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Beate Hauer-314 16 for 16 Mission Tracker 2024

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Surname/tag: Hauer
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This page has been accessed 116 times.

My 16 x 16 missions in 2024


“One and done” missions:

  • Add a biography to your profile.
  • Take a DNA test (if you haven’t yet) and add your results to your profile.
  • Try out the WikiTree Browser Extension.
  • Try out the Wikitree Sourcer extension.
  • Attend WikiTree Day 2024.
  • I joined a RAWK month long Challenge
  • I helped with Hacktoberfest either as a tester or developer
  • Start or join a One-Name Study.
  • Start or join a One-Place Study.
  • Join a geographical project.
  • Join a topical project.
  • Join a functional project.
  • Start a free-space project.
  • Help another WikiTreer to break down a brick wall.
  • Add a book to the Source Library.

Here are missions where you’ll want to count (Specific times):

Add or source 160 profiles each during a Connect-a-Thon, WikiGames or Source-a-Thon, respectively. Use the ‘Thon tracker to find out your count and record it here:

  • January Connect-a-Thon: 352 profiles = 160+160+16+16
  • April Connect-a-Thon: 223 profiles
  • July Connect-a-Thon: 176 profiles
  • Wikigames (Overall):
  • Source-a-Thon:

I watched these 8 videos from WikiTree Day 2024 and left a comment:

I watched these 8 videos from WikiTree Symposium 2024 and left a comment:

  1. Thomas MacEntee: Creating an Ancestor Sketch Play the Creating an Ancestor Sketch
  2. Christine Cohen: Divorce: Not a New Phenomenon

Here are missions where you’ll want to count (Complete Monthly):

I earned Club 100 badges in these 6 or 12 months:

  1. (January)
  2. February
  3. March
  4. April
  5. May
  6. June
  7. July
  8. August
  9. September
  10. October
  11. November
  12. December

I earned Club 1000 badges in these 6 or 12 months:

  1. January
  2. (Score Mark)

I participated in these 6, 12 or 24 monthly challenges:

Examples (Bio Builders, Connectors, GEDI, Sourcerers etc):

  1. Sourcerers Challenge (1 Feb-29 Feb)
  2. Locators Challenge (1 Mar-1 Apr)
  3. (Score Mark)
  4. (Score Mark)
  5. (Score Mark)

Tally your thank yous given each month:

Your goal is 16 a month!

  • January: I thanked Craig-4574, Čeh-1, Easterling-471, Hennigan-514, Irlbeck-15, James-12775, Kellett-33, Kruetzman-3, Lambert-1995, Langridge-71, Luker-573, McHugh-842, O'Hair-147, Reisert-15, Robins-1306, Robinson-21384, Robinson-27225, Rollet-41, Stutz-25, Wall-7415, Wallström-58, Walser-387, WikiTree-1 (most of them more than once!)
  • February : I thanked Caron-617, Craig-4574, Hiler-235, Hoppes-244, Ikeler-28, Kellett-33, Klehr-7, Luker-573, Massey-4724, Sandve-4, Smith-18204, Smith-121775, Stegen-15, Tabor-2065, WikiTree-1 (most of them more than once!)
  • March: I thanked Bonner-1839, Brown-29348, Ellerbrock-2, Hoppes-244, Kingman-1657, Luker-573, Paul-5413, McGee-1611, Oldaker-144, VanCampen-226, Visser-487, WikiTree-1, Wildman-780 (most of them more than once!)
  • April: I thanked Beals-1601, Ellerbrock-2, Fulkerson-232, Henderson-5035, Hiller-1256, Hoppes-244, Lancaster-3097, McGee-1611, Melloy-32, Robertson-6617, Smith-18204, Straub-620, Thiele-295, Wheeler-13722, WikiTree-1, Wildman-780 (most of them more than once!)
  • May: I thanked Beals-1601, Ellerbrock-2, Fosse-234, Gilliland-559, Gütter-34, Hoppes-244, Lancaster-3097, Luker-573, McFeaters-9, Michelson-212, Miller-57070, Pickens-1429, Postlmayr-11, Press-578, Randall-8561, Rodriguez-8974, Schafer-3394, Simon-5011, Thiele-295, Walsh-11043, WikiTree-1, Winder-797 (most of them more than once!)
  • June: I thanked Bilstein-17, Ellerbrock-2, Gütter-34, Hintz-549, Hoppes-244, Juvinall-41, Kiskis-1, Luckenbill-68, Norum-7, Pickens-1429, Ritzenthaler-19, Rutherford-448, Stanley-10896, Tulloch-1145, Unknown-655500, Vondrak-7, WikiTree-1, Wires-44 (most of them more than once!)
  • July: I thanked Ferraiolo-2, Fuller-20463, Gutknecht-98, Gütter-34, Hoppes-244, Ikeler-28, Kerstetter-367, Lamoreaux-297, Luckenbill-68, McElhaney-185, Nash-2059, Ritzenthaler-19, Rutherford-448, Sonczalla-1, Thiele-295, Thölke-2, Thorpe-1900, Unknown-655500, Webb-2351, Weber-11381, Wheeler-13722, WikiTree-1 (most of them more than once!)
  • August: I thanked Benefiel-220, Evans-3182, Gambie-2, Gillies-1895, Gilliland-559, Gutknecht-98, Gütter-34, Johnson-43462, Kerstetter-367, Luckenbill-68, McElhaney-185, Mos-13, Nowell-324, Raleigh-286, Rutherford-448, Schneider-13507, Sonczalla-1, Spijkermans-2, Steesy-1, Thiele-292, Troshynski-1, Walser-387, Weber-11381, WikiTree-1 (most of them more than once!)
  • September: I thanked Belisle-439, Craig-4574, Cummins-1375, Gambie-2,Gütter-34, Hoppes-244, Luckenbill-68, Pieterse-13, Rollet-41, Rutherford-448, WikiTree-1, Wires-44 (most of them more than once!)
  • October: I thanked Gessner-337, Gütter-34, Helm-1294, Hoppes-244, Theodore-114, Trevithick-278, WikiTree-1 (most of them more than once!)
  • November: I thanked Adams-70542, Allen-70147, Cummings-3732, Eckstädt-2, Harris-69563, Hiestand-529, Hoppes-244, Kreutzer-114, Lewis-65940, Light-779, Melloy-32, Rutherford-448, Stutz-25, Whitman-1517, WikiTree-1 (most of them more than once!)
  • December: I thanked Daniels-2254, Díaz-2569, Dryden-365, Ellerbrock-2, Melloy-32, Pickens-1429, Rutherford-448, Stephenson-2354, WikiTree-1, Wildman-780 (most of them more than once!)

Here are missions where you’ll want to count (Complete Weekly):

I participated in these 16, 32 or 48 weekly challenges:

(Examples: 52 Ancestors, Data Doctors Challenge, Saturday Sourcing Sprints, WikiTree Challenge)

  1. Saturday Sourcing Sprint Feb 3, 2024
  2. Saturday Sourcing Sprint Feb 10, 2024
  3. Saturday Sourcing Sprint Oct 19, 2024
  4. Saturday Sourcing Sprint Nov 9, 2024
  5. (Score Mark)
  6. (Score Mark)
  7. (Score Mark)

I watched these 16 or 32 Saturday Roundup videos on YouTube and left a comment:

  1. Feb 3, 2024
  2. Feb 10, 2024
  3. Feb 17, 2024
  4. Feb 24, 2024
  5. Mar 9, 2024
  6. Mar 16, 2024
  7. July 13, 2024
  8. Oct 12, 2024
  9. Oct 19, 2024
  10. (Score Mark)
  11. (Score Mark)

Here are missions where you’ll want to count (Complete anytime):

I improved these 16 profiles from my Anniversaries list:

  1. Sauseng-201, b. Feb 6, 1795 (on Feb 6, 2024)
  2. Gößlbauer-142, b. Feb 10, 1888 (on Feb 10, 2024)
  3. Hoppl-1, b. Feb 12, 1764 (on Feb 12, 2024)
  4. Haider-139, b. Mar 3, 1886 (on Mar 3, 2024)
  5. Tendl-35, b. Mar 19, 1923 (on Mar 19, 2024)
  6. Trattner-140, b. Mar 20, 1770 (on Mar 20, 2024)
  7. Mautner-18, b. Jul 26, 1782 (on Jul 26, 2024)
  8. Haselbacher-5, b. Aug 1, 1789 (on Aug 1, 2024)
  9. Reiterer-3, b. Dec 22, 1747 (on Dec 22, 2024)
  10. Windisch-82, b. Dec 22, 1907 (on Dec 22, 2024)
  11. Einwallner-8, b. Dec 24, 1819 (on Dec 24, 2024)
  12. Wechtitsch-29, b. Dec 24, 1810 (on Dec 24, 2024)
  13. Mauthner-22, Dec 24, 1892 (on Dec 24, 2024)
  14. Zink-842, b. Dec 25, 1877 (on Dec 25, 2024)
  15. Haider-195, b. Dec 25, 1834 (on Dec 25, 2024)
  16. Einwallner-14, b. Dec 26, 1821 (on Dec 26, 2024)

I added at least one source to these 16, 32 or 64 profiles from the Unsourced Profiles Category or subcategories:

  1. Eisentopf-14 (Feb 3, 2024)
  2. Hütter-414 (Feb 3, 2024)
  3. Kiedl-24 (Feb 3, 2024)
  4. Kiedl-25 (Feb 3, 2024)
  5. Kiedl-33 (Feb 3, 2024)
  6. Wiggitzer-1 (Feb 3, 2024)
  7. Kiedl-6 (Feb 4, 2024)
  8. Kiedl-23 (Feb 4, 2024)
  9. Kiedl-32 (Feb 4, 2024)
  10. Krammer-43 (Feb 4, 2024)
  11. Ostermann-228 (Feb 8, 2024)
  12. Wild-3196 (Feb 8, 2024)
  13. Unknown-631759 (Feb 10, 2024)
  14. Aschauer-7 (Source-a-Thon)
  15. Ferstl-33 (Source-a-Thon)
  16. Ferstl-34 (Source-a-Thon)
  17. Hammer-3122 (Source-a-Thon)
  18. Höfler-118 (Source-a-Thon)
  19. Höfler-119 (Source-a-Thon)
  20. Höfler-120 (Source-a-Thon)
  21. Holzerbauer-2 (Source-a-Thon)
  22. Huber-3987 (Source-a-Thon)
  23. Kiedl-30 (Source-a-Thon)
  24. Kiedl-31 (Source-a-Thon)
  25. Maierhofer-15 (Source-a-Thon)
  26. Maierwieser-1 (Source-a-Thon)
  27. Paier-2 (Source-a-Thon)
  28. Pflanzl-1 (Source-a-Thon)
  29. Schaufler-13 (Source-a-Thon)
  30. Schirkhofer-1 (Source-a-Thon)
  31. Schloffer-10 (Source-a-Thon)
  32. Schloffer-11 (Source-a-Thon)
  33. Strohmaier-2 (Source-a-Thon)
  34. Strohmaier-14 (Source-a-Thon)
  35. Zlanabitnig-25 (Source-a-Thon)
  36. Hagmüller-6 (Oct 19, 2024)
  37. Hauer-838 (Oct 19, 2024)
  38. Koch-8416 (Oct 19, 2024)
  39. Breitenberger-5 (Nov 9, 2024)
  40. Sauseng-369 (Nov 9, 2024)
  41. Gschaar-1 (Dec 26, 2024)
  42. Gschaar-2 (Dec 26, 2024)
  43. Gschaar-3 (Dec 26, 2024)
  44. (Score Mark)

I improved these 16, 32 or 64 random profiles:

  1. Baumgartner-352 (on Mar 12, 2024)
  2. Huber-1660 (on Mar 12, 2024)
  3. Karner-92 (on Mar 12, 2024)
  4. Maitz-12 (on Mar 12, 2024)
  5. Rinner-27 (on Mar 12, 2024)
  6. Von_Waideck-1 (on Dec 29, 2024)
  7. Lucchesi_Palli-1 (on Dec 29, 2024)
  8. Trtnik-61 (on Dec 29, 2024)
  9. Trtnik-62 (on Dec 29, 2024)
  10. (Score Mark)
  11. (Score Mark)

I improved these 16, 32 or 64 profiles of individuals who died young:

  1. Harrer-108 (Feb 10, 2024)
  2. Harrer-109 (Feb 10, 2024)
  3. Hauer-635 (Mar 3, 2024)
  4. Hauer-366 (Mar 3, 2024)
  5. Hauer-367 (Mar 3, 2024)
  6. Trattner-179 (Mar 20, 2024)
  7. Stehlik-44 (May 1, 2024)
  8. Stehlik-46 (May 1, 2024)
  9. Haidinger-43 (Aug 1, 2024)
  10. Haidinger-44 (Aug 1, 2024)
  11. Harrer-110 (Oct 20, 2024)
  12. Gschaar-2 (Dec 26, 2024)
  13. Gschaar-3 (Dec 26, 2024)
  14. (Score Mark)

I commented on 8, 16 or 32 Wikitree Social Media posts:

(Excluding the Question of the Week or Saturday Roundup posts)

  1. (Score Mark)
  2. (Score Mark)
  3. (Score Mark)

Missions Completed

  1. January Connect-a-Thon: 352 profiles = 160+160+16+16
  2. April Connect-a-Thon: 223 profiles
  3. Increase your CC7 number from 1271 (starting number) to 1431 (add 160)(during the April Connect-a-Thon)
  4. Create a free-space profile about something that interests you: HAUERpedia (on 21 Apr 2024)
  5. July Connect-a-Thon: 176 profiles =160+16
  6. Add a new or additional photo of yourself to your profile.
  7. I improved these 16 profiles from my Anniversaries list
  8. (Score Mark)
  9. (Score Mark)
  10. (Score Mark)

  • Login to edit this profile and add images.
  • Private Messages: Send a private message to the Profile Manager. (Best when privacy is an issue.)
  • Public Comments: Login to post. (Best for messages specifically directed to those editing this profile. Limit 20 per day.)


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