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Evelyn Waugh was a prolific writer. Here is a more complete bibliography of his works:
- Early writing (1910-1923)
- Novels
- Decline and Fall (1928)
- Vile Bodies (1930)
- Black Mischief (1932)
- A Handful of Dust (1934)
- Scoop (1938)
- My Father's House (1939)
- Work Suspended (1939)
- Put Out More Flags (1942)
- Brideshead Revisited (1945)
- The Loved One (1948)
- Helena (1950)
- Love Among the Ruins (1953)
- Officers and Gentlemen (1955)
- The Ordeal of Gilbert Pinfold (1957)
- Unconditional Surrender (1961)
- Sword of Honour trilogy (1965)
- Short Fiction
- The Balance (1925)
- A House of Gentlefolks (1927)
- The Manager of the Kremlin (1930)
- Love in the Slump (1932)
- Too Much Tolerance (1932)
- Excursion in Reality (1932)
- Incident in Azania (1932)
- Bella Fleace Gave a Party (1932)
- Cruise (1933)
- The Man Who Liked Dickens (1933)
- Out of Depth (1933)
- By Special Request (1934)
- Period Piece (1934)
- Mr Loveday's Little Outing (1935)
- Winner Takes All (1936)
- An Englishman's Home (1938)
- The Sympathetic Passenger (1939)
- Charles Ryder's Schooldays (1945)
- Scott-King's Modern Europe (1946)
- Tactical Exercise (1947)
- Compassion (1949)
- Basil Seal Rides Again (1962)
- Travel Writing
- Labels (1930) - Mediterranean
- Remote People (1931)
- Ninety Two Days (1934) - British Guiana & Brazil
- Waugh in Abyssinia (1936)
- Robbery Under Law (1939) - Mexico
- When the Going Was Good (1946)
- The Holy Places (1952)
- A Tourist in Africa (1960)
- Biography and Autobiography
- Rossetti: His Life and Works (1928)
- Edmund Campion: Jesuit and Martyr (1935)
- The Life of the Right Reverend Ronald Knox (1959)
- A Little Learning - autobiography (1964)
- The Letters of Evelyn Waugh (1914-1965)
- The Diaries of Evelyn Waugh (1919-1965)
Evelyn Waugh's works on Wikipedia
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