
Biography Suggestions

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Surnames/tags: data_doctors suggestions
This page has been accessed 526 times.

Biography Suggestions

Biography Suggestions are generated from issues in the narrative section of the profile. The Easy level suggestions are errors of headings typos. Please see:
WikiTree Style and Guidelines - Biography Information
Biographies Editing Tips Text Sections
GEDCOM-Created Biographies HTML and Inline CSS

Running Time: 2:41

Mr. E Heading for WikiTree!

All about Biography Headings
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Type & Link Name & Description
(links to the suggestion page)
Difficulty Level
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801 Big biography: The profile's biography is quite large. A big biography isn't necessarily an error. It is just a warning that the biography may be overly wordy. Advanced
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802 Empty biography: The profile's biography is empty. Since the biography contains the sources for the profile, this indicates that the profile is unsourced. Advanced
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803 Almost empty biography: The character count in the biography of this profile is fifty letters or less. Since the biography contains the sources for the profile, a short biography may indicate an unsourced profile. Advanced
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811 Uncleaned profile after merge: This profile is the result has been merged, however the biography has not been cleaned up and reorganized. Each biography should have one set of contents and one sources section.Advanced
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Play the Headings.
821 Heading starts with blank: A caption or a heading in the biography of this profile starts with a blank space. Wikitree biography syntax defines that a new line starting with a "=" is a Caption or Heading. Caption and headings must be left justified and start with a "=".Easy
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822 Heading doesn't end with =: A caption or a heading in the biography of this profile does not end with a "=". Wikitree biography syntax defines that a caption or heading must start with one or more "="s and end with the same number of "="s. Easy
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823 Heading doesn't start with =: A caption or a heading in the biography of this profile does not start with the same number of "="s as the end set of "="s. Wikitree biography syntax defines that a caption or heading must start with one or more "="s and end with the same number of "="s.Easy
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824 Heading different number of =: A caption or a heading in the biography of this profile does not start with the same number of "="s as the end set of "="s. WikiTree biography syntax defines that a caption or heading must start with one or more "="s and end with the same number of "="s.Easy
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825 Use separator line ----: The biography in this profile uses four or more "=" to simulate a separator line. Wikitree biography syntax uses four minuses ("-") on a line to make a separator line. Separator lines should not be built using "="s since this can cause the line to be rendered as a caption or heading. Easy
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831 Multiple duplicated lines: The biography in this profile has one or more cases of repeated lines or paragraphs, possibly the result of merging or data imports. Duplicate lines and paragraphs should be deleted.Advanced
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835 Local file reference: The biography in this profile has references to files contained on the author, editor or creators' local computer. These files are not visible on the Internet. See the 835 suggestion page for an example. Advanced
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851 GEDCOM uncleaned Interpret date: The biography of this profile contains a warning from the GEDCOM import program that a date in the GEDCOM import could not be interpreted. If the correct date is in the indicated field, delete this warning.Advanced
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852 GEDCOM uncleaned Parse Last name: The biography of this profile contains a warning from the GEDCOM import program that the last name in the GEDCOM import could not be parsed. If the correct name is in the last name field, delete this warning.Advanced
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853 GEDCOM Junk: The biography contains GEDCOM sections that should not be on WikiTree. See Sections you can delete. Intermediate

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Latest report: December 1st 2024.
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