Location: [unknown]
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Alfred Wainwright was a prolific writer. Here is a more complete bibliography of his works:
- Small-format walking guidebooks
- A Pictorial Guide to the Lakeland Fells:
- Book One: The Eastern Fells (1955)
- Book Two: The Far Eastern Fells (1957)
- Book Three: The Central Fells (1958)
- Book Four: The Southern Fells (1960)
- Book Five: The Northern Fells (1962)
- Book Six: The North Western Fells (1964)
- Book Seven: The Western Fells (1966)
- Pennine Way Companion (1968)
- Walks in Limestone Country (1970)
- Walks on the Howgill Fells (1972)
- A Coast to Coast Walk (1973)
- The Outlying Fells of Lakeland (1974)
- Walks from Ratty (1978)
- Old Roads of Eastern Lakeland (1985)
- A Pictorial Guide to the Lakeland Fells:
- Large-format guidebooks, illustrated with colour photographs
- Fellwalking with Wainwright, photographs by Derry Brabbs (1984)
- Wainwright on the Pennine Way, photographs by Derry Brabbs (1985)
- Wainwright's Coast to Coast Walk, photographs by Derry Brabbs (1987)
- Wainwright in Scotland, photographs by Derry Brabbs (1988)
- Wainwright on the Lakeland Mountain Passes, photographs by Derry Brabbs (1989)
- Wainwright in the Limestone Dales, photographs by Ed Gelgard (1991)
- Wainwright's Favourite Lakeland Mountains, photographs by Derry Brabbs (1991, posthumously)
- Wainwright in the Valleys of Lakeland, photographs by Derry Brabbs (1992, posthumously)
- Local history books
- Westmorland Heritage (1975)
- Autobiographical works
- Fellwanderer: The Story Behind the Guidebooks (1966)
- A Pennine Journey: The Story of a Long Walk in 1938 (1986)
- Ex-Fellwanderer (1987)
- Books of drawings
- Lakeland Sketchbooks:
- A Lakeland Sketchbook (1969)
- A Second Lakeland Sketchbook (1970)
- A Third Lakeland Sketchbook (1971)
- A Fourth Lakeland Sketchbook (1972)
- A Fifth Lakeland Sketchbook (1973)
- Scottish Mountain Drawings:
- Volume One: The Northern Highlands (1974)
- Volume Two: The North-Western Highlands (1976)
- Volume Three: The Western Highlands (1976)
- Volume Four: The Central Highlands (1977)
- Volume Five: The Eastern Highlands (1978)
- Volume Six: The Islands (1979)
- A Dales Sketchbook (1976)
- Kendal in the 19th Century (1977)
- A Second Dales Sketchbook (1978)
- A Furness Sketchbook (1978)
- A Second Furness Sketchbook (1979)
- Three Westmorland Rivers (1979)
- A Lune Sketchbook (1980)
- A Ribble Sketchbook (1980)
- An Eden Sketchbook (1980)
- Lakeland Mountain Drawings:
- Volume One (1980)
- Volume Two (1981)
- Volume Three (1982)
- Volume Four (1983)
- Volume Five (1984)
- A Bowland Sketchbook (1981)
- Welsh Mountain Drawings (1981)
- A Wyre Sketchbook (1982)
- A North Wales Sketchbook (1982)
- A South Wales Sketchbook (1983)
- A Peak District Sketchbook (1984)
- Lakeland Sketchbooks:
- Books of photographs
- Fellwalking with a Camera (1988)
- Maps
- Map of Westmorland (1974)
- Antiquarian Map of Cumbria (1980)
- Original illustrations, maps and forewords in other books
- Inside the Real Lakeland by A. Harry Griffin (1961)
- In Mountain Lakeland by A. Harry Griffin (1963)
- Annual Accounts of Southern Lakes and Lune Water Board (1963–1973)
- Scratch and Co by Molly Lefebure (1968)
- The Hunting of Wilberforce Pike by Molly Lefebure (1970)
- Across Northern Hills by Geoffrey Berry (1975)
- The Plague Dogs by Richard Adams (1977)
- Guide to the View from Scafell Pike by Chris Jesty (1978)
- My Favourite Stories of Lakeland by Melvyn Bragg (1981)
- Climbing at Wasdale Before the First World War by George S Sansom (1982)
- A Naturalist’s Guide to Lakeland Waterfalls Throughout the Year by Mary Welsh (1985)
- Lakeland 50 Years Ago by Kenneth Shepherd (1989)
- Books and maps comprising previously published material
- Wainwright in Lakeland (1983)
- Memoirs of a Fellwanderer (1993)
- Wainwright’s Lakeland, photographs by Derry Brabbs (1994)
- Wainwright Maps of the Lakeland Fells:
- Map One: The Eastern Fells (1997)
- Map Two: The Far Eastern Fells (1997)
- Map Three: The Central Fells (1999)
- Map Four: The Southern Fells (1996)
- Map Five: The Northern Fells (1999)
- Map Six: The North Western Fells (1996)
- Map Seven: The Western Fells (1998)
- Seven Favourite Fellwalks compiled by Michael Joseph Ltd (1996)
- The Best of Wainwright compiled by Hunter Davis (2004)
- Wainwright’s TV Walks introduced by Eric Robson (2007)
- Twelve Favourite Mountains compiled by Frances Lincoln Ltd (2007)
- Wainwright: The Podcasts compiled by Frances Lincoln Ltd (2008)
- Wainwright Family Walks: Vol. 1: The Southern Fells edited by Tom Holman (2012)
- Family Walks in the Lake District: Vol. 2: The Northern Fells edited by Tom Holman (2013)
- Books based on Wainwright’s life and work
- Combined Indexes to A Wainwright’s Pictorial Guides to the Lakeland Fells compiled by John M Turner (1982)
- Sue Lawley’s Desert Island Discussions by Sue Lawley (1990)
- A Companion to Wainwright’s Pictorial Guides to the Lakeland Fells compiled by Joan Newsome (1992)
- Wainwright's Tour in the Lake District (1993), photographs by Ed Gelgard
- The Official Wainwright Gazetteer compiled by Peter Linney (1993)
- The Walkers Log Book: Volume One compiled by Michael Joseph Ltd (1993)
- The Walkers Log Book: Volume Two compiled by Michael Joseph Ltd (1993)
- For Those Who Love the Hills compiled by William F Dyer (1994)
- Wainwright – The Biography by Hunter Davis (1995)
- The Wainwright Memorial Walk compiled by Michael Joseph Ltd (1998)
- After Wainwright by Eric Robson (2003)
- Wainwright: The Man Who Loved the Lakes by Martin Wainwright (2007)
- In the Footprints of Wainwright by Derry Brabbs (2007)
- Wainwright: His Life from Milltown to Mountain by WR Mitchell (2009)
- Wainwright’s Lost Tour by Ed Geldard (2010)
- A Pennine Journey: From Settle to Hadrian's Wall in Wainwright's Footsteps edited by David Pitt (2010)
- The Wainwright Letters edited by Hunter Davis (2011)
- Behind the Scenes with Wainwright: A Publisher's Perspective of a Reluctant Celebrity by Andrew Nichol (2012)
- The Wainwright Companion by Clive Hutchby, photographs by Sean McMahon (2012)
In addition to the above works, many other books contain previously-published illustrations by Wainwright, or whose subject matter has been inspired by his life and works.
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