiths valuations data.
- If the townland has a category it will be linked (underlined) in the table below.
The Townlands of the Barony of Clare Abbeytown Addergoole Addergoole Anbally Annagh Annagh Beg Annagh East Annagh Hill Annagh West Annaghdown Annaghkeen Ardawarry Ardfintan Ardgaineen Ardnasodan Ardrumkilla Ardrumkilla Ardskea More Aucloggeen Ballagh Ballaghbaun Ballina Ballinderry Ballinduff Ballinloughaun Ballinphuil Ballintleva Ballintober Ballinvoher Ballinvoher Ballybackagh Ballybanagher Ballybaun Ballybrone Ballycasey Ballycolgan Ballyconlought Ballydonnellan Ballydotia East Ballydotia West Ballyfruit Ballyglass Ballyglooneen Ballyglooneen Ballyhale Ballykeaghra Ballylee Ballymoneen Ballynacreg North Ballynacreg South Ballynacregga Ballynakilla Ballynakillew Ballynalacka Ballynapark Ballynasheeoge Ballynastuckaun Ballynew Balrickard Balrobuck Beg Balrobuck More Barbersfort Barnaboy Barnaboy Barnaderg North Barnaderg South Barranny Barravilla Barrettspark Baunmore Beagh Beg Beagh More Bellanagarraun Belleville Demesne Biggera Beg Biggera More Billybeg Island Bohercuill Bolisheen Brackloon Brackloon Bredagh Brockagh Brooklodge Demesne Bullaun Bunanraun Bunatober Bunnaconeen Bunnahevelly Beg Bunnahevelly More Bunnasillagh Bunoghanaun Caherakeeny Caherateemore North Caherateemore South Caheravoley Caherbriskaun Cahergal Cahergal Caherhugh Caherlea Caherlea Caherlustraun Cahermacanally Cahermorris Cahernagry Cahernaheeny Cahernahoon Cahernashilleeny Caltragh Caltragh Caltragh Canteeny Caraun Caraun Caraunduff Caraunkeelwy Cargin Carheenard Carheenlea Carheens Carheenshowagh Carheeny Carheeny Carnmore Carnmore East Carraghy Carrowbeg Carrowbeg North Carrowbeg North Carrowbeg South Carrowbeg South Carrowconlaun Carrowmore Carrownacroagh Carrownaherick East Carrownaherick West Carrownakib Carrownrooaun Carrowntemple Carrowreagh Carrowreagh West Cartron Cartron Cartronroe Cashla Cashla Castlecreevy Castlehacket Castlelambert Castlequarter Cave Claregalway Claretuam Clerhaun Clogh North Clogh South Cloghanower Cloghaun Cloghaun Clogherboy Cloonagh Cloonascragh Cloonboo Cloondarone Cloonee Clooneen Cloonfush Clooninagh Cloonkeely Cloonkeen North Cloonkeen South Cloonleenaun Cloonlusk Cloonmore Cloonmore Cloonnavaddoge Cloonnavarnoge Cloononaghaun Cloonriddia Cloontooa Cluidrevagh Clydagh Common Common Common or Turloughnaroyey Coolaran Cooldorragha Coolfowerbeg Coolrevagh Corbally Corbally North Corbally South Cordarragh Corillaun Corralea West Corrandrum Corrandrum Corrandulla Corrofin Cossaun Costello's-park Coteenty Cottage Cregcarragh Cregduff Cregg Cregmore Crossaun Crossursa Crusheeny Cuilleen Culleen Cummer Curraghmore Curraghmore Curry Eighter Curry Oughter Currylaur Dawros Deerpark Deerpark Deerpark Derrybaun Derrymaclaughna Derrymore Donaghpatrick Doonbeg Drumbaun Drumgriffin Ellagh Farrangavnagh Farrannabox Farrannamartin Farravaun Fearagha Fortyacres Gardenham or Garrymore Gardenham or Garrymore Garra Garraun Garraun Garraun (Coyle) Garraun Beg Garraun More Garraun North Garraun South Garrauncreen Glebe Glebe Glebe Glebe Glenmore Glennafosha Glennagarraun Glennaneeny Glenrevagh Goldenpark Gortadooey Gortarica Gortavaura Gortbeg Gortbeg Gortbeg Gortcloonmore Gortnamona Gortnaporia Gortnascullogue Gortroe Gortrory Graddoge Grange Grange Grange East Grange West Headford Headford Headford Hillsbrook Demesne Illaunaneel Illaunaveetry Illaunroe Inchiquin Inish Inishskehan Island Islandmore Johnstown Joyce's Park Keekill Keernaun Kilbeg Kilcahill Kilcoona Kilcurriv Eighter Kilcurrivard Kildaree Kildrum Kilgarriff Kilgill Kilkilvery Killaloonty Killamanagh Killeelaun Killeighter Killower Kilmore Kilmurry Kilroe Kilskeagh Kiltrasna Kiltroge Kiltroge Kilwullaun Kiniska Knock Knockacarrigeen Knockdoebeg East Knockdoebeg West Knockdoemore Knockdoemore Knockereen Knocknacreeva Lackagh Beg Lackagh More Lackanroe Laghtgeorge Laragh Beg Laragh More Largan Laurclavagh Lecarrowmore Levally Liscananaun Lisdonagh Lisheenanoran Lisheenavalla Lisheenkyle East Lisheenkyle West Lisheennageeha Lisnaminaun Liss Lissavally Lissavally Glebe Lodge Long Island North Loughanspark Luggawannia Luimnagh East Luimnagh West Mace Mahanagh Manuslynn Mausrevagh Mira Mirehill Mointiagh North Monard Moneen Monroe Montpelier Moor Mountbrowne Mountross Muckcoort Muckrush Mullaghadrum Mullaghruttery Mylespark Nineacres Nurserypark or Corrabaun Oltore Omaun Beg Omaun More Ower Park Parkanallacan Parkgarve Parkgarve Parkgarve Parkmore Peak Peak Peakroe Pollacappul Pollacossaun Eighter Pollacossaun Oughter Pollacullaire Pollagooil Pollaturk or Newgarden Pollbaun Polldarragh Pollnahallia Pollnamal Pollnamal Pollsillagh Rabbit Island Racepark Racoona Rafwee Raheen Ralusk Rathfee Rathmore Rinnaharney Rinnaknock Rooaunmore Ross Rusheens North Rusheens South Shanbally Shanbally Shancloon Shankill Shantallow Sheeaunpark Shrub Island Shrulegrove Skeaghbeg Slievefin Slieveroe Stonepark or Bawnmore Stowelodge Stripe Sylaun Sylaun Tawnaghbeg Tawnaghmore Thomastown Tigreenaun Tirboy Tobercrossaun Toberjarlath Tobermina Tobernavean Togher Beg Togher More Tomnahulla Tonacooleen Tonagarraun Tonamace Tonamace Tonroe Townparks (2nd Division) Townparks (3rd Division) Townparks (4th Division) Treanbaun Treanbaun Tulrush Turloughcartron Turloughcor Turloughgarve Turloughmartin Turloughmore Common Turloughour Turloughrevagh Twentyacres Ulrith Vicarschoral Land Walsh's Island Walsh's Island Waterdale Woodpark Woodquay
External Resources
- A list of external resources for this barony may be placed here. More general sources for Galway should be added to the main Galway page. If you are adding a source here it would be helpful if you could let me (David) know so I don't accidentally overwrite your input with an automatic update. Thanks.
- Whilst care is taken to ensure links are not made to disreputable, phishing or other sites of doubtful integrity it is your responsibility to ensure that you are not going to such a site by clicking on one of the links which may have been added after this page was created.
Version Notes
- Current barony format version 4.3. Linking of townlands to parishes, parishes to baronies etc.
- 4.2 Addition of proper Placenames Northern Ireland links on categories implemented.; 4.1 Changed Electoral Divisions to show 1901 and 1911 names. 4.0 Addition of Griffiths valuation on parish pages.; 3.6 Change to teams structure implementation.; 3.5. Addition of 'Places Nearby' link where coordinates are known. Upgrading Logainm links to match new Logainm web site
- Information shown on this page may have been sourced from one or more of the following sources.
- Logainm.ie The Placenames Database of Ireland created by Fiontar & Scoil na Gaeilge in collaboration with The Placenames Branch (Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht).
- Griffiths Valuation AskAboutIreland.ie and the Cultural Heritage Project is an initiative of public libraries together with local museums and archives.
- Townlands.ie Irish Townlands derived from OpenStreetMap data under the Open Data Commons Open Database License (ODbL).
- Census of Ireland 1901/1911 and Census fragments and substitutes, 1821-51
- List of towns and villages in the Republic of Ireland and List of towns and villages in Northern Ireland
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