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Bartley Collett Windle research

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Western Daily Press - Saturday 23 December 1933

Pursuant to an Order of the Chancery Division of the High Court of Justice England dated 23rd June 1919 and made an action In the Matter of the Estate of Alfred Collett Bartley deceased, Shelswell v. Bartiey 1919, B. 653 whereby the following Enquiries were directed that is to say :

1. An Enquiry what legacies were bequeathed, by the Will of the above-named Testator Alfred Collett Bartley after the death of the survivor of Testator's Wife and children in the event which has happened of child of the Testator having a child who attained a vested interest under the trusts of the Testator's Will in the residue of the Testator's Estate and what persons are now entitled to such legacies and for what interests therein they-are respectively so entitled.

2. An Enquiry whether any and if which the children of the Testator's brother Onesiphorus Windle Bartley were living on the 14th January 1919 (the date the death Emma Jane Bartley the last surviving child of the Testator) and whether any such children who were then alive have since died and if so who are their legal personal representatives.

NOTICE Hereby Given that all persons claiming be entitled under the said Enquiries are on before the 27th JUNE to send post prepaid to Charles Eagleton Stuart Mason a. member of the firm of Mason & Co. of High Holborn London W.C.1, England. their full Christian and surnames, addresses and descriptions and full particulars of their claims or in default thereof they will be excluded from the benefit the said Order unless the Court Judge application otherwise orders. Claimants are to attend personally or by their Solicitor before Master Chitty at the Chambers of the Judge Room No. 173 Royal Courts of Justice. Strand. London, England, on WEDNESDAY, the 4th day of JULY 1934 at 12 o'clock noon being the time appointed for adjudicating upon the claims.
A Claimant not residing in England or Wales; must send with particulars of his claim the name and address of a person England or Wales to whom notices to the Claimant can be sent. Dated this 20th day December 1933. J. H. P. CHITTY. Master of the Supreme Court.

NOTE.—The following persons amongst others may interested :
The issue of Elizabeth Jemima Applegate who were living at the date of her decease. The said Elizabeth Jemima Applegate stated to have died at Saint Martin, Guernsey, on 3rd April, 1880. If no issue then the survivors or survivor of Theodore Bryant Bartley, Henry Bartley, Mary Bartley and Onesiphorus Bartley.

The issue of Mary Bartley who were living the date her decease. The said Mary Bartley stated to have died at Lee, Devon, about 1877. If no issue then the survivors survivor Theodore Bryant Bartley, Henry Bartley, Elizabeth Jemima Applegate and Onesiphorus Bartley.

The issue of Samuel Windle son of Samuel Windle who was the son of Simmons Windle the Testator's late Mother's father who were living at the date of his decease. The said Samuel Windle stated to have died Sheffield West York on 27th November 1859 If no issue then the surviving children of Onesiphorus Windle Bartley.

Sarah Bartley, Ann Bartley, Maria Bartley and Jemima Bartiey the daughters of the late Nehemiah Bartley of Rathay Bristol. If survivor of the said four persons then the surviving children of Onesiphorus Windle Bartley.

The legal personal representative of Theodore Bartley who is stated to have died at Longford Tasmania on 19th May 1864.

The legal personal representative of Mrs Leguyer who stated to have died at Saint Brelade, Jersey, on 13th January 1880. The full name of the said Mrs Leguyer is staled to have been Mary Ann Leguyer.

The legal personal representative Mary Patricia Booth who died at Basingstoke, Hants, on 25th November 1868. The said Mary Patricia Booth was described jn the Testator's Will as "Mrs Booth his Mother-in-law."

The legal personal representative of Eliza Sarah Ring wife of Charles Ring who is stated have died at Streatham, London, on 4th September 1898.

The legal personal representative of Mary Eliza Ring daughter the said Eliza Sarah Ring and Charles Ring. The said Mary Eliza Ring stated to have married George Hamilton Mortimer on 3rd May 1854 and to have died Carshalton, Surrey, on 28th March 1873.

The legal personal representative of the said Charles Ring who died at Upper Tooting, Streatham, London, on 26th August, 1857.

The legal personal reprsentative the Reverend Prebendary Hyam Burn who died Mendlesham. Suffolk, on 13th August 1876.

The legal personal representative of William Wilson who is stated to have died at Mitcham, Surrey, on 5th July 1858.

The legal personal representative of Captain Charles O'Hara Booth who stated have died at Newtown Hobart. Tasmania, 12th August, 1851.

It is stated that the said Onesiphorus Windle Bartley resided at Nailsworth, Gloucestershire, and died on 20th August 1818.

MASON & CO., 115, High Holborn. London, W.C.1., England.

Reference: C 101/6344[1]
Short title: Bartley v Bartley.
Plaintiffs: Sarah Bartley, Ann Bartley, Maria Bartley and Jemima Bartley.
Defendants: George William Bartley and Horatio Nelson Bartley, Charles Bartley, Edward Bartley, John Millway and Hester Millway his wife, Nehemiah Bartley, William Bartley, Robert Bartley, Samuel Bartley, Selina Hester Anna Bartley and Elizabeth Victoria Bartley.
Plaintiffs: Sarah Bartley, Ann Bartley, Maria Bartley and Jemima Bartley.
Defendants: William Whitmore and Charles Ring.
Subject: property in City of Bristol.
Details: list of tenants, rents, receipts, disbursements.
Receiver: Robert Trout Hawley Bartley.
Chancery Master: Nassau Senior
Date: 1845-1847 Held by: The National Archives, Kew

Reference: C 14/191/B67[2]
Cause number: 1844 B67.
Short title: Bartley v Bartley.
Documents: Bill, six answers, supplemental bill and answer.
Plaintiffs: Sarah Bartley spinster and others.
Defendants: George William Bartley, Selina Hester Ann Bartley, Eliza Victoria Bartley, Thomas Woodruffe Bartley (abroad), John Bartley (abroad), Horatio Nelson Bartley, Charles Bartley, Edward Bartley, John Willway, Hester Willway his wife, Nehemiah Bartley, William Bartley, Robert Bartley and Samuel Bartley.
Amended by supplementary bill 1845.Defendants: William Whitmore and Charles King.
Provincial solicitor employed in Bristol
Note: Details have been added from C 32/16, which also gives information about further process. Details of amendments are given for convenience (look for orders in C 33: these documents are not included here).
Date: 1844 Held by: The National Archives, Kew

Reference: C 14/1088/B78[3]
Cause number: 1850 B78.
Short title: Bartley v Bartley.
Documents: Bill, four answers.
Plaintiffs: Ann Bartley spinster and others.
Defendants: George William Bartley, Robert Bartley, Robert Trout Hawley Bartley, John Bartley, Thomas Woodruff Bartley, Horatio Nelson Bartley, Charles Bartley, Edward Bartley, John Willway and Hester Willway his wife, Selina Hester Ann Bartley, Eliza Victoria Bartley, Nehemiah Bartley, William Bartley and Samuel Bartley.
Amended by order to revive 1853.
Plaintiffs: Ann Bartley spinster and another.
Defendant: Robert Bartley.
Provincial solicitor employed in Bristol
Note: Details have been added from C 32/21, which also gives information about further process. Details of amendments are given for convenience (look for orders in C 33: these documents are not included here).
Date: 1850 Held by: The National Archives, Kew


Alfred Collett Bartley

Alfred Collett, child of William Bartley and Mary Collett, was born on 11 October 1786 and baptised in Bristol, Bristol, England.[4] Alfred Collett married Charlotte O'hara Booth on 18 October 1831 in Old Basing, Hampshire, England.[5] Alfred Collett Burtley died in about 1845 in Mitcham, Surrey, England. Their will passed probate on 3 June 1845.[6]

Charlotte Eliza Mawby, child of Alfred Collett Bartley and Charlotte O Hara Bartley, was baptised on 13 October 1835 in Mitcham, St Peter and St Paul, Surrey, England.[7]
In the 1851 census Emma (age 13) was with her mother and sister in Mitcham, Surrey, England.[8]

The Will of Alfred Collett Bartley, Mitcham Green, Surrey

  • Charlotte O'hara Bartley (wife)
  • George Bartley the elder Esq (executor & trustee)
  • Charles Ring Esq (executor & trustee)
  • Rev Prebendary Hyam Burn (executor & trustee)
  • William Wilson Esq (executor & trustee)
  • Mrs Booth (mother-in-law)
  • Charlotte Eliza Mawby Bartley & Emma Jane Bartley (daughters)
  • Lady Carlisle
  • Miss Baughan
  • General Mawby
  • Mr Archdeacon Hoare
  • Lancelot Chambers Esq & Mrs Chambers
  • James Moore Esq
  • Theodore Bryant Bartley of Kerry Lodge Launceston, Freehold moiety of "Cape of Good Hope" in London
  • Elizabeth Jemima Applegate (niece, widow), Copyhold of Manor of Fauxhall
  • Her sister Mary Bartley
  • Their brother Henry Bartley in Canada
  • Onesiphorus Bartley in Canada
  • My late brother Onesiphorus Windle Bartley M.D. of Bristol
  • Lady Carlisle & George West,
  • Late brother Edwin Young Bartley
  • Samuel Windle, son of Samuel Windle. son of Simmons Windle Esq, my late dear mother's father, late of Clieve Hill House
  • Sarah, Ann, Maria, & Jemima Bartley, daughters of the late Nehemiah Bartley Esq of Rathay, Bristol
  • Theodore Bartley, son of Theodore Bryant Bartley
  • Mrs Leguyer
  • Eliza Sarah wife of Charles Ring
  • Their daughters Mary Eliza and Catharine Amelia Ring
  • Sister in law Amelia Booth
  • Captain Com? James Booth
  • Captain Charles O'Hara Booth
  • Lieut. Augustus St Clair Booth

written 1 Dec 1841 Alfred Collett Burtley died in about 1845 in Mitcham, Surrey, England. Their will passed probate on 3 June 1845.[9]

Onesiphorus Windle Bartley

Onesiphorus, son of William Bartley and Mary, was born on 7 September 1778 in Phillip and Jacob in Bristol, England.[10]

  • Onesiphorus Windle married Elizabeth Bryant on 4 March 1800 in Bradford on Avon, Wiltshire, England.[11]
  • Mary Ann, daughter of Onesiphorus Windle Bartley and Elizabeth Bartley, was born on 29 June 1801 and baptised on 24 July 1801 in Bradford on Avon, Wiltshire, England.[12]
  • Theodore Bryant, child of [Onesiphorus &] Elizabeth Bartley, was born on 22 September 1803 and baptised in 1803 in Nailsworth, St George, Gloucestershire, England.[13]
  • Henry, child of Onesiphars Bartly and Elizth Bartly, was baptised on 25 June 1809 in Nailsworth, St George, Gloucestershire, England.[14]
  • Elizth Jemima, child of Onesiphurus Bartly and Elizth Bartly, was baptised on 25 June 1809 in Nailsworth, St George, Gloucestershire, England.[15]

Henry and Elizabeth were both baptised after their mother's death. Eliz was buried on 4 April 1809 in Horsley, Gloucestershire, England.[16]

Onisiphorus Windle married Mary Ann Collett on 20 December 1809 in Corsham, Wiltshire, England.[17]

  • Onesiphorus, child of Onesiphorus Windle Bartley and Mary Bartley, was born on 4 April 1815 and baptised in Bristol, Bristol, England.[18]

Nehemiah Bartley

Which one is related to Onesiphorus Windle Bartley and how? This one is his brother - Nehemiah, son of William Bartley and Mary, was born on 22 August 1782 in Philip and Jacob Bristol, England.[19]

Nehemiah Bartley married Sarah Trout - I'm guessing this must be Williams brother and Onesiphorus' uncle.

Court of Chancery 1855 Nehemiah and Sarah had 11 children. Sarah (deceased by 1855), Ann, Maria (deceased by 1855), Jemima, Nehemiah (deceased 1834)*, George (deceased 1842), Thomas, William, Robert, John and Samuel.[20] Also [21]
1772 Feb 23. Nehemiah Bartley of Temple, Bristol, Distiller, and Sarah Trout of St. Philip and Jacob, same city, Spinster, md. 'in the chapel of St. Katherine.' JV. Mary Hawkins, James Fairbaim.[22]

Nehemiah died in about 1823 and was buried on 13 September 1823 in Broadmead, Bristol, England.[23] Sept. 8, in the 75th year of his age. Mr. Bartley, of Cathay, formerly a distiller, in this city. Bristol Mirror - Saturday 13 September 1823 That makes him born 1748, so likely William's brother.

Nehemiah* married Hester Taylor on 23 February 1805 in Saint George, Bristol, Gloucester, England. - This is the son of Nehemiah[24]
Nehemiah died in about 1834 in Saint Philip Jacob, Gloucestershire, England. Their will passed probate on 10 September 1834.[25] Brother George, wife Hester, daughter Hester married John Millway
Nehemiah married Mary Ann Lucas on 27 April 1829 in St Mary, Lewisham, Lewisham, England.[26] This is probably the father of Theodore's cousin, below.

Theodore's cousin Nehemiah (born 1830) https://adb.anu.edu.au/biography/bartley-nehemiah-2948 son of Nehemiah and Mary Ann Lucas


  1. https://discovery.nationalarchives.gov.uk/details/r/C10864361
  2. https://discovery.nationalarchives.gov.uk/details/r/C7925144
  3. https://discovery.nationalarchives.gov.uk/details/r/C7937422
  4. Baptism: "Bristol, England, Non-Conformist Baptism, Marriage and Burial Registers, 1644-1981"
    Bristol Archives; Bristol, England; Bristol Non-Conformist Registers; Reference: 14585/SF/R/1/1
    Ancestry Sharing Link - Ancestry uk Record 61689 #76872 (accessed 17 February 2023)
    Alfred Collett Bartley baptism (born 11 Oct 1786), child of William Bartley & Mary Bartley, in Bristol, Bristol, England.
  5. Marriage: "England, Select Marriages, 1538-1973"
    England, Marriages, 1538-1973. Salt Lake City, Utah: FamilySearch, 2013; FHL Film Number: 1041200
    Ancestry uk Record 9852 #33238816 (accessed 17 February 2023)
    Alfred Collett Bartley marriage to Charlotte O'Hara Booth on 18 Oct 1831 in Old Basing, Hampshire, England.
  6. Will: "England & Wales, Prerogative Court of Canterbury Wills, 1384-1858"
    The National Archives; Kew, Surrey, England; Records of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, Series PROB 11; Class: PROB 11; Piece: 2018
    Ancestry Sharing Link - Ancestry uk Record 5111 #387886 (accessed 17 February 2023)
    Will of Alfred Collett Burtley Esq, granted probate on 3 Jun 1845. Died about 1845 in Mitcham, Surrey, England.
  7. Baptism: "Surrey, England, Church of England Baptisms, 1813-1917"
    Surrey History Centre; Woking, Surrey, England; Surrey Church of England Parish Registers; Reference: P40/1/11
    Ancestry Sharing Link - Ancestry uk Record 4772 #1294219 (accessed 17 February 2023)
    Charlotte Eliza Mawby Bartley baptism on 13 Oct 1835, child of Alfred Collett Bartley & Charlotte O Hara Bartley, in Mitcham, St Peter and St Paul, Surrey, England.
  8. 1851 Census: "1851 England Census"
    Class: HO107; Piece: 1602; Folio: 139; Page: 13; GSU roll: 193500-193501; ED, institution, or vessel: 4d; Household Schedule Number: 61
    Ancestry Sharing Link - Ancestry uk Record uki1851 #1294793 (accessed 17 February 2023)
    Emma Bartley (13) daughter in household of Charlotte Bartley (54) in Mitcham in Croydon registration district in Surrey, England. Born in Mitcham, Surrey, England.
  9. Will: "England & Wales, Prerogative Court of Canterbury Wills, 1384-1858"
    The National Archives; Kew, Surrey, England; Records of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, Series PROB 11; Class: PROB 11; Piece: 2018
    Ancestry Sharing Link - Ancestry uk Record 5111 #387886 (accessed 2 February 2023)
    Will of Alfred Collett Burtley Esq, granted probate on 3 Jun 1845. Died about 1845 in Mitcham, Surrey, England.
  10. Birth: "England & Wales, Quaker Birth, Marriage, and Death Registers, 1578-1837"
    The National Archives; Kew, England; General Register Office: Society of Friends' Registers, Notes and Certificates of Births, Marriages and Burials; Class: RG 6; Piece: 1486
    Ancestry Sharing Link - Ancestry uk Record 7097 #53244 (accessed 17 February 2023)
    Onesiphorus Windle born on 7 Sep 1778, son of William Bartley & Mary, in Phillip and Jacob in Bristol, England.
  11. Marriage: "Wiltshire, England, Church of England Marriages and Banns, 1754-1916"
    Wiltshire and Swindon History Centre; Chippenham, Wiltshire, England; Reference Number: 883/6
    Ancestry Sharing Link - Ancestry uk Record 61189 #2492437 (accessed 17 February 2023)
    Onesiphorus Windle Bartley marriage to Elizabeth Bryant on 4 Mar 1800 in Bradford on Avon, Wiltshire, England.
  12. Baptism: "Wiltshire, England, Church of England Baptisms, Marriages and Burials, 1538-1812"
    Wiltshire and Swindon History Centre; Chippenham, Wiltshire, England; Wiltshire Church of England Parish Registers; Reference Number: 883/4
    Ancestry Sharing Link - Ancestry uk Record 61187 #2460717 (accessed 17 February 2023)
    Mary Ann Bartley baptism on 24 Jul 1801 (born 29 Jun 1801), daughter of Onesiphorus Windle Bartley & Elizabeth Bartley, in Bradford on Avon, Wiltshire, England.
  13. Baptism: "Gloucestershire, England, Church of England Baptisms, Marriages and Burials, 1538-1813"
    Gloucestershire Archives; Gloucester, Gloucestershire; Gloucestershire Church of England Parish Registers; Reference Number: P223 in 1/1
    Ancestry Sharing Link - Ancestry uk Record 4732 #16265857 (accessed 17 February 2023)
    Theodore Bryant Bartley baptism in 1803 (born 22 Sep 1803), child of Elizabeth Bartley, in Nailsworth, St George, Gloucestershire, England.
  14. Baptism: "Gloucestershire, England, Church of England Baptisms, Marriages and Burials, 1538-1813"
    Gloucestershire Archives; Gloucester, Gloucestershire; Gloucestershire Church of England Parish Registers; Reference Number: P223 in 1/1
    Ancestry Sharing Link - Ancestry uk Record 4732 #16265940 (accessed 17 February 2023)
    Henry Bartly baptism on 25 Jun 1809, child of Onesiphars Bartly & Elizth Bartly, in Nailsworth, St George, Gloucestershire, England.
  15. Baptism: "Gloucestershire, England, Church of England Baptisms, Marriages and Burials, 1538-1813"
    Gloucestershire Archives; Gloucester, Gloucestershire; Gloucestershire Church of England Parish Registers; Reference Number: P223 in 1/1
    Ancestry Sharing Link - Ancestry uk Record 4732 #16265941 (accessed 17 February 2023)
    Elizth Jemima Bartly baptism on 25 Jun 1809, child of Onesiphurus Bartly & Elizth Bartly, in Nailsworth, St George, Gloucestershire, England.
  16. Burial: "Gloucestershire, England, Church of England Baptisms, Marriages and Burials, 1538-1813"
    Gloucestershire Archives; Gloucester, Gloucestershire; Gloucestershire Church of England Parish Registers; Reference Number: Gdr/V1/134
    Ancestry Sharing Link - Ancestry uk Record 4732 #14025967 (accessed 17 February 2023)
    Eliz Bartley burial on 4 Apr 1809 in Horsley, Gloucestershire, England.
  17. Marriage: "England, Select Marriages, 1538-1973"
    England, Marriages, 1538-1973. Salt Lake City, Utah: FamilySearch, 2013; FHL Film Number: 1279386
    Ancestry uk Record 9852 #7510001 (accessed 17 February 2023)
    Onisiphorus Windle Bartley marriage to Mary Ann Collett on 20 Dec 1809 in Corsham, Wiltshire, England.
  18. Baptism: "Bristol, England, Non-Conformist Baptism, Marriage and Burial Registers, 1644-1981"
    Bristol Archives; Bristol, England; Bristol Non-Conformist Registers; Reference: 14585/SF/R/1/1
    Ancestry Sharing Link - Ancestry uk Record 61689 #81279 (accessed 17 February 2023)
    Onesiphorus Bartley baptism (born 4 Apr 1815), child of Onesiphorus Windle Bartley & Mary Bartley, in Bristol, Bristol, England.
  19. Birth: "England & Wales, Quaker Birth, Marriage, and Death Registers, 1578-1837"
    The National Archives; Kew, England; General Register Office: Society of Friends' Registers, Notes and Certificates of Births, Marriages and Burials; Class: RG 6; Piece: 305
    Ancestry Sharing Link - Ancestry uk Record 7097 #409705 (accessed 17 February 2023)
    Nehemiah Bartley born on 22 Aug 1782, son of William Bartley & Mary, in Philip and Jacob Bristol, England.
  20. https://archive.org/details/reportscasesdec01smalgoog/page/384/mode/2up?q=%22Nehemiah+Bartley%22 Reports of cases decided in the High Court of Chancery, in 1852 [-1859] ... by Sir Richard Torin Kindersley, vice-chancellor Pub 1853 London V&R Stevens and GS Norton
  21. https://books.google.fr/books?id=8gEwAAAAIAAJ&lpg=PA384&ots=SGxzOxtgu8&dq=%22Nehemiah%20Bartley%22&pg=PA384#v=onepage&q=%22Nehemiah%20Bartley%22&f=false
  22. Register of Marriages for the English Episcopal Chapel in Hadingtoun,N. Britain. Northern notes and queries or the Scottish antiquary Publication date 1889 Internet Archive
  23. Burial: "Bristol, England, Non-Conformist Baptism, Marriage and Burial Registers, 1644-1981"
    Bristol Archives; Bristol, England; Bristol Non-Conformist Registers; Reference: 30251/BD/RS/5
    Ancestry Sharing Link - Ancestry uk Record 61689 #132278 (accessed 17 February 2023)
    Nehemiah Bartley burial (died in about 1823) on 13 Sep 1823 in Broadmead, Bristol, England.
  24. Marriage: "England, Select Marriages, 1538-1973"
    England, Marriages, 1538-1973. Salt Lake City, Utah: FamilySearch, 2013; FHL Film Number: 1596528
    Ancestry uk Record 9852 #19203641 (accessed 17 February 2023)
    Nehemiah Bartley marriage to Hester Taylor on 23 Feb 1805 in Saint George, Bristol, Gloucester, England.
  25. Will: "England & Wales, Prerogative Court of Canterbury Wills, 1384-1858"
    The National Archives; Kew, Surrey, England; Records of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, Series PROB 11; Class: PROB 11; Piece: 1835
    Ancestry Sharing Link - Ancestry uk Record 5111 #335412 (accessed 17 February 2023)
    Will of Nehemiah Bartley, granted probate on 10 Sep 1834. Died about 1834 in Saint Philip Jacob, Gloucestershire, England.
  26. Marriage: "London, England, Church of England Marriages and Banns, 1754-1938"
    London Metropolitan Archives; London, England; London Church of England Parish Registers; Reference Number: P86/Mry/022
    Ancestry Sharing Link - Ancestry uk Record 1623 #1716330 (accessed 17 February 2023)
    Nehemiah Bartley marriage to Mary Ann Lucas on 27 Apr 1829 in St Mary, Lewisham, Lewisham, England.

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