
Notable Romance Authors

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Date: [unknown] [unknown]
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Surname/tag: Notables
Profile manager: David Randall private message [send private message]
This page has been accessed 663 times.


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Note: If the final column in the below table is empty, it means that the Notable was already connected to the Global Tree at the time of this project began.

Notable Photograph Birth Death Home Country Notable Work CC7 Connection Status
William Shakespeare 1564 1616 England Romeo and Juliet 693 Connected
Charles Perault 1628 1703 France Cinderella 0Not Connected
Jane Austen 1775 1817 England Pride and Prejudice6562 Connected
Victor Hugo 1802 1889 France The Hunchback of Notre Dame 212 Connected
Natahniel Hawthorne 1804 1864 United States The Scarlett Letter 8392 Connected
Charlotte Brontë 1816 1856 England Jane Eyre 421 Connected
Emily Brontë 1818 1848 England Wuthering Heights 381 Connected
Gustave Flaubert 1821 1880 France Madame Bovary 174 Connected
Leo Tolstoy 1828 1910 Russia Anna Karenina 271 Connected
D.H. Lawrence 1885 1930 England Lady Chatterley's Lover 326 Connected
Boris Pasternak 1890 1960 Russian Dr. Zhivago 122 Connected
Margaret Mitchell 1900 1949 United States Gone with the Wind 1049 Connected
Barbara Cartland 1901 2000 England The Queen of Modern Romance 3519 Connected
Georgette Heyer 1902 1974 England Regency Romances 141 Connected
Eleanor Hibbert 1906 1993 England The Tudor Sagas 130 Connected
John Fowles 1926 2005 England The French Lieutenants Woman 313 Connected
Judith Krantz 1928 2019 United States Scruples 28 Connected*
Colleen McCullough 1937 2015 Australia The Thorn Birds 35 Connected
Jackie Collins 1937 2015 England Hollywood Wives 69 Connected
Beatrice Small 1937 2015 United States The Kadin 24 Connected
Janet Dailey 1944 2013 England Harlequin Americana Series677 Connected*
Julie Garwood 1944 2023 United States For the Roses 93 Connected*
Penelope Halsall 1946 2011 England Penny Jordan Romance Novels 13 Not Connected
Jude Deveraux 1947 Living United States A Girl From Summer Hill 2499 Connected*
Danielle Steel 1947 Living United States The Promise 160 Connected
Nora Roberts 1950 Living United States The Witness 83 Connected
Diana Gabaldon 1952Living United States Outlander Series 91 Connected*
E.L. James 1963 Living England 50 Shades of Grey 0 Not Connected
Nicholas Sparks 1965 Living United States The Notebook 114 Connected*

Images: 1
Romance Novel
Romance Novel

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Comments: 12

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Bertrice Small (Williams-135780) is connected.
posted by JoAnn (Bianchi) Brown
Great job JoAnn! Glad to see people are still visiting this site.
posted by David Randall
How do we add authors to this list? Also…some of the authors here should NOT be classified as Romance authors.
posted by Deb (Jackson) Stover
The term "Romance Author" is subjective, but didn't really become a recognized genre until Barbara Cartland came along. Those who came before her would not typically be considered "romance authors" but they did each write at least one well-known romantic tale. That qualified them for the purposes of our February Bingo challenge and accompanying YouTube hour, in which we discussed the development of the "romance novel" over time.

If you have names you'd like to see added to the table, just post another message with their names and we can get them added.

posted by David Randall
Now, just waiting for the Profile Manager to link the parents of Nicholas Sparks and he will be connected.
posted by Judith Fry
edited by Judith Fry
Nichlos Sparks' parents have been attached.
I am just waiting on the Profile Manager to link her parents and Diana Gabaldon will be connected.
posted by Judith Fry
The connection has been made. Thanks Judith!
posted by David Randall
I am more of a Jantte oke fan myself I just love her books. Oke-25
posted on Notables Romance Authors (merged) by Chris Wine
I have added Colleen McCullough to the list. She is connected, but is in much need of a bio makeover.
posted on Notables Romance Authors (merged) by David Randall
Aussie Colleen McCullough - The Thorn Birds Colleen Margaretta (McCullough) Robinson AO (1937-2015)
posted on Notables Romance Authors (merged) by Amanda Myers
She would be a great addition to the table above! Would you like to add her?
posted on Notables Romance Authors (merged) by Sandy (Craig) Patak