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Blewett Name Study

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Date: [unknown]
Location: [unknown]
Surnames/tags: Blewett Blewitt Bluett
This page has been accessed 1,504 times.



The Y-DNA haplogroup for Blewett - Colan descendants has been established as R-FT383359. This number can and will change as more men test.

To be noted, three Blewett men with profiles on wiki have this haplogroup. If you are interested in testing, please contact the profile manager, Mary Blewett for more information.

Additional Blewett Haplogroups:

To date, DNA testing confirms that there are four distinct groups of Y-DNA with the surname Blewett/Bluett

  • Danish Viking
  • British with a Cornish cluster dating back to 1200 AD
  • Ancient Cornish, with descendants believed to be of the Colan line
  • British

As you can see, to date there are no Blewetts/Bluetts of Norman origin. It has been suggested that as the conquerors line left or died out, serfs adopted the name.

About the Project

The Blewett Name Study project serves as a collaborative platform to collect information on the Blewett name. The hope is that other researchers like you will join the study to help make it a valuable reference point for other genealogists who are researching or have an interest in the Blewett name.

As a One Name Study, this project is not limited to persons who are related biologically. Individual studies can be used to branch out the research into specific methods and areas of interest, such as geographically (England Blewetts), by time period (18th Century Blewetts), or by topic (Blewett DNA, Blewett Occupations, Blewett Statistics). These studies may also include a number of family branches which have no immediate link with each other. Some researchers may even be motivated to go beyond the profile identification and research stage to compile fully sourced, single-family histories of some of the families they discover through this name study project.

Also see the related surnames and surname variants.

How to Join

To join the Blewett Name Study, first start out by browsing our current research pages to see if there is a specific study ongoing that fits your interests. If so, feel free to add your name to the Membership list below, post an introduction comment on the specific team page, and then dive right in!

If a research page does not yet exist for your particular area of interest, please contact the Name Study Coordinator:Mary Blewett MacRae for assistance.

... ... ... is a member of the Blewett Name Study Project.

Once you are ready to go, you can also show your project affiliation with the ONS Member Sticker:


Research Pages

Here are some of the current research pages included in the study. I'll be working on them, and could use your help!

12/17/2022: Seven Blewett males have tested, three of which are descendants of Edward Blewett b 1700 and Anne Cock. A fourth man matches the Haplotype of these 3 men but cannot confirm Edward Blewett b 1700 as an ancestor. The other 3 men have unique haplotypes and are not matches to Edward Blewett b. 1700 line nor each other.

To be noted, From Joe Flood Admin of Cornwall and Cornwall Advanced projects “An exciting development. FTDNA have allowed us to have our paternal or maternal Country of Origin as "England (Cornish)". The St Pirans flag is coming up on the Block Tree and the Haplotree.”

Current Haplotypes: I-M253 (suspected Danish Origins), 4 participants R-FT32878 (English (Cornish)) and 2 with R-M269 but not R-FT383359.

Typical reasons for multiple haplotypes include: adoptions, non-parental events (NPE) and using the mother's surname. This project has identified one Blewett line that used the mother's surname Blewett instead of the paternal surname of Wilkins. See http://www.mygenealogies.co.uk/Blewett/BLEW-T0.htm for more information. As of November 2020, none of the Blewett Y-DNA participants can trace their line to this Wilkins line.

"John and Joan WILKINS baptized at least 6 children at Paul between 1792 and 11 Aug 1811. The last of these was Stephen Blewett WILKINS who married Jane CARNE at Paul on 26 Oct 1834. In 1841 Stephen and Jane WILKINS were living in Newlyn in the parish of Paul with 4 children, but by 1851 they had changed their surname to BLEWETT and subsequently moved to St Just."

Related Surnames and Surname Variants

Not limited to but including: Blewett, Blewitt, Bluet, Bluat, Bloet, Blouet, Blewit, Blewet, Bluart

What you can do

  1. DNA
    1. Autosomal
    2. Ancestors Project - gedmatch
Join the Blewett Name study and contact the Study coordinator to be added to the Ancestor project. NOT ENOUGH INTEREST AS OF 11/2020. CANCELLED
    1. yDNA - ftDNA
If you are a male Blewett, consider taking FamilyTreeDNA y-DNA test (minimum y-37).


  1. Traditional Genealogy
  2. Adopt a country/geographic area of interest
  3. Governing WikiTree Policy & Procedures

The Blewett Surname

Origins The surname is one of the most ancient names to come from the Norman culture that arrived in Britain soon after the Norman Conquest of 1066. It is a name for a person who was a person with blue eyes, or who often wore blue clothing. The name stems from the Old French root bleuet which means blue. Source: Certificate No.44246020201129 Copyright 1998-2020 Swyrich Corporation. All Rights Reserved www.houseofnames.com 888-468-7686

Blewett Name Meaning English: from Middle English bluet ‘blue woolen cloth’ or bleuet ‘cornflower’, perhaps applied as a nickname for a habitual wearer of blue clothes or for someone with blue eyes. Both terms are from Old French bleuet, a diminutive of bleu ‘blue’, a word of Germanic origin (see Blau).  Source: Dictionary of American Family Names ©2013, Oxford University Press

Variants Not limited to but including: Blewett, Blewitt, Bluet, Bluat, Bloet, Blouet, Blewit, Blewet, Bluart

Diaspora Ireland, United States, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa

Task List

  1. think through linking lineages for modern Blewetts

  • Login to edit this profile and add images.
  • Private Messages: Contact the Profile Managers privately: One Name Studies WikiTree and Mary Blewett-MacRae. (Best when privacy is an issue.)
  • Public Comments: Login to post. (Best for messages specifically directed to those editing this profile. Limit 20 per day.)

Comments: 5

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I am new, as I have not used wiki much. But I do have a son that is from the Blewett line who I have already DNA tested, if this helps in any way. I am from a line of Blewetts that ended up in Alaska. My father was Wayne N. Blewett Many thanks! Nina

posted by Nina Blewett
Fay Holmes: Ancestry DNA. Gedmatch A552510

Please add me to your study. Have many matches on Ancestry with common ancestor Gabriel Blewett b. 1742 Gwithian Cornwall

posted by Fay Holmes
Hi Mary, I have added all the additional LNAB Blewetts on my watchlist to your Blewett ONS category so they should all now be on the category page list! Hope that helps.


posted by Sally (Rowe) Douglas
Zoe Cochrane: AncestryDNA, GEDmatch A307239

MARTHA BLEWETT is my fourth great grandmother and I have Matches on Ancestry with other Blewett descendants where we share Gabriel Blewett as a common ancestor.

posted by Zoe Cochrane
Hi Mary

I'd be very happy to help with your study. Please feel free to use my autosomal Gedmatch details on my profile as part of your DNA studies. (Kit no YQ9725298) All the best Sally

posted by Sally (Rowe) Douglas