Location: Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania

Surnames/tags: Zerbey Schwalm Miller
Contents |
Blue Book of Schuylkill County
who was who and why, in interior eastern Pennsylvania, in Colonial days, the Huguenots and Palatines, their service in Queen Anne's French and Indian, and Revolutionary Wars : History of the Zerbey, Schwalm, Miller, Merkle, Minnich, Staudt, and many other representative families
- by Ella Zerbey Elliott, 1869 - 1953
- published by Press of Pottsville, Pa,, "Republican", Pottsville, Pennsylvania, 1916
Available online at these locations:
Table of Contents
- Illustrations
- Frontispiece — Road Petition, Year 1727
- Martin Zerbe's Homestead
- Pioneer Homestead Map, 1723
- Early Church, built 1727
- Conrad Weiser's Signature
- Patent from John Penn to Seven Stars (Minnich) Property, 1750
- Land of Early Settlers on Tulpehocken
- Schuylkill County Erected
- Site of Mill John(4) Zerbe, Tulpehocken
- Mardin Zarvas Run, 1723, Wm. Penn Grant
- Rear of Homestead of Martin Zerbe's Land
- Map George Zerbe Land, Schuylkill Haven
- George Zerbe Homestead, near Orwigsburg, Pa
- Water Right Agreement Johannes Zerbe, 1747
- Site of John Zerbe's Old Mill
- Conrad Minnich Map, Land Deed
- Stout Homestead, Settled 1736
- Ancient Schwalm Castle
- Andrew Schwalm Homestead, Orwigsburg, Pa
- Translation of Road Petition
- Title Page
- Foreword
- Prologue
- Huguenots and Palatines
- Settlers in Interior Eastern Pennsylvania, 1750-1752; 1730-1780
- German Immigration
- Huguenots and Palatines
- Come to London
- Invitation to America
- Sail for New York
- Who Settlers Were
- Settle in New York
- Queen Anne's War
- Huguenots and Palatines, Continued
- Soldiers in War, 1711
- Company Lists
- Their Lands Resold
- Pennsylvania Pioneers of 1723:
- The Thirty-Three Families
- Settlers Petition Governor
- First Church Built, 1727
- Petition for Roads, 1727
- Tulpehocken Confusion
- Province of Pennsylvania
- Organization of Pennsylvania Counties to 1811
- Petition for New County
- Remonstrate Against Revising Constitution
- Failed
- Constitution Amended
- Indian Troubles in Pennsylvania:
- Indian Troubles
- Policy
- Forts
- First Fort Dupui
- Fort Augusta
- Blue Mountain Forts
- Forts Lebanon and Franklin
- Chain of Forts
- Friendly Indians
- Indian Atrocities
- The Finschers and Millers
- John Penn Patent to Seven Stars (Minnich) Property, 1750
- Neyman and Other Massacres
- Indian Stories
- Indian Troubles
- War of the Revolution:
- War of the Revolution
- Oath of Allegiance
- Recruits From Schuylkill (Berks) Co
- Zerbes, Grubers, Rebers, Stouts, Swartzs, Merkles, Rieths, etc., in the Early Wars
- Family Traditions
- War of 1812-1814:
- Soldiers From Schuylkill County
- Mexican War:
- Schuylkill County Represented
- The Early Settlers:
- Early Notable Settlers
- Conrad Weiser's Diary
- Governor Schulze Story
- Baltzar Gehr, Jacob Morgan, Douglass Family, etc
- Schuylkill County Erected From Berks
- Who Was Who
- First Settlers of Schuylkill County
- Neuferts, Whetstones, Potts
- Klocks, Christs, Bresslers
- Potts, Helms, Hessers
- The Morris'
- Boyers, Guldins, Colemans
- Bocks, DeTurks, Mortimers
- John R. and Benjamin B. Bannan
- Lindemuths. Matzs, Roseberrys
- Braun-Brown Family
- Filberts, Weidmans, Krebs, Tysons
- Spohns, Bechtels, Palmers
- Kaerchers, Kepners, Shippens
- Hobarts, Bairds, Pattersons
- Zellers, Rahns, Seitzingers
- Genealogical Records:
- Origin of the Zerbeys
- Zerbeys in America
- First Generation
- The Manors
- Second Generation
- (Martin Zerbe's Line)
- John Jacob Zerbe
- John Zerbe
- Heinrich Boyer
- Albrecht and John Philip Strauss
- George Peter Zerbe
- Third Generation
- Peter, Jr., Elizabeth, Valentine
- Michael
- John George Zerbe
- (John) George and Anna Barbara Zerbe's Children.
- Hon. Daniel Zerbe
- Herring Family Tradition
- Daniel Zerbe, Cressona
- Henry Zerbe, Lewistown, Mifflin County, Pa
- John Adam Miller
- Fourth Generation
- George Zerbe
- Children
- Rev. Frank Ellsworth Graeff, D. D
- Wm. Merkle Zerbey
- John F. Zerbey Family
- Heber S. Zerbey Family
- Joseph Henry Zerbey Family
- "Pottsville Republican"
- Robert A. Zerbey Family
- Genealogical Records, Fourth Genration (sic), Continued
- Frederic E. Zerbey Family
- "Schuylkill Weekly Republican"
- Charles D. Elliott
- Ella Zerbey Elliott
- Adelia E. Zerbey Family
- Sara Frances Zerbey Family
- Rieths or Reeds
- War Records
- Ship Lists
- Zerfass, Serf as, Surber, Sarvar, Sevir, Sarvas
- Unclassified Zerbes
- British Oath of Allegiance
- Penna. Oath of Allegiance
- Taxables in Berks County,
- Early Churches in Schuylkill County
- The First Census
- Grubers Intermarried
- Sontag Family
- (Lorentz Zerbe Line)
- First Generation
- Lorentz Zerbe Family
- Second Generation
- John Zerbe, the Miller, Family
- Blue Mountain Lands
- Tulpehocken Confusion
- Second and Third Generations
- Dr. Samuel and Maria Isles
- Leonard Zerbe
- Valentine Zerbe
- Christian Zerbe
- Benton H. Zerbe
- John Zerbe's Law Suit
- Nathan Zerbe
- John Zerbe, Cumru Township
- Third and Fourth Generations
- Jonathan and David Zerbe
- Rev. John W. Zerbe
- George Adam Zerbe, Land and Family
- George Zerbe, Tulpehocken, and Family
- Tyrone and Altoona Zerbes
- Reading, Pa., Zerbes
- Unclassified Zerbes
- Location of Land, Early Settlers
- Host's Church
- The Jacob Zerbes
- Joel Zerbe Children
- Philip Zerbe, of Washington Twp., Schuylkill Co
- Descendants
- Centre County Zerbes
- Northumberland County Zerbes
- Old Church, and Tombstone Records
- Allied Families
- Merkles
- Church Records
- Taxables
- In Wars
- Wills and Records
- Michael and Elizabeth, Children
- Daniel Bartolet's Descendants
- Isaac Strauch
- Michael Merkle Family
- Minnich, Muench History
- Capt. Conrad Minnich
- Hotel
- Conrad Minnich, Second
- Graves of Men Marked
- Minnich, Minnig Genealogy
- Phila. Branch Muenchs
- Staudts. Stoudts, Stouts
- Miller, Filbert, Kershner, Lerch, Ebling, Snyder, Maurer, Wagner and other Families
- Marriages, Land Warrants
- Muellers (Millers)
- Henry Miller
- Family History
- Andrew and Elizabeth Miller, Descendants
- History of the Reber Family
- Conrad Reber Descendants
- The Wildermuth Family
- Origin of the Schwalms
- First Schwalms in America
- Caspar Phillips' Children
- Baptismal Records
- Andrew Schwalm, Sr., Family
- Andrew and Hannah Schwalm Family
- Frederic and Catharine Haeseler Family
- Haeseler's Ancestry
- William E. Boyer Family
- Dr. Francis W. Boyer Family
- James A. Medlar Family
- Edmund S. Boyer
- Boyer Ancestry
- John Andrew Schwalm Family
- Dr. Thomas W. Swalm
- Allen H. Swalm
- Henry A. Swalm
- Joseph M. Schwalm Family
- Sarah L. Schwalm
- Thomas Clouse and Amanda Schwalm Family
- Thomas K. Wagner and Susan J. Schwalm Family
- Hegins Valley Schwalms
- Hubley Township Schwalms
- Pottsville Erected
- Great Road or King's Highway
- Turnpike Roads, Canal, Railways, Stages, etc
- Discovery of Coal
- Settlers of Norwegian Township
- Pottsville Erected
- Pottsville's First Houses and First Settlers
- Old Time Stories
- Hessian Ancestors
- Wills Probated Before
WikiTree Syntax
- ''[[Space: Blue Book of Schuylkill County| Blue book of Schuylkill County]]'' (Press of Pottsville, Pa, Pottsville, Pennsylvania, 1916), [ Page ].
- <ref>[[#Blue Book of Schuylkill County|Blue Book of Schuylkill County]]</ref>
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