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Read the writings of the first Christians (the Christians of the 1st Century who knew Jesus Christ and His chosen apostles)

St Ignatius of Antioch, ordained a priest by Peter, 106 A.D.: "Beware of the heretics who refuse to partake of the Eucharist, because they deny that it is the very same body and blood of Jesus who died on the cross."
Gospel of St John written 100 A.D., Matthew, Mark, and Luke written after that before they were recorded.
The first century Christians spoke Aramaic and Greek, and lived within kingdoms where pagans worshiped and pinched incense to divine Emperor Ceasar as lord.
Not everything must be found in the Bible.
The Rock: (Matthew 16) Jesus took his disciples into the district of Caesarea Philippi (Banias, city of the roman god Pan, the god of sheep and shepherds).

(Greek: you are Petros and on this Petra I will build my Church. but Jesus spoke Aramaic: you are Kaifa, and on this Kaifa I will build my Church. (John 1:42: Jesus beheld Peter and said, Thou art Simon the son of Jona, you will be called Cephas [Kaifa, a stone/rock]).

The Keys to the Kingdom: the keys are the gospel. (Isaiah 22:22) The king had a royal steward, 2nd in command, who carried the key to the kingdom's gate, who was called "father".
Moses came down from Mt Sinai, he had the written word of God, the oral tradition, and the teaching tradition. He sat in the authority chair of Moses in the wilderness, the judgment and teaching chair of priesthood. Christ took the inherited chair of Moses and re-established it as the chair of Peter. What you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, what you shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven. 250 A.D.
A gallant knight on his horse, champion of freedom, and righteousness, rides until he finds a king with a kingdom worthy to submit on his knee with his loyalty and obedience.
Apostolic succession: (dynastic succession of office) Priests are ordained by hands laid upon them by a bishop who was ordained by hands of bishops going back thru the tradition to Christ's first apostles. Clement said we were taught by the apostles: when these men as bishops died, others are to succeed them in their holy office.

Worship: the first Churches built had an altar and a priest. On the altar was placed the sacrifice.

All religions have traditions with theology perspectives that are taught.

Bible New Testament: 27 books selected by bishops of the Holy Roman Catholic Church.

Before there was written record, the New Covenant was Jesus

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