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Baynes Family and the Sandemanian Church

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Date: [unknown] [unknown]
Location: London, Englandmap
Surnames/tags: Baynes Sandemanian nonconformist
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Robert Sandeman
The Sandemanian church is a non-conformist protestant movement which began in Scotland in 1730’s and spread into England and to the USA. The church was founded by John Glas (1695-1773) (and is also known as the Glasite Church) but much of the teaching was developed and promoted by his son-in-law Robert Sandeman (1718-1771), who founded churches in England and in North America.

The churches were close knit communities, and many families were members of the church for several generations.

The London church included notables such as Michael Faraday. The church has now died out.

Links to other pages

An introduction to the Sandemanian Church includes an overview but also details of the categories used for the various families. Research into the London Sandemanian Church and the questions I am seeking to answer
Histories of other Sandemanian Families
The arrival of Sandemanianism in London with details of the people involved and the impact on the nonconformist community

Histories of other Sandemanian Families
Barnard Family and the Sandemanian Church
Boosey Family and the Sandemanian Church
Chater Family and the Sandemanian Church
Deacon Family and the Sandemanian Church
Leighton Family and the Sandemanian Church
Peat Family and the Sandemanian Church
Rutt Family and the Sandemanian Church
Vincent Family and the Sandemanian Church
Young Family and the Sandemanian Church

Other pages with details of Sandemanians
Sandemanian Church London membership list
London Sandemanian marriages and other links between families
Sandemanians and the bookbinding, paper and publishing trades
Grosvenor Family Stationers business
Reid and Sons Silversmiths
London Nonconformist Glass Cutters, the Leathley, Chater and Hayward Families
Sandemanian Church, Old Buckenham, Norfolk
The letter from the London Sandemanian Church to the Edinburgh Church in 1855, including signatories to the letter

Sandemanian Families

Many of the members of the London Church came from a small number of families, perhaps between 10-12 families. It is not easy to be clear who were members, because the church records have not been published, although some documents are available.

Within the key Sandemanian families, some became church members, others attended the church without formally declaring their faith and so were not members. Many people married within the church, and this continued for up to 5 generations.

History of the Baynes family

John Baynes (1740-abt.1814) was born and died in Yorkshire. He married Grace Emblem in Kirby Lonsdale in 1762 and died in 1741. There was a Sandemanian church in Kirkby Lonsdale, and he may have been a member, which gave his son some contacts in the church in London when he moved south.

James Baynes (1766-1837) was born in Kirkby Lonsdale, and married Mary Maud Mann (unsourced) about 1785. He was a notable artist and both of them were members of the London Sandemanian Church

He had at least 8 children,

Elizabeth Baynes (abt.1790-1853) married Thomas Cale (1790-1849) in 1812
Robert Baynes (1792-)
Thomas Mann Baynes (1794-1876) was also a notable artist
Frederick Baynes (1797-1889)
Sarah Baynes (abt.1800-1877) married John Leighton (1822-1912) in 1821. He was also from a Sandemanian family
Mary Ann (Baynes) Priest (1801-)
Ann Baynes (1807-abt.1886) married George Whitelaw (1803-1872) in 1829. They both were members of the Sandemanians and he was an elder in the church.
Their son David Whitelaw (abt.1844-1879) married Hannah Baxter (1850-1875) and both were Sandemanians
Another son George Baynes Whitelaw (1846-1927) married Emma Baxter (1852-1888) and birth were Sandemanians
Selina Baynes (abt.1809-1883) married Scott Whitelaw (1807-1853) in 1831. He was a church member, but she was not.

Links with other Sandemanian Families

Leighton Family

Sarah Baynes (abt.1800-1877) married John Leighton (1822-1912) in 1821.

Whitelaw family

Ann Baynes (1807-abt.1886) married George Whitelaw (1803-1872) in 1829.
Selina Baynes (abt.1809-1883) married Scott Whitelaw (1807-1853) in 1831.

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