Surnames/tags: Connello Limerick Munster
Profile managers:
David Loring [send private message] and Ireland Project WikiTree [send private message]
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Part of the Ireland Project
- This information page for the barony contains a list of the towns, civil parishes and townlands in the barony and links to their categories (if created).
- This page is maintained by the Munster Province team
Contents |
Barony of Connello Lower
- Irish Name:
- Logainm Link: Barony of Connello Lower
- County: County Limerick
- Province: Munster
- The Parishes, Towns and Townlands displayed are dependent upon the civil parish and towns having been fully processed. If you believe a parish, town or townland is missing from the list please contact the Ireland Counties Coordinator.
Population Centres of the Barony of Connello Lower
- Note: Population centres for this Barony are shown here. For a full list see Towns of County Limerick
- The towns and other population centres are those taken from and validated against the 1851, 1871 and 1901 List of Towns and Townlands and, where appropriate, Griffiths valuations data.
- If the town has a category it will be linked (underlined) in the table below when the page is next updated.
- [c] = city, [t] = town, [v] = village, [h] = hamlet, [p] = other population centre
Towns in the Barony of Connello Lower Askeaton [t]
Google Maps OpenStreetMapBallingarrane [p]
Google Maps OpenStreetMapCroagh [p]
Google Maps OpenStreetMapRathkeale [t]
Google Maps OpenStreetMapReens [p]
Google Maps OpenStreetMap
Civil Parishes of the Barony of Connello Lower
- The parishes are those taken from and validated against the 1851, 1871 and 1901 List of Towns and Townlands and, where appropriate, Griffiths valuations data.
- If the parish has a category it will be linked (underlined) in the table below when the page is next updated.
The Civil Parishes of the Barony of Connello Lower Askeaton Cappagh Clonagh Clonshire Croagh Doondonnell Kilbradran Kilscannell Lismakeery Morgans Nantinan Rathkeale Tomdeely
Townlands of the Barony of Connello Lower
- The townlands are those taken from and validated against the 1851, 1871 and 1901 List of Towns and Townlands and, where appropriate, Griffiths valuations data. This list of townlands may include those which were transferred to a different county during changes to county boundaries in 1898.
- If the townland has a category it will be linked (underlined) in the table below when the page is next updated.
The Townlands of the Barony of Connello Lower Abbeylands Adamswood Aghalacka Altavilla Altavilla Amogan Beg Amogan More Ardbohil Ardgoul North Ardgoul South Ardgoulbeg Ardnanean Ardnapreaghaun Ardnaveagh Ardtomin Askeaton Ballincurra Ballingarrane Ballinlyny Ballintredida Ballinvira Ballinvira Ballinvirick Ballinvulla Ballinvulla Ballyadam Ballyallinan North Ballyallinan South Ballybaun Ballybrown Ballycannon Ballyclogh Ballycullen Ballyea Ballyea Ballyeawood Ballyegny Beg Ballyegny More Ballyellinan Ballyengland Lower Ballyengland Upper Ballyhibbin Ballyhomin Ballyhomock Ballykenry Ballylin Ballymacave Ballymorrisheen Ballynacaheragh Ballynagool Ballynaguila Ballynamucky Ballynamuddagh Ballynash Ballynisky Ballynort Ballyrobin Ballyvaddock Ballyvockoge Ballywilliam Demesne Ballywilliam North Ballywilliam South Ballywinterrourke Ballywinterrourkewood Baunreagh Bealduvroga Beechmount Demesne Blossomhill Boherbraddagh Boolaglass Bullaun Callow Cappagh Castlematrix Clogh East Clogh West Cloghanarold Cloghatrida Clonagh Clonshire Beg Clonshire More Cloonoul Cloonreask Cloonreask Conigar Coolanoran Coolballyshane Coolcappagh Coolrahnee Coolybrown Courtbrown Courtmatrix Cragmore Creeves Croagh Croagh Commons Curraghnadeely Curraheen North Curraheen South Deanstown Deelish Derry Doohyle Beg Doohyle More Doonbeirne Dromard Demesne Dromturk Duckstown Englishtenements Enniscoush Enniscoush Feeagh Fihidy Galway Garraunboy Gorteennamrock Gortnagrour Gortreagh Gortroe Graigeen Graigue Graigue Graigue Graigues Islandboy Kilbehy Kilcolman East Kilcolman West Kilcool Killea Killeheen Kilquane Kilscannell Kiltenan North Kiltenan South Knockaunavad Knockdromin Knockdromin Kyletaun Liffane Lismakeery Lisnacullia Lisnamuck Lissatotan Loghill Loughaun Lurraga Milltown Milltown North Milltown South Moanwing Moig North Moig South Morgans North Morgans South Nantinan Newpark Oldcourt Parklewis Raheen Ranahan Rathgoonan Rathkeale Rathkeale Commons Rathnaseer Rathreagh Beg Rathreagh More Reens East Reens West Riddlestown Rylanes Scart Shannonview Skehanagh Stoneville Stoneville Tomdeely North Tomdeely South Wolfesburgess East Wolfesburgess West
External Resources
- A list of external resources for this barony may be placed here. More general sources for Limerick should be added to the main Limerick page. If you are adding a source here it would be helpful if you could let me (David) know so I don't accidentally overwrite your input with an automatic update. Thanks.
- Whilst care is taken to ensure links are not made to disreputable, phishing or other sites of doubtful integrity it is your responsibility to ensure that you are not going to such a site by clicking on one of the links which may have been added after this page was created.
Version Notes
- Current barony format version 4.3. Linking of townlands to parishes, parishes to baronies etc.
- 4.2 Addition of proper Placenames Northern Ireland links on categories implemented.; 4.1 Changed Electoral Divisions to show 1901 and 1911 names. 4.0 Addition of Griffiths valuation on parish pages.; 3.6 Change to teams structure implementation.; 3.5. Addition of 'Places Nearby' link where coordinates are known. Upgrading Logainm links to match new Logainm web site
- Information shown on this page may have been sourced from one or more of the following sources.
- The Placenames Database of Ireland created by Fiontar & Scoil na Gaeilge in collaboration with The Placenames Branch (Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht).
- Griffiths Valuation and the Cultural Heritage Project is an initiative of public libraries together with local museums and archives.
- Irish Townlands derived from OpenStreetMap data under the Open Data Commons Open Database License (ODbL).
- Census of Ireland 1901/1911 and Census fragments and substitutes, 1821-51
- List of towns and villages in the Republic of Ireland and List of towns and villages in Northern Ireland
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- Private Messages: Contact the Profile Managers privately: David Loring and Ireland Project WikiTree. (Best when privacy is an issue.)
- Public Comments: Login to post. (Best for messages specifically directed to those editing this profile. Limit 20 per day.)
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