- Profile
- Images
Location: [unknown]
Bio Check examines biographies to identify profiles that might be unsourced, that are marked unsourced, or that have style issues. It is intended as an aid in finding profiles that might qualify as Unsourced, and can also be used to find profiles with style issues.
Style issues are noted by examining the biography based on Biography Styles and Standards.
Profiles that are already marked as Unsourced can also be found via the Data Doctors Report, which is updated weekly or via the Unsourced Profiles Category.
To understand what might qualify as Unsourced, see WikiTree Sources FAQ and Pre-1700 Profiles Cite Reliable Sources.
Before adding an {{Unsourced}} Research Note Box, the profile should be examined.
On a laptop/desktop, hover over the name of the input field for tips.
Using Bio Check
When you are not logged in to the WikiTree apps, the first screen has the option to login or to use the app without logging in. You must be logged in to check any profiles that you manage that have a private biography or to check your watchlist. Log in using the same username and password that you use for WikiTree.
To use Bio Check, specify what to check, how to check, then control the operation and monitor progress.
Enter information specifying what to check and how to check in the box at the top portion of the window. The left side of the window is what to check and the right side is how to check and report. Buttons let you control the operation.
Specify what to check
Start by specifying How to find profiles, which is a dropdown menu with the options listed below. Depending on the option you select, the criteria used for what to check differ. Supply the criteria for what to check as follows:
- Check Profile - find profiles using a WikiTree Id
- Profile - enter the WikiTree Id to check. For example, use Doe-100 for John Doe.
- Ancestor generations - enter the number of generations of ancestors to check for the profile.
- Descendant generations - enter the number of generations of descendants to check for the profile.
- Number of degrees of connection to check - enter number of degrees of connection to check. This will check all relatives (parents, spouses, children, siblings) for the profile. This can apply to all profiles or only to those profiles that have source or style issues. Each degree will check the relatives of all previously checked profiles. This can grow exponentially and is limited to 3 unless you are checking all connections.
- Check connections for all profiles - select to check all connected profiles. When selected, all profiles will be checked; otherwise, only unsourced profiles or profiles with style issues will be checked. Profiles will be checked for the number of degrees specified or until a maximum number of profiles is reached.
- Max profiles to report - enter the maximum number of profiles to report. The check will complete when all profiles have been examined or this many profiles have been found to report.
- WikiTree+ search results - find profiles using WikiTree+ to search for profiles
- Search text on WikiTree+ - enter the text to use for a WikiTree+ search to find profiles. This is the same text used for WikiTree+ searches, described in the WikiTree+ Help.
- Max search profiles - enter the maximum number of profiles to return from the search. Some searches can find many profiles (e.g., 10,000 or more). Use this field to limit the number of profiles to return to Bio Check. The value should not be more than 20000, and preferably not more than 2000.
- Check starting at - enter the offset to start checking returned profiles. Use the default value of 0 to start at the beginning. This suffices in most cases.
- Max to check - enter the maximum number of profiles to check from the search results. The check will complete when this number is reached. The check may complete sooner if the value for Max profiles to report is reached or all profiles have been examined. In the case of searches that return many profiles (such as the 10,000 example above), this can be used with Check starting at to check the profiles in smaller groups. For example, to check in groups of 150 set this value to 150 and increase the offset by 150 for each subsequent check (0, 150, 300, 450...). The value for Max to check should not be more than 5000, and it is recommended that it not be more than 2000.
- Max profiles to report - enter the maximum number of profiles to report. The check will complete when all profiles have been examined or this many profiles have been found to report. The check may complete sooner if the Max to check number is reached.
- Check watchlist - find profiles from your watchlist. You must be logged in to check your watchlist.
- Max profiles - enter the maximum number of profiles to return from your watchlist. Use this field to limit the number of profiles to return to Bio Check. The value should not be more than 5000.
- Check starting at - enter the offset to start checking returned profiles. Use the default value of 0 to start at the beginning. Profiles are in order of oldest created first. If you have many profiles on your watchlist, you may want to first check a few hundred profiles, then change the starting position after those profiles.
- Max to check - enter the maximum number of profiles to check from your watchlist. The check will complete when this number is reached. The check may complete sooner if the value for Max profiles to report is reached or all profiles have been examined. In the case where you have many profiles on your watchlist), this can be used with Check starting at to check the profiles in smaller groups. For example, if you have 1700 profiles on your watchlist, you may want to begin with Check starting at at 0 and Max to check at 200, then run another test with Check starting at set to 200, then 400, and so on. The value for Max to check should not be more than 5000, and it is recommended that it not be more than 200.
- Report only profiles not managed by you - report only profiles on your watchlist where you are not the manager. This may include profiles for which you are co-manager or profiles where you have been added to the trusted list.
- Max profiles to report - enter the maximum number of profiles to report. The check will complete when all profiles have been examined or this many profiles have been found to report. The check may complete sooner if the Max to check number is reached.
- Check random profiles - find profiles at random; see Check random profiles under Tips below
- Min random number - enter the lowest profile number to check. If left blank, the random numbers will start at 1.
- Max search profiles - enter the highest profile number to check. If left blank or set to 0, the random numbers will end at 36000000 (or more, close to the total number of profiles). This should not be more than the number of profiles, which can be found at the WikiTree home page.
- Max to check - enter the maximum number of profiles to check. The check will complete when this number is reached. The check may complete sooner if the value for Max profiles to report is reached or all profiles have been examined. The value for Max to check should not be more than 5000, and it is recommended that it not be more than 3000.
- Max profiles to report - enter the maximum number of profiles to report. The check will complete when all profiles have been examined or this many profiles have been found to report. The check may complete sooner if the Max to check number is reached.
- Check challenge contributions - find profiles recorded using the Challenge tracker.
- Challenge: - start by selecting the desired challenge from the dropdown menu.
- Challenge Date: - select the challenge date from the dropdown menu.
- Contributor profile - enter the WikiTree Id for the contributor. For example, use Doe-100 for John Doe.
- Check starting at - enter the offset to start checking returned profiles. Use the default value of 0 to start at the beginning. This suffices in most cases.
- Max to check - enter the maximum number of profiles to check from the results. The check will complete when this number is reached. The check may complete sooner if the value for Max profiles to report is reached or all profiles have been examined. In the case of searches that return many profiles, this can be used with Check starting at to check the profiles in smaller groups. For example, to check in groups of 150 set this value to 150 and increase the offset by 150 for each subsequent check (0, 150, 300, 450...). The value for Max to check should not be more than 5000, and it is recommended that it not be more than 2000.
- Max profiles to report - enter the maximum number of profiles to report. The check will complete when all profiles have been examined or this many profiles have been found to report. The check may complete sooner if the Max to check number is reached.
Specify how to check and report
Start by identifying the desired report type from Profiles to report, which is a dropdown menu with the following options:
- Detailed report - report source and style issue details
- Summary report - report a summary indicating if there are any source or style issues. This also notes the Privacy for the profile, if it is an orphaned profile (i.e., has no manager), and the birth and death dates. When this type of report is downloaded as a CSV, columns are added for Reviewer Id, Review Status, and Review Comments.
- Sources report - report profile sources. If there are many profiles and many sources, this may be large since this will include a row for each source on each profile.
- None (Statistics Only) - do not report any profiles, but report the summary statistics. Use this for a large result when you are only interested in the total numbers.
Once you have selected the desired report type, choose values for the remaining criteria.
- Check Open Profiles only - select to check only open profiles. When this is not selected, any profile with a public biography will be checked.
- Check Orphan Profiles only - select to check only orphan profiles. When this is selected, only profiles that do not have a profile manager will be checked.
- Ignore Pre-1500 Profiles - select to ignore Pre-1500 profiles. When this is selected, only profiles with a birth date or death date after 1500 will be checked. Profiles with no dates will always be checked.
- Reliable Sources Required - select to require Pre-1700 reliable sources for all profiles. When this is selected, any profile, regardless of birth and death dates, will be checked using the criteria for Pre-1700 profiles. Use this option when you would like to take a closer look at the checked profiles and work to a higher standard.
- Report style details - select to report all profiles with style issues. When not selected, profiles that may be unsourced or that have style issues related to required section headings are reported.
- Report all profiles - select to report all profiles. When not selected, only profiles with style or source issues are reported.
- Search biography - enter a search phrase. Any profile that contains this phrase will be reported. The phrase does not need to be in the Biography section. The search is not case sensitive.
Control operation and monitor progress
After specifying the profiles to be checked and reported, control the operation by clicking buttons and monitor progress by watching the messages.
- Check Profiles - start examining profiles using the specified criteria. Watch the progress and status messages. When completed, the results will be sorted by Profile.
- Cancel - cancel the current operation. Cancel can only be selected while an operation is in progress. It may take some time for the cancel to complete. When completed, any results will be sorted by Profile.
- Download CSV - download a comma separated value file for the current results. Results can only be downloaded when the check has been completed (or canceled). The CSV will include all of the profiles that are reported. The CSV will also include the unique person identifier for the profile. For a report including source and style status, the CSV will include the total number of lines in the biography, the number of inline <ref> found, and the total number of lines found possibly containing sources. Lines possibly containing sources excludes anything in == Research Notes == and is a count of everything after the == Sources == heading; when there is no == Sources == heading it is a count of lines in the biography.
- Tools - open Family Tree and Tools for a profile in a new tab. The WikiTree Id appears in the button. When How to find profiles is WikiTree Id this will open the tools page for the supplied WikiTree Id. When How to find profiles is Check watchlist this will open the tools page for your profile. This is not available when How to find profiles is either WikiTree+ search results or Check random profiles. Check Profiles must be selected for the WikiTree Id to be included in the Tools button.
- Help - open this page in a new tab
- WikiTree+ - open the WikiTree+ Text/Search page in a new tab. This will use the Search text that you supplied when How to find profiles is WikiTree+ search results.
- Messages
- The first message is a progress message. When the check is completed, this message will say "Check Completed. Examined X profiles. Privacy did not allow testing for Y profiles", where X and Y indicate the number of profiles processed. Otherwise, this shows the current progress. There may be some delay in getting ancestors, getting descendants, and checking relatives, and you may see messages like "Gathering ancestor profiles for 10 generations" or "Examining relatives for 18 possibly unsourced profiles test number 1 for 134 profiles". When checking results from a WikiTree+ search, there is a message like "Examining 250 of 1000 profiles found via search".
- Once the check is completed, the message includes the number of unique profiles examined. In the case of pedigree collapse, the "duplicate" profiles are examined only once. The number of profiles not checked due to privacy, date, or other reasons is also reported. Profiles not checked due to date include Pre-1500 profiles when the Ignore Pre-1500 Profiles option is checked. Other reasons a profile is not checked include profiles that have been deleted, profiles that are unlisted, or those marked as Disproven/Questionable/Uncertain Existence.
- If the check is cancelled, the first message will start with Canceled. Results may be incomplete.
- The second message will show the status of the check. The message "Gathering profiles for Name-###" or Examining 1000 profiles will appear as profiles are being checked. When the check completes, there will be a message such as "Checked 232 profiles: Found 123 profiles with 90 style issues; 38 marked unsourced; 44 possibly unsourced not marked", and the results will appear in the table. When the message is something like "Examined 24 profiles: Found 0 profiles with 0 style issues; 0 marked unsourced; 0 possibly unsourced not marked", the table will be empty. Checked is the number of profiles that had the biography examined.
- If the first message starts with Server is overloaded. Results may be incomplete. Try again later. there is too much activity on the server. This should clear itself in a short time.
- If the first message starts with Reached maximum number of profiles. Results may be incomplete. there were too many profiles to be processed. Try again with fewer profiles.
Bio Check Results
Bio Check results are a table containing information for the profiles examined. The content is controlled by the value selected for Profiles to report. The Detailed report and Summary report include profile source and style status, and the Sources report will include profile sources. When Report All profiles is selected, all profiles are reported; when not selected, only profiles with style or source issues are reported. Once profiles are checked you can select different values for Profiles to report: and that report will be displayed without having to select Check Profiles again. If however, you change a setting such as Check Open Profiles only or Report all profiles, you will need to select Check Profiles again.
Each report includes Profile and Name. Click on the Profile (e.g., Doe-100) to go to the profile. The Name column includes the first name and current last name for the profile.
The Detailed report and Summary report include a Sourced? column, described below. The Summary report' 'has an X in the Style Issues column when the profile has any style issues, and has an X in the Orphan column when the profile has no manager.
The Detailed report includes a column for Search?. The Search? column contains Found when the profile contains the Search biography phrase. Click on the column heading to sort the results to quickly find which profiles contain the search phrase.
The Detailed report includes a column for Inline ref Count. The Inline ref Count is the count of <ref>citation</ref> found in the biography. It does not include the count of <ref name=xxx/>. This is something that may be of use to those who wish to optionally use inline references in the biography. When used with a report for All profiles this can be used to assess the use of inline citations.
The Detailed report includes a column for Number Valid Sources. The Number Valid Sources is the count of sources found in the biography that are probably valid (e.g., count as making the profile sourced). When used with a report for All profiles this can be used to assess the number of sources for profiles.
The Sources report includes a row for each source on the profile that has Count and the content of the source. A Count of -1 means that no sources were found. A Count of 0 means that a possible source was found but that it did not provide a clear identification of where the information came from, or did not meet the criteria for a Pre-1700 profile reliable source. A Count greater than 0 is the count of the possible source found on the profile.
Click on a column name to sort by that column. Click again to reverse the sort order. For example, Click on Sourced? to order the results by Marked, Maybe, Sourced.
The Sourced? column contains the probable source status for the profile, in accordance with WikiTree guidance on sources. The content of the biography is examined using Biography Styles and Standards to determine if the profile status is Sourced, Marked, or Maybe. A profile with a sourced status of Maybe, which appears as ?, should be examined per WikiTree Sources FAQ, Reliable Sources, and Pre-1700 Profiles Cite Reliable Sources WikiTree source guidance.
For a Pre-1700 profile, any online family tree is not considered a possible source. Other items not considered possible sources are those listed on the appropriate project's list of reliable sources.
Possible sources are found inside the <ref> and </ref> tags in the Biography section and following the <references /> tag. Content between the == Sources == section and the <references /> tag are also considered possible sources.
- Note: There may be text in the Biography section that has information such as detailed census information or specifics for a birth/marriage/death registration. If this information is neither captured via an inline citation nor after the Sources section; such text is not considered a possible source. Such profiles, however, do not qualify for the {{Unsourced}} research notes box.
The content of == Research Notes ==, the content of any comment, and anything after == Acknowledgements == are not considered a possible source.
When a profile source status is Maybe and that profile is checked when editing the profile or when using a Tree App, the message may be unsourced will be reported.
When is a profile source status Sourced?
- The profile has a possible source that might provide clear identification of where the information the profile came from
When is a profile source status Marked?
- The profile that has the {{Unsourced}} research notes box
- The profile has an Unsourced category
When is a profile source status ? (Maybe)
- None of the possible sources provide clear identification of where any information on the profile came from
- The biography is empty
- The profile has no birth or death date
- The profile has an image, but no content that identifies the source of that image
- The profile has multiples of the same heading, multiple <references /> tags, or varies significantly from the recommended order
Required Sections
The Detailed report includes a Required Sections column reporting style issues related to the required portions of a biography. Style issues are noted by examining the biography based on Biography Styles and Standards. If the style issue is reported for a profile where you are not the Profile Manager, you should Communicate Before Editing. It is also recommended that you use their style, not yours.
The Required Sections column may include the following:
- Acknowledgements before Sources: The == Acknowledgements == heading was found before the == Sources == heading. The == Acknowledgements == heading should be the last section in the biography. Acknowledgements and Acknowledgments are the same, both are generally accepted spellings. Move == Acknowledgements == and the content to the end of the biography
- Acknowledgements subsection instead of section: The == Acknowledgements == heading has more than two == and is thus a lower level heading. Change this to a second level heading by removing the extra =
- Advance Directive is not at end of profile: The == Advance Directive == heading was found before another heading. The == Advance Directive == heading, when present, should be the last section in the biography. Move == Advance Directive == and the content to the end of the biography
- Advance Directive subsection instead of section: The == Advance Directive == heading has more than two == and is thus a lower level heading. Change this to a second level heading by removing the extra =
- Biography is empty: The biography is empty. See Suggestion 802: Empty Profile
- Comment with no ending: The biography has the start of a comment, but no end for the comment. Review the biography to find the <!-- that starts a comment and then add the --> to correctly end the comment
- Empty Biography section: There were no lines found after the == Biography == heading before either the == Sources == heading or <references /> tag. This is a clue that the profile could be improved by writing a biography
- Inline <ref> tag after <references >: The biography has a <ref> tag after the <references /> tag. See Suggestion 868: Inline citations after tag. The inline citation (i.e., the <ref>citation<ref>) should be in the == Biography == section. As long as there is a <references /> tag the citation content will appear following that tag -- you can see by clicking on Preview when you are editing a biography. Ensure that the placement of the <ref> tag is not part of the Profile Manager's style (see Communicate Before Editing). Sometimes this will be caused by an extra <ref> </ref> pair inside the <ref> (e.g,, <ref><ref> xxx </ref></ref>), and the extra pair should be removed.
- Inline <ref> with no ending </ref>:The biography contained a <ref> without an ending </ref>. See Suggestion 862: Inline citation doesn't end with ref tag. The <ref> and </ref> occur in pairs. The </ref> was missing. Check to ensure that the ending </ref> was included, and that the / or the < characters are not missing.
- Missing <references /> tag: The <references /> tag was not found. See Suggestion 863: Missing tag. Add a line immediately following the == Sources == heading that contains <references />
- Missing Biography heading: There was no == Biography== heading. Add a == Biography == heading to the profile. When Biography is present but not in English, this may mean that it is in a language that BioCheck does not understand.
- Missing Sources heading: There was no == Sources == heading. Add a == Sources == heading to the profile. See Biography Styles and Standards for the proper location. When Sources is present but not in English, this may mean that it is in a language that BioCheck does not understand.
- Multiple <references /> tag: The biography has more than one <references /> tag. See Suggestion: 866 Duplicated reference tag. Organize the biography using Biography Styles and Standards so that a single <references /> tag immediately follows the == Sources == section heading, and remove any extra <references /> tag.
- Multiple Biography headings: There was more than one == Biography == heading. See Suggestion 811: Uncleaned profile after merge
- Multiple Sources headings: The biography has more than one == Sources == heading. See Suggestion 811: Uncleaned profile after merge
- N lines between Sources and <references />: There were N lines between the == Sources == heading and the <references /> tag, excluding any blank lines. The <references /> tag should be on the line immediately following the == Sources == heading. To fix this, move the <references /> so it immediately follows the == Sources == heading.
- Profile has no dates: Profile has neither birth nor death dates. Typically profiles without dates do not have sources.
- Profile is marked unsourced but may have sources: Profile either has the {{Unsourced}} Research Note Box or an Unsourced category assigned but may have sources. Review the profile to see if the Research Note Box or Unsourced category should be removed.
- Profile is marked unsourced: Profile either has the {{Unsourced}} Research Note Box or an Unsourced category assigned
- Sources subsection instead of section: The == Sources == heading has more than two == and is thus a lower level heading. Change this to a second-level heading by removing the extra =
- Span with no ending span: The biography contained a <span> tag without an ending </span>. Examine the biography to review each span tag and add the ending </span> tag
Style Issues
The Detailed report includes a Style Issues column reporting style issues related to the biography. Style issues are noted by examining the biography based on Biography Styles and Standards. If the style issue is reported for a profile where you are not the Profile Manager, you should Communicate Before Editing. It is also recommended that you use their style, not yours.
When Report style details is selected, all style issues will be reported. When Report style details is not selected, style issues will be reported only for profiles that may be unsourced or have issues in the Required Sections.
The Style Issues column may include the following:
- Advance Directive on a non member profile: The Advance Directive heading was found on a profile that is not an active WikiTree member. Orphan or assign managers as specified in the Advance Directive.
- Biography contains HTML tag that is not recommended <line>: The biography contains a line that starts with < which identifies it as an HTML tag. The tag used was not found in the Recommended Tags. The help at HTML and Inline CSS explains why formatting other than what is explained on Editing Tips is not recommended.
- Biography has <BR without ending >: A <BR tag was found with no ending >. Add the missing >
- Biography heading before CATEGORY: The Biography heading is before the CATEGORY. Reorganize the biography content following Styles and Standards Proper Order so that the category is first.
- Biography may contain email address: The biography contains what looks like an email address. Remove the email address.
- Category not at start of biography: There is a line before the first [[Category in the biography. Reorganize the biography content following Styles and Standards Proper Order so that the category is first.
- Easily Confused Navigation Box before CATEGORY: An Easily ConfusedNavigation Box was found before the CATEGORY. Reorganize the biography content following Styles and Standards Proper Order so that the category is first.
- Heading or subheading before Biography: A section or subsection heading was found before the Biography heading. Either remove the heading, or move the subsection under the applicable top level heading (i.e., Biography, Research Notes, or Sources).
- Horizontal rule before Biography: A horizontal rule (----) was found before the Biography heading. There should be no horizontal rules (----) anywhere above the Biography. Remove the line.
- Missing Research Note Box for: RNB: The biography contains a section or subsection heading RNB. This heading is the same as the name of a Research Note Box, such as {{Uncertain Existence}}, and an indication that you may wish to add that Research Note Box to the profile.
- Navigation Box NAV is <status>: There is a Navigation Box (named Nav) used that does not have an Approved status. The status is reported. For example, the Navigation Box {{Succession box}} would be reported as Navigation Box: Succession box is deprecated. Navigation Boxes are identified here.
- Navigation Box: Easily Confused should be before Succession Navigation Box: There is an Easily Confused Navigation Box before a Succession Navigation Box. Revise the biography to follow the Biography Styles and Standards Proper Order so that the Easily Confused Navigation Box is after any category and is before the Succession Navigation Box.
- Navigation Box: Easily Confused should be before Project Box: There is an Easily Confused Navigation Box before a Project Box. Revise the biography to follow the Biography Styles and Standards Proper Order so that the Easily Confused Navigation Box is after any category and is before the Research Note Box.
- Navigation Box: Easily Confused should be before Research Note Box: There is an Easily Confused Navigation Box before a Research Note Box. Revise the biography to follow the Biography Styles and Standards Proper Order so that the Easily Confused Navigation Box is after any category and is before the Research Note Box.
- Navigation Box: Succession should be before Biography heading: There is a Succession Navigation Box before a biography heading. Revise the biography to follow the Biography Styles and Standards Proper Order so that the Succession Navigation Box is after any category, Research Note Box or Project Box and is before the biography heading.
- Project Box before CATEGORY: A Project Box was found before the CATEGORY. Reorganize the biography content following Styles and Standards Proper Order so that the category is first.
- Project PROJECT_NAME should be before Biography heading: There is a Project Box (named PROJECT_NAME) after the Biography heading. Revise the biography to follow the Biography Styles and Standards Proper Order so that the Project Box is after any Research Note Box but before the Biography heading.
- Project PROJECT_NAME should be before Succession Navigation Box: There is a Project Box (named PROJECT_NAME) after the Succession Navigation Box. Revise the biography to follow the Biography Styles and Standards Proper Order so that the Project Box is after any Research Note Box but before the Succession Navigation Box.
- Research Note Box before CATEGORY: A Research Note Box was found before the CATEGORY. Reorganize the biography content following Styles and Standards Proper Order so that the category is first.
- Research Note Box RNB is <status> status: There is a Research Note Box (named RNB) used that does not have an Approved status. The status is reported. For example, the Research Note Box {{Questionable}} would be reported as Research Note Box: Questionable is deprecated. Research Note Boxes are identified here.
- Research Note Box RNB should be before Biography: There is a Research Note Box (named RNB) after the Biography heading. Revise the biography to follow the Biography Styles and Standards Proper Order so that the Research Note box is after any Category and is before any Project Box and the == Biography == heading
- Research Note Box RNB should be before Project: There is a Research Note Box (named RNB) before a Project box. Revise the biography to follow the Biography Styles and Standards Proper Order so that the Research Note box is after any category and is before the Project Box.
- Research Note Box RNB should be before Succession Navigation Box: There is a Research Note Box (named RNB) after a Succession Navigation box. Revise the biography to follow the Biography Styles and Standards Proper Order so that the Research Note box is after any Category and is before any Project Box, before any Succession Navigation Box, and before and the == Biography == heading
- Sticker: STICKER_NAME should be after Biography heading: There is a Sticker (named STICKER_NAME) before the Biography heading. Revise the biography to follow the Biography Styles and Standards Proper Order so that the Sticker is after the Biography heading.
- Succession Navigation Box before CATEGORY: A Succession Navigation Box was found before the CATEGORY. Reorganize the biography content following Styles and Standards Proper Order so that the category is first.
- Summary Text before CATEGORY: Summary text was found before the CATEGORY. Reorganize the biography content following Styles and Standards Proper Order so that the category is first.
- Unexpected line before Biography ... the unexpected lines follow: There might be unexpected lines before the Biography heading. The [Help:Biographies Biography Styles and Standards] states "If the narrative is particularly long, you can include a one or two paragraph summary. This should be above the Biography heading and should not have a subheader of its own." In this case, the issue can be ignored. Many times there are items above the Biography heading that should instead be called out through the use of a Research Note box, with the associated text then included in a === subsection below either the Biography or Research Notes section. Ideally, the subsection would have the same name as the Research Note Box, such as Disproven Existence.
- Wrong level heading == WLH ==: A section heading (== WLH ==) other than Biography, Research Notes, Sources, or Acknowledgements was found. This should instead be a subsection heading using === WLH ===. An example would be a report for "Wrong level Heading == Birth ==", which should instead be === Birth ===. There are examples in Biography Styles and Standards.
Tips, Tricks, and Other Things
Things to Know
- If you are just getting a summary of statistics, it may be faster to select report None.
- Typically, Max profiles to report should be the same as or larger than Max to check.
- Any profile marked Uncertain Existence is ignored.
- The list of profiles from a WikiTree+ search reflects the weekly update; the check is performed against current WikiTree content for those profiles
- Profiles that have a public biography can be checked when not logged into WikiTree. When you are logged in, any profile for which you are on the trusted list can be checked.
- Bio Check is not supported on iPad Mini with the Opera browser or on Internet Explorer.
- The line starting with See Also: is ignored. Sources should start on a separate line.
- Be sure to examine profiles reported as Maybe unsourced. There may be text in the biography that is not called out as a source but does contain sufficient information to determine where the information on the biography came from. Asbury-12 is such an example (until someone changes this). Some profiles, especially older GEDCOM imports, may have something like FSFTID XXXX. This is also not Unsourced (unless Pre-1700) -- the Family Search Family Tree should be examined for the specified ID.
Check a Single Profile
To check a single profile:
- Select Check profile for How to find profiles
- Enter the WikiTree Id for Profile
- Enter 0 for Ancestor generations
- Enter 0 for Descendant generations
- Enter 0 for Number of degrees of connection to check
- Ensure that Check connections for all profiles is not selected
- Click Check Profiles to begin checking
The following is a trick that usually works to quickly check a single profile:
- Select WikiTree+ search results for How to find profiles'
- Enter the WikiTree Id for Search text on WikiTree+
- Click Check Profiles to begin checking
Any WikiTree Id can be entered for Profile. If you are not logged in, a profile must have a Public Biography to be checked. If you are logged in, you can check any profile that you manage.
Check Profiles for your ancestors
To check profiles for your ancestors:
- Select Check profile for How to find profiles
- Enter your WikiTree Id for Profile
- Enter the number of generations to check for Ancestor generations
- Click Check Profiles to begin checking
Any WikiTree Id can be entered for Profile. If you are not logged in, a profile must have a Public Biography to be checked. If you are logged in, you can check any profile that you manage.
Check Profiles for descendants
To check profiles for your descendants:
- Select Check profile for How to find profiles
- Enter your WikiTree Id for Profile
- Enter the number of generations to check for Descendant generations
- Click Check Profiles to begin checking
Any WikiTree Id can be entered for Profile. If you are not logged in, a profile must have a Public Biography to be checked. If you are logged in, you can check any profile that you manage.
Starting Bio Check from WikiTree+
When you perform a Text Search on WikiTree+ there is an option to Analyze results in Bio Check. This will start Bio Check with Search text on WikiTree+ set to the value that was used on WikiTree+. Click the Check Profiles button to begin the check.
To see how many profiles will be found by a WikiTree+ search increase the number for Max Profiles on the WikiTree+ search page. You may want to adjust the Bio Check criteria for finding, checking, and reporting profiles based on the number of profiles found. To do this, click Bio Check from WikiTree+ to start, then in Bio Check:
- Click Cancel to stop the check
- Revise Max search profiles to change the number of profiles returned from the search
- Revise Max to check to change the maximum number of profiles to check from the search results. This should not be more than 5000, although 3000 or less is recommended as a max.
- Revise Max profiles to report to change the number of profiles to report
- Click Check Profiles to begin checking
As an example, a WikiTree+ search shows something like "Found: More than 500 profiles for...". On WikiTree+ change Max Profiles to a larger number, perhaps 5000, and run the search again. Now this shows "Found: 2203 profiles....". Click to send this to Bio Check. Cancel Bio Check and change Max search profiles to 2500. To check these all at once also set Max to check and Max profiles to report to 2500. To check in smaller pieces, say 300 profiles at a time, set Max to check and Max profiles to report to 300. After checking the first 300, set Check starting at to 300; then again starting at 600, then 900...
Another example that demonstrates when to check in smaller pieces would be something like a "b1869 orphan" search which finds 31123 profiles or "b1869 orphan neveredited" which returns 12479 profiles. For either checking in groups of 500 (or 1000) is preferable. from the search results. The check will complete when this number is reached. The check may complete sooner if the value for Max profiles to report is reached or all profiles have been examined. In the case of searches that return many profiles (such as the 10,000 example above), this can be used with Check starting at to check the profiles in smaller groups. For example, to check in groups of 150 set this value to 150 and increase the offset by 150 for each subsequent check (0, 150, 300, 450...).
Check your watchlist
You must be logged in to check your watchlist. If you are not logged into Bio Check, reload the window in the browser. To check your watchlist:
- Select Check watchlist for How to find profiles
- Max search profiles - enter the number of profiles to find from your watchlist
- Check starting at - enter the offset to start checking returned profiles. Profiles are in order of oldest created first. Use the default value of 0 to start at the beginning. If you have many profiles on your watchlist, you may want to first check a few hundred profiles, then change the starting position after those profiles
- Max to check - enter the maximum number of profiles to check. The check will complete when this number is reached. The check may complete sooner if the value for Max profiles to report is reached or all profiles have been examined.
- Max profiles to report - enter the maximum number of profiles to report
- Click Check Profiles to begin checking
You can use a combination of Max search profiles, Check starting at, and Max to check to check your watchlist in smaller pieces. For example, if you have 150 profiles on your watchlist and want to check those 42 at a time, set Max search profiles to 42, Check starting at to 0 and Max to check to 42. Click Check Profiles to begin checking. Then change Check starting at to 42 and click Check Profiles to check profiles 42-83. Then change Check starting at to 84 and click Check Profiles to check profiles 84-125. Then change Check starting at to 126 and click Check Profiles to check profiles 126-150. (The number 42 is arbitrary, just because it's the answer. An increment of 200 or 300 is more reasonable.)
Check Connections
Connected profiles are parents, siblings, spouses, and children -- the relatives. You can check connected profiles. Each degree of connection is another look at the connected profiles. So, degree 0 is the first profile, then degree 1 are the immediate relatives for that profile. From there, degree 2 is all of the relatives for all of the degree 1 profiles, and so on. This can grow exponentially.
You can check connections for all profiles, or just for those profiles that have source or style issues. When checking just profiles with source or style issues, those profiles found that have source or style issues become the profiles checked for the next degree of connection. This is the most effective way of checking connections since source and style issues tend to "run in families".
You may start degree 0 with a single profile, by selecting How to find profiles and setting both Ancestor generations and Descendant generations to 0. Then specify Number of degrees of connection to check and Check connections for all profiles. Remember that you may want to select Report all profiles. You may want to start with 1 degree (immediate relatives), then increase this to see the results. This will be close to what you see from My WikiTree->Connections. When you run this via Bio Check, only those profiles that have privacy that allows checking will be included, so the total counts may differ.
WARNING: Checking connections will increase the number of profiles to be reviewed exponentially. Be especially careful when using this for the ancestors or descendants of a profile. In these cases, it may be best to start by either limiting the number of profiles that you are checking or by using a smaller connection degree.
You should start with the minimum number of connections, and work up from there. If the summary count of profiles checked ends with the message "Reached maximum number of profiles" not all the requested profiles may have been checked. In this case, reduce the number of connections and/or start the check from an ancestor's profile. Or, you might want to start with a profile that has style or source issues and check only the connected relative profiles that also have style or source issues.
To check your CC7:
- Set How to find profiles to Check profile
- Set Profile to the Wiki Tree Id of the profile you want to check
- Set Ancestor generations to 0
- Set Descendant generations to 0
- Set Number of degrees of connection to check to 7
- Ensure that Check connections for all profiles is checked
- Click Check Profiles
Check Profiles you manage
Checking profiles that you manage will give you an approximation of what you could find by checking your Watch List. To check the profiles that you manage:
- Use a WikiTree+ Text/Search for manager=Name-### where Name-### is your WikiTree Id
- Follow the steps for Starting Bio Check from WikiTree+
This is not restricted to your WikiTree Id, any WikiTree Id can be used
Check Profiles that you created
To check profiles that you created:
- Use a WikiTree+ Text/Search for creator_Name-### where Name-### is your WikiTree Id
- Follow the steps for Starting Bio Check from WikiTree+
This is not restricted to your WikiTree Id, any WikiTree Id can be used
Check Profiles from a GEDCOM
To check profiles imported from a GEDCOM:
- Use a WikiTree+ Text/Search for GEDFile=a_ged where a_ged is the name of the GEDCOM. Replace all spaces and punctuation in the name of the GEDCOM with an underscore. For example, to search for "kemp mangus 7 gen.ged" use gedfile=kemp_mangus_7_gen.ged
- Revise Max search profiles to change the number of profiles returned from the search
- Revise Max to check to change the maximum number of profiles to check from the search results. This should not be more than 5000, although 3000 or less is recommended as a max.
- Revise Max profiles to report to change the number of profiles to report
- Click Check Profiles to begin checking
To find out how many profiles there are in a GEDCOM, use WikiTree+ text/search for GEDFile=theGedcomName.ged.
Select Profiles for Review report to generate a report and can be downloaded as a CSV to track the review of the profiles.
Check Profiles that you might be interested in
Explore the wide range of criteria that can be used for a WikiTree+ Text/Search and you will see that you are limited only by your imagination. This might take some experimentation with the search criteria to limit the number of profiles found. Once you have determined the search criteria that you want, follow the steps for Starting Bio Check from WikiTree+. Some examples:
- 10cen will return the approximately 3000 profiles born in the 900s. By the time you get to 14cen there are nearly 24,000 profiles
- Use "ogle illinois" for slightly fewer than 7000 profiles that might be of interest if your ancestors lived in Ogle County, Illinois. Reduce this number to around 5000 by changing the search to either "ogle Illinois 1860s" or "ogle illinois 1870s".
- Use a general search such as "b1875 orphan" to find over 33,000 profiles, then examine a small collection of those to find a GEDCOM, then search that GEDCOM
- Once a set of profiles are found to check, make use of the relative checks; unsourced and style issues often run in families
Check random profiles
A random number generator is used to find profiles to check. This number is used as the profile number, which appears in the URL when editing a profile. Profile numbers that approximate selected dates:
- 8225000 about 10 Jul 2014 introduction of the Pre-1700 Quiz
- 12148000 about 20 Jan 2016 introduction of Pre-1500 qualifications
- 17260000 about 7 Sep 2017 introduction of the GEDCOMpare process
To check random profiles:
- How to find profiles - select Check random profiles
- Max search profiles - enter the highest profile number to check. If left blank or set to 0, the random numbers will end at 26700000 (or more, close to the total number of profiles)
- Check starting at - enter the lowest profile number to check. If left blank, the random numbers will start at 1
- Max to check - enter the maximum number of profiles to check. This is the same as any other check, and should not be more than 5000, preferably not more than 3000
- Max profiles to report - enter the same value as Max to check
- Click Check Profiles to begin checking
Ancestor generations and Number of relative checks are not used when checking random profiles.
When checking random profiles, it is possible to encounter a number of profiles that have been deleted, are unlisted, or otherwise cannot be checked. Details are provided in the browser console.
Does Bio Check Recognize This Source?
If you see something that you suspect is not a source and want to know if Bio Check recognizes it as a source or not:
- For How to find profiles - select Check profile and enter the WikiTree Id
- Set Ancestor generations 0
- Set Descendant generations 0
- For Profiles to report - select Sources for All Profiles
- Click Check Profiles to begin checking
In the results, examine the Count column. If the Count is 0 (or -1), the source line is not a source. Otherwise, the count is the number of the probably valid source.
Create a Spreadsheet to Review Profiles
You can use a Bio Check Summary report to create a Google Sheets spreadsheet to review profiles. You can see how this might appear by looking at the GEDImprove, and picking one of the GEDCOM tabs.
Start by creating your spreadsheet, then set this up with a Template tab for formatting, then create as many new tabs as desired for different Bio Check Results.
Set up formatting in a Template tab:
- Create a sheet named Template (or similar) that will contain the formatting that you want
- Follow the instructions to fill the Template sheet with data from Bio Check Results
- Format the Template sheet to bold the headings, set entire columns centered, set column widths
- Freeze the view to always show the headings and first two columns
- Delete the data contents on the Template sheet, leaving the headings
Fill a sheet with data from Bio Check results:
- Run Bio Check
- Select Summary report
- Click Export CSV and save the file
- Move to the Template tab and pick Duplicate
- Rename the Copy of Template tab for the content you are showin
- On that tab, select File -> Import and Upload the file that you saved from BioCheck
- For Import location, Append to current sheet, then Import
- Delete extra rows (imported heading) so 1st row of data is under the headings
- Set status data validation:
- Select the Review Status column
- Select Data -> Data Validation
- Change the range to start at the first row of data
- Select Criteria Dropdown (use anything you wish, the following are suggested)
- Add another item Improved, set the color Green
- Add another item Comment, set the color Yellow
- Add another item Living, set the color Red
- Change Review Status to a single blank character
- Make sure that Row 1 and col A and B are frozen (under View), so they can be seen when scrolling is done
- Set permissions on the new tab:
- Select down arrow on this tab and select "Protect Sheet"
- On the Protected Sheets & Ranges pop-up, select the Sheet tab (right side)
- Tab Name should be filled into the block under the Range / Sheet tabs
- Click the 'Except certain cells' box
- Click the 'Select data range' icon to the right of the box that opens
- Drag cursor over columns D through F so they highlight, D:F is filled into as the range
- select OK
- select Set Permissions
- Range Editing Permissions box opens with all of the members who have edit permission on the entire sheet shown and checked
- Select Done
- select any cell to remove the highlighted columns
- Select the Review Comments column F then select the Text Wrapping icon and set this to Wrap
- Remember to go back to your Google Drive and remove the CSV that you uploaded from storage.
Release Notes
Potential Future Enhancements:
- Add the ability to check DNA Confirmation sources in accordance with https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Help:DNA_Confirmation
- Add check for </ref> after <ref name=a/>
- Add the ability to check that a profile with a project box has that project as manager
- Add checking for the content of a Research Note Box
- Add checking for the content of a Project Box
- Add checking for the content of a Sticker
Known Problems:
- A profile that is Private with a Public Biography is not checked as part of checking connections
- Depending on the profile privacy, the privacy might be reported as Unknown
- There may be a delay before the challenges appear when Check challenge contributions is selected. If this happens, select a different way of finding profiles, then select Check challenge contributions again.
3 Jul 2024 V1.7.13
- Improvements to source checking
15 May 2024 V1.7.12
- Changes messages to be singular if only one profile is checked
- API improvements
18 Apr 2024 V1.7.11
- Recognize inline <ref> in mixed case
21 Feb 2024 V1.7.10
- Correct a problem where not all profiles were reported when checking all connections (e.g., CC7) for a profile (underlying API changed)
17 Feb 2024 V1.7.9
- Correct a problem where not all profiles were reported when checking all connections (e.g., CC7) for a profile
10 Feb 2024 V1.7.8
- Correct an issue where some profiles were incorrectly reported as an orphan
- Add the ability to check only orphan profiles
26 Jan 2024 V1.7.7
- Support FindAGrave citations for the FindAGrave manager "Family Tree Maker"
17 Jan 2024 V1.7.6
- Improvements to source checking
31 Dec 2023 V1.7.5
- Improvements to source checking
12 Dec 2023 V 1.7.4
- Correct a problem so that when you check your Watchlist and Report only profiles not managed by you, the report will not include profiles that you manage which have source or style issues
- Correct a problem so that the .csv extension is included on downloaded exports
- Check for correct placement of Easily Confused and Succession Navigation Box
- Report use of deprecated Succession Box
- Improvements to source checking
- Reports sources that are a combination of individual sources that by themselves are not a valid source (e.g., "family search, census records")
12 Nov 2023 V 1.7.3
- Correct a problem where the list of challenges was sometimes not displayed when Check challenge contributions was selected.
08 Nov 2023 V 1.7.2
- After selecting Check Profiles you can select different values for Profiles to report: and that report will be displayed without having to select Check Profiles again. If however, you change a setting such as Check Open Profiles only or Report all profiles, you will need to select Check Profiles again.
- Improvements to source checking
29 Oct 2023 V 1.7.1
- Correct a problem where an inline <ref> was sometimes not recognized when it contained a <br/>
- Add ability to select Challenge date from a pulldown
20 Oct 2023 V 1.7.0
- Correct a problem where a profile that was marked unsourced but appears to have sources was not reported as a style issue
- Report a style issue when a biography has a <BR without an ending >
- Add ability to search profiles tracked as part of a Challenge
16 Oct 2023 V 1.6.10
- Correct columns for Downloaded CSV
- Added Number Valid Sources column to the Detailed Report
11 Oct 2023 V 1.6.9
- Clarified messages when elements in the biography are not in the proper order
- Improved reporting of state and progress in the two lines below the buttons, including a note when results may be incomplete
- Enhanced to remove delay when Cancel button is selected
- Check profiles marked as Unsourced, and report profiles marked unsourced that might have sources
09 Sep 2023 V 1.6.8
- Correct a problem where Reliable Sources Required option was not recognized
02 Sep 2023 V 1.6.7
- Correct a problem where a named ref (i.e., <ref name=xxx> is not recognized
15 Aug 2023 V 1.6.6
- Correct so that the last character before the start of a comment is not lost
- Correct a problem where some profiles were not checked when started from another app
- Bold check completed message
- Improved progress message as profiles examined
- Do not count DNA confirmation as a source and do not report it as a source that is not clearly identified
- Recognize 23AndMe and GEDMatch as DNA confirmations
- Check for Advance Directive as a section heading
- Report a style issue when Advance Directive is found on a non member profile
01 Aug 2023 V 1.6.5
- Correct so that <ref> after <references /> and <ref> inside of <ref> xxx </ref> are reported
27 Jun 2023 V1.6.4
- Correction so that an empty Biography section is reported as a style issue
- Do not sort results
26 Jun 2023 V1.6.3
- Improvements to source checking, including review of all project-specified reliable sources and all pages in the Reliable Sources for Pre-1700 Profiles category.
22 Jun 2023 V1.6.2
- Recognize additional languages for Biography, Research Notes, Sources, and Acknowledgements headings
- Correct problems creating a CSV
- Improvements to source checking
14 Jun 2023 V1.6.1
- Corrected a problem that all sources were sometimes not included in a Sources Report
- Exclude DNA confirmation as a source for the profile. This will be reported as Maybe unsourced. Depending on the relationships, the DNA confirmation source may be adequate.
- Improvement to source checking
- Add check for horizontal rule before Biography heading
- Add check for heading or subheading before Biography heading
- Add check for use of HTML tags that are not recommended
07 Jun 2023 V1.6.0
- Reports content that is not in the proper order per the style guidelines
- Reports == section headings that should instead be === subsection headings
- Reports when there is a section or subsection heading with the name of a Research Note Box but there is no corresponding Research Note Box
- Reports when a Research Note Box that is not approved is used
- Checks profiles that are marked uncertain
- Reports a profile that may contain an email address
- Adds the ability to search for any given phrase in the biography
- Eliminates the ability to search for the specific phrase "auto-generated by a GEDCOM import"
- Adds the ability to disable reporting of profiles that have only style issues.
- Changes the columns in the Detailed Report.
13 May 2023 V1.5.2
- Performance improvements
- When checking connections, the number of profiles that can be checked is limited
- Subsequent click on the column heading reverses the order of the sort
- In the Summary Report, the Birth Date and Death Date columns are sorted by the full date
- Improvements to source checking
20 Jan 2023 V1.5.0
- Correctly recognize sources in a <ref> with a name
- Simplify choices for Profiles to report and add a Report all profiles option
- First name is correctly reported for private profiles with a public biography
- Correct a problem where profiles with no dates were sometimes not reported
- Change to WikiTree+ URL
29 Oct 2022 V1.4.3
- Revised default values
27 Oct V 1.4.2
- Correct report of Sources for Unsourced Profiles so that it does not report all profiles
- Do not report misplaced lines when there is no <references /> tag
- Ignore headings that have text following the heading, such as === Sources with no fact or date ===
- Ignore See Also as a possible source
- Improvements to source checking
8 Oct 2022 V 1.4.1
- Improvements to source checking
1 Sep 2022 V 1.4.0
- Rearrange screen for more efficient use of space for data input fields
- Add ability to check for profiles containing the phrase "biography was auto-generated by a GEDCOM import"
- Improvements to source checking
- Correct a problem that a profile that is Private with a Public Biography was not checked when a number of ancestor or descendant generations were specified.
- Corrected a problem where Cancel did not work when checking relatives
- Renamed "Number of relative checks" to "Number of degrees of connection to check"
- Added ability to check connections (i.e., relatives) for all profiles (not just those with source or style issues)
24 Aug 2022 V 1.3.9
- Corrections to processing the <br/>
- Do not report profiles as unsourced that have privacy set to Private with Public Biography and Family Tree
23 Aug 2022 V 1.3.8
- Improvements to source checking
- Recognize Unsourced when there is a space between {{ and Unsourced
- Recognize <br/> in text and <ref>
- Recognize Ancestry tree id inside the {{Ancestry Tree|###|###}} template
13 Jul 2022 V 1.3.7
- Adds option for Reliable Sources Required to apply Pre-1700 source criteria to all profiles
- Improvements to source checking
10 Jul 2022 V 1.3.6
- Improvements to source checking
- Changed default value for Max search profiles to 5000
- Changed default value for Max to check to 5000
- Changed default value for Max profiles to report to 5000
- Added ability to ignore Pre-1500 profiles
- Eliminated Profiles to report "Sourced and Maybe Unsourced" since it was generating the "Unsourced and Style Issues" report anyway
- Added Profiles to report None (Statistics Only)
- Uses most recent Search text on WikiTree+ as arguments when starting WikiTree+ from button on Bio Check
- Profiles that lack birth and death dates will always be reported
02 May 2021 V 1.3.5
- Changed report for sourced status of Maybe to ?
- Added All Profiles for Review report
29 Apr 2021 V 1.3.4
- Add Profiles for Review report
- Correctly ignore profiles marked Disproven Existence Project
- Provide clickable link to profile in downloaded CSV
20 Apr 2021 V 1.3.3
- Improvements to source checking
- Correctly ignores profiles that are marked Disproven Existence
- Updated statistics reporting
28 Jan 2021 V 1.3.2
- Changes default How to find profiles to Check Profile
- Improvements to source checking
22 Jan 2021 V 1.3.1
- Adds button to open Family Tree and Tools for a profile
21 Jan 2021 V 1.3.0
- Correct downloaded CSV to include " and ,
- Improvements to source checking
26 Dec 2020 V 1.2.0
- Correction so that 20 generations of ancestors can be checked
- Report number of profiles not checked due to privacy
- Recognize bold headings
- Consider a profile with no birth or death dates as pre1500 for source checking
- Improvements to source checking
- Added ability to check descendants
- Added ability to report sources found on profiles
14 Dec 2020 V 1.1.2
- Disable input for fields that don't apply based on how to find profiles
12 Dec 2020 V 1.1.1
- Corrected default filename for Download CSV for watchlist
11 Dec 2020 V 1.1.0
- Added login
- Added ability to check profiles that you manage when logged in
- Added ability to check profiles on your watchlist
- Performance improvements
- Corrected problem where profiles were reported twice when started from WikiTree+
- Improvements to source checking
- Ancestors can be checked up to 20 generations
- Added ability to check a random set of profiles
17 Nov 2020 V 1.0.4
- Corrected a problem where a Pre-1700 profile may have been incorrectly identified as Maybe sourced
- Add Nordic language support
15 Nov 2020 V 1.0.3
- changed Biographies to Check to How to find profiles
- revised messages that appear when hovering over the name of a field to be entered to more closely reflect the help
- first row (headings) in results table remain fixed when scrolling in the table
- added ability to click on results table column heading to sort the table
- removed overall heading, making more room for the report table
- added the number of inline <ref> found to the report
- added total number of biography lines, number of inline <ref>, and total number of lines possibly containing sources to the output CSV
- added ability to report all profiles. Replaced Report style issues check option with a menu to for Profiles to report. Options are Unsourced and Maybe Unsourced, Unsourced and Style Issues, or All profiles. Unsourced and Maybe Unsourced will include only profiles that are marked Unsourced or Maybe unsourced. Unsourced and Style Issues will also include profiles with style issues. All profiles will report all profiles.
- added additional testing for Pre-1700 profiles, based on Reliable Sources listed for Projects
- added support for headings (Biography, Research Notes, Sources, Acknowledgments) in selected languages other than English
07 Nov 2020 V 1.0.2
- added support for space before and after the <references /> tag
- add profiles with style issues to relative checks when style issues are reported
- recognize inline <ref />that are after Sources but before the <references /> tag
- recognize inline <ref /> when Research Notes are before Biography Heading
- corrected a problem where a possibly valid source was not recognized
- no longer report 0 in the Misplaced Lines column
03 Nov 2020 V 1.0.1
- corrected a problem where a valid FindAGrave citation was not recognized
- changed the default Ancestor generations to 5
03 Nov 2020 V 1.0.0 Initial release
- Bio Check App Version 1.7.8 Feb 10, 2024.
- Bio Check App Version 1.7.4 Dec 12, 2023.
- Bio Check App Version 1.7.2 Nov 8, 2023.
- Bio Check App Version 1.6.9 Oct 11, 2023.
- BioCheck App Update V1.6.6 Aug 15, 2023.
- Advance Directive - Need your help Aug 12, 2023.
- Login to request to the join the Trusted List so that you can edit and add images.
- Private Messages: Send a private message to the Profile Manager. (Best when privacy is an issue.)
- Public Comments: Login to post. (Best for messages specifically directed to those editing this profile. Limit 20 per day.)
- Public Q&A: These will appear above and in the Genealogist-to-Genealogist (G2G) Forum. (Best for anything directed to the wider genealogy community.)
I have been a member of WikiTree since April of this year. I took part in my first source-a-thon as part of the WikiGames event. My interest is England (UK) - so i was finding sources from 'Find-my-Past' with which i have a paid subscription. It provided me with sources for profiles from about 1560 upto about 1910. But i soon found out that any addition of a source pre-1700 brings up several warning notices - i think as part of the WikiTree Browser Extension.
So when i recently took part in the 2023 Source-a-Thon i did not choose any profiles pre-1700 to source instead I concentrated on England from 1700 up to about 1920. Prior to the source-a-thon there were just over 37,000 profiles marked as un-sourced in this category as reported in the 'Category: England, Unsourced Profiles' report which i understand is produced from the WikiTree+ app.
The 'source-a-thon is a 3 day event and towards the end of the second day (the Sunday) i was finding that a lot of the profiles that i was looking at to source had in fact previously been sourced by someone else in the previous day or even on the same day. By the third day (the Monday) the situation was that it was becoming increasingly difficult to find a profile to source.
One other problem was that some of the profiles that had the 'un-sourced' sticker had already been sourced as part of some previous source-a-thon, several years before.
After the source-a-thon was over it came to light that the rules of the source-a-thon do not in fact restrict you to finding sources for profiles which are in the report produced each week by the WikiTree+ app.
However, i understand that your Bio Check app is able to identify if a profile has a reliable source - so my question is would it be possible for your Bio Check app to go through the list of profiles in the WikiTree+ report and identify those profile which do indeed already have a reliable source - so that they can be identified.
And secondly, i assume that your app go could through all profiles on WikiTree and identify those profiles which do not have a reliable source but which do not have an 'un-sourced' sticker with the intention of adding such a sticker.
thanks, Allan
edited by Eric Weddington
deleted by Eric Weddington
Also see the https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Help:DNA_Confirmation which says "must add a source citation to the = Sources = section". It also notes "Some members also like to add a = DNA = subsection under the = Biography = but this is optional. It is like a Research Notes section for genetic genealogy."
So the guidance is to use a third level subsection. You may want to move your source citations into a = DNA = subsection under sources. I see that this will be a ripple to move the corresponding third level subsections into fourth level subsections.
Please let me know if I can explain further, or if you need any help in breaking your Watchlist into smaller pieces to check.
deleted by Eric Weddington
Anything else -- including Birth, Marriage, Death, Census -- should be level 3."
I'm sorry, but this isn't actually something to agree or disagree on. These are the WikiTree style rules. There are only four approved level 2 headings. I've looked into this quite a lot (as has Kay). Some people are less aware of the rules than those of us who are writing code to conform with the rules. If you want to change the style rules, there's a system to do that. https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Help:Developing_New_Rules
I'm sorry, I don't understand your comment "Placing anywhere but in the first line"... Placing what anywhere? Can you give me a sample WIkiTree-Id?
The checking is based on the guidance here: https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Help:Biographies. This guidance does not explicitly exclude information before the Biography heading, but does say "If the narrative is particularly long, you can include a one or two paragraph summary. This should be above the Biography heading and should not have a subheader of its own. There should be no horizontal rules (----) anywhere above the Biography." So there may be a summary, and thus the "issue" would be more of a "false suggestion".
Question: Could the app check for the absence of a DNA confirmation source?
Rationale: If the relationship status indicator of a parent on a profile is "confirmed with DNA" and the profile does not also include a source citation to support that relationship status, the WikiTree error checker will add a suggestion to fix Data Base Error 213 (missing paternal confirmation) and/or 313 (missing maternal confirmation) to the profile of the Profile Manager. This happens fairly frequently when a WikiTreer assumes that their DNA test is sufficient to mark ancestors as confirmed without reading the help for DNA confirmation.
I believe that the error checker does a minimal check and only complains if the word "confirmed", together with either "maternal", "paternal", or "parental" are not present, Ales would know.
Do you think BioCheck could include this kind of check?
John Kingman
That's an interesting thought. If I am reading this correctly, Suggestions 213 and 313 find a number of profiles that are incorrectly marked confirmed, but you would like to take this further and look into the source citations.
I've only been on wiki since June 2020, but I guess I've only missed 2 months of this great tool.
I added some line breaks to the biography. I do not recall if the correct source referencing was already displayed before my minor editing to try to remove maybe source warning.
Of course, you could just add each of the specific sources for William. (Maybe even from FamilySearch such as "New York, County Marriages, 1847-1848; 1908-1936," database with images, FamilySearch (https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:Q2CL-DRS4 : 16 January 2021), William Forbes, 5 Nov 1771, New York, British Colonial America; citing ref. ID , county clerk offices from various counties, New York; FHL microfilm 930,131.)
Regarding "Inline References Count", I use inline references a lot. This implies that perhaps I should not be using them so much? Or that they should be used in certain circumstances? And not in other circumstances? Perhaps the topic is too large for this utility to handle.
It seems to me that you should either point me in the direction you want me to go, or if that is not feasible, maybe you should remove the "Inline References Count" column. As is, this implies there is an issue, but gives no hint of the solution.
Thanks for your hard work and great product!