Location: [unknown]
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Stephan Bell
Stephan Bell was associated with many locations in his lifetime. He was born in the village of Weibern (near Kempenich) in 1824. He married in the village of Burgbrohl in 1847. He migrated to Wisconsin in 1854 with his first wife and several children. He lived in Dane County, Wisconsin, near Pine Bluff until about 1864. After 1864, he lived in Iowa County, Wisconsin, near Highland and Avoca. By 1880, Stephan and his second wife and children were living in Lexington in Lafayette County, Missouri. Stephan died in 1900 and is buried in the town of Higginsville in Lafayette County, Missouri.
Birth Records
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A civil birth record from Kempenich shows the birth in Weibern on 17 February 1824 of Stephan Bell, son of Johann Peter Bell, 37 years old, Ackerer (farmer), and Anna Elisabeth Klein. [1]
A Catholic baptism record in Kempenich shows the birth on 17 February 1824 of Stephan Bell of Weibern, son of Johann Peter Bell and Anna Elisabeth Klein. [2]
Marriage Record
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A two-page civil marriage record from Burgbrohl shows the marriage on 23 October 1847 of Stephan Bell of Weibern, son of Johann Peter Bell and Anna Elisabeth Klein, and Anna Maria Breuch of Burgbrohl, daughter of Peter Joseph Breuch and Maria Elisabeth Kraus. The record shows the status of Stephan, his father and his father-in-law as Ackerer (farmer). [3]
Records of Children
A civil birth record in Burgbrohl shows the birth on 10 August 1848 of Elisabetha Bell, daughter of Stephan Bell, Ackerer (farmer), and Anna Maria Breuch. Stephan Bell signed the record. [4]
A Catholic baptism record in Burgbrohl shows the birth on 10 August 1848 of Elisabetha Bell, daughter of Stephan Bell and Anna Maria Breuch. [5]
A civil birth record in Burgbrohl shows the birth on 15 June 1850 of Anna Maria Bell, daughter of Stephan Bell, Ackerer (farmer), and Anna Maria Breuch. [6]
A Catholic baptism record in Burgbrohl shows the birth on 15 June 1850 of Anna Maria Bell, daughter of Stephan Bell and Anna Maria Breuch. [7]
A civil birth record in Burgbrohl shows the birth on 25 February 1852 of Peter Joseph Bell, son of Stephan Bell, Ackerer (farmer), and Anna Maria Breuch. [8]
A Catholic baptism record in Burgbrohl shows the birth on 25 February 1852 of Peter Joseph Bell, son of Stephan Bell and Anna Maria Breuch. [9]
A civil birth record in Burgbrohl shows the birth on 20 November 1853 of Johann Peter Bell, son of Stephan Bell, Ackerer (farmer), and Anna Maria Breuch. [10]
A Catholic baptism record in Burgbrohl shows the birth on 20 November 1853 of Johann Peter Bell, son of Stephan Bell and Anna Maria Breuch. [11]
Letter from Wisconsin
The text of a letter dated 15 October 1854 written by Stephan Bell and Anna Maria Breuch in Wisconsin and addressed to their family was published in 2008 in an article by Kurt Degen called "Zur Auswanderung des Stephan Bell aus dem Brohltal in die Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika anno 1854" in pages 159–63 of a book called Heimatjahrbuch Kreis Ahrweiler 2008. Most of the letter is written by Stephan and describes the favorable farming conditions they found in Wisconsin after immigrating. [12]
- Madison, Wisc., 15. Oktober, 1854
- Vielgeliebter Bruder, Schwägein, Schwester, Schwager und Kinder!
- Ich ergreife jetzt die Feder zum zweintenmal, an dich zu schreiben. In dem ersten Brief hast du gesehen, dass es mir nicht immer gut gegangen ist, den wir haben mit vielen Gefahren und beschwerlichkeiten auf der Reise zu kämpfen gehabt. Es wird aber in Zukunft, wenn Gott will, besser gehen, den unsere Farm ist schon beinahe eingerichet und verspricht mir eine viel bessere Zukunft wie in Deutschland. Ich habe achtzig Acres, welche grad längs einter Hauptschaussee liegen. Der Boden ist ein 2 Fuß tief schwarzer Mull und darunter Lehm. Es ist eine große Ebene und sicher viel besser, wie ihr das beste Gemüsefeld habt.
- Alle Früchte und Gemüse greaten vortrefflich. Sie warden eher zu stark als zu schwach. Es darf niemand düngen, sonst würde er nichts kriegen. Unser Land liegt fünfzehn Meilen von Madison und der Mineralground Straße. …
- Lieber Bruder Es ist hier eine Freude, Farmer zu spielen.
- Das Land wird einmal gepflügt und dann eingesät, dann ist es noch edler, als wenn ihr den Garden Frisch umgestochen habt. zur Ernte kriegt man die Maschine und läßt abmachen, und nachher mit der Maschine dreschen. Die Frucht hat einem guten Preis hier, das Büschel Weizen kostet 2 Pr Th. 5 Büschel ist ein Malter. Der Büschel Kartofflen kost 4 Schilling, das sind 20 Sgr. Es hat alles seinen Wert hier. Die Eisenbahn läuft kreuz und quer durch das Land, und an jedem Ort kann einer seine Sachen veräußern so gut wie in Deutschland. Die Lebensart ist hier besser wie in Deutschland, den Tag mal Fleisch und das Brot is wie bei euch der schönste Kirmesweck, und wird mit Milch und Eiern gebacken. Bei Kaffee und Tee muß es jedesmal Zucker zein. Hühner und Schweine haben keine Zahl bei den Farmern. Allaugenblick kommt ein Schwein mit Jungen, und Hühner mit Hinkeln daher, denn alles zeugt sich selber. Pferde, Kühe, Schafe, Schweine usw. alles ist im Busch oder Gras jung. Hier ist keine Mühe mit dem Vieh; es füttert sich selber, bloß jeder hat Acht auf das seinige zu geben, dass es beieinander bleibt. Meine Farm ist noch nicht ganz angebaut und trägt auf der Halbschied 500 Büschel Weizen, wo aber noch 10 Acres Mais, fünf Acres hafer und ein paar Acres mit Gemüsen
- Mein schwager Peter und Heinrich sind in Madison, in dem auf diesem Papier beziechneten Hause, als Hauesknechte, den Monat hat einer 9 Dollar, und können forthin auf einen schönen Lohn ansprach machen, weil sie gut Englisch lernen und sehr geschickt werden, und für Joseph ist eine Stelle beim Bäcker ausgemacht, wo er den Monat 10 Dollar verdient.
- Meine Magd wohnt eine halbe Meile von mir beim Amerikaner und verdient di Woche 1 Dollar. Auf der Farm braucht man kein Frauenzimmer für zu arbeiten. Das Mädchen is gut zufreiden hier und lernt gut Englisch. Es hat schon können heiraten. Es hat es aber abgeschlagen. Es wird aber jedenfalls eine gute Gelegenheit machen.
- Sage dem Glees, wenn er hier wäre und täte so schaffen wie in Deutschland. Er könnte in 4 bis 5 Jahren sein Land nicht mehr übersehen und seine Frau würde es sicher zehnmal besser haben, denn hier arbeitet ja keine Frau auf dem Land. Wenn aber jemand kommen will, der bedenke sich nicht lange, das Land wird mit jedem Tag theurer, denn es kommen scharenweise Deutsche an, das man sollte meinen, das ganze Deutschland thäte auswandern.
- … hier in Amerika ist ein Söffer gehasst, was sehr schön ist. Wenn man sich hier was zum gutn will tun, fährt man mit seiner Frau und Kindern nach der Stadt und tut sich was zum Guten, und nicht wie in Deutschland, jeden Sonntag im Wirsthaus liegen und die Groschen versoffen, die die Frau vielleicht notwendig in der Haushaltung gebraucht hätte. Wenn man es bedenkt, es kommt einem eklig vor.
- Liebster Bruder, versage mir deine Antwort nicht. Meine adresse ist: An Stephan Bell, Town Cross Plain, Post office Pine Bluff, Dane County, Wisconsin, Nord Amerika. Schreibe die Adresse auf Latein. Grüße meine vielgeliebte Schwester, Schwager und Kinder. Alle Verwandte und Bekannte, in dieser Hoffnung, dass Euch dieser Brief alle bei guter Gesundheit antreffen wird, wie er und verlassen hat, Bin ich dein dich liebender Bruder Stephan Bell.
- —
- Ich grüße euch alle liebe Schwäger und Schwägerinnen und Kinder und grußt mir auch alle meine Verwandten. Wir sind alle Frisch und gesund und hoffe ihr auch und wünsche euch bald in Amerika zu sehen. Ich grüße Euch noch mal in der Ferne
- Anna Maria Breuch
- Kompliment an die Brüder John Breuch.
- Sage Michel Kierig, es würde ihm viel besser wenn er in Amerika wäre.
Naturalization Record
A record dated 6 November 1855 in Dane County, Wisconsin, shows the declaration of Stephen Bell of his intention to become a citizen of the United States. The record shows that he was 31 years old, born in Prussia, immigrated in May 1854 and renounced any allegiance to the King of Prussia. [13]
Land Grant
A land office record dated 10 November 1855 shows that Stephen Bell was granted land in Township 7, Range 7, Section 33 in Dane County, Wisconsin. [14]
An index of deeds in Dane County, Wisconsin, shows that there was a mortgage deed dated 28 April 1860 granting land in Township 7, Range 7, Section 33 by Stephens Bell and wife. [15]
An index of deeds in Dane County, Wisconsin, shows that there was a mortgage deed dated 21 January 1862 granting land in Township 7, Range 7, Section 33 by Stephen Bell. [16]
An index of deeds in Dane County, Wisconsin, shows that there was a mortgage deed dated 28 January 1862 granting land in Township 7, Range 7, Section 33 by Stephen Bell. [17]
A deed in Dane County, Wisconsin, dated 22 April 1864 shows the sale by Stephen Bell and Anna Maria Bell his wife of the town of Cross [Plains] for $1800 of 80 acres in Township 7, Range 7, Section 33. [18]
A deed in Iowa County, Wisconsin, dated 29 April 1864 shows the purchase of Stephen Bell of Dane County for $1500 of 120 acres in Township 7, Range 2, Section 30. (The location is approx. 43.05,-90.295.) [19]
A deed in Iowa County, Wisconsin, dated 29 April 1868 shows the sale by Stephen Bell of Iowa County of 120 acres of land for $1800. (What is notable about this 1868 deed is that his wife's name is missing. Deeds in Iowa County at this time usually included the wife's name when the husband was selling property. This is possibly evidence that Anna Maria died before the date of this deed.) [20]
A deed in Iowa County, Wisconsin, dated 1869 shows Stephen Bell of Iowa County purchasing 40 acres for $500 located in Township 8, Range 2, Section 18. (This location was about a mile from the town of Avoca, Wisconsin.) [21]
A deed in Iowa County, Wisconsin, dated 1873 shows Stephen Bell of Iowa County purchasing land located in Township 8, Range 2, Section 18 for $240. (This location was about a mile from the town of Avoca, Wisconsin.) [22]
1870 Census
The 1870 census shows the Stephen Bell household listed in Iowa County, Wisconsin, in the town of Pulaski (Post Office: Avoca). The household included Stephen Bell, 46, born in Prussia; Barbary Bell, 28, born in Berne (possibly misspelling of Bayern); Peter Bell, 18, born in Prussia; John Bell, 16, born in Prussia; William Bell, 14, born in Wisconsin; Catharine Bell, 12, born in Wisconsin; George Bell, 10, born in Wisconsin. [23]
1880 Census
The 1880 census shows the Stephen Bell household listed in Lexington, Lafayette County, Missouri. The household included Stephen Bell, 52, born in Prussia to parents born in Prussia; Barbara Bell, 38, born in Bayerne to parents born in Bayerne; Henry Bell, 8, born in Wisconsin; Frank Bell, 2, born in Wisconsin. [24]
A sheriff's deed in Iowa County, Wisconsin dated 23 February 1882 shows the sale of 160 acres of land in Township 8, Range 2, Section 18 in Iowa County belonging to Stephen Bell and Barbary his wife. The land was sold at public auction at the Iowa County Courthouse for $1391.90. The reference in the deed to Darlington in La Fayette County refers to Lexington in Lafayette County. [25]
A gravestone for Stephan Bell is located in Higginsville City Cemetery in Higginsville, Lafayette County, Missouri. The monument is inscribed STEPHAN BELL | GEB. DEN | 17 FEB. 1824 | in Koblenz Deutschland | GEST. DEN | 31 MARZ. 1800. This gives his birthplace in Koblenz (he was born about 20 miles from the city of Koblenz) and his date of death as 31 March 1800. [26]
Johann Peter Bell
Baptism Record
A Catholic baptism record from Kempenich shows the birth in Weibern on 21 April 1786 of Johann Peter Bell, son of Peter Bell and Barbara Hilger of Weibern. [27]
- Petro Bell et Barbara Hilger conjugibus ex Weiberen natus est 21ma Aprilis, et eadem renatus est filius legitimus Joannes Petrus, levantibus Joanne Petro Hilger et Catharina Hilgerin
Marriage Records
Note that at the time of the marriage, the region had been incorporated into the French department of Rhin-et-Moselle.
A civil marriage record from Kempenich, written in French, shows the marriage on 13 February 1810 of Jean Pierre Bell, son of Pierre Bell, cultivateur (farmer), and Barbe Hilger, and Anne Elise Klein, daughter of Mathias Klein and Magdalene Klapperich, deceased, of Hausten. [28]
A Catholic marriage record in Kempenich shows the marriage on 13 February 1810 of Johann Peter Bell, son of Peter Bell and Barbara Hilger of Weibern, and Anna Elisabeth Klein, daughter of Mathias Klein and Magdalena Klapperich of Hausten. [29]
- Die 13tia febr, copulati fuerunt in facie ecclesie honesti adolescentes Johannes Petrus Bell filius legitimus Petri Bell et Barbara Hilgert ex Weiberen, et Anna Elisabeth Klein filia legitima Mathia Klein et Magdalena Klapperich ex Hausten. Mathias Klein et Petrus Bell fuerunt testes.
Records of Children
A civil birth record from Kempenich shows the birth in Weibern on 27 March 1816 of Barbara Bell, daughter of Johan Peter Bell, Ackermann (farmer) and Anna Elisabetha Klein. [30]
A Catholic baptism record in Kempenich shows the birth in Weibern on 27 March 1816 of Barbara Bell, daughter of Johann Peter Bell and Anna Elisabetha Klein. [31]
A civil birth record from Kempenich shows the birth in Weibern on 25 October 1818 of Peter Joseph Bell, son of Johan Peter Bell and Anna Elisabetha Klein. [32]
A Catholic baptism record in Kempenich shows the birth in Weibern on 25 October 1818 of Peter Joseph Bell, son of Peter Bell and Anna Elisabetha Klein. [33]
A civil birth record from Kempenich shows the birth in Weibern on 13 February 1821 of Peter Joseph Bell (this name is a mistake as their previous son had this name and this infant's baptism record gives a different name), son of Johann Peter Bell, Ackerer (farmer), and Anna Elisabetha Klein. [34]
A Catholic baptism record in Kempenich shows the birth in Weibern on 13 February 1821 of Johann Peter Bell, son of Johann Peter Bell and Anna Elisabetha Klein. [35]
- Image:Bell-17333-5.png
A civil birth record from Kempenich shows the birth in Weibern on 17 February 1824 of Stephan Bell, son of Johann Peter Bell, 37 years old, Ackerer (farmer), and Anna Elisabeth Klein. [36]
A Catholic baptism record in Kempenich shows the birth in Weibern on 17 February 1824 of Stephan Bell, son of Johann Peter Bell and Anna Elisabeth Klein. [37]
A civil birth record from Kempenich shows the birth in Weibern on 4 August 1826 of Christina Bell, daughter of Johann Peter Bell, Ackerer (farmer), and Anna Elisabetha Klein. [38]
A Catholic baptism record in Kempenich shows the birth on 4 August 1826 of Christina Bell, daughter of Johann Peter Bell and Anna Elisabeth Klein of Weibern. [39]
Death Records of Wife
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A civil death record from Kempenich shows the death in Weibern on 27 November 1826 of Anna Elisabetha Klein, wife of Johann Peter Bell, Ackerer (farmer). [40]
A Catholic death record in Kempenich shows the death on 27 November 1826 of Anna Elisabetha Klein, wife of Johann Peter Bell of Weibern. [41]
- 27a 9bris mortua est Anna Elisabetha Klein, uxor Joannis Petri Bell ex Weibern, omnibus moribundorum sacramentis munita, 34tum aetatis annum [?] 29a ejusdem more christiana sepulta.
Death Records of Daughter
A civil death record from Kempenich shows the death on 14 February 1827 of Christina Bell, daughter of Johann Peter Bell and Anna Elisabeth Klein of Weibern. [42]
A Catholic death record in Kempenich shows the death in Weibern on 14 February 1827 of Christina Bell, daughter of Johann Peter Bell and Anna Elisabeth Klein of Weibern. [43]
Death Record
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A civil death record from Kempenich shows the death in Weibern on 14 December 1835 of Johann Peter Bell, widow of Anna Elisabetha Klein, son of Peter Bell and Barbara Hillger. [44]
- Nro. 56. Gemeinde Weibern, Kreis Adenau, Regierungs-Departement Coblenz. Im Jahre tausend acht hundert dreißig fünf den fünzehnten des Monats December Vormittags zehn Uhr, erschienen vor mir Arnold Arens Bürgermeister von Kempenich, Beamten des Personenstandes, der Nicolas Klein vierzig neun Jahre alt, Standes Ackerer wohnhaft zu Weibern welcher ein Schwager des Verstorbenen zu seyn angab, und der Johann Peter Fronert vierzig sieben Jahre alt, Standes Ackerer wohnhaft zu Weibern welcher ein Schwager des Verstorbenen zu seyn angab, und haben beide mir erklärt, daß am vierzehnten des Monats December Jahres tausend acht hundert dreißig fünf nachmittags zwey Uhr, verstorben ist Johann Peter Bell gebürtig zu Weibern Regierungs-Bezirk Coblenz vierzig neun Jahre alt, Standes Ackerer wohnhaft zu Weibern Regierungs-Bezirk Coblenz, Wittwer von Anna Elisabetha Klein und Sohn von dem verstorbenen Ehegatten Peter Bell & der nachlebenden Barbara Hillger wohnhaft zu Weibern. Und haben diese erklärenden Personen, nach ihnen geschehener Vorlesung, diese Urkunde mit mir unterschrieben.
Anna Elisabetha Klein
Baptism Record
A Catholic baptism record in Rieden shows the birth in Hausten on 25 December 1792 of Anna Elisabetha Klein, daughter of Mathias Klein and Magdalena Klapperich of Hausten [45]
- Die 25ta dec. circa horam 5— matutinam nata est et eadem renata Mathia Klein et Magdalena natae Klapperich honestis conjugibus ex Hausten filia legitima Anna Elisabetha. Levantibus eam Anna Elisabetha — et Petro Nürrenberg ambobus ex Morswiesen.
Marriage Records
Note that at the time of the marriage, the region had been incorporated into the French department of Rhin-et-Moselle.
A civil marriage record from Kempenich, written in French, shows the marriage on 13 February 1810 of Jean Pierre Bell, son of Pierre Bell, cultivateur (farmer), and Barbe Hilger, and Anne Elise Klein, daughter of Mathias Klein and Magdalene Klapperich, deceased, of Hausten. [46]
A Catholic marriage record in Kempenich shows the marriage on 13 February 1810 of Johann Peter Bell, son of Peter Bell and Barbara Hilger of Weibern, and Anna Elisabeth Klein, daughter of Mathias Klein and Magdalena Klapperich of Hausten. [47]
- Die 13tia febr, copulati fuerunt in facie ecclesie honesti adolescentes Johannes Petrus Bell filius legitimus Petri Bell et Barbara Hilgert ex Weiberen, et Anna Elisabeth Klein filia legitima Mathia Klein et Magdalena Klapperich ex Hausten. Mathias Klein et Petrus Bell fuerunt testes.
For more discussion of her children see the entry for her husband Johann Peter Bell.
Death Records
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A civil death record from Kempenich shows the death in Weibern on 27 November 1826 of Anna Elisabetha Klein, wife of Johann Peter Bell, Ackerer (farmer). [48]
A Catholic death record in Kempenich shows the death on 27 November 1826 of Anna Elisabetha Klein, wife of Johann Peter Bell of Weibern. [49]
- 27a 9bris mortua est Anna Elisabetha Klein, uxor Joannis Petri Bell ex Weibern, omnibus moribundorum sacramentis munita, 34tum aetatis annum [?] 29a ejusdem more christiana sepulta.
Peter Bell
Family Record of Parents
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A family record in Kempenich church records shows the family of Simon Bell and Anna Maria Hartz of Hausten. Simon Bell was married 1 February 1752 to Anna Maria Hartz of Hausten. They had one son, named Peter, born 16 March 1753. The record indicates that Simon Bell died in 1754. [50]
Baptism Record
A Catholic baptism record from Rieden shows the birth on 16 March 1753 in Hausten of Peter Bell, son of Simon Bell and Anna Maria Hartz of Hausten. [51]
- Petrus Bell de Hausten. Martii 16 natus et eodem renatus est Petrus Simonis Bell et Anna Maria Hartz conjugam filius legitimus de Hausten: Petro Bell et Elisabetha Hartz Adolescentibus de Hausten.
Marriage Record
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A Catholic marriage record from Kempenich shows the marriage on 5 February 1782 of Peter Bell, son of Simon Bell and Anna Maria Hartz of Hausten, and Barbara Hilger, daughter of Paul Hilger and Christina Dürben. [52]
Family Record
A family record in Kempenich church records shows the family of Peter Bell of Hausten and Barbara Hilger of Wiebern who married on 5 February 1782. The record indicates that the couple lived in Weibern and had six children. [53]
Records of Children
A Catholic baptism record from Kempenich shows the birth on 14 November 1782 of Johannes Bell, son of Peter Bell and Barbara Hilger of Weibern. [54]
A Catholic baptism record from Kempenich shows the birth on 2 December 1783 of Anna Maria Bell, daughter of Peter Bell and Barbara Hilger of Weibern. [55]
A Catholic baptism record from Kempenich shows the birth in Weibern on 21 April 1786 of Johann Peter Bell, son of Peter Bell and Barbara Hilger of Weibern. [56]
A Catholic baptism record from Kempenich shows the birth in Weibern on 27 August 1790 of Mathias Bell, son of Peter Bell and Barbara Hilger of Weibern. [57]
A Catholic death record from Kempenich shows the death in Weibern on 27 September 1790 of Mathias Bell, son of Peter Bell and Barbara Hilger of Weibern. [58]
A Catholic baptism record from Kempenich shows the birth in Weibern on 11 May 1792 of Maria Catharina Bell, daughter of Peter Bell and Barbara Hilger of Weibern. [59]
A Catholic baptism record from Kempenich shows the birth in Weibern on 5 February 1795 of Maria Gertrud Bell, daughter of Peter Bell and Barbara Hilger of Weibern. [60]
A Catholic marriage record in Kempenich shows the marriage on 19 July 1808 of Anna Maria Bell, daughter of Peter Bell and Barbara Hilger of Weibern, and Nicholas Klein, son of Mathias Klein and Anna Maria Rausch. [61]
Death Record
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A civil death record from Kempenich, written in French (while the region was part of France and part of the French department of Rhin-et-Moselle), shows the death in Weibern on 1 October 1812 of Pierre Bell, husband of Barbara Hilger. [62]
Barbara Hilger
Family Record of Parents
A family record in Kempenich church records shows the family of Paul Hilger and Christina Durben of Weibern who were married on 26 November 1748. The record lists nine children including Barbara Hilger, born 13 November 1755. [63]
Baptism Record
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A Catholic baptism record in Kempenich shows the birth in Weibern on 13 November 1755 of Barbara Hilger, daughter of Paul Hilger and Christina Durben of Weibern. [64]
- Barbara Hilgers ex Weiberen | 13tia die mensis Novembris hora fere nonis vespertina nata et 15tia ejusdem Baptizata Levantes [?] Schumaker ex Weiberen et Barbara Durbens ex Leimbach = parentes Paulus Hilger, et Christina Durbens ex Weib[eren]
Marriage Record
- Image:Bell-21810.png
A Catholic marriage record from Kempenich shows the marriage on 5 February 1782 of Peter Bell, son of Simon Bell and Anna Maria Hartz of Hausten, and Barbara Hilger, daughter of Paul Hilger and Christina Dürben. [65]
For more discussion of her children see the entry for her husband Peter Bell.
Death Record
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A civil death record from Kempenich shows the death on 28 October 1839 of Barbara Hilger, widow of Peter Bell and daughter of Paul Hilger and Christina Durben. [66]
Mathias Klein
Family Record of Parents
A family record in the church books of Rieden shows the family of Mathias Klein and Anna Klapperich who were married on 30 April 1748. The record indicates that his parents were Peter Klein and Apollonia Nett; her parents were Johannes Klapperich and Lucia Rausch. The record indicates that Mathias Klein and Anna Klapperich had four children: Johannes Klein, born 19 February 1749; Anna Klein, born 29 January 1752; Dionysius Klein, born 11 November 1753; Matthias Klein, born 7 July 1756. [67]
Baptism Record
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A Catholic baptism record in Rieden shows the birth in Hausten on 7 July 1756 of Mathias Klein, son of Mathias Klein and Anna. [68]
- Mathias Klein ex Hausten | Julii 7ma natus et 8va renatus est Mathias, Mathias Klein et Anna conjugam in Hausten filius leg[itimus]: suscip[ient] Mathias Klein ex Waberen et Maragaretha Nett ex Morswiesen.
Family Record
A family record in the church books of Kempenich shows the family of Mathias Klein and his two wives. The record indicates that his parents were Mathias Klein and Anna Klapperich; his first wife was Anna Maria Rausch, daughter of Johannes Rausch and Catharina Rörig; they had five children; his second wife was Maria Magdalena Klapperich, widow of a Hilger in Hausten. [69]
First Marriage Record
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A Catholic marriage record in Kempenich shows the marriage on 22 January 1782 of Mathias Klein, son of Mathias Klein and Anna Klapperich, and Anna Maria Rausch, daughter of Johannes Rausch and Catharina Rörig. [70]
Second Marriage Record
- Image:Klein-4299.png
A Catholic marriage record in Kempenich shows the marriage on 22 November 1791 of widow Mathias Klein and widow Maria Magdalena Hilger, born Klapperich. The record shows that Mathias was from Weibern and Magdalena was from Hausten. [71]
- 22da Dimissus est honestus viduus Mathias Klein ex Weibern ad Plurimum reverendun Dominum Hoch Parochum in Rieden cum honesta vidua Maria Magdalena Hilger nata Klapperich ex Hausten Matrimonialiter copulandus.
Records of Children
A Catholic baptism record in Rieden shows the birth in Hausten on 25 December 1792 of Anna Elisabetha Klein, daughter of Mathias Klein and Magdalena Klapperich of Hausten [72]
A Catholic baptism record in Rieden shows the birth in Hausten on 19 July 1794 of Anna Catharina Klein, daughter of Mathias Klein and Magdalena Klapperich of Hausten. [73]
A Catholic baptism record in Rieden shows the birth in Hausten on 3 January 1797 of Johann Hubert Klein, son of Mathias Klein and Magdalena Klapperich of Hausten. [74]
A Catholic death record in Rieden shows the death in Hausten on 2 Mar 1797 of Johann Hubert Klein, son of Mathias Klein and Magdalena of Hausten. [75]
A Catholic baptism record in Rieden shows the birth in Hausten on 8 May 1798 of an unnamed son of Mathias Klein and Magdalena Klapperich of Hausten. The record seems to indicate death of the infant. [76]
Death Record of Second Wife
- Image:Klapperich-83-2.png
A civil death record, written in French, from Kempenich shows the death in Hausten on 30 March 1808 of Marie Magdalene Klapperich, wife of Mathieu Klein, 53. Her husband was a witness to her death and signed the record as Mathias Klein. [77]
Death Records
A civil death record from Kempenich shows the death in Hausten on 18 December 1816 of Mathias Klein of Hausten, Ackerman (farmer), son of Mathias Klein and widow of Magdalena Klapperich. [78]
- Image:Klein-4299-3.png
A Catholic death record in Kempenich shows the death in Hausten on 18 December 1816 of Mathias Klein, husband of Magdalena Klapperich of Hausten. [79]
Maria Magdalena Klapperich
Family Record of Parents
A family record in the church books of Kempenich shows the family of Bartholomäus Klapperich and Anna Maria Sons of Morswiesen who were married on 13 February 1759. The record indicates that Bartholomäus Klapperich was the son of Stephan Klapperich and Anna; Anna Maria Sons was the daughter of Johann Peter Sons and Anna Maria of Freitingen (this Freilingen is probably the community near Baar, located at approx. 50.3505°, 7.0615°). The record indicates that Bartholomäus Klapperich and Anna Maria Sons had four children: Maria Catharina Klapperich, born 7 August 1760; Maria Magdalena Klapperich, born 22 January 1764; Gertrud Klapperich, born 20 June 1768; Anna Catharina, born 20 December 1776. [80]
Baptism Record
- Image:Klapperich-83.png
A Catholic baptism record from Rieden shows the birth in Morswiesen on 22 January 1764 of Maria Magdalena Klapperich, daughter of Bartholomäus Klapperich and Maria. [81]
- Maria Magdalena Klapperich ex Morswiesen | Januarii 22da Januarii baptizata est fere nata Maria Magdalena Klapperich honestorum Bartholomai Klapperich et Maria nata [blank] conjugam in Morswiesen filia legitima levantibus pariter honestis Joanne Petro Müller et Maria Magdalena Klapperich adolescente ex eodem Morswiesen
First Marriage Record
A Catholic marriage record from Rieden shows the marriage on 28 April 1789 of Peter Hilger, widow and scabinus judicialis (judicial official), and Maria Magdalena Klapperich, daughter of widow Bartholomäus Klapperich and Maria. [82]
Note that baptism records in Rieden don't seem to show any children of Peter Hilger and Maria Magdalena Klapperich.
Death Record of First Husband
A Catholic death record in Rieden shows the death on 30 September 1791 of Peter Hilger. [83]
Second Marriage Record
- Image:Klein-4299.png
A Catholic marriage record in Kempenich shows the marriage on 22 November 1791 of widow Mathias Klein and widow Maria Magdalena Hilger, born Klapperich. The record shows that Mathias was from Weibern and Magdalena was from Hausten. [84]
Family Record
A family record in the church books of Kempenich shows the family of Mathias Klein and his two wives. The record indicates that his parents were Mathias Klein and Anna Klapperich; his first wife was Anna Maria Rausch, daughter of Johannes Rausch and Catharina Rörig; they had five children; his second wife was Maria Magdalena Klapperich, widow of a Hilger in Hausten. [85]
Death Record
- Image:Klapperich-83-2.png
A civil death record, written in French, from Kempenich shows the death in Hausten on 30 March 1808 of Marie Magdalene Klapperich, wife of Mathieu Klein, 53. Her husband was a witness to her death and signed the record as Mathias Klein. [86]
Simon Bell
Family Record
A family record in Kempenich church records shows of the family of Simon Bell and Anna Maria Hartz. The record indicates that Simon Bell of Hausten, son of Anton Bell and Gertrud Daub, and Anna Maria Hartz of Hausten, daughter of Peter Hartz and Margaretha Stoll, were married in 1 February 1752; that the couple had one child, Peter, born on 16 March 1753; and that Simon Bell died in 1754. [87]
Baptism Record
- Image:Bell-21869-1.png
A Catholic baptism record from Rieden shows the birth in Hausten on 1 February 1731 of Simon Bell, son of Anton Bell and Gertrud Daub. [88]
Marriage Record
A Catholic marriage record from Reiden shows the marriage on 1 February 1752 of Simon Bell, son of Anton Bell and Gertrud Daub, and Anna Maria Hartz, daughter of Peter Hartz and Margaretha Stoll. [89]
Baptism Record of Son
A Catholic baptism record from Rieden shows the birth on 16 March 1753 in Hausten of Peter Bell, son of Simon Bell and Anna Maria Hartz of Hausten. [90]
Death Record
- Image:Bell-21869-2.png
A Catholic death record from Rieden shows the death in Hausten on 17 March 1754 of Simon Bell of Hausten. [91]
Anna Maria Hartz
Family Record of Parents
A family record in Rieden church record shows the family of Peter Hertz and Margaretha Stoldt/Stohll. The record indicates that the couple had four children: Matthias Hertz, born 19 July 1709; Johannes Hertz, born 13 August 1711; Anna Maria Hertz, married first Simon Bell on 1 February 1752, married second Johannes Dieffenthal on 15 February 1757; Magdalena Hertz, born 6 April 1717. [92]
Family Record
A family record in Kempenich church records shows of the family of Simon Bell and Anna Maria Hartz. The record indicates that Simon Bell of Hausten, son of Anton Bell and Gertrud Daub, and Anna Maria Hartz of Hausten, daughter of Peter Hartz and Margaretha Stoll, were married in 1 February 1752; that the couple had one child, Peter, born on 16 March 1753; and that Simon Bell died in 1754. [93]
Baptism Record
- Image:Bell-21869-1.png
A Catholic baptism record from Rieden shows the birth in Hausten on 1 February 1731 of Simon Bell, son of Anton Bell and Gertrud Daub. [94]
First Marriage Record
A Catholic marriage record from Reiden shows the marriage on 1 February 1752 of Simon Bell, son of Anton Bell and Gertrud Daub, and Anna Maria Hartz, daughter of Peter Hartz and Margaretha Stoll. [95]
Baptism Record of Son
A Catholic baptism record from Rieden shows the birth on 16 March 1753 in Hausten of Peter Bell, son of Simon Bell and Anna Maria Hartz of Hausten. [96]
Death Record of First Husband
- Image:Bell-21869-2.png
A Catholic death record from Rieden shows the death in Hausten on 17 March 1754 of Simon Bell of Hausten. [97]
Second Marriage Record
- Image:Hartz-120.png
A marriage record from Rieden shows the marriage on 15 February 1757 of Johannes Divendahl of Wehr, son of Jacob Divendahl and Gertrud of Wehr, and "Maria Hartz vidua ex Hausten nata Bell." [98]
Family Record
A family record from Rieden shows the family of Johannes Diffenthal of Weher and Anna Maria Hartz, widow of Simon Bell. The family record shows no children of the couple. [99]
Paul Hilger
Family Record of Parents
A family record in Kempenich church records shows the family of Anton Hilger and Anna Schmid who were married on 30 January 1695. The record indicates that the couple lived in Weibern and had eleven children. [100]
Family Record
A family record in Kempenich church records shows the family of Paul Hilger from Weibern and Christina Durben from Spessart, daughter of Johannes Durben and Catharina, who were married on 26 November 1748. The record indicates that Paul was a widow of a woman named Barbara who died in 1748. The record indicates that Paul Hilger and Christina Durben lived in Weibern and had nine children. [101]
Second Marriage Record
A Catholic marriage record in Kempenich shows the marriage on 26 November 1748 of Paul Hilger, widow, of Weibern, and Christina Durben, daughter of Johannes Durben and Catharina. [102]
Death Record
- Image:Hilger-103-1.png
A Catholic death record from Kempenich shows the death on 2 April 1772 of Paul Hilger of Weibern. [103]
Christina Durben
Family Record of Parents
A family record in Kempenich church records shows the family of Johannes Durben of Lederbach and Catharina Schmits of Spessart who were married on 25 May 1719. The record indicates that the couple lived in Spessart and had ten children. [104]
The family record indicates that one of the children of Johannes Durben and Catharina Schmits was Christina Durben, born on 20 May 1725.
Family Record
A family record in Kempenich church records shows the family of Paul Hilger from Weibern and Christina Durben from Spessart, daughter of Johannes Durben and Catharina, who were married on 26 November 1748. The record indicates that Paul was a widow of a woman named Barbara who died in 1748. The record indicates that Paul Hilger and Christina Durben lived in Weibern and had nine children. [105]
Marriage Record
A Catholic marriage record in Kempenich shows the marriage on 26 November 1748 of Paul Hilger, widow, of Weibern, and Christina Durben, daughter of Johannes Durben and Catharina. [106]
Mathias Klein
Family Record of Parents
A family record in Rieden church records shows the family of Peter Klein of Hausten and his wife Apollonia Nett. The record indicates that the couple had five children: Joh. Klein, born 31 March 1709; M. Klein, born 7 July 1711; Matth. Klein, born 13 November 1718, married first A. Klapperich on 30 April 1748, married second C. Schneider on 18 October 1758; Joha. Cath. Klein, born 8 October 1721; Matth. Klein, born 30 January 1724. [107]
First Marriage Record
A Catholic marriage record from Rieden shows the marriage on 30 April 1748 of Mathias Klein, son of Peter Klein and Apollonia of Hausten, and Anna Klapperich, daughter of Johannes Klapperich and Lucia of Hausten.[108]
First Family Record
A family record in Rieden church records shows the family of Mathias Klein, son of Peter Klein and Apollonia Nett, and his wife Anna Klapperich, daughter of Johannes Klapperich and Lucia Rausch, who were married on 30 April 1748. The record indicates that they had four children: Johannes Klein, born 19 February 1749; Anna Klein, born 29 January 1752; Dionys. Klein, born 11 November 1753; Mathias Klein, born 7 July 1756. [109]
Second Marriage Record
A marriage record in Rieden shows the marriage of Mathias Klein, widow, of Hausten, and Catharina Schneider on 18 October 1758. Catharina was daughter of Peter Schneider and Catharina of Weibern (nearby village). [110]
Second Family Record
A family record in Rieden church records shows the family of Mathias Klein and Catharina Schneider who were married on 18 October 1758. The record indicates that they had nine children from 1759 to 1778. [111]
Anna Klapperich
Family Record of Parents
A family record in Rieden church records shows the family of Johannes Klapperich of Morswiessen and Lucia Rausch who were married on 10 November 1720. The record indicates that the couple had three children: Johannes Klapperich, born 24 November 1721, who married M. C. Neiss on 3 February 1750; Anna Klapperich, born 5 March 1724, who married Matth. Klein on 30 April 1748; Stefan Klapperich, who married on 27 January 1755. [112]
Marriage Record
A Catholic marriage record from Rieden shows the marriage on 30 April 1748 of Mathias Klein, son of Peter Klein and Apollonia of Hausten, and Anna Klapperich, daughter of Johannes Klapperich and Lucia of Hausten.[113]
Bartholomäus Klapperich
Note that his mother's first name is given variously as Christina, Maria and Anna.
Family Record of Parents
A family record in Rieden church records shows the family of Stefan Klapperich and Christina Toll who were married on 15 July 1731. The record shows that the couple had three children: Balthas. Klapperich, born 13 December 1736, married first A. M. Sons on 13 February 1759, married second M. C. Lohner on 21 January 1794; Magd. Klapperich, born 25 November 1738; Joh. Klapperich, born 1 February 1742, married M. A. Schüller on 20 January 1772. [114]
Baptism Record
A Catholic baptism record from Rieden shows the birth on 13 December 1736 of Bartholomäus Klapperich, son of Stephan Klapperich and Maria of Morswiesen. [115]
Marriage Record
- Image:Klapperich-641.png
A Catholic baptism record from Rieden shows the marriage on 13 February 1759 of Bartholomäus Klapperich, son of Stephan Klapperich and Anna of Morswiesen, and Anna Maria Sons, daughter of Johann Peter Sons and Anna Maria of Frielingen (this Freilingen is probably the community near Baar, located at approx. 50.3505°, 7.0615°). [116]
Family Record
A family record in the church books of Kempenich shows the family of Bartholomäus Klapperich and Anna Maria Sons of Morswiesen who were married on 13 February 1759. The record indicates that he was the son of Stephan Klapperich and Anna; she was the daughter of Johann Peter Sons and Anna Maria of Freitingen (this Freilingen is probably the community near Baar, located at approx. 50.3505°, 7.0615°). The record indicates that Bartholomäus Klapperich and Anna Maria Sons had four children: Maria Catharina Klapperich, born 7 August 1760; Maria Magdalena Klapperich, born 22 January 1764; Gertrud Klapperich, born 20 June 1768; Anna Catharina, born 20 December 1776. [117]
Anna Maria Sons
Marriage Record
- Image:Klapperich-641.png
A Catholic baptism record from Rieden shows the marriage on 13 February 1759 of Bartholomäus Klapperich, son of Stephan Klapperich and Anna of Morswiesen, and Anna Maria Sons, daughter of Johann Peter Sons and Anna Maria of Frielingen (this Freilingen is probably the community near Baar, located at approx. 50.3505°, 7.0615°). [118]
Family Record
A family record in the church books of Kempenich shows the family of Bartholomäus Klapperich and Anna Maria Sons of Morswiesen who were married on 13 February 1759. The record indicates that he was the son of Stephan Klapperich and Anna; she was the daughter of Johann Peter Sons and Anna Maria of Freitingen (this Freilingen is probably the community near Baar, located at approx. 50.3505°, 7.0615°). The record indicates that Bartholomäus Klapperich and Anna Maria Sons had four children: Maria Catharina Klapperich, born 7 August 1760; Maria Magdalena Klapperich, born 22 January 1764; Gertrud Klapperich, born 20 June 1768; Anna Catharina, born 20 December 1776. [119]
Death Record
- Image:Sons-89-1.png
There is a death record in Rieden dated 7 May 1786 that shows the death of Anna Maria, wife of Bartholomäus Klapperich of Morswiesen. [120]
- ↑ Civil birth record. Kempenich, 1824. Bestand 656.041 Nummer 55. Image 6 of 17. https://apertus.rlp.de/index.php?PLINK=1&ID=e76430d6-e756-41a5-bd7a-9264d249ed8b
- ↑ Baptism record. Kempenich church records. Film # 0082093987, image 99 of 479. https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3Q9M-CSL1-G7DY-X
- ↑ Civil marriage record. Burgbrohl, 1847. Bestand 657,424 Nummer 180. Images 33–34 of 44. https://apertus.rlp.de/index.php?PLINK=1&ID=db16c02f-15d8-4013-a086-01b26dcf7728
- ↑ Civil birth record. Burgbrohl, 1848. Bestand 657,424 Nummer 34. Image 30 of 55. https://apertus.rlp.de/index.php?PLINK=1&ID=1afa0a9c-c403-4f61-ae80-96249c357cab
- ↑ Baptism record. Burgbrohl church records. Film # 008105468, Image 87 of 673. https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3Q9M-CSJG-SS3L-F
- ↑ Civil birth record. Burgbrohl, 1850. Bestand 657,424 Nummer 36. Image 23 of 51. https://apertus.rlp.de/index.php?PLINK=1&ID=6632a55e-e1a1-4745-84d4-da5380bca5f7
- ↑ Baptism record. Burgbrohl church records. Film # 008105468, Image 94 of 673. https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3Q9M-CSJG-SS3G-G
- ↑ Civil birth record. Burgbrohl, 1852. Bestand 657,424 Nummer 38. Image 8 of 46. https://apertus.rlp.de/index.php?PLINK=1&ID=ea47ee92-b1e4-4de1-b362-c3d5b5ad9ab8
- ↑ Baptism record. Burgbrohl church records. Film # 008105468, Image 100 of 673. https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3Q9M-CSJG-SS3G-Z
- ↑ Civil birth record. Burgbrohl, 1853. Bestand 657,424 Nummer 39. Image 40 of 48. https://apertus.rlp.de/index.php?PLINK=1&ID=c4bfda87-0bf2-4433-a6b0-917296e72d16
- ↑ Baptism record. Burgbrohl church records. Film # 008105468, Image 113 of 673. https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3Q9M-CSJG-SS3L-Z
- ↑ Kurt Degen. “Zur Auswanderung des Stephan Bell aus dem Brohltal in die Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika anno 1854,” Heimatjahrbuch Kreis Ahrweiler 2008, pages 159–63.
- ↑ Naturalization record. Dane County, Wisconsin. Film # 005706936, image 591 of 1374. https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3QS7-893H-1T3K
- ↑ Land grant. General Land Office Record. ancestry.com
- ↑ Index of deeds. Iowa County, Wisconsin. Film # 008547925, image 353 of 582. https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3Q9M-C3QC-DQ9T-V
- ↑ Index of deeds. Iowa County, Wisconsin. Film # 008547925, image 353 of 582. https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3Q9M-C3QC-DQ9T-V
- ↑ Index of deeds. Iowa County, Wisconsin. Film # 008547925, image 353 of 582. https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3Q9M-C3QC-DQ9T-V
- ↑ Deed. Dane County, Wisconsin. Deed Book 62, pages 461–62. Film # 008422487, images 14–15 of 702. https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3Q9M-CS1J-8QR6-3
- ↑ Deed. Iowa County, Wisconsin. Deed Book 9, page 579. Film # 008183148, image 408 of 772. https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3Q9M-CSLS-1395
- ↑ Deed. Iowa County, Wisconsin. Deed Book 19, page 100. Film # 008549111, image 581 of 785. https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3Q9M-C3QC-PPM8
- ↑ Deed. Iowa County, Wisconsin. Deed Book 20, page 609. Film # 008197870, image 414 of 782. https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3Q9M-CSL2-6WXW-J
- ↑ Deed. Iowa County, Wisconsin. Deed Book 25, page 464. Film # 008197868, image 531 of 776. https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3Q9M-CSL2-NSMK-W
- ↑ 1870 United States Census. Iowa County, Wisconsin. https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:S3HT-635L-21
- ↑ 1880 United States Census. Lafayette County, Missouri. https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:33SQ-GYBV-JJK
- ↑ Deed. Iowa County, Wisconsin. Deed Book 36, page 584. Film # 008198343, image 547 of 788. https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3Q9M-CSL2-F936-4
- ↑ Findagrave entry. https://www.findagrave.com/memorial/106257142
- ↑ Baptism record. Kempenich church records. Film # 007946526, image 329 of 609. https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3Q9M-CSZL-2SD7-H
- ↑ Civil marriage record. Kempenich, 1810. Bestand 656,041 Nummer 41. Image 10 of 51. https://apertus.rlp.de/index.php?PLINK=1&ID=15449e36-9422-4b9f-abe1-9b968cac813d
- ↑ Marriage record. Kempenich church records. Film # 008209387, image 161 of 479. https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3Q9M-CSL1-G7DR-9
- ↑ Civil birth record. Kempenich, 1816. Bestand 656,041 Nummer 47. Image 29 of 66. https://apertus.rlp.de/index.php?PLINK=1&ID=5cddad99-0a9f-4481-8986-e60722ae7e5b
- ↑ Baptism record. Kempenich church records. Film # 008209387, image 63 of 479. https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3Q9M-CSL1-G76S-R
- ↑ Civil birth record. Kempenich, 1818. Bestand 656,041 Nummer 49. Image 13 of 19. https://apertus.rlp.de/index.php?PLINK=1&ID=11bbf140-380f-4141-92cf-98c40a1a8f74
- ↑ Baptism record. Kempenich church records. Film # 008209387, image 69 of 479. https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3Q9M-CSL1-G7DT-D
- ↑ Civil birth record. Kempenich, 1821. Bestand 656,041 Nummer 52. Image 7 of 20. https://apertus.rlp.de/index.php?PLINK=1&ID=15e02c7e-f3d5-471f-b996-6aa97508a8d3
- ↑ Baptism record. Kempenich church records. Film # 008209387, image 84 of 479. https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3Q9M-CSL1-G7D1-7
- ↑ Civil birth record. Kempenich, 1824. Bestand 656.041 Nummer. 55. Image 6 of 17. https://apertus.rlp.de/index.php?PLINK=1&ID=e76430d6-e756-41a5-bd7a-9264d249ed8b
- ↑ Baptism record. Kempenich church records. Film # 0082093987, image 99 of 479. https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3Q9M-CSL1-G7DY-X
- ↑ Civil birth record. Kempenich, 1826. Bestand 656,041 Nummer 57. Image 14 of 26. https://apertus.rlp.de/index.php?PLINK=1&ID=a93aaaa5-35a4-42d2-a41a-a4aa5c4e2926
- ↑ Baptism record. Kempenich church records. Film # 008209387, image 113 of 479. https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3Q9M-CSL1-G7DY-K
- ↑ Civil death record. Kempenich, 1826. Bestand 656,041 Nummer 83. Image 14 of 19. https://apertus.rlp.de/index.php?PLINK=1&ID=3aad3713-49f0-455e-b607-69e795afce61
- ↑ Death record. Kempenich church records. Film # 008209387, image 250 of 479. https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3Q9M-CSL1-G7DJ-J
- ↑ Civil death record. Kempenich, 1827. Bestand 656,041 Nummer 86. Image 7 of 21. https://apertus.rlp.de/index.php?PLINK=1&ID=c2080a26-2b47-481e-8c1c-036dda456dcf
- ↑ Death record. Kempenich church records. Film # 008209387, image 251 of 479. https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3Q9M-CSL1-G7DH-7
- ↑ Civil death record. Kempenich, 1835. Bestand 657,399 Nummer 242. Image 17 of 21. https://apertus.rlp.de/index.php?PLINK=1&ID=53106a8b-d946-459c-ad0e-d9f2a52087df
- ↑ Baptism record. Rieden church records. Film # 007947685, image 426 of 529. https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3Q9M-CSZT-D3M2-2
- ↑ Civil marriage record. Kempenich, 1810. Bestand 656,041 Nummer 41. Image 10 of 51. https://apertus.rlp.de/index.php?PLINK=1&ID=15449e36-9422-4b9f-abe1-9b968cac813d
- ↑ Marriage record. Kempenich church records. Film # 008209387, image 161 of 479. https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3Q9M-CSL1-G7DR-9
- ↑ Civil death record. Kempenich, 1826. Bestand 656,041 Nummer 83. Image 14 of 19. https://apertus.rlp.de/index.php?PLINK=1&ID=3aad3713-49f0-455e-b607-69e795afce61
- ↑ Death record. Kempenich church records. Film # 008209387, image 250 of 479. https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3Q9M-CSL1-G7DJ-J
- ↑ Family record. Kempenich church records. Film # 008343850, image 268 of 628. https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3Q9M-CSTY-Q9PN-M
- ↑ Baptism record of Peter Bell. Rieden church records. Film # 007947685, image 354 of 529. https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3Q9M-CSZT-D3MG-T
- ↑ Marriage record. Kempenich church records. Film # 007946526, image 380 of 609. https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3Q9M-CSZL-2S82-M
- ↑ Family record. Kempenich church records. Film # 008343850, image 435 of 628. https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3Q9M-CSTY-Q95R-D
- ↑ Baptism record. Kempenich church records. Film # 007946526, image 315 of 609. https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3Q9M-CSZL-2SDY-C
- ↑ Baptism record. Kempenich church records. Film # 007946526, image 320 of 609. https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3Q9M-CSZL-2SDH-J
- ↑ Baptism record. Kempenich church records. Film # 007946526, image 329 of 609. https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3Q9M-CSZL-2SD7-H
- ↑ Baptism record. Kempenich church records. Film # 007946526, image 349 of 609. https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3Q9M-CSZL-2S8Y-Z
- ↑ Death record. Kempenich church records. Film # 007946526, image 432 of 609. https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3Q9M-CSZL-2S8G-G
- ↑ Baptism record. Kempenich church records. Film # 007946526, image 355 of 609. https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3Q9M-CSZL-2SD9-J
- ↑ Baptism record. Kempenich church records. Film # 007946526, image 363 of 609. https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3Q9M-CSZL-2SD3-M
- ↑ Marriage record. Kempenich church records. Film # 008209387, image 159 of 479. https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3Q9M-CSL1-G7DV-V
- ↑ Civil death record. Kempenich, 1812. Bestand 656,041 Nummer 43. Image 29 of 42. https://apertus.rlp.de/index.php?PLINK=1&ID=42cc7f61-255e-4a10-95fe-95b69670a1ab
- ↑ Family record. Kempenich church records. Film # 008343850. Image 249 of 628. https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3Q9M-CSTY-Q9PG-T
- ↑ Baptism record. Kempenich church records. Film # 007946526, image 95 of 609. https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3Q9M-CSZL-2SXN-C
- ↑ Marriage record. Kempenich church records. Film # 007946526, image 380 of 609. https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3Q9M-CSZL-2S82-M
- ↑ Death record. Kempenich, 1839. Bestand 657,399 Nummer 246. Image 13 of 19. https://apertus.rlp.de/index.php?PLINK=1&ID=7fa27a84-935e-439c-9860-00e85810858b
- ↑ Family record. Rieden church records. Film # 007947158, image 77 of 425. https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3Q9M-CSZ5-59ZT-M
- ↑ Baptism record. Rieden church records of Rieden. Film # 007947685, image 357 of 529. https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3Q9M-CSZT-D3SM-X
- ↑ Family record. Kempenich church records. Film # 008343850, image 329 of 628. https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3Q9M-CSTY-Q9RQ-S
- ↑ Marriage record. Kempenich church records. Film # 007946526, image 380 of 609. https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3Q9M-CSZL-2S82-M
- ↑ Marriage record. Kempenich church records. Film # 007946526, image 395 of 609. https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3Q9M-CSZL-2S8D-T
- ↑ Baptism record. Rieden church records. Film # 007947685, image 426 of 529. https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3Q9M-CSZT-D3M2-2
- ↑ Baptism record. Rieden church records. Film # 007947685, image 431 of 529. https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3Q9M-CSZT-D3MR-1
- ↑ Baptism record. Rieden church records. Film # 007947685, image 436 of 529. https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3Q9M-CSZT-D3M5-F
- ↑ Death record. Rieden church records. Film # 007947685, image 519 of 529. https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3Q9M-CSZT-D3SX-C
- ↑ Baptism record. Rieden church records. Film # 007947685, image 441 of 529. https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3Q9M-CSZT-D39M-C
- ↑ Civil death record. Kempenich, 1808. Bestand 656,041 Nummer 39. Image 25 of 55. https://apertus.rlp.de/index.php?PLINK=1&ID=2b4a9331-9342-4c07-ab12-10b1041e2c04
- ↑ Civil death record. Kempenich, 1816. Bestand 656,041 Nummer 47. Images 62–63 of 66. https://apertus.rlp.de/index.php?PLINK=1&ID=5cddad99-0a9f-4481-8986-e60722ae7e5b
- ↑ Death record. Kempenich church records. Film # 008209387, image 217 of 479. https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3Q9M-CSL1-G7DD-Z
- ↑ Family record. Kempenich church records. Film # 008343850, image 494 of 628. https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3Q9M-CSTY-Q9RS-X
- ↑ Baptism record. Rieden church records. Film # 007947685, image 369 of 529. https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3Q9M-CSZT-D39H-T
- ↑ Marriage record. Rieden church records. Film # 007947685, image 477 of 529. https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3Q9M-CSZT-D3SL-M
- ↑ Death record. Rieden church records. Film # 007947685, image 512 of 529. https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3Q9M-CSZT-D33D-D
- ↑ Marriage record. Kempenich church records. Film # 007946526, image 395 of 609. https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3Q9M-CSZL-2S8D-T
- ↑ Family record. Kempenich church records. Film # 008343850, image 329 of 628. https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3Q9M-CSTY-Q9RQ-S
- ↑ Civil death record. Kempenich, 1808. Bestand 656,041 Nummer 39. Image 25 of 55. https://apertus.rlp.de/index.php?PLINK=1&ID=2b4a9331-9342-4c07-ab12-10b1041e2c04
- ↑ Family record. Kempenich church records. Film # 008343850, image 268 of 628. https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3Q9M-CSTY-Q9PN-M
- ↑ Baptism record. Rieden church records. Film # 007947685, image 333 of 529. https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3Q9M-CSZT-D39V-K
- ↑ Marriage record. Rieden church records. Film # 007947685, image 456 of 529. https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3Q9M-CSZT-D33Q-M
- ↑ Baptism record of Peter Bell. Rieden church records. Film # 007947685, image 354 of 529. https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3Q9M-CSZT-D3MG-T
- ↑ Death record. Rieden church records. Film # 007947685, image 492 of 529. https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3Q9M-CSZT-D3SV-D
- ↑ Family record. Rieden church records. Film # 007947158, image 58 of 425. https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3Q9M-CSZ5-59ZB-J
- ↑ Family record. Kempenich church records. Film # 008343850, image 268 of 628. https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3Q9M-CSTY-Q9PN-M
- ↑ Baptism record. Rieden church records. Film # 007947685, image 333 of 529. https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3Q9M-CSZT-D39V-K
- ↑ Marriage record. Rieden church records. Film # 007947685, image 456 of 529. https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3Q9M-CSZT-D33Q-M
- ↑ Baptism record of Peter Bell. Rieden church records. Film # 007947685, image 354 of 529. https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3Q9M-CSZT-D3MG-T
- ↑ Death record. Rieden church records. Film # 007947685, image 492 of 529. https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3Q9M-CSZT-D3SV-D
- ↑ Marriage record. Rieden church records. Film # 007947685, image 457 of 529. https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3Q9M-CSZT-D33S-G
- ↑ Family records. Rieden church records. Film # 007947158, image 48 of 425. https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3Q9M-CSZ5-598S-J
- ↑ Family record. Kempenich church records. Film # 008343850, image 138 of 628. https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3Q9M-CSTY-Q9P5-L
- ↑ Family record. Kempenich church records. Film # 008343850. Image 249 of 628. https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3Q9M-CSTY-Q9PG-T
- ↑ Marriage record. Kempenich church records. Film # 007946526, image 175 of 609. https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3Q9M-CSZL-2S6Q-4
- ↑ Death record. Kempenich church records. Film # 007946526, image 282 of 609. https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3Q9M-CSZL-2SDP-2
- ↑ Family record. Kempenich church records. Film # 008343850, image 202 of 628. https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3Q9M-CSTY-Q957-Z
- ↑ Family record. Kempenich church records. Film # 008343850. Image 249 of 628. https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3Q9M-CSTY-Q9PG-T
- ↑ Marriage record. Kempenich church records. Film # 007946526, image 175 of 609. https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3Q9M-CSZL-2S6Q-4
- ↑ Family record. Rieden church records. Film # 007947158, image 77of 425. https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3Q9M-CSZ5-59ZL-V
- ↑ Marriage record. Rieden church records. Film # 007947685, image 455 of 529. https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3Q9M-CSZT-D33L-Q
- ↑ Family record. Rieden church records. Film # 007947158, image 78 of 425. https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3Q9M-CSZ5-59ZT-M
- ↑ Marriage record. Rieden church records. Film # 007947685, image 458 of 529. https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3Q9M-CSZT-D3SY-8
- ↑ Family record. Rieden church records. Film # 007947158, image 79 of 425. https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3Q9M-CSZ5-59Z5-J
- ↑ Family record. Reiden church records. Film # 007947158, image 71 of 425. https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3Q9M-CSZ5-59ZR-Z
- ↑ Marriage record. Rieden church records. Film # 007947685, image 455 of 529. https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3Q9M-CSZT-D33L-Q
- ↑ Family record. Rieden church records. Film # 007947158, image 71 of 425. https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3Q9M-CSZ5-59ZR-Z
- ↑ Baptism record. Rieden church records. Film # 007947685, image 338 of 529. https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3Q9M-CSZT-D3MP-Y
- ↑ Marriage record. Rieden church records. Film # 007947685, image 458 of 529. https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3Q9M-CSZT-D3SY-8
- ↑ Family record. Kempenich church records. Film # 008343850, image 494 of 628. https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3Q9M-CSTY-Q9RS-X
- ↑ Marriage record. Rieden church records. Film # 007947685, image 458 of 529. https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3Q9M-CSZT-D3SY-8
- ↑ Family record. Kempenich church records. Film # 008343850, image 494 of 628. https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3Q9M-CSTY-Q9RS-X
- ↑ Death record. Rieden church records. Film # 007947685, image 507 of 529. https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3Q9M-CSZT-D3SF-V
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