
Bella Mae Dunavan

Privacy Level: Public (Green)
Date: 24 Jul 2019 [unknown]
Location: Spokane, Spokane, Washington, United Statesmap
This page has been accessed 68 times.

Biography: Bella Mae Dunavan a German Shepherd was born on the 24th of July in 2019. She lived on a farm most of her first year of life. She enjoyed playing with all the animals there including the chickens which didn't work out so well. They couldn't keep her so she came to live with me. She came to live with me on July 14th 2020 on my birthday and 10 days before her 1st birthday. When I got her she was house trained really well but other than that was working on the command sit and nothing else. It took a bit for her to get used to us, but now she has learned a lot, and has come a long way. She is really good at her service dog duties.

Favorites: Salmon Treats lots of treats: Bacon Strips, Blueberry Bacon Bones, Milk Bones, Rib bones (specifically rib because others she demolishes to fast) watermelon and cheese. Digging and rolling in piles of snow, Trips in the car, Belly Rubbings

Dislikes: Most fruit unless it is smushed up, Being told to sit, wait, or no

Memories: 5
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The first time she went to the groomers she walked in so cheerfully and excited until she saw the bath tub. Once she saw that it was all over she dug in her heels and had to be manhandled.
posted 2 Oct 2022 by Alicia Dunavan   [thank Alicia]
One time she went into time out and wasn't happy about it. Her food dish was in there and she threw a fit taking the bowl and hitting it across the bars like a metal cup on jail bars, and threw her food clear across the room.
posted 2 Oct 2022 by Alicia Dunavan   [thank Alicia]
Because she was getting used to us she hadn't made much noise. We didn't know she had a voice. One night mom came into check on us as she heard a noise. When she got to the door Bella went into full guard dog mode flew off the bed at mom and was barking. Once she realized it was mom her ears went down like sorry I didn't mean to I didn't know it was you.
posted 2 Oct 2022 by Alicia Dunavan   [thank Alicia]
When we first got her she wasn't used to us, the house, the rules, and missed her old family so she tore stuff apart. Thankfully it didn't last long.
posted 2 Oct 2022 by Alicia Dunavan   [thank Alicia]
When she came to us we were told the dog food brand they used, we tried it for a bit but her tummy didn't seem to really agree with it so we started eliminating ingredients and found she has allergies to chicken and an intolerance to beef. The chicken allergy frustrates her. It also makes finding treats and food a little more difficult because a bunch of the beef treats contain chicken.
posted 2 Oct 2022 by Alicia Dunavan   [thank Alicia]
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