Location: Bloomfield, Kings Co., New Brunswick

Surnames/tags: new-brunswick cemeteries
Big Rock Cemetery is located on a tip of land projecting into the Kennebecasis River in Norton Parish, Kings County, New Brunswick. It is situated in the community of Bloomfield, about 10 km to northeast of the town of Hampton at 20-56 Bloomfield Station Road. Some sites list the cemetery as being in the village of Norton, which is 9 km to the northeast.
Beside the cemetery is one of New Brunswick's few remaining covered bridges, which sports a sign reading "Bloomfield Creek 1917". Christ Church of the Anglican Parish of Central Kings and its associated cemetery is located 200 m to the north. The cemetery is bounded on the northeast by the Bloomfield Station Road, which borders the river, on the south by wetlands associated with the river and on the west by presumed private property. A road situated just north of the property leads into the private property; its civil number is 56.
The treed northern portion and highest point of the cemetery sports a large rock adorned with a sign reading "Big Rock Cemetery 1803". Nearby are several old gravestones and a few recent ones.
Find A Grave has very little information but states that it is 71% photographed. BillionGraves has 7 records and 4 images. RootsWeb provides transcriptions grouped by family name of presumably all the graves at Big Rock Cemetery.
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