Surnames/tags: Beesley Beazley Beezley
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Please check with me before using the ONS Sticker
Douglas Beezley Administrator
==Definition== The Beasley Surname Study is a One Name Study organized and defined in terms of YDNA classification. The four principal variations of the surname, in order of prevalence: Beasley, Beesley, Beazley, and Beezley.
The Beasley Surname Study was officially started on 26 Aug 2010 with registration at the Guild of One-Name Studies by Doug Beezley. It is intended to be a comprehensive worldwide study of the Beasley surname and all related variations. The web home of the project is, administered by Doug Beezley. The DNA component is at Family Tree DNA administered by Doug Beezley.
WikiTree is one of several locations for the Beasley Surname Study. Only a small number of the tens of thousands of individuals in the Beasley are established at WikiTree. I'm doing what I can to add and connect. The broader work of the study will be gladly shared for anyone wishing to add to WikiTree.
Organizational Principles
The fundamental unit of study is referred to as the Patriarch Tree or Lineage Tree, defined as the earliest known Beasley patriarch of any given family and ALL descendants of that Patriarch and spouses of descendants.
- Collections of surname facts have meaning in the context of defining the individual
- Collections of individuals have meaning in the context of defining families
- Collections of families have meaning in the context of defining descendant generations
Patriarch Tree Classification
Patriarch Trees are built using best evidence to identify the earliest ancestor and descendants. The Patriarch Tree is named by the earliest ancestor.
- When one male Beasley descendant is YDNA tested, that person's resulting DNA (Y-STR) Haplotype is proposed to define his Patriarch Tree. But nothing can be confirmed because the Haplotype might possibly be unique to that test.
- When two male Beasley descendants have matching YDNA tests but no known common ancestor, their two YDNA defined trees are proposed to have a confirmable common ancestor. They are labeled with the same Haplogroup and Haplotype but separate Patriarch Trees.
- When two or more male Beasley descendants have "matching YDNA tests AND a known common ancestor, that Patriarch Tree is confirmed to that common ancestor. They are labeled to belong to the same Haplogroup, Haplotype, and Patriarch Tree.
- All descendants of a given Patriarch are deemed to be of the same Haplogroup and Haplotype until demonstrated otherwise by DNA testing or documentation.
Labeling System
- For any two YDNA tests to be considered "matching", constituting a common "haplotype" requires a valid test of at least 37 DNA "markers". A 67 marker test is preferred. FTDNA also has a 111 marker test. 12 and 25 marker tests are also available but considered too few to be determinant. To be a "match" requires at least 33 of 37, 60 of 67, or 101 of 111 markers matching. The more matching, the higher probability of relatedness in historical time. In the Beasley Project, Haplotypes are given Color names, e.g. Blue Group, Yellow Group, Green Group. The color name is chosen arbitrarily but useful for discussion and graphing. Where a YDNA test has NO matches, the label "Grey" is used. Where there is no YDNA test available, the label "White" is used.
Patriarch Tree Naming
- Patriarch Trees are named by Haplotype : Patriarch Name : YOB : POB. For example the Patriarch Tree defined by Doug Beezley's test is BLUE-WilliamBeesley1680MD. Once tested, the Haplotype will be constant but the Patriarch may change with additional testing and research.
We believe that all the Haplotypes are related in some fashion, most often through NPE relatiionships, some of which have been identified. Here is a chart showing the presently known scope of the Beasley YDNA lineages:
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- Use of One Name Study Sticker Jan 19, 2024.
- find where ONS stickers are used Jul 10, 2023.
- Offering 37 marker YDNA test from FTDNA Free for qualifying male Beasley, Beesley, Beazley, or Beezley May 21, 2023.
- I need help with the Beasley Surname Study Apr 18, 2023.
- #OneNameTuesday showcase: Beasley Name Study Mar 29, 2022.
- Seeking paid assistant Aug 27, 2021.
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