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Surnames/tags: Berlin Germany
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Berlin, Germany/Berlin, Deutschland

This page was created to offer a place to collaborate on Berlin research. You can ask questions in the comments below or offer suggestions on new resources to attach to our resources list.

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Overview of Berlin

Flag and Coat of Arms:
City-State of the Federal Republic of Germany: 3 Oct 1990
English: Berlin
German: Berlin
Berlin location in Germany
Both the capital city of Germany and a state of the country, Berlin is also its largest city by both area and population. Since reunification on 3 October 1990, Berlin has been one of the three city states in Germany among the present 16 states of Germany. It is surrounded by the state of Brandenburg.


Coordinates: 52°31′00″N 13°23′20″E


Getting its start in the 13th century and according to some new archaeological findings maybe earlier, Berlin has seen a lot of history. It has always been a political power center it seems. Under Albert I, the Bear, it became a Margrave. In the 14th century it was the center of the city league of the mark of Brandenburg (founded in 1308) and joined the Hanseatic League of northern German towns. In 1411 Baron Frederick VI took control and its tenure under the Hohenzollerns lasted until the end of the 15th Century. It passed to Prussia under Frederick III, who was crowned Prussian King Frederick I and he made it his royal city. 1806-1808 it was under Napoleon’s control. In the 1800s it saw a series of uprisings driven from the working classes. Under Otto von Bismark it was the German Empire’s capital city. It was also Hitler’s capital. After WWII the city was divided with the Berlin Wall separating the Soviet areas from those of the French, British, and American Areas. In November of 1989 the Wall came down with the last sections being removed the summer of 1991 reuniting the city. Berlin is both a city state and the capital of the country of Germany today.


A fusion of history, museums, arts, entertainment, politics, all wrapped up in a modern city. Cuisine features pork, goose, cucumbers, potatoes, and beans.

Research Help and Regional Resources

Online Resource Compilations

Vital Records

Archive Berlin
Evangelisches Zentralarchiv
Bethaniendamm 29
10997 Berlin
Tel.: (030) 22 50 45 - 20
Fax: (030) 22 50 45 - 40
Protestant Church Office:
Evangelisches Zentralarchiv
Jebensstr 3, 10623 Berlin
Telephone: 030-31001-107
Catholic Church Office:
Bistumsarchiv Berlin
Gotzstr 65, 12099 Berlin
Telephone: 030-757989-0

Religious Facilities


Local Cemeteries


Colleges and Universities

They often have local records and have professors who are versed in local lore so can be a wonderful resource and many are multilingual.

Local Phone Books

Local Genealogy Groups

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Translation Aides

In Germany a number of different written languages and dialects were used. Below are some links to sites which may help you with old documents.

This is an active Germany Project page with up-to-date information.
Last updated by Traci Thiessen: 19 Jul 2022

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