Location: Backnang, Württemberg

Surnames/tags: Beck Backnang Cullen
James Cullen, a descendant of T. John Beck, an emigrant from Württemberg, met the Bernecker family while was stationed in Germany in about 1974. He and the Berneckers remained friends, and he and his wife visited the Berneckers in the summer of 1985. By then, he had found the Lutheran church in Glencoe that the Glencoe Becks had attended. A record in this church indicated where they’d come from – BACKNANG in Wuertenburg, near Stuutgart. By luck or grace, Backnang was not far from where the Berneckers lived. Mrs. Bernecker took down the information and did the advance work, found the proper Lutheran site in Backnang and, when the Cullens got over there, the generous Mrs. Bernecker took them there and served as their interpreter. The Beck descendants gained the Backnang records on that trip, thanks to the hard work of the Cullens and the efforts and generosity of the Bernecker family. The following text is the research results of these efforts.
Oldest documented Beck ancestor: VEIT BECK (probably born sometime in late 1500s,
as his son HANS JAKOB BECK, is born in 1617). Father of…
HANS JAKOB BECK (“Backer”)(born September 14, 1617) married KATHERINA MACKH (born June 15, 1629) (the daughter of George Mackh) on May 8, 1649. Hans Jakob Beck died October 14, 1670; Katherina died June 14, 1662.
Parents of…
JOHANN LUDWIG BECK (“Backer”) (born January 14, 1653) married ANNA MARIA CHRISTINA HOFFMAN (born April 18, 1648) (the daughter of Nikalaus Hoffman, servant) on April 21, 1674. Johann Ludwig Beck died July 6, 1715; Anna Maria Christina died January 12, 1724.
Parents of…
Father of…
JOHANN GOTTLIEB BECK (born September 8, 1729) (“Baker”) married SABINA BARBARA KECK (the daughter of Georg David Leck, a “zimmerman” or carpenter) on September 8, 1750. Johann Gottlieb Beck died July 12, 1777.
Parents of …
GEORG LUDWIG BECK (born October 17, 1750) married MARIA ELISABETHA BRAUN (born November 9, 1751) (the daughter of Johannes Braun and Magda- lena WINTER) on January 29, 1771. Georg Ludwig Beck died April 12, 1808; Maria Elisabetha Braun Beck died May 24, 1821.
Parents of…
GEORG JAKOB BECK (born March 18, 1787) married LUISA REGINA SCHAD (born December 13, 1793)(the daughter of Jacob Friedrich Schad – a “Backer” – and Regina Jacobina Burner) on August 30, 1810 in Backnang. Luisa Regina DIED December 18, 1812, in Backnang…………..George Jakob Beck THEN married Elisabetha Magd.(alena?) Doderer (born April 13, 1795, in Backnang))(daughter of Jacob Heinrich Doderer and Maria Cath(erine?) Hauserer) on June 29, 1813, in Backnang. George Jakob Beck died July 10, 1852, and his widow, Elisabetha, died June 13, 1870, both in Backnang.
Note from the family chart of children of Georg Jakob Beck that his second-born, (with first wife Luisa Gottlieb) Ludwig, was born December 15, 1812, but died two days later (Dec. 17, 1812), and mother Luisa died the next day (Dec. 18, 1812), and FIRST-born Christian Gottlieb died six days later (Christmas Eve, 1812). After re-marrying (to Elisabetha Doderer) the next summer, THEIR first-born (Luisa Frederika) only lived 12 days (March 9, 1814 – March 21, 1814).
ALSO note that Georg Jakob Beck’s 12th born (10th with Elisabetha) was Johann Gottlieb Beck (OUR FAMILY’S EMIGRATING ANCESTOR)….HE was actually the THIRD Georg Jakob Beck son given that name, the earlier two brothers each having lived only a little more than three months.
JOHANN GOTTLIEB BECK (born October 10, 1827)
The German church records indicate Joann Gottlieb Beck “ist seit 1852 in Amerika mit Heimakschein (sp?)”----------apparently reference to his departure to (or presence in) America as of that date. (Note: Google Translate gives this as "has been in America since 1852 with a home license".) Our grandfather…
WILLIAM F. BECK (born 1868, according to his tombstone)was one of the Johann Gottlieb Beck (and, I believe, Eva Lades Beck) children. Other sisters of William’s married into what in 2004 are the Panzer, Samway, and Plochman families. William F. Beck and Emma (Kopp) Beck were the parents of..
This completes what we have from the GERMAN church records located in Backnang, Germany. Backnang is in the German state of Wuertemburg, not far from the city of Stuttgart.
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