Location: Canelo Arizona

Surnames/tags: Cemeteries Pioneers
- Black Oak Cemetery is located in
- Canelo (Canille), Santa Cruz County, Arizona,
- Approximately 14 miles south of Sonoita near mile marker 18 on Highway 83
- Black Oak Cemetery on Find A Grave
Many thanks to Linda Hummel Roslund for creating this website: http://blackoakcanelo.org/
Here is a list of my relatives buried here:
Grandfather Frank "Shorty" Burch Burch-2242
Grandmother Grace Mary Douglas Burch Douglas-6056 https://blackoakcanelo.org/Burch%20GraceMaryDouglas.html
Aunt Norma Roselle Burch Burch-2321
Greatgrandfather Irvin Warren Douglas Douglas-1443 https://blackoakcanelo.org/DouglasIrvin.html
Lulu Belle Brizzee Stoddard Douglas Brizzee-6 https://blackoakcanelo.org/Douglaslulubelle.html
Great Uncle Volney Marx Douglas Douglas-6177 https://blackoakcanelo.org/DouglasVolneyMarx.html
Volney's wife Blanche Audrey Lawson Lawson-5287
Alonzo T. "Lon" Lowe Lowe-7272 https://blackoakcanelo.org/LoweATstone.jpeg
2nd Great Aunt Grace Ramona Jacobs Lowe Jacobs-7375 https://blackoakcanelo.org/LoweGraceRstone%20(1).jpeg
2nd Great Aunt May Jacobs Jacobs-7450 https://blackoakcanelo.org/JacobsMayWstone%20(1).jpeg
2nd Cousin Alonzo Franklin "Jokey" Spencer III Spencer-15190 https://blackoakcanelo.org/SpencerAlonzoJokeystone%20(1).jpeg
Emory Stoddard Stoddard-828 https://blackoakcanelo.org/StoddardEmory.html
2nd Cousin Herald Stoddard Stoddard-1734 https://blackoakcanelo.org/StoddardHaroldEmorystone.jpg
2nd Cousin Nolan Stoddard Stoddard-2368 https://blackoakcanelo.org/StoddardNolan.html
Great Aunt Olive Douglas Stoddard Douglas-6151 https://blackoakcanelo.org/StoddardOlive.html
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