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Surname/tag: Blackfeet
Profile manager: Kitty Carr private message [send private message]
This page has been accessed 339 times.
Painting by George Catlin, 1832
Peh-tó-pe-kiss, Eagle's Ribs, a Piegan Chief
Peh-tó-pe-kiss, Eagle's Ribs, a Piegan Chief


Team Scope

The Blackfeet Tribe (Ampskapi Piikani) of the Blackfeet Nation are situated in northwestern Montana, United States on the Blackfeet Reservation. The Blackfoot Confederacy (Siksikaisitapi) is comprised of three tribes: the Blood (Kainai), the Piegan (Piikani) and the Blackfoot (Siksika) tribes. While members of the Blackfeet Tribe of Montana may descend from members of any of the three tribes of the Blackfoot Confederacy, it is comprised primarily of descendants of the Piegan (Piikani) band.


The goal of this project is to add well-sourced profiles of Tribal Members of the Blackfeet Nation in Montana, United States, along with their Enrolled descendants, to source any existing unsourced profiles, and to flesh out the biographies of all profiles.

Right now this project has the following members:

Here are some of the tasks that need to be done. Our team will be working on them, and could use your help.

  • Source existing profiles according to WikiTree and the Native American Project guidelines
  • Improve biographies of existing profiles
  • Add profiles from Native American census records from 1892 onward.

Will you join us? Please post a comment here on this page.

Project Sticker

... was Blackfeet.

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WikiTree Resources

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Research Resources

Tribal Entities

Census Records & Rolls

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General Reference

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  • Private Messages: Send a private message to the Profile Manager. (Best when privacy is an issue.)
  • Public Comments: Login to post. (Best for messages specifically directed to those editing this profile. Limit 20 per day.)

Comments: 3

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Hello Kitty! I would like to join the Blackfeet team. I'm a member of the Tribe. I'm interested in adding profiles of deceased members from the Indian censuses, sourcing unsourced profiles and making connections.
posted by K R McDougle
Hi Kathleen! There is now a Category for Blackfeet Tribe Team members that acts as the "team member list" - see info above for adding it to your profile so you'll show up on the team member list.
posted by Robert Teague
Kitty, I just stumbled upon this by accident. I'm co-Leader of the Native Americans project. I encourage you to use wikitree's g2g discussion forum (under Help menu) to bring more attention to your interest in this subject matter. Be sure to include the tags Native_Americans and Blackfeet.
posted by Jillaine Smith