Surnames/tags: Beismer Beesimer Beasmer
The surname in the title of the Beismer Name Study is a fairly modern variant and has existed, within the family of the Study's coordinator for the past three generations. The variant spellings shown below will be included in the Name Study; more may be added; some may be dropped.
NOTE: This page was inadvertently mixed up with one from a different One-Name Study and is being reconstructed July 2024.
WikiTree recommends that several searches for the surname of the desired One-Name Study be done to determine the size of the Study proposed. These searches are done on WikiTree itself, on Ancestry, on Findagrave and on FamilySearch. The searches result in counts of the number of potential records containing those names. The purpose of the count is to provide a sense of the scope of the Study which may determine how the Study is conducted.
The following are the results of the initial search (about May 2021) of these variant spellings of the Beismer surname on these web sites. It is important to note that the numbers provided are estimations only and do not reflect unique records for unique individuals; a single person may be reflected in multiple records. In the case of Ancestry, these numbers also include the number of images and family trees the name appears in, but the idea is to get an idea of the scope of the study. These numbers are dynamic, constantly changing because records are added, merged, etc.
Searth | WikiTree | FamilySearch | Ancestry | Findagrave | Totals |
Beismer | 22 | 187 | 581 | 14 | 804 |
Beesimer | 8 | 188 | 441 | 13 | 650 |
Beasimer | 1 | 128 | 515 | 10 | 654 |
Beesmer | 2 | 2285 | 7118 | 161 | 9566 |
Beasmer | 0 | 205 | 341 | 10 | 556 |
Besimer | 0 | 705 | 1155 | 29 | 1189 |
Bismer | 0 | 205 | 417 | 3 | 625 |
Totals | 33 | 3903 | 10568 | 240 | 14744 |
These are the counts recommended by WikiTree because they represent records that exist on these web sites for these surnames. They are also worldwide.
Since these initial counts, several additional variant spellings have been added to the Study and quite a few profiles have been added to WikiTree. The number of profiles in the Study, therefore on WikiTree, is currently 305. This number will continue to change.
Some of these spellings may be idiosyncratic to a single individual or simple reflect a misspelling rather than a family branch or spelling in a particular geographic area in which case they may be merged into the a more frequent spelling.
Additional variants have already been added as identified variants of this surname. We may find that some variants are unrelated surnames in which case they will be removed from the study.
Generally, a one-name study aims to identify all individuals with the included surnames worldwide, but the decision of how broad and how deep the conduct the study is up to the participants. Certainly, there will be those who have already identified ancestors outside the United States and want to include them in the Study. Others may not.
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