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Baucom Name Study

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Surnames/tags: Bawcom Baucum Baucom
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The Baucom Name Study project serves as a collaborative platform to collect information on the Baucom name. The hope is that other researchers like you will join the study to help make it a valuable reference point for other genealogists who are researching or have an interest in the Baucom name.

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Three different Baucom families were in North Carolina by about 1750 according to what has been found on various websites. So far, Y DNA tests have proven that there were no relationships between these three lines.

1 James Baucom and wife Frances Drake, both born England and died North Carolina unknown dates, who were the parents of John Baucom, husband of Rachel unknown and John’s brother Ransom. Source: A Union Co NC Newspaper article about the ancestors and descendants of Josiah Baucom, a son of John and Rachel Baucom A potpourri of information about Union County and its people compiled by John Foster Chapter D. A. R. Prominent Union County Family Forbearer’s James Baucom And Frances Drake (By D. Nance)

2 Nicholas Baucom who first appeared in North Carolina records 1742. It is thought that he came from Baltimore MD between 1739-1742. He and Mary had a son John Baucham baptized in July 1725 in a Baltimore Anglican Church. Somewhere along the way he married Sarah Lee.

Source: Research by Sandra Vossler documented at http://www.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~mdannear/firstfam/firstfam.htm He was first found in St. George's Parish Records, pg 233: John Baucham, son of Nicholas and Mary, born 1 July 1725. He is Nicholas Baucom in his land transactions.

Nov 1739; Baltimore Co., MD., Land Books, H.W.S., #1A, pg. 308/310. Nicholas Baucom sold "Tiepleunion" to Jacob Giles and does not appear again in Baltimore 30 Co. Records. The documents above in Baltimore Co. Land Records contain Nicholas Baucom's mark which was: . Such marks were unique; the same mark appears on his will of 1762 in Johnston Co., NC., although it is upside down.

Nicholas in NC June 1742; Nicholas Baucom proved his rights to land in Craven Co., NC. (Journal of N.C. Genealogy [was the North Carolinian] pg. 1842.) 10 April 1762; Nicholas Baucom wrote his will, being of St. Stephens Parish, Johnston Co., NC., mentioning his wife, children, witnessed by Elisha Thomas, Wm. Simpson, Mary Simpson; execs to be John Lee, Sr. and James Watson. Children named in will

3. Baruch Balcom, who migrated to coastal North Carolina in the mid-1700s from Providence RI. He was the grandson of Alexander Balkcom. Little is known about Baruch's daughters, but his son Ichabod received a governor's land grant in Edgecombe County, North Carolina where he lived for several years before his death in 1789. Source: Jerry Balkcom at www.pbalkcom.com

For a copy of my Baucom Y DNA Project write me: [email address removed]

posted 29 Jun 2018 by Jim Baucom Jr.   [thank Jim]
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