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Blayney Memorials Table

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Date: [unknown] [unknown]
Location: Blayney, New South Wales, Australiamap
Surnames/tags: Cemetery Blayney Memorials
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Blayney Memorials Table New Version

Blayney Cemetery

Memorials photographed and transcribed by Julie Rourke and Kerri McCarron.

Photograph Grave Number Name Transcription
Pres.Abbott, ConIn Loving Memory of Con Abbot, Died 13th August 1989, Aged 83
Pres.Abbott, Doris MaryDoris Mary Abbott, Aged 89 years, Died 12 Dec 1997, "Together"
Pres.Abbott, Faith AnnieFaith Annie Abbott, Died 2nd December 1993, Aged 91 Years, Always remembered by her loving family, At Rest.
ACIPres.Abbott, Mary AnnIn Loving memory, My dear wife and our mother Mary Ann Abbott, 1876 - 1912, At Rest.
Billion GravesAbbott, Peter John Dennis (Sonny)In loving Memory of, ABBOTT, PETER JOHN DENNIS, "SONNY", 17.10.1933 - 12.2.2014, Rest in Peace
Pres.Abbot, William HenryWilliam Henry Abbott, Died 23 Jun 1977, Aged 79 Years, Always Remembered by his loving wife and family, At Rest
ACI FindaGrave PhotoPres.Adam, Elizabeth
ACI FindaGrave PhotoPres.Adam, Rev James
ACI Billion GravesAdams, Ann
Billion GravesAdams, Isobel Noreen
ACI Billion GravesAdams, Richard B.
Billion GravesAgnew, Barry JohnBrother of Joyce
Billion GravesAgnew, Edith Pearl
Billion GravesAgnew, Joyce Milva Sister of Barry
Billion GravesAgnew, John Henry
Billion GravesAkehurst, Brian Patrick
Billion GravesAkehurst, Joshua "Akey"
ACIAlexander, Joyce
ACIAnderson, Henry
ACIAnderson, Minnie
ACI Billion GravesAndrews, David IanAccidently
Pres.Anlezark, Brien Morris
Billion GravesAnlezark, Shane MorrisDearly loved by Brian, Glenice, Jacob and Daniel
Billion GravesAnsell, Audrey May
ACIC of EAsh, Arthur Trevellyn
ACIC of EAsh, George Edward Glenelg
ACIC of EAsh, Harold
ACIC of EAsh, James Henry
ACI Billion Graves PhotoAshby, James
Billion GravesAvard, Molly Rosesister to Maureen, Cathie, Mary & John
ACI Billion GravesBackhouse, BedeLoving husband, father and grandfather
Billion GravesBackhouse, Elizabethloving wife, mother and grandmother
ACIBacon, Amelia Elvie
ACIBacon, Ernest John
ACI FindaGrave PhotoBaker, Andrew Norman
ACI Billion GravesBaker, Bertha Isobel
ACI Billion GravesBaker, David Ronald (Woodin) Loved and always remembered by Mum, Dad, Tony, Ian and families
Findagrave Photo ACIBaker, Ellen
ACIBaker, Eric Clive
FindaGrave PhotoBaker, Ernest Alfred
FindaGrave PhotoBaker, Ethel Maud
BillionGraves PhotoBaker, Hector GeorgeOur dear mother and father. Always loved by their grandchildren
ACIBaker, Ivy Elsie
Billion GravesBaker, James Denis Beloved Husband, father and Pa
ACI Billion GravesBaker, Linda Mary Our dear mother and father. Always loved by their grandchildren
ACI Billion GravesBaker, Muriel Beryl - Our darling daughter and dear sister
Billion GravesBaker, Rita Philomena
Billion GravesBaker, Ronald Arthur
Billion GravesBamgarten, Marion Janet 
ACIBaldwin, Eda
ACI, Billion GravesRCBanney, Joseph Lawrence
ACIBarnes, Gladys Elizabeth
ACIBarratt, Doris
ACIBarratt, William James
ACIBartlett, Elizabeth Benjamin
ACI Billion GravesBartley, Dagmar Irena
C of EBarry, Mrs Alice Marion
ACIBates, Annie May
ACIBates, Ernest George
ACI Billion GravesBatty, Albert George Our dear husband and father
Batty, Alfred
Pres.Batty, Allen JohnAccidently killed
Batty, Ann Susanna
Billion GravesBatty, Cyril Gorman
ACI Billion GravesBatty, Edith Mary With Nora Mary
ACIBatty, Emma
ACIBatty, Emma
Pres.Batty, George
ACI Billion GravesBatty, Horace Alfred
ACI Billion GravesBatty, Maud May
ACIBatty, Mervyn Richard
ACIBatty, Nora Mary
ACIBatty, Pritchard Robert
Batty, Richard
ACIBatty, Richard
ACIBatty, Sarah
ACIBatty, Sylvia Clare
ACIBatty, William John
ACIBatty, William John
ACIBatty, William Lloyd
ACI Billion GravesBayliss, Allan Spencer
ACI Billion GravesBayliss, Naomi Henrietta
ACI Billion GravesBayliss, Roslyn Ann
ACIBeddie, Allan McMillan
Billion GravesBeddie, Charlotte Amy
Billion GravesBeddie, Kenneth McMillan
Billion GravesBeddie, Lloyd Kenneth
FindaGrave PhotoBell, Mark James
Pres.Bell, Michael HenryBeloved husband of Audrey Loving father of Craig and Scott
ACIBennett, James
ACI Billion GravesBennett, Leo Noel
ACI Billion GravesBenson, Irene Una “Benny”
Pres.Bentley, Beatrice DaphneA loving daughter,sister and Aunt. A gifted Nurse, Midwife and Community Nurse
Billion GravesBentley, Geoffrey James (Benny)
Billion GravesBest, Maureen Francis
ACI Billion GravesBevear, Donald John
Billion GravesBevear, Keith Alfred
Billion GravesBird, Nancy Olive
Billion GravesBird, Patrick Garry
Billion GravesBird, Rose-Maree
Billion GravesBird, Wayne Derrick
ACIBird, William
FindaGrave PhotoBishop, John
ACI Billion GravesBlackwell, Malcolm Frederick
ACI Billion GravesBlackwell, Sylvia Eileen
ACIBlake, Christopher John
ACI Billion GravesBlake, Diana Cheryl
ACI Billion GravesBlowes, Harry
ACI Billion GravesBlowes, Mary Helen
FindaGrave PhotoBoon, William Keith
ACI Billion GravesBottom, Irene Shirley
ACI Billion GravesBottom, Joseph 'Jim'
ACI Billion GravesBourke, Leonard Austin
ACI Billion GravesBourke-Jones, Eileen Ada
Pres.Brain, Ronald James
ACIBrain, Ronald James
ACI Billion GravesBridgman, Carrie
ACI Billion GravesBridgman, John
ACI Billion GravesBridgman, Sarah Eliza
Meth.Briggs, Alfred NoelTrove
ACI Billion GravesBriggs, Cecil Howard
C of EBriggs, Christopher
ACIBriggs, Clifford Milton
ACI PhotoBriggs, Eva Mildred
ACI Billion GravesBriggs, Grace Briggs
ACI PhotoBriggs, Joseph
RCBright, Honorah
ACIBright, Lynette Mary
FindaGrave Photo ACIBrimble, CPL George Enoch
FindaGrave PhotoBrown, Amy IreneSister to Vera Lillian Kirkwood
ACI Billion GravesBrown, Ellen Brown
Billion GravesBrown, Frank Francis
ACIBrown, George Charles
Brown, Hazel Jean
C of EBrown, James F
Brown, Pauline
ACIBrown, Susan
Billion GravesBrowning, Elizabeth
Browning, George
Browning, GeorgeTrove
Billion GravesBrowning, Laurel Matilda
Browning, Martha
Browning, Mary jane
Billion GravesBrowning, Oswald
Billion GravesBrowning, Richard
ACI Billion GravesBuckner, Dawn Colleen
ACI Billion GravesMeth, 5, 71Buesnel, Kenneth Reuben
Billion GravesBull, Ada Mary
Billion GravesBull, Frederick Herbert
Billion GravesBrown, Minnie
ACIC of EBulloch, Bertha Alice
ACI Billion GravesBulloch, Duncan
ACI Billion GravesBulloch, James
ACI Billion GravesBulloch, James
ACIC of EBulloch, Lawrence Claude
ACI Billion GravesBulloch, Leslie Wilton
ACIBulloch, Norman Milton
ACI Billion GravesBulloch, Sarah Ann
ACIBulloch, Thelma
ACIBulloch, William
ACIBullock, Barbara Lily
ACIBullock, Stanley Thomas
ACIBurgess, Alfred
ACI Billion GravesBurgess, Ian William
ACI Billion GravesBurgess, Margaret Mavin A true Scot, rest in peace
AusCemIndexRCBurke, Dorothy
Pres.Burke, Edna ThorntonForever in our memory
FindaGrave PhotoBurke, Elizabeth Mary
ACIBurke, Erick John (Jack)
Pres.Burke, Harold Edward and Burke, John
FindaGrave Photo, ACI PhotoRCBurke, Johanna
FindaGrave, ACI PhotoBurke, John Joseph
FindaGrave Photo, ACI PhotoRCBurke, John Patrick
FindaGrave Photo, ACI PhotoBurke, Mary
FindaGrave Photo ACI Burke, Patrick
Burke, Patrick John (Jack)May he rest in Eternal Peace
Burke, Ruby Pearl
FindaGrave PhotoBurke, Samuel Ignatius
FindaGrave PhotoBurke, Susan Emyline
FindaGrave Photo, ACI PhotoRCBurke, Thomas
Ang.Burns, Thomas
Billion GravesBurrell, Cecil William
Pres.Burrell, Elsie May
Pres.Burrell, Ernest
Pres.Burton, Alfred
Pres.Burton, Arthur John
Billion GravesBurton, Cecil Haley
ACIBurton, Clara Elliott
FindaGrave PhotoBurton, Colleen
Find A Grave ACIBurton, Edna MadgeForever loved and remembered by her Family MeMe to her grandchildren In God's care
Pres.Burton, Edward Lancelot
Pres.Burton, Elizabeth Amelia
ACIBillion GravesPres.Burton, Frederick
ACI Billion GravesPres.Burton, Frederick William
Pres.Burton, Harry Keith
Pres.Burton, Henry
Pres.Burton, Henry
ACIBurton, Howard
Pres.Burton, Irene JoyceBeloved wife mother and Gran At Peace
Pres.Burton, James
ACI Billion GravesBurton, Jessie
Pres.Burton, John
Pres.Burton, Kathleen Mavis
Pres.Burton, Margaret Steane
Burton, Margaret Joy
Pres.Burton, Mary
ACIBurton, Mary
Billion GravesBurton, Mary
Pres.Burton, Raymond JohnForever loved and remembered by his family, In God's care
Pres.Burton, Robert Bruce
Billion GravesBurton, Richard
ACI Billion GravesByers, Violet
ACIByrne, Barbara Amy
RCCahill, Patrick
ACICameron, Angus
ACICameron, Dulcie
ACICameron, Isabella
ACICameron, Lachlan
ACICameron, Roderick
ACI Billion GravesCampbell, Alan Bruce
Carney, Patrick James
Pres.Carney, Sarah Ann
ACI Billion GravesCarroll, Reginald Francis
Carroll, MrsTrove
Billion GravesCarter, Herman Frederick Bam
ACI Billion GravesCashen, Alma Amy Gladys
FindaGrave Photo ACICashen, Catherine Ellen
ACI Billion GravesCashen, Doreen Jean
ACICashen, Edith Ann
ACI Billion GravesCashen, Edward
FindaGrave PhotoCashen, Edward
ACI Billion GravesCashen, Edward John
ACI Billion GravesCashen, Elvy Cora
ACI Billion GravesCashen, Ernest Clive
FindaGrave PhotoCashen, Henry
Billion GravesCashen, Henry
ACICashen, James
PhotoCashen, Jane
Billion GravesCashen, John
FindaGrave PhotoCashen, Levi Augustus
FindaGrave PhotoCashen, William
FindaGrave PhotoCashen, William Thomas
ACICastles, James
Billion GravesChalker, Ernest John
C of EChambers, Ann
C of EChambers, Clark
C of EChambers, Sarah Ann
ACIChapman, Alice
ACIRC Old, 18, 21Chapman, Ena Mary
Chapman, E. C. S.
Billion GravesChapman, Florence
Billion GravesChapman, Francis
ACI Billion GravesChapman, Harry William
ACIRC Old, 28, 3Chapman, Keith James
ACI Billion GravesChapman, Linda Rebecca
Billion GravesChapman, Nichole Catherine
ACIRC Old, 18, 20Chapman, Peter Michael
Billion GravesChapman, Thomas Henry
ACI Billion GravesCheney, A D
ACI Billion GravesCheney, Albert Arthur
FindaGrave Photo ACICheney, Alfred Thomas
ACI Billion GravesC of ECheney, Algernon "Alcie" Wallace
ACI Billion GravesCheney, Claude
ACICheney, Ernest Edward
ACICheney, Florence Adelaide
ACICheney, Frances Jane
ACICheney, George Alfred
ACI Billion GravesCheney, Hannah
ACI Billion GravesC of ECheney, Ian brother of Margaret
FindaGrave Photo ACICheney, Irene Eta “Gwen”
Cheney, Jane Paynter and Cheney, George Alfred
Cheney, Keith Albert and Cheney, Joan Veronica Mary
ACI Billion GravesCheney, Lillian Elizabeth
ACI Billion GravesCheney, Lillian Joan
ACICheney, Noel John
ACI Billion GravesCheney, Phyllis Joyce "Munga"
ACICheney, Thomas George
Billion GravesCheney, Thomas Herbert
Billion GravesCheshire, Anthony Stuart "Tony"
ACIClaessens, George otthenrick
ACI Billion GravesClancy, Eileen Mary Loving mother and mother-in-law of Janice and Ray Masters. Devoted Grannie & Great Grannie of Jason & Shannon Masters
Clark, Aubrey Raymond
ACI Billion GravesClark, Bernice Daphne My Dear wife
Clark, Doris Adell Sadley missed by her husband and family
ACIBillion GravesClark, Ernest R
ACIClark, Ida
ACIClark Leslie Ernest
ACI Billion GravesClark, Margaret Joyce
ACIClark, Raymond BertramMuch loved husband father and Pa
ACIClark, Roy Hamilton
Pres., Row 20 Lot 8Clements, Ada
Clements, Andrew
Clements, Andrew
Clements, Anne Susan
Clements, Carmal
Clements, Catherine
Clements, Donald Irwin
Clements, Dorothy Jean
Clements, Eva Maude
ACIClements, George
Clements, Harriet Mary
Clements, Irwin James
Clements, Irwin
Pres., Row 20 Lot 8Clements, Isabella
Pres., Row 20 Lot 8Clements, John and Clements, Isabella
Pres., Row 20 Lot 8Clements, John
Clements, John Leslie
Clements, Joseph
Clements, Joseph
Clements, Leslie Harold
Clements, Leslie John
Clements, Leslie Roy
Clements, Mary
Clements, Percival John
Clements, Reginald Joseph
Clements, Robert
Clements, Robert Joseph
Clements, Rose Mary
Clements, Sarah Elizabeth
Clements, Stuart John
Clements, William John
Clements, William Gordon
FindaGrave PhotoCluff, Mary Valetta Rose
ACI PhotoKerri McCarronCoates, Norman Leslie
ACICoble, Bertha May
Coble, Edward James
ACICoble, Jessie Sarah May
Coble, Kenneth O'Neil 
ACI Billion GravesCoble, MargaretWith William O'Neil Coble
ACICoble, Richard James
ACICoble, Thelma Mavis Cowen
ACI Billion GravesCoble, William O'Neil (Peter)with Margaret
ACI Billion GravesCock, William (Bill) Victor Father and Father-in-law of Deborah, jason and Michelle, loving pop of his7 grandchildren
ACIColburt, Barry Douglas
ACIColburt, Douglas Haig
ACI Billion GravesColburt, Phyllis Marie
Billion GravesCole, Anthony Laurence Brother of Angela, Uncle of Sam and Alex
Billion GravesCole, J
Billion GravesCole, Michael Leslie Husband and father
ACICollie, John Frederic
ACIPres.Collie, Russell Alfred
ACI Billion GravesCollins, Catherine
ACI Billion GravesCollins, ClaudeWith Evelyn
ACI Billion GravesCollins, Ernest
ACI FindaGrave PhotoCollins, Ethel Jean
ACICollins, Evelyn
ACICollins, Kalin Bradley
ACI Billion GravesCollins, Winnie
FindaGrave PhotoComerford, Kerinalso Mary Rogers & Margaret Comerford
FindaGrave PhotoComerford, Margaret also on headstone- Kerin Comerford & Mary Rogers
Billion GravesCommins, Helen Denise Sister of John
Billion GravesCommins, Leonard Anthony Loving father and poppy
Billion GravesCommins, Marjorie Clare
Billion GravesCommins, Michael Bernard
ACI Billion GravesConlan, James Loving husband
Billion GravesConroy, James Joseph 'Joe'
ACIPres.Conroy, Dr Lionel B H
Considine, Vincent
ACICook, Agnes Ann
ACI Billion GravesCook, Albert James
Cook, Allan LeslieBeloved husband of Deidre, Loving father of Peter and Cheryl, At rest
Billion GravesCook, Amy Amelia wife and mother
ACI FindaGrave PhotoCook, Amy Louisa
ACI Billion GravesCook, Arthur Clarence
ACICook, Baby
ACI Billion GravesCook, Beverley AnnTogether again
C of ECook, Clara MabelMother with William Edwin Taylor, first marriage Taylor
ACICook, Clarence Ivor
ACICook, Doris Jean
ACICook, Isabella
Pres.Cook, John
Pres.Cook, John
ACICook, Keith Sydney
ACI Billion GravesPres.Cook, Kenneth Cecil James
ACI Billion GravesCook, Kevin William Brother of Thelma and Shirly
ACICook, Leila Lillian
Billion GravesCook, Leslie Henry
ACICook, Leslie Henry
ACI Billion GravesCook, Lloyd Desmond
ACI Billion GravesCook, Maxwell John Every rememberedby his loving family
ACICook, Noel Richard
ACI Billion GravesCook, Philip Stanley
ACICook, Samuel
Cook, Sophia Elizabeth
Billion GravesCoombes, Ethel Mary (May)
Billion GravesCoombes, Francis "Frank" Reginald
FindaGrave PhotoCooper, Emma
Billion GravesCooper, Emily
Cooper, Herbert Robert
Billion GravesCooper, James
Cooper, Marthapossibly buried with husband
Cooper, Robert Thomas and Cooper, Susan
Cooper, Sydney Russell
FindaGrave PhotoCooper, Thomas
Cooper, William Theodore
ACICorse, Ilma Maud
ACICorse, John Frank
Billion GravesCouglan, Joanne
ACI Billion GravesCowan, Bruce 'Bluey'
ACICowan, Catherine
Cowan, Doris May
ACI Billion GravesCowan, Edith Maryann
Billion GravesCowan, Francis Joseph Roy "Joe"
ACICowan, George James
Cowan, George Thomas
ACICowan, Jack
ACICowan, Jimmy
Billion GravesCowan, Judith Ann Loved by her family
Billion GravesCowan, Pearl June
ACI Billion GravesCowan, Rodney W
ACI Billion GravesCowan, Sidney Thomas
ACICowan, Tommy
ACICowen, Evangeline
ACICowen, George Christopher
ACICowen, William John
Billion GravesCowley, Richard John
ACI Billion GravesCoxhead, Alan Edgar
ACI Billion GravesCoxhead, Doris Louise
ACICrawford, James
ACICrawford, Samuel Glasgow
ACICreasy, Allan John
ACI Billion GravesCreasy, Charles John Erected by Doris Marie and Ann
ACI Billion GravesCreasy, Colleen FlorenceMother and Grandmother
ACICreasy, Eric
Billion GravesCreasy, Rex Raymond With Dorothy Le Tondeur
ACI Billion GravesCrick , Elizabeth Ellen
Crofts, Arthur
ACICrofts, Bernard
ACICrofts Ellen
ACICrofts, Harrie
Crofts, John Arthur
Crofts, Lila Belle
Crofts, Robert James
Crofts, Yvonne Blair
ACI Billion GravesCroker, George
Wesleyan Croker, MrTrove
ACICrosbie, Jean Bessie
ACI Billion GravesCrosbie, John Bernard 'Bernie'
ACICrosbie, Walter Bernard
ACICroucher, John
Billion GravesCroucher, John William
Billion GravesCroucher, Mary
FindaGrave PhotoCuddihy, John “Jack”
ACICzerwinski, George John
ACICzerwinski, Margaret Anne
ACIDakers, William
FindaGraveRCDaly, James Bernand Wife buried at Monteagle.
Darmody, Adam James
ACIDarrington, Charlotte In Memorium, A loving wife and mother, Charlotte Darrington, Forever with the Lord
ACIDavies, Grace June
ACIDavies, Leslie Harry
ACIDavis, Arthur
ACIDavis, Charlotte
RCDavis, Mrs Catherine Therese
ACIDavis, Ebenezer
Davis, Ebenezer
ACIDavis Edward Harold
Davis, Elias John
C of EDavis, Elizabeth
Davis, George Henry
ACIDavis, Hedley John
Davis, Herbert JamesAccidental Death, brother Elias.
ACIDavis, Joan Beryl
ACIDavis, John
Davis, Kenneth John
RCDavis, Margaret
ACIDavis, Maria
ACIDavis, Maria Jane
Davis, Marlene
ACIDavis, Mary Ann
ACIDavis, Mary Elizabeth
ACIDavis, Ronald James
ACIDavis Thomas
Davis, Veronica M.
ACIDavis, William
ACIDavis, William
Davis, William Burton
ACIDavis, William James
FindaGrave ACIAng Old, 23.5, 52Dean, Amos Augustus
Findagrave, ACIAng Old, 23.5, 49Dean, Cecil Thomas
FindaGrave, ACIAng Old, 24.5, 53Dean, Frederick Thomas
Dean, Ivy Kathleen
FindaGrave, ACIAng Old, 23.5, 53Dean, Leonard Gregory
FindaGrave, ACIAng Old, 23.5, 49Dean, Nelson Keith
FindaGrave, ACIRC Old, 24, 10Dean, Norman Thomas
FindaGraveDean, Norman Thomas
FindaGrave, ACIAng Old, 23.5, 53Dean, Phyllis M
FindaGrave, ACIAng Old, 23.5, 54Dean, Susannah
ci, FindaGraveDeath, Allan Clive Married Blayney 10685/1953, huband father and grandad
ACIDeath, Annie Maud
ACIDeath, Baby
ACIDeath, Bertha Emily
ACIDeath, Charles
Death, CharlesTrove
ACIDeath Charlotte Ann
ACIDeath, Daniel Paul
ACIDeath, Dennis (Trappar)Beloved Brother
Death, Edna Jessie
ACIDeath, Edward
ACIDeath, Elizabeth Emily
ACI, Edna DeathDeath, Elizabeth Maria wife and mother
ACIDeath, Ellen
ACIDeath, Ellen Grace
ACIDeath, Eugene Edward
ACIDeath, Evangeline Gertrude
WeslyanDeath, daughterTrove
ACI, Edna DeathDeath, Florance Adaline
ACIDeath, Frank John
ACIDeath, Frank Lukins
ACI, FindaGraveWesleyanDeath, George
ACIDeath, George Albert
FindaGraveDeath, Gregory James
ACIDeath, Henrietta
ACIDeath, Ila Watt
ACIDeath, James
ACIOld C of E, Row: 20, Plot Number: 10Death, James
ACIDeath, Leslie Raymond
ACI, Edna DeathDeath, Lily Margaret
FindaGrave, ACIDeath, Lloyd Gregory
ACI, FindaGraveC of EDeath, Mabel Estelle
ACI, FindagraveDeath, May Cameron
ACI, FindaGaveDeath, Mervyn John
ACIOld C of E, 20, 15Death, Milton Aravia
Pres.Death, Minnie
C of EDeath, MrsTrove
ACI, Finda GraveDeath, Nancy Delma
Death, Norman Claude
ACI, FindaGaveDeath, Percy
Pres.Death, Prichard Ernest
ACI, FindaGraveDeath, Ronald Francis
ACIDeath, Ruth
ACI, FindaGaveDeath, Sophia
ACIFindaGraveDeath, Susan Lillian
ACIDeath, Thomas
Delaney, Kim Maree
ACIDelton, John
RCDempsey, JohnDeath, Trove
RC Family VaultDempsey, MaryTrove, Trove
Dempsey, PatrickMarrige 2966/1880. Trove
ACIDevenish, Eva M (Nan)
ACIDevenish, George Allan
ACI, FindaGraveDeverath, Clive Robert
Dixon, Daisy Day
Dixon, Irwin Lambert
Dixon, Rosamond
ACIDobbel, William
C of EDoig, MrsTrove
Donlan, Doris Thelma Irene
Donlan, John
Donlan, Martin
ACIDonlan, Robert Thomas T
ACIDoolan, Michael R
Pres.Dorsett, William ArthurLoved father and Grandfaher
Doulman, Mavis Irene
Billion GravesDover, Ada Mary With Nell Ellen Nolan
Billion GravesDover, Bessie Lorraine (Betty)
Billion GravesDover, Desmond Patrick (Des)Sadly missed by his family, RIP
Dover, Gerald ?
Dover, Geraldine EmilyGod's Greatest Gift Remembance
RCDover, Harriet Blanche(Miss)
Dover, Hughie Vivian ?
Billion GravesDover, Hughie VivianLoved Uncle and Brother in law, God has him in His keeping, We havehim in our hearts, R.I.P.
Dover, James
Billion GravesDover, John Paul DoverGod's Greatest Gift Remembance
RCDover, Mary A
RCDover, Thomas Gerald
Dover, William George
ACI, Billion GravesDowell, Alexander RoyIn loving memory of, Alexander Roy,Dowell, Passed away 10-12-1986, Aged 64 Years, Forever with the Lord
ACI, Billion GravesDowell, Dorothy Jean In Loving Memory of Dorothy Jean Dowell, Passed away 2 - 9 - 1996, Aged 57 years, Forever with the Lord
ACI, Find a GraveC Of EDrady, Francis David “Frank”
BillionGraves, FindaGraveAng.Drady, June Irenemrd 2 Jan 1960 1960-3704, Died Bathurst NSW death due to drowning Wyangola Dam NSW
FindaGave, Billion GravesDrady, Melvyn Douglass (Peter)mrd 2 Jan 1960 Bathurst NSW
FindaGrave, Billion GavesDrady, Selwyn RoySelwyn, along with his mother Stacie, sister-in-law June, and future brother-in-law Max Drain, were drowned in a boating accident at the Wyangala Dam on Christmas Day 1960
FindaGraveDrady, Stacia Adeline “Stacie”Died Wyangala Dam
ACI, Billion GravesDunkley, Kathleen AnnIn God's Care, From Grandma, Gandpa and Aunty Judy
Pres.Durham, Hilda Gertrude
FindaGrave, Billion GravesDyer, Emily Vera
Billion GravesDyer, William Herbert
C of E Lot 19, Row 3Eason, Ester
ACIEason, Evelyn Grace
Eason, Irwin and Eason, Anne (Annie)
FindaGrave ACIPres., Lot 2, Row 2Eason, John
FindaGraveEason, Lily Adelaide Grace Eldest child.
C of E Lot 19, Row 3Eason, Richard and Eason, Sarah
C of E Lot 19, Row 3Eason, Richard
ACIEason, Richard KennethAccidently killed
ACIEason, Robert
ACIEason, Robin Stewart
ACIEassie, Amelia
ACIEassie, Charles
ACIEassie, Lillian Maud
ACIEassie, Robert James
Edwards, John
Edwards, Letitia
Edwards, Lycia AnnTrove
Egan, Phillip Jeffery
ACIEllery, Baby
ACIEnnis, James
ACIEnnis, Thomas Claude
ACIAng Old, 28, 1Evans, Arthur George
ACIAng Old, 28, 1Evans, Constance Hodges
ACIAng Old, 24, 5Evans, Robert
Ewen, Ellen LenoreA dear wife mother and Gran
Ewen, James M
ACIEwen, William Thomas
ACIEwens, Ellen Lenore
ACIEwens, Evangline Sophia
ACIEwens, Reuben Paul
ACIEwens, Samuel
ACIEwens, Samuel McLauchlin
Ewin, Alexandra Frances
ACIEwin, Amy Amelia
ACIEwin, Bruce No parents on death reg.
C of EEwin, David
C of E, Lot 4 Row 1aEwin, Edward
Ewin, ElizabethBut dead to us we loved them dear, not lost but gone before, they live with us in memory still, And will forever more. (Reg Ewens)
Ewin, Elva Raye
Ewin, Ernest Alexander John
Ewin, Florence Lydia
Ewin, Florence May Trove, Trove funeral
Ewin, Francis Stanley Married Orange 4884/1951
ACIEwin, George
Ewin, Heather Jean
ACIPres.Ewin, Henry
C of E, Lot 5 Row 1aEwin, Henry (Harry)Trove
ACIEwin, Irene E MSister
ACIEwin, Isabella
C of EEwin, JamesBut dead to us we loved them dear, not lost but gone before, they live with us in memory still, And will forever more.
Ewin, JaneMother
ACIEwin, Jane Bell
ACIEwin, Mervyn Neville
ACIPres.Ewin, Oswald Gavin
Ewin, Phyllis Joyce
C of EEwin, Sarah
ACIEwin, Stephen James
Ewin, William Thomas
ACI PhotoPres.Fairbank, Frances MargaretInterred at Coolah
Fardell, Arthur Trove
ACIFardell, Arthur
ACIFardell, Dudley George
ACIFardell, Mary Ellen
ACIFardell, Robert Clive
ACIFardell, Ruby Joyce
ACIFardell, William Lloyd
FindaGrave Fardy, MaryPatrick buried elsewhere
ACI BillionGravesFelstead, Caroline Rebecca
ACIFelstead, Richard
ACIFelstead, Richard
ACIFelstead, Russell
ACIFenton, Edith May Winifred
ACIFenton, George Christopher
ACIFenton, Victor Hayden
ACIField, Graham Frederick
BillionGravesFinlay, Ivy May
ACI Billion GravesFinlay, Robert John
ACI BillionGravesFinlay, Walter Weston
ACI Billon GravesFlint, Arthur Leslie
ACI Billon GravesFlint, Doris Amy
RCFlood, John
RCFlood, Julia
ACIFlower, Charlotte
Foley, Patrick
ACI Billion GravesFord, James Robert
ACIFord, James Walter
ACIFord, Martha Jane Elizabeth
ACIFowler, Charlotte
Pres.Fowler, Clarence Edmund
Pres.Fowler, Elva Joyce
BillionGravesFowler, Gertrude Ellen
Pres.Fowler, Josiah Charles
ACI BillionGravesPres.Fowler, Samuel William
Pres.Fowler, William John
BillionGravesFrench, Eric
ACI BillionGravesFrench, Manuel Bruce
ACI Billion GravesFuller, Bertha Jean
ACI BillionGravesFuller, Oliver Robert (Bob)
Fuller, Rita Joyce
Fuller,Robert Edward (Ted)
ACI BillionGravesFuller, Sarah Emma
ACIFunnell, Leslie Charles
BillionGravesFunnell, Patricia Josephine
ACI BillionGravesFurner, Allan
BillionGravesFurner, Annetta
ACI BillionGravesFurner, Brian Maxwell
ACI BillionGravesFurner, Patricia Camelia May (Pat)
ACIFussell, Joseph Housden b. ; h/ NX33942
BillionGravesFussell, Neita Jean
BillionGravesGannon, Elma Mary
ACI BillionGravesGardiner, Elizabeth May
ACIGardiner, Gladstone
ciGardiner, Julian
ACIC of EGardiner, Katherine Jane
ACIGardiner, Norman Charles
ACIGarlick, Edgar Atholstan
ACI BillionGraves, FinaGraveGarlick, Elizabeth
ACI BillonGravesGarlick, Frances Ellen
ACI BillionGaves, FindagraveC of EGarlick, Helena Harriet
BillionGravesGarlick, Jack Henry
ACI BillionGraves, FinaGraveGarlick, John
ACIGarlick, Mollie Dorothy
BillionGravesGarlick, Nola Fay
ACI BillionGraves, FindaGraveGarlick, Walter
BillionGraveGarlick, Wendy Bynen
BillionGravesGay, Aubrey JosephBuried with wife Ruby
ACIGay, Darren Joseph
ACIGay, Hedley Arthur
ACIGay, Ruby May
BillionGravesC of EGerty, George Sheridan
ACI FindaGraveGill, Barry MorrisMssg sent to profile manager to add category
ACIGill, CyrilIn Loving Memory of A dear husband and father, Cyril (Mike) Gill, Died 23 - 8 - 1974, Aged 62, R - I - P
Gill, Mona Alice
FindagraveGillespie, Albert John
FindaGraveGillespie, Dorothy Ann 
Gilliver, Edna May
Gilliver, John
ACIGlasson Alexander St.Clair
ACI BillionGavesGlasson, Anne Margaret
ACI BillionGravesGlasson, Aphra M I
ACIGlasson Donald Havelock
ACI Billion GavesGlasson, Dorothy Margaret
ACIGlasson, Elizabeth
ACI Glasson, James Russell (Russell)
ACI BillionGravesGlasson, John
ACI BillionGravesGlasson, John Cyprian Bridge
ACI BillionGravesGlasson, Lucy
ACIGlasson Madaleine Isabel
Richard Glasson
ACI BillionGavesMeth.Glasson, Susan
ACIGlasson, Susiedaughter
ACI BillionGravesWilliam Glasson
ACI BillionGravesGlasson, William Allan
ACIC of EGleadhill, Clara
ACIGleadhill, Ellenor
ACIGleadhill, Hilton
ACIGleadhill, Lillian Bertha
Gleadhill, Oscar George
FindaGaveGleadhill, Thelma Grace
ACIGleadhill, Thomas
BillionGraveGlenelg, Edward
ACIGold, Cyril Ruben PorterIn Loving Memory Of Cyril Ruben Porter Gold, Aged 33 1/2 years, Died 25 May 1917, As the Ivy, Comes to the Oak, So Shall My Memory, Come to Thee, Erected by His Loving wife & children
ACIGold, Henry Herbert (Herbert)
Pres.Goodman, Charles E and Goodman, Mary E
ACI BillionGravesGordon, Elizabeth Rae
ACI BillionGravesGordon, John William
ACI BillionGravesGordon, Raymond John
Gorringe, Norman Richard
BillionGravesGraham, Gregory Allan
BillionGravesGraham, Margo Mary
Grant, Susan Ann
ACI Billion GravesGraves, Alma Vera
ACI BillionGraveGraves, David
ACI BillianGravesGraves, Emily Annie
ACIGraves, Esther
ACI BillionGravesGraves, Samuel Norton
ACI BillionGravesGraves, Susanna Curtis
ACIGraves, Thomas C
FindaGrave, BillionGavesGray, Alice Jessie
ACIGray, Elizabeth Ann
ACI BillionGravesGray, Joseph
ACI BillionGravesGray, Mary
BillionGravesGreen, Louisa Maria
ACIGreen, Margaret May
BillionGraves, ACIGreen, Phil John
BillionGravesAng.Green, Thomas Herbert
ACIGrenfell, David
ACIGrenfell, Dorelle Ida
ACI BillionGravesGresser, Joyce Mary
ACI BillionGravesGresser, Kenneth Gordon
BillionGravesGriffiths, William Joseph
ACIGrives, Edna Kathleen
ACI BillionGravesC of EGrives, Edward John
BillionGravesGrives, George Edward
Grives, JohnWife and four sons and five daughters.
ACI Billion GravesGrives, Mary
ACI Billion GravesGrives, Neville Thomas
ACIGrives, Percival Roy
ACIGroves, George
Billion GravesGroves, Leslie George
ACIGroves, Vera
FindaGraveGuinan, Ellen Therese
findagrveGuinan, Margaret
Billion Graves, ACIGunther, Annie Ruby
Billion GravesHall, Bertie T
Billion GravesHall, Thelma Annie
Billion Graves, ACIHall, William Caston
ACI Billion GravesHamer, Elizabeth
ACI Billion GravesHamer, William E
ACIHammond, Emily
ACIHammond, George
FindaGraveHampstead , Ike
ACI Billion GravesHancock, Alex Alfred
ACIHancock, Arthur
FindaGraveHancock, Cecil Henry
ACIHancock, Clarice Lillian
ACIHancock, Edward
FindaGraveACIHancock, EllenWith William and William James
Billion GravesHancock, Eunice Mary
ACIHancock, Eva Ellen
Hancock, Eva Isobel
Pres.Hancock, Gladys
Billion GravesHancock, Hattie Elvira
Billion GravesHancock, Henry
ACIHancock, John
ACI Billion GravesHancock, Kelvin Henry
ACI Billion GravesHancock, Melva May
Hancock, Raymond Peter
ACIHancock, Thomas
ACI Billion GravesHancock, Thomas Alfred
ACI FindaGraveC of E Plot. Sec. 59. Grave 5.Hancock, Thomas RoyT R Sergeant N196734 Australian Volunteer Defence Corps 16/08/1944 53, ACI -N196734
ACI Billion GravesHancock, Una Evelyn
FindaGraveHancock, William With Ellen and William James
FindaGraveHancock, William James With Ellen and William
ACI Billion GravesHancock, William Thomas Mark
FindaGraveHandcock, Amy Eliza
Billion GravesHanrahan, Allan john
Billion GravesHanrahan, Lola Mavis
ACIHardie, Eliza
ACIHardie, Louisa Ann
ACIHarris, Bruce E J
ACIHarris, Judy
C of EHarris, William ThomasTrove
ACIHarrison, Beatrice Hannah
ACIHarrison, Frederick
FindaGrave ACIHarrison, Levi Father
Harrison, MrsBody brought from Coonamble and reinnterned. Trove, Trove
Hart, Alfred Deryck
Hart, Emma Norma
ACI Billion GravesHart, Owen Taylor Forever loved and best friend of Helen. Treasuredfather of louise, Shona and Liz. Loved Pa, & wise mentor to his grandchildren. Caring son, brother and brother-in-law. Father in law & uncle to his father. "Pa is a Star"
Billion GravesHartigan, Ada
ACI Billion GravesRCHartigan, Gordon Keith1st Battalion 7th Reinforcement - War service Egypt, Gallipoli, Western Front Medals 1914-15 Star, British War Medal, Victory Medal, 2371 Private. ACI
Hartigan, Rita May
Billion GravesHartigan, Stephen Ronald
ACIHarvey, Elizabeth
ACIHarvey, Thomas
ACI Billion GravesHavenhand, Judith Frances
ACI Billion GravesHay, Thomas R
old 20, 1Haywood, Marydau/Thomas & Mary. M
RCHaywood, WalterTrove
ACI FindaGraveHealey, Benjamin Attwood
Billion GravesHealey, Doreen May
Heavener, GladysTrove
FindaGraveHeavener, Louisa
FindaGraveHeavener, Mabel Lida
ACIHemsley Robert James
Billion GravesHenry, Roland
ACI Billion GravesHewis, Bessie
Pres.Hicks, Catherine ClareIn loving memory of Catherine C Hicks
Pres.Hicks, RaymondForever loved and sadly missed
FindaGraveHiggins, John
ACIHilderbrand, Audrey AllisonAudrey Allison Hilderbrandt, 21.1.1932 - 31.10.2012, 80 Yrs, Loving wife of Eric, Beloved Mother of Garry, David Ian and Graham, Granma & Great Granma to their families, Cherised Sister of Kay, & Sister in law of Colin
ACIHildebrandt, Ada Jane
ACIHildebrandt, Adolphus Hugo
ACI Billion GravesHildebrandt, Allan Rex
[1] Billion GravesHildebrandt, Audrey Allison
Hildebrandt, Caroline Nancie
Hildebrandt, Colin George
ACI Billion GravesHildebrand, Elva Grace
ACI Billion GravesHilderbrandt, Eric John
FindaGraveHildebrandt, Esther Matilda
Hilderbrandt, Kevin Allan
FindaGraveHildebrandt, Leslie Adolph
Billion Graves, ACIHildebrandt, Linda Louisa
ACI Billion GravesHildebrandt, Max H
ACI Billion GravesHildebrandt, Ronald Percy
ACI Billion GravesHildebrandt, Victor
FindaGraveHilderbrandt, “Baby”
Hildebrandt, Wayne
Hines, JosephTrove
ACIHoadley, Annie May
ACIHoadley, James Robert
ACIHoadley, James William
ACI Billion GravesHoadley, John
ACIHoadley, Martha Alice
ACI Billion GravesHoadley, Murray James
ACIHoadley, Ross
ACI Billion GravesHoadley, Vera Lavinia
Billion GravesHoare, Donald James
ACIHobby, Cameron Luke
ACI Billion GravesHobby, Colin John
ACI Billion GravesHobby, Jessie Webster
ACI Billion GravesHobby, Patricia
Billion GravesHobby, Wilma Moya
Billion GravesHobson, John
ACI Billion GravesHobson, Sheila May
ACI Billion GravesHodgson, Geoffrey Newman
ACI Billion GravesHodgson, Rhona Elaine
ACIHodson, George
ACIHodson, John Benjamin
ACIHodson, Joseph
ACIHodson, Kenneth
ACI Billion GravesHodson, Linda May
ACIHodson, Lottie
ACIHodson,Mary Ann
ACIHodson,Mary Ann
ACIHodson, Richard
ACI Billion GravesHodson, Richard Ernest
ACIHodson, Ruth
Billion GravesHogan, Carmel
Billion GravesHogan, Patrick William
Pres.Holmes, Jane
Holmes, Mrs Ann Jane
ACI Billion GravesHolloway, Alan R
ACI Billion GravesHooke, Augustus Mackay
ACI Billion GravesHoole, Lena
Billion GravesHope, Ruth Jean
Howarth, Myrtle
RCHoynes, FrankTrove
RCHoynes, CliffordTrove
Billion GravesHubbard, Emily
Billion GravesHume, Leonard Douglas
ACI Billion GravesHummerston, Edward George
ACIHunter, C J R
ACI Billion GravesHunter, Janet Josephine
ACIHurst, Edgar W
ACIHurst, Malcolm S J
Hurst, Stanley
Hurst, Mrs
ACI FindaGraveHustwick, Mary Ann
ACIHynds, Allen Archibald
ACIHynds, Leslie
ACIHynds, Ruby Eileen
ACI Billion GravesHyslop, Pamela K
FindaGraveIrwin, William Mackford
ACIIsaac, Thomas Henry
Billion GravesJarman, Evangelina
Billion GravesJarman, Leslie James
Billion GravesJarman, Mary Anne
Billion GravesJarman, Percy
Billion GravesJarman, William
ACIJarman, William
FindaGraveJenner, Bridget Higgins 
FindaGraveJenner, Susan Maria
FindaGraveRCJenner, William
FindaGraveJenner, William
ACIJennings, Frederick
ACIJennings, Sarah Ann
Billion GravesJohn, Marcia Veronica
ACIJohns, Elijah Oliver
Billion GravesJohns, Harriet Mary
ACIJohns, Silas Rowe
Billion GravesJohnson, Robyn
ACIJones Ada Emily
Billion GravesJones, Bruce Littlewood
Billion GravesJones, Elaine Mary Irene
Billion GravesJones, Ida Eleanor
FindaGraveJones, John
Billion GravesJones, Mary Kathleen 'Molly'
Jones, Stanley John 'Jonsey'
Jones, Susan
PresJudd, Myra Elizabeth
FindaGrave, Billion GravesAng.Kable, Alfred George
FindaGraveR.C.sec., F.339.2Kable, Arthur Edgar John (Joe)
Billion GravesKable, Allen John
FindaGraveR.C.sec., 14.42Kable, Catherine Mary
Billion GravesKable, Doris Jean
FindaGraveAng.Kable, Edith MaryNSW birth reg.as "Ethel Mary"
Billion GravesKable, Ernest Francis
ACI ListingR.C.sec., F 339.2Kable, Everilda
Billion Graves, FindaGraveAng., F 391.2Kable, George Henry
crem.RotaryClub Wall, Sth.East Wall row 6, 9Kable, Harold Thomasbachelor, NX154201 Gunner 55th A.A.Regt.
FindaGraveR.C.sec., 14.42Kable, Lionel William
AustCemIndexAng., row 4-75, Kable, Lorna Joycemrd 26 Nov 1938 All Saints Cathedral, Bathurst, NSW 1938-21485
crem.Lions Club Wall 1, East Wall, row 6, 5Kable, Raymod Cecilbachelor, birth reg 9491/1927, AustCemIndex
BillionGraves, FindagraveAng.Kable, Russell Waltermrd 26 Nov 1938 All Saints Cathedral, Bathurst, NSW, Reg: 1938-21485, AustCemIndex
FindaGraveAng.Kable, Samuel Charles
Aust Cem Index, FindaGrave, Billion GravesAng., F 391.2Kable, Violet Letitia
ACIKable, Vera D
ACIKable, Wallace
Billion GravesKeith, Donald Gordon
ACIKeith, Margaret Anne
Billion GravesKelly, Frederick Claude With Ivy May Kelly
Kelly, Samuel
ACIKelman, Beatrice Alice
ACIKendall, George Richard
ACIKendall, Herbert Alfred
FindaGraveKennedy, Robert John
Billion GravesKerin, Bridget
Billion GravesKerin, John
Billion Graves, ACIKind, Valerie Clair
ACIKingham, Alan Sydney
ACIKingham, Clarence Chares
ACIKingham, Clifford Alan
ACIKingham, Eliza Miriam
Kingham, Elvy Mary
Kingham, Ethel
ACIKingham, Geoffrey
Kingham, Herbert Alexander
ACIKingham, Herbert Charles
ACIKingham, Lily
Kingham, William Paul
FindaGraveKirkwood, Vera Lillian
ACIKingston, William
Billion GravesKitchingman, Trevor
WesleyanKnuckey, George ThomasTrove
Billion GravesKonza, Marlin M Nacy, Ken, Edna
FindaGraveKonza , Joseph Norman
FindaGraveKonza , Philomena Bridget  
Billion GravesLaing, Josephine Myrtle
Billion GravesLaing, Vincent Patrick
Billion GravesLamb, Annie 
Billion Graves Lamb, Henry (Harry)
Billion Graves, ACILane, Douglas William
ACILane, Stephen Joseph
Billion GravesLangham, Pauline Ann
Lassey, Hope Lilleth
ACILawrence, George Edward
ACILawrence, Jane
RCLatonder, A.
Billion GravesLe Tondeur, Andrew Eric Jerl
Billion GravesLe Tondeur, Clifford Cedric John
Billion GravesLe Tondeur, Dorothy
Billion GravesLeabeater, Patricia Frances
Billion GravesLedwidge, Victor Percy
Billion GravesLedwidge, William Alfred
ACILee, Aphra Mary
BurialLee, Susan
Lee, William
FindaGraveLeplaw, Lorne A
Lew, Mrs Trove
FindaGraveLewis, Elizabeth Ellen Birth and death dates unknown.
Billion GravesLewis, Harold John
Lewis, SamuelTrove
FindaGraveLewis, Susan
Billion GravesLeyland, John
Billion GravesPres.Linster, Rev William T.
Lobley , Alice Victoria
Billion GravesLobley, Amy
Lobley, ThomasAnzac
Long, Harold
Long, Terry Kathleen
ACILong, Victor HaroldSon and brother
Billion GravesLoudon, Melvie Gladys
Billion GravesLowcock, Ian
ACILowe, Alice
Billion GravesLowe, Nona Jean 
ACILowe, Ron
Billion GravesLowrie, Elizabeth
Lowrie, Elizabeth Trove, Death
Billion GravesLowrie, Jane
Row 1, 8Luck, Clair AngelaLoved wife of Dick, Mother of Val, John Del, At Rest
ACILuck, Albert Edward
ACILuck, Alexander Albert
ACILuck, Burton John
ACILuck, Christina Caroline
ACILuck, Clair Angela
ACILuck, Claude Milton
ACILuck, Elizabeth
ACILuck, Elsie May
Billion GravesLuck, George
ACILuck, Gilbert Harold
Billion GravesLuck, Harold Gilbert
ACILuck, John Norman
Billion Graves, ACILuck, Leslie Mervyn
Billion GravesLuck, Mary Ellen
ACILuck, Minnie
ACILuck, Peter
Row 1,9Luck, Richard Counsellor (Dick)
ACILuck, Ruby Evelyn
Billion GravesRCLuck, Susan
ACILuck, Susan
FindaGraveLynch, John
Billion GravesLynch, John Allen
ACIMackay,Bronwyn Marjorie
FindaGraveMacMillan, John Allen No Grave Photo
FindaGraveMagill , George Neil
FindaGraveMallon, Catherine
FindaGraveMallon, Cyril With Catherine, Francis, James
FindaGraveMallon, Francis
FindaGraveMallon, James Bede
RCMaloney, Catherine No Grave Photo
Maloney, MichaelTrove
ACIManning, Derek Keith
ACIManning, Edwin
ACIMarr, Algernon Smith
ACIMarr, Grace McFarlane Smith
Marriott, Ann Elizabeth
Billion GravesMarsden, Baeden Samuel
Billion Graves, ACI photoMarsden, Daphne Ella 
Billion GravesMarsden, Maribel Gladys
Billion GravesMarsden, Mary
Billion Graves, ACI PhotoMarsden, Mary Ruth
Billion Graves, ACI PhotoMarsden, Merle Isabel
Billion GravesMarsden, Robert Albert
Billion GravesMarsden, Robert Harry
Billion GravesMarsden, Robert Wesley
Billion GravesMarsden, Samuel Albert
FindaGraveMarsh , Ellen No Grave Photo
FindaGraveMarsh , George Henry
Billion GravesMarsh, Horace Sydney
Marshall, BenjaminTrove
PresMarshall, Bessie
PresMarshall, Grace
FindaGrave, Billion GravesPresMarshall, Isaac
PresMarshall, Thomas Isaac H
ACIMason, Arthur James
ACIMason, Clarice I
ACIMason, Gladys Mabel
ACIMason, Kathleen
Billion GravesMason, Vida
ACIMason, William F
Billion GravesMasters, Cyril
Billion GravesC of EMasters, Ellen
Billion GravesMasters, Janice Anne
Billion GravesMasters, John
ACIMasters, John Malcolm
ACIMasters, Mona Margaret
Billion GravesMasters, Olive Jane Margaret
Billion GravesMasters, Percy Robert
Billion GravesMasters, Trevis
Billion GravesMatthews, Charles Robert
Matthews, Dorothy Elsie
Billion GravesMatthews, Gwendoline Elsie
Billion GravesMatthews, James
ACIMatthews, James Delahunt
Billion GravesMatthews, Jane
Matthews, John and Matthews, Harriet
Matthews, Martha Elizabeth May
Matthews, RoyBrother of R. Matthews
Billion GravesMatthews, Sarah
Matthews, William Henry
Billion GravesMaw, Edna May
Billion GravesMay, Ethel A
May, Eunice Lillian
Billion GravesMay, Frances Evelyn
ACIMay, George
Billion GravesMay, Helen
ACIMay, Lititia
May, Thomas Henry
Billion GravesMcAlister, Kenneth Gordon 'Ken'
Billion GravesMcAlister, Matilda Jane 'Tilly'
ACIMcAlister, Thomas Charles
ACIMarthur, William
ACIMcCann, Stephen WayneDied in infancy
ACIMcCann, Gavin BruceDied in infancy
Billion GravesMcCarthy, Gordon
Billion GravesMcCarthy, Phyllis Winsome
Billion GravesMcCormack, Marie Francis
RCMcEvoy, William NormanTrove, Trove
Billion Graves, ACIMcFawn, May Elizabeth Jane
Billion Graves, ACIMcFawn, Sydney John
RCMcGrath, Bridget AliceTrove
McIntyre, William and McIntyre, Mary Ann
Billion GravesMcKay, Leslie George
FindaGraveMcKay, Betsy No Grave Photo
FindaGraveMcKay , Caroline Emily 
FindaGrave, Billion GravesMcKay, Emma 
FindaGrave, Billion Graves, ACIMcKay, Ethel May 
JM, Billion GravesMcKay, James Siblings, William, John
FindaGraveMcKay , John
FindaGrave, Billion GravesMcKay, John
FindaGraveMcKay, Leslie George
FindaGrave, Billion GravesMcKay, William
Billion GravesMcKellar, Stewart Allen
Billion GravesMcKenna, Elaine Shirley
Billion GravesMcKenzie, Kenneth Ray
Billion GravesMcKeown, Alma
Billion GravesMcKeown, Felix James
Billion GravesMcKeown, John
Billion GravesMcLean, Annie Muriel
Billion GravesMcLean, Cecil James
Billion GravesMcLean, Ella Muriel
Billion Graves, ACIMcLoughlin, Edward
Billion Graves, ACIMcLoughlin, Isabella Currie
ACIMcMannus, Christopher John
ACIMcMannus, Julisa Maree
ACIMcPeake, Annetta
Pres.McVicar, William James Trove
Pres.McVicar, Donald AlfredTrove
Billion Graves, ACIMelville, Iris May
Billion Graves, ACIMelville, Maxwell John
Billion Graves, ACIMelville, Reginald E
Billion GravesMenz, Ella L
Billion GravesMilliss, Mikaela Jane
FindaGrave, Billion GravesMills, Arthur James
ACIMilne, Gwendoline June
Miskell, JeremiahTrove Trove Probate Notice
ACIMiskell, Judith May
FindaGrave, ACIMiskell, Mark Andrew
FindaGrave, ACIMiskell, Reginald John
Billion GravesMitchell, Dorothy Margaret
Billion Graves, ACIMitchell, Frederick Cecil Thomas
Billion GravesMitchell, Raymond Earl
FindaGraveMogford, George
RCMoloney, JamesTrove
FindaGraveMogford, William
ACI, Billion GravesMonin, Joyce Thelma
Billion GravesMooney, Bradley Gordon
ACIMooney, Harold Joseph
ACI, FindaGrave, Billion GravesMoore, Ann Jane
ACIMoore, David Charles
ACI, Billion GravesMoore, Dorothy Winifred
RCMoore, Elizabeth Ellen
ACIMoore, Ian Scholes
FindaGraveMoore, James Siblings William, Mary, Alexander, Henry, Matilda
RCMoore, James HenryFather of Mrs Arthur Debenham. Trove
Billion GravesMoore, Margaret Jean
Billion GravesMoore, Robert Hubert
RCMoore, Roy
FindaGraveMoore, Matilda
FindaGraveMoore, Matilda 
FindaGraveMoore, William Unknown
ACI, Billion Graves3, 4Morgan, Annie Ellen
Billion GravesMorgan, Dorothy ailsa
Ang 13Morgan, George Stephen
Billion Graves, ACIMorgan, Harold William
ACI, Billion GravesMorgan, James
ACI, Billion Graves25, 13Morgan, John Neville
ACI, Billion Graves3, 3Morgan, Keith Charles
ACI25, 14Morgan.Madge Elizabeth
Billion GravesMorgan, Noreen Ann
Billion GravesMorrison, Royal Roy
Billion GravesMorrison, Ruby Pearl
Billion GravesMorthorpe, Ann
Billion GravesMorton, Elaine Valerie
Billion GravesMoxon, Robert Leo
ACI, Billion GravesMoyle, Coral
ACI, Billion GravesMoyle, Leonard Percival
ACIMoyle, Robert Kent
ACIMuggleton, Beverley Kay
Muggleton, Maureen Dawn
Mulloney, MrsTrove
Munro, John
ACIMunro, Norman
FindaGraveMunroe, Leila T.
FindaGraveMunroe, Michael C.
Billion GravesMurphy, Clara Helen
Billion GravesMurphy, Dennis John
Billion GravesMurphy, Esther Mary
FindaGrave, Billion GravesMurphy, PVT P
Billion GravesMurray, Emily Lillian
[ACIPres.Mutton, Annie Elizabeth
Billion GravesPres.Mutton, Annie Elizabeth
ACIPres.Mutton, Edward John
Billion GravesNankivell, Joan Louisa
Billion GravesNankivell, Lee Bray
Billion GravesNeil, Oscar George
Billion GravesNelson, Dulcie Katherine
Nelson, Frederick Henry
FindaGraveNelson, James Killed at Browns Creek
Nelson, Mavis Joan
C of ENesbitt, Alice MaryDied typhoid fever. Trove
ACINewell, Ireen G
Billion GravesNewstead, Alfred
Billion GravesNewstead, Isabella Jane
Billion GravesNewstead, Kenneth Percival
Billion GravesNicholas, Jimmie
Billion GravesNicholls, Karen Maree
Billion GravesNield, Nadine
Billion GravesNixon, Edna Merleen
ACINixon, Francis John
ACINixon, Gerald Charles Jack
Billion GravesNixon, Kelvin
ACINixon, Pearly Jane
Billion GravesNixon, Vincent Gerald
ACINoble, Margaret Amelia
ACINolan, Elizabeth
Billion GravesNolan, Nell Ellen With Ada Mary Dover
Billion GravesNorris, Charles Michael
ACINorris, Helen Alice
ACINorris, John James
Billion GravesNunn, Alan Charles
Billion GravesO'Brien, Fanny
Billion GravesO'Brien, William
RCO'Brien, Josephine Mary (Josie)sister Pat. Trove
Billion GravesO'Connor, Ellen Esther
ACIO'Connor, Georgina
ACIO'Connor, Horace William
Billion GravesO'DONNELL, Jill Marie
Billion GravesO'DONNELL, Patrick A
O'Loughlin, JohnTrove
O'Leary, JohnTrove
RCO'Malley, MaryMiss. Trove, Trove, Death
RCO'Neill, Denis Joseph
Aust Cem IndexAng Old, 21, 17Oates, Stephen Michael
ACIOldham, Ann
ACI, Billion GravesOldham, Alfred Charles
ACIOldham, Edward Tinley
C of EOldham, William Edward (Harry)
Billion GravesOldham, Jane Elizabeth
Billion GravesOldham, Sarah
Billion GravesOldham, William Edward
Billion GravesOliver, Henry
Billion GravesOliver, Henry
ACIOliver, Lucy
ACIOliver, Mary
ACIOliver, Robert Milburn
ACIOliver, Ruby Millicent
Osborne, Nathaniel BercoseTrove
ACIOwen, Marty Andrew
ACIPage, Pauline Ann
Billion GravesPalmer, Adam John
Billion GravesPannowitz, Graeme David
Billion GravesPannowitz, Mary Patricia
FindaGrave, Billion GravesParker, Athol John
Billion Graves, ACIParker, Edna Myrtle
Billion GravesParker, Elizabeth Jane
Billion GravesParker, Emily Francis
FindaGraveParker, Fanny Rachel
FindaGrave, Billion GravesParker, Hannah
FindaGraveParker, Horace
Billion GravesParker, Harold Stanley
FindaGrave, Billion GravesParker, John
ACI, Billion GravesParker, Kelvin James
Parker, Liela Annie
ACI, Billion GravesParker, Mabel
ACI, Billion Graves, Billion GravesParker, Norman Max
ACIParker, Sarah
Billion GravesParker, Thomas Richard
Parker, WilliamNo Grave marker?
Parker, William Herbert (Herb)
ACI, Billion GravesParker, William Trevor
FindaGraveParks, Baby
FindaGraveParks, Beryl Catherine  
FindaGraveParks, Lesle
Billion GravesParsons, Allan James
Parsons, Colin James
Billion GravesParsons, Elsie Clarrice
Parsons, Mervyn Oliver
Billion GravesParsons, Peter John
Billion GravesParsons, William Ralph
ACIPatrick, Edward
FindaGravePatrick, George
ACIPatrick, George Tabour
Patrick, Kevin
ACIPatrick, Mary Ann
Billion GravesPatrick, Murray Tabour
FindaGravePatrick, Russell William
Billion GravesPatrick, Wayne Lennis
ACI, Billion GravesAng Old, 4, 30Patterson, Allan John
ACIRCPatterson, Catherine Mary
ACI, Billion GravesAng Old, 4, 30Patterson, John Thomas
ACI PhotoPatterson, Marion Alice
ACIPatterson, Mary Ann
Aust Cem IndexRCPatterson, Samuel
ACI PhotoRCPatterson, Samuel Joseph
ACI PhotoRCPatterson, Susan
Aust Cem IndexRCPatterson, William Robert
Aust Cem IndexPatterson, William Robert
ACIPaul, Elizabeth M
ACIPaul, Fred C
RCPaul, Henry Anslemsingle. Trove
ACIPaul, John
Payne, Laurence Douglas Sydney
Payne, Mary Beryl
Pearce, Pearlie M.little girl, Trove
Billion GravesPekel, Hendrikus Theodorus
Billion GravesPerkins, Alma Harriett
Billion GravesPerkins, Charles C
Billion GravesPerkins, Hannah Mary
Billion GravesPerkins, Isabella A
ACI, Billion GravesPerkins, James Henry (Jim)
Billion GravesPerkins, Olive Elma
Billion GravesPerkins, Raymond William
FindaGravePerry, Charles Henry "Eroni"Circus Accident / Sole Bros
Billion GravesPeters, Allen Jasper
Billion GravesPeters, Esther Catherine
Billion GravesPeters, Garnet
Billion GravesPeters, Olive Mabel
Billion GravesPeterson, Michael John
[ACIPettett, Sabina Ethline
Billion GravesPettit, Christopher Noel
ACIPhillips, May Ivy
ACI, Billion GravesPiggot, Colin Maxwell
ACIPiggot, Hazel Joyce
ACI, FindaGravePresPigott, Henry Robert Maguire]]Trove
ACI, FindaGravePigott, Margaret PatonNo Grave photo
ACI, FindaGravePigott, Winifred Ellen
Pres.Pittendrigh, Eva RoseTrove
Pittman, Wilmot James
ACI, Billion GravesPlatt, Hilton Reginald
Billion GravesPollard, Elvy Joyce
Billion GravesPollard, John Wallace
ACIPollard, Mary Cecelia
Aust Cem Index588Pollard, Thomas ArthurHusband & Father
Billion GravesPollard, William Roy
ACI PhotoRC, 576Porter, JohnFather
ACI366Porter, Kathleenburied Northern Suburbs
ACIRC, 374Porter, Robert
ACIAng, 594Portway, WalterErected by J Russart, his friend
ACIAng, 598Potts, Mary Seivert
ACI, FindaGraveAng, 598Potts, William Speakman
ACI, Billion GravesPres.Pound, Arthur Stuart
ACI, Billion GravesMeth.Sec., , 193Pound, Frederick Arthurson, brother & father
ACIPound, Geoffrey Graham (Joffrey)
ACI, Billion Graves Div., United Sec.Pound, Lillian (Lily) Wardmrd.8 Dec 1928 Methodist Church, Newtown, NSW
Billion GravesPound, Jessie Eileen
Billion GravesMeth, 4, 40Price, EdwardSon/John
ACI, FindaGrave, Billion GravesAng Old, 16, 15Price, Eva Ellen
ACI, Billion GravesAng Old, 16, 14Price, Kathleen Ruth
ACIMeth, 4, 41Price, Oswald
ACI, FindaGrave, Billion GravesAng Old, 16, 16Price, Wesley Creel
Prier, Michael
ACI,VBillion GravesProctor, Jane Briggs
ACI, Billion GravesProctor, Ronald
Billion GravesProsper, Mavis Isabele
Billion GravesProsper, Paul Gerard
Prosser, DavidTrove
ACIPullen, Bessie Eliza
ACIRC, , 514Quigley, AnnieMother
ACIRC, , 397Quigley, Bernard
ACIRC, , 396Quigley, Bridget
Billion GravesQuigley, Edward John
Quigley, ThomasTrove
Quinlan, Ariel (Betty) LouritaBe sadly missed by all family, A perfect Mum
ACI, Billion GravesQuinn, Heather Rose
ACI, Billion GravesQuinn, Kevin George
ACI, Billion GravesRandall, Clarence Edward
Randall, Laurence RaymondBeloved husband, father and poppy, Loved always
ACI, Billion GravesRandall, Mark Anthony
ACI, Billion GravesC of ERandell, George Herbert William
ACIRandall, George William
ACI, Billion GravesRandell, James Allen
ACI, Billion GravesReay, Mary Alice
ACIRedhead, Harris FrankLoving husband to Fay, Loved father of Wendy, Susan, Judith and Owen, Rest in Peace
Billion GravesRedmond, Judith Therese
Billion GravesRedmond, Leo Francis
Billion GravesReed, Charlotte Married Braidwood 1632/1863. Trove
ACI, Billion GravesReed, David Oswald (Cap)
ACI, Billion GravesReed, Ettie
Billion GravesReed, John Married Braidwood 1632/1863 Funeral
ACI, Billion GravesReeks, Leticia Erika
ACI, Billion GravesReeks, Mia Emily
Billion GravesReeks, Trevor John
Rees, MrsTrove
Renateau, John Gustave
Billion GravesReynders, Johannes Gertrudis
Billion GravesReynolds, Lorna Clarice
Billion GravesReynolds, William Leslie
Billion GravesRicelsford, Mary Ann
ACIRigden, George H
ACI, Billion GravesRigelsford, Ernest C. G. Erected by his loving family
ACIRigelsford, Mary AnnInserted by husband and family
Pres.Rigout, Henry Robert MaguireTrove
Billion GravesRiley, Edna Faith
Billion GravesRiley, William Henry
ACIRingk, Charles DavidAt Rest
Rivers,Ralph oswald
Rivers, Sarah Veronica
Billion GravesRoach, Edward Abraham
FindaGraveRoach, Elenor also Fredrick Roach, James Joseph Roach & Michael Roach
FindaGraveRoach, Fredrick also James Joseph Roach & Elenor Roach (beloved Wife & Mother of the above) & Michael Roach
FindaGraveRoach, James Joseph also Fredrick Roach & Elenor Roach (beloved wife & mother of the above) & Michael Roach
FindaGraveRoach, Michael also Fredrick Roach, James Joseph Roach & Elenor Roach
Billion GravesRoach, Robert Thomas
Meth.Robens, Florence AdelaideTrove
ACI, Billion GravesRoberts, Edward Arthur
ACI, Billion GravesRoberts, Violet In Loving memory of our dear mother and wife, Safe in Gods hands
ACI, Billion GravesRobinson, Cecil John
Billion GravesRobinson, David Leslie
ACI, Billion GravesRobinson, Emily Lenna Peace
ACI, Billion GravesRobinson, Herbert E
ACIRobinson, James Frederick
ACIRobinson, James Frederick
ACIRobinson, Robert John
Billion GravesRobinson, Selina Ethel Jane
Roche, Sergeant
RCRoche, Elizabeth
FindaGraveRogers, Mary also on headstone: Kerin Comerford & Margaret Comerford
ACIRolt, Bridget
FindaGraveRolt, George
FindaGraveRolt, Samuel
Billion GravesRosconi, Francesco
ACI, Billion GravesRosconi, Gloria
Billion GravesRosconi, Katherine
FindaGrave, Billion GravesRoss, Lizzie Hannah
ACI, FindaGraveRossiter, Percy McDonald
Royene, MauriceTrove
ACIRussart, Jacob
ACIRussart, Margaret
Billion GravesRussell, Arthur
Billion GravesRussell, Elizabeth Maude
ACIRussell, Harriett Shaw
ACIRussell, ThomasHe leaves a widow and a grown-up family of seven sons and three daughters.
Russell, William and Russell, Judith Ada
Billion GravesRyan, Anthony Robert
Billion GravesRyan, Barbara Doris
Billion GravesRyan, Bernard Michael
Billion GravesRyan, Bradley James Wallace
FindaGraveRyan, Bridget
FindaGraveRyan, Desmond Henry
FindaGraveRyan, Edward
Billion GravesRyan, Edward John
Ryan, Eliza IreneLoving wife mother grandmother and great grandmother, In God's Care
Billion GravesRyan, Elizabeth Sylvia
Billion GravesRyan, Errol John
ACI, FindaGraveRC, 20Ryan, Ethel Emily May
FindaGrave, Billion GravesRyan, Ethel Rosamund 
Billion GravesRyan, Gloster Michael Hamer
Ryan, Mrs Henry Trove
Ryan, Mrs
Billion GravesRyan, James Keith
FindaGraveCatholicRyan, Johannah Mary 
RCRyan, JohnBuried with his wife. Birth#2328/1855 V18552328 72. Trove, Obituary
Ryan, Kelvin Patrick
Billion GravesRyan, Lawrence William 'Chid'
Billion GravesRyan, Lillian Beth
FindaGrave, Billion GravesRyan, Michael Anthony
FindaGraveRyan, Michael Joseph
FindaGrave, Billion GravesRyan, Norman Richard
Billion GravesRyan, Payllis
FindaGraveRyan, Phillip
ACI, FindaGraveRyan, Richard
FindaGraveCatholicRyan, Robert
FindaGrave, Billion GravesRyan, Robert Henry
FindaGraveRyan, Shirley Ethel
Billion GravesRyan, William
Saddler, James
Saddler, Mrs Harold
ACIAng Old, 23, 28Sadler, ?
ACIAng Old, 23, 27Sadler, Ann
ACI, FindaGraveAng Old, 14, 22Sadler, Elizabeth
FindaGrave, Billion GravesAng Old, 14, 21Sadler, Harold FrancisIn Loving memory of our dear parents
FindaGrave, Billion GravesAng Old, 14, 21Sadler, (Ila) Phyllis AdelaideIn Loving memory of our dear parents
FindaGraveAng Old, 14, 22Sadler, Lottie Doreen
Billion GravesAng Old, 14, 18Sadler, Neville Stanley
ACISalter, Edith Merrian
Sampson, Clarence Alfred Tremaine “Bob”
Sampson, Mervyn C 
FindaGrave, Billion GravesSampson, Reginald Walter George “Wal”
Sampson, Robert George
Sampson, Thelma Joyce
Billion GravesSampson, Vida Clara 
Billion Graves, Billion GravesSanders, Mary Jean
ACIScanlan, Elizabeth Esther Pearl
Billion GravesSchofield, Russell John
ACI, Billion GravesScoble, Charles Frederick
ACI, Billion GravesScoble, Elizabeth Sophia
ACIScott, Annabella
ACIScott, William
Pres.Shearer, JosephTrove
ACIShearin, David
Billion GravesSeberry, Jeanette
Billion GravesShakespear, Arthur 
ACIRC Old, 22, 19Sherlock, Cecil Henry Bob
RCSherlock, Charles
ACI, FindaGraveRC Old, 22, 16Sherlock, Edward James
ACI, FindaGraveRC Old, 22, 17Sherlock, Mary Margaret
Billion GravesAng Old, 4, 31Sherlock, Olga Maud
Sherlock, Mr T.Trove
Simmons, Annie
Simmons, Albert Helme (Bert)
ACI, Billion GravesSimmons, Leslie Robert
ACISimmons, Mary
ACI, Billion GravesSimmons, Robert James
Billion GravesSimmons, Ron
Billion GravesSinger, Irene Annie
Billion GravesSlingsby, Beatrice Gloria
Billion GravesSlingsby, Malee Grace
Billion GravesSlingsby, William Cecil
Billion GravesSmith, Ada Jessie
ACISmith, Agnes Myra
Billion GravesSmith, Annie Frances
Billion GravesSmith, Athol Newton
ACISmith, Charlotte Woodham
Smith, Edmund George
Smith, Edward John
Billion GravesSmith, Eliza Matilda
ACISmith, Elizabeth
Billion GravesSmith, Emily Elizabeth
ACI, FindaGraveAng, Section 49, 4Smith, Ernest JosephMilitary Service No N195550
ACI, Billion GravesSmith, Ernie
Billion GravesSmith, Frank Athol
Billion GravesSmith, Frederick George
ACISmith, George Henry
ACISmith, Gordon Melville
Smith, James David
ACI, Billion GravesSmith, John Sydney Thomas
ACISmith, Joseph H
Billion GravesSmith, Lillian Nellie
ACISmith, Lionel
ACI, FindaGrave, Billion GravesSmith, Lloyd William Angus
Billion GravesSmith, Lynette Marion
ACISmith, Margaret
Billion GravesSmith, Marion Joan
ACI, Billion GravesSmith, Mary Ann Much loved mother of Daphne, Her Grandchildren and great grandchildren, In God's loving care
ACISmith, Mary F
Billion GravesSmith, Matilda Jane
Billion GravesSmith, Mona Noelene
Smith, Nellie Irene
ACISmith, Percy Hanslow
Smith, Phemie Ellen
Billion GravesSmith, Robert James
Smith, Sadie
ACI, FindaGrave, Billion GravesSmith, Sarah
ACISmith, Thomas McPhillamy
Billion GravesSmith, Thomas Richard
Billion GravesSmith, Thomas Richard Vesper
ACISmith, Thomas Robert
ACISmith, Vera Irene
Smith, Victor Ernest
ACISmith, William James
ACISmith, William Keith
Billion GravesSmith, William Robert
ACI, Billion GravesSmith, William Thomas
Pres.Smith-Marr, Dr
Billion GravesSoanes, Fred S.
Billion GravesSoanes, Kezia
FindaGraveSole, William Alfred Circus Accident / Sole Bros
ACISoo, Ah Bee William
C of ESouth, MrsObituary, Trove
Billion GravesSouthwell, Elizabeth 
ACISouthwell, Jennifer June
Billion GravesSouthwell, Mark 
ACISparke, Lewis Albert
ACISparke, Vera A. Ruth (Ruth)
Sparke, Ruth A
Billion GravesSt Clair, Alexander
Billion GravesStallard, Arthur
Billion GravesStanners, George
Steen, Margaret
ACIStevens, Donald GerardR.A.N. Service Number - 21200
Billion GravesStevens, Margaret Violet
Billion GravesStewart, Jean Marie
Stinson, Eliza
Stinson, Elizabeth Mary
Stinson, Evelyn Nellie
[[Stinson-2508|Stinson, Robert]
Stinson, Robert
Stinson, Robert Bruce
Stinson, Robert John
Stinson, Samuel
Stinson, William Thomas
ACIStonestreet, Aileen
ACI, Billion GravesStonestreet, Albert
ACI Billion GravesStonestreet, Albert Leslie
FindaGrave Photo ACIStonestreet, Ann
ACI Billion GravesStonestreet, Ann
ACI Billion GravesStonestreet, Arthur Ernest
ACI Billion GravesStonestreet, Edna Phyllis
ACI Billion GravesStonestreet, Edward Gordon
ACI Billion GravesStonestreet, Edward Roy
ACIStonestreet, Eleanor
ACIStonestreet, Elizabeth Jane
ACIStonestreet, Elsie Maude
ACI Billion GravesStonestreet, Eugene Edward
ACIStonestreet, Gladys Mary
Billion GravesStonestreet, Jessie
ACIC of EStonestreet, Julian Arthur
ACIStonestreet, Kevin John
ACI Billion GravesStonestreet, Laura Madeline
FindaGraveStonestreet, Levi 
Billion GravesStonestreet, Marjory Maud
ACIStonestreet, Mary Ila
Billion GravesStonestreet, Norman
ACIStonestreet Robert Ernest
ACI Billion GravesStonestreet, Ronald Norman
ACIStonestreet William Ira
ACIStonestreet William Levi
ACIStonestreet, William Thomas
ACI Billion GravesStott, Norman
ACI Billion GravesSutton, Allen John Loseby
ac Billion GravesSutton, Joan
Billion GravesSutton, Ronda Lavine
RC family groundSweeney, AnnTrove, Trove
RCSweeney, CatherineBrother James Sweeney. Trove
Sweeney, JohnTrove
ACI Billion GravesSymonds, Leonard Thomas
Billion GravesTaylor, Amy Isabel
ACI Billion GravesTaylor, R H
C of ETaylor, William Edwin
Templeman, Gertrude
Templeman, William A
ACI Billion GravesThompson, Amy Gertrude
Billion GravesThompson, Colin Barry
Billion GravesThompson, Fay
ACI, Billion GravesThompson, Joseph Herbert
Billion GravesThompson-Cockburn, Kaylee Fay
FindaGraveRCThomson, Teresa
ACIBillion GravesThorburn, The Rev. James T.
ACI Billion GravesThorburn, Jessie Arminella
ACI Billion GravesThorburn, Miriam
Thorpe, infantTrove
ACIThurn, Peter James
ACIThwaite, John Rixon
FindaGraveTibbs , Charles Edward
Tierney, William Thomas
Billion GravesTodd, Michelle Anne
Billion GravesTolhurst, James Henry
ACI Billion GravesToohey, Ian William
Billion GravesToohey, John Edward
ACI Billion GravesToohey, John Henry
Billion GravesToohey, Kevin John
Billion GravesToohey, Lila Mary
RCToohey, Patrick
Billion GravesToohey, Philomena
Billion GravesToohill, Mary Ellen
FindaGraveToole, Mary Louise No Grave Photo
Billion GravesToynton, Allan Ernest
ACI Billion GravesTrudgett, David James
ACI Billion GravesTulloch, Margaret Elaine
ACIMeth.Turner, Charles Albert
ACITurner, Mary Ann
ACI Billion GravesTurner, William Henry
Meth, 2, 71Uren, Jane
BillionGravesVan Der Stok, Margaret Therese,
Billion GravesVan Uum, Gwendoline Harris
Billion GravesVanuum, Anne
Billion GravesVanuum, William T.
ACIVaughan, Arthur William
Vaughn, J. R.Trove
ACIVaughan, Sarah Ann
ACI Billion GravesVernon, Dorothy Maude
ACIBillion GravesVickers, Ronald John
Billion GravesVidler, Coral
Billion GravesVidler, Tasman
ACI Billion GravesWade, Cecil Alfred
ACIWade, Kathleen Charlotte
Billion GravesWake, Leslie Carey
ACIWalkhom, Albert Edward
ACIWalkhom, Alice
ACIWalkhom, Alice Irene
ACIWalkhom, Annie Beryl
ACIWalkhom, Emily Harriet
ACIWalkhom, Ernest Herbert
ACI, Billion GravesWalkom, Frederick John
ACIWalkhom, Jane Ida
ACIWalhom, Kelvin Prichard
ACI, Billion GravesWalkom, Margaret
ACI, Billion GravesWalkom, Margaret Alison
ACIWalkhom, Mildred Joy
ACIWalkhom, Prichard Samuel
ACIWalkhom, Thomas
ACIWalkhom, Thomas J
C of EWallace, Charles
ACIWallace, George
ACIWallace, Jack
ACIWallace, Jane
FindaGraveWallace, John Leslie
ACIWallace, Joe
ACIWallace, Ken
ACIWallace, William
RCWalsh, AndrewTrove
Walsh, Anne Jane
RCWalsh, Cecil Gabriel
Walton, Charles Albert and Walton, Clarice Muriel “Clarissa”m1920
Billion GravesWardle, Agnus Mary
Billion GravesWardle, Fred Rowland
Billion GravesMeth.Ware, William
Waters, DanielTrove
Billion GravesWatts, Janis Marie
Watts, Joan MariaLoving mother of Janice, Michael, Neil and Richard, loved Nan to her grandchilden, Friend to all
ACIWebb, Joyce Bruce
ACIWebb, Roy
FindaGraveWeber, Estelle V. M.
Ang.Webster, George(possibly Millthorpe)
Webster, Elma Ruby
Webster, Lucinda Ellen
ACIWebster, Sarah
ACI, Billion GravesWells, Arthur Richard
ACI, Billion GravesWells, Marie Gwendoline
ACIWhalan, Jane Ann
ACIWhalan, Walter W
Wheeler, Alfred BruceTrove
Billion GravesWhelan, Thomas Hugh
Pres.Whitaker, MissTrove
ACIWhittaker, Charles Henry
ACIWhittaker, Emily Blanche
Billion GravesWhite, William Thomas Charles
Billion GravesWhitney, George Thomas
Billion GravesWhitney, Thelma Margaret
Billion GravesWhitty, Harold
Billion GravesWhitty, Ian Maxwell
Billion GravesWhitty, Valerie Joyce
ACIWhybrow, Cedric Ernest
ACIWhybrow, Charles Thomas
ACIWhybrow, David Francis
ACIWhybrow, Doreen Dawn
ACI, Billion GravesWhybrow, Harold Francis
ACIWhybrow, Maude Beatrice
ACIWhybrow, Mervyn Lester
Wiblin, Olive Cleveland 
Wickens, Martha Ann
C of EWickens, Stanley E. A. and Wickens, Charlotte Ann
C of EWickens, Walter William
ACI, Billion GravesWicks, Charles Edward With Emily Joyce
ACI, Billion GravesWicks, Emily Joyce
ACI, Billion GravesWicks, Garry John
Billion GravesWicks, Neville Clive
ACI, Billion GravesWicks, William John
ACIWillcox, Catherine Anne
Billion GravesWilcox, Christina Louise
Billion GravesWilcox, John Harry
Billion GravesWillcox, Lester Alvin L
ACIWilcox, Melba MaySister of Coral and Aubrey
ACIC of EWilcox, Richard
ACIWillcox, Annie V
ACIWillcox, William R
ACIWilliams, Barry Edward
FindaGraveWilliams , Edward Henry
ACI, FindaGraveWilliams, Elizabeth
ACI, Billion GravesWIlliams, Freda Edna
FindaGraveWilliams , Mary Nicholas No Headstone
FindaGraveWilliams , Thomas Reseigh No Headstone. Siblings Mary (Mitchell), William Resleigh Polmear. Trove, Obituary
ACI, FindaGraveWilliams, William Birth and death dates unknown.
Billion GravesWilliamson, Thomas Charles
ACIWills, John
Billion GravesWilson, Bruce Owen
ACIWilson, Fay
Wilson, Gladys MayTrove]
ACIWilson, Henry Christian
ACI, Billion GravesWilson, John
ACIWilson, Mary Henrietta
Meth.William Robert, Wood, Trove
ACI, Billion GravesWoodford, Colin William (Snow)
C of EWoodford, Francis DudleyBrothers Colin Harley and Rex. Trove, Trove
ACI, Billion GravesWoodford, Harley Keith
ACI, Billion GravesWoodford, Marion Gladys
ACI, Billion GravesWoodford, Rex
ACIWoodford, Shirley Adelaide
RCWrench, MrsObituary
ACIWyatt, John Paul
ACIYates, Eustace Percy
Billion GravesYeats, Roy Elliott
C of EYoung, ThomasTrove
C of EYoung, Sarah JaneMrs. Funeral Notice
Billion GravesZideluns, Ella
Billion GravesZideluns, Peteris

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