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Bodoney Lower Civil Parish, County Tyrone

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Ireland Links Main Tyrone Page Category for Bodoney Lower Parish Civil Parishes in County Tyrone
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?? Part of the Ireland Project

This information page for the Civil Parish contains a list of all the townlands in the parish and links to the category for the townland (if it has been created). There also may be notes about the individual townlands.
This page is maintained by the Ulster Province team


Bodoney Lower Civil Parish

Irish or Alternate Name: Both Dhomhnaigh Íochtarach.
Logainm Link: Bodoney Lower Parish on Logainm.ie
PlacenamesNI may have more information: Search here.
County: County Tyrone
Barony: Strabane Upper
Province: Ulster


Population Centres of Bodoney Lower Civil Parish

Note: Population centres for this Parish, where known, are shown here. For a full list see Towns of County Tyrone
Population Centres (Cities, Towns, Village etc)
Irish or Alternate Name: Droim Léith.
Map: Google Maps  OpenStreetMap
Places Nearby: Click for list
Griffiths Valuation.
Irish or Alternate Name: Gleann Choll.
Map: Google Maps  OpenStreetMap
Places Nearby: Click for list
Griffiths Valuation.
Gorticashel Upper
Irish or Alternate Name: Gort an Chaisil, Uachtarach.
Map: Google Maps  OpenStreetMap
Places Nearby: Click for list
Griffiths Valuation.
Irish or Alternate Name: An Goirtín.
Map: Google Maps  OpenStreetMap
Places Nearby: Click for list
Griffiths Valuation.
Irish or Alternate Name: An Caisleán Glas.
Map: Google Maps  OpenStreetMap
Places Nearby: Click for list
Griffiths Valuation.
Irish or Alternate Name: Seisceann Siúil.
Map: Google Maps  OpenStreetMap
Places Nearby: Click for list
Griffiths Valuation.

The Townlands of Bodoney Lower Civil Parish

The townlands in Bodoney Lower Parish (Both Dhomhnaigh Íochtarach) are those taken from Bodoney Lower Parish on Logainm.ie and validated against townlands on the 1851, 1871 and 1901 Lists of Towns and Townlands and Griffiths valuations data. A link is provided in the notes for the 1901 and 1911 census. Please note that these may not always work if the townland was not available on the census in question. The census site may also substitute a similar name so be prepared for unexpected results! Similar for Griffith's valuation links which may show multiple names. Where a townland has been transferred to a new parish the census links are on the new parish page.
If the townland has a category it will be linked in the table below. If there is no link and you need the category please contact David to get the category created or put in a request for the category to be created. Alternatively, if you feel confident to do so, see Townland Category Information Boxes below for how to create them yourself.
Irish and/or Alternate name(s)
WikiTree Category Link
Census links, Griffiths link & Notes
Aghaboy LowerAchadh Buí 1901 Census, 1911 Census
Griffiths Valuation.
Aghaboy UpperAchadh Buí 1901 Census, 1911 Census
Griffiths Valuation.
AghascrebaghAchadh Scriobach 1901 Census, 1911 Census
Griffiths Valuation.
AghnamiriganAchadh na Meireagán 1901 Census, 1911 Census
Griffiths Valuation.
AltacamcosyAllt na Camchoise 1901 Census, 1911 Census
Griffiths Valuation.
Alwories  1901 Census, 1911 Census
Griffiths Valuation.
AttaghÁit Tí 1901 Census, 1911 Census
Griffiths Valuation.
BackanAn Bacán 1901 Census, 1911 Census
Griffiths Valuation.
BeltrimBéal Tirim 1901 Census, 1911 Census
Griffiths Valuation.
BinnafreaghanBinn an Phréacháin 1901 Census, 1911 Census
Griffiths Valuation.
Brackagh NorthAn Bhreacach 1901 Census, 1911 Census
Griffiths Valuation.
Brackagh SouthAn Bhreacach 1901 Census, 1911 Census
Griffiths Valuation.
CarnanransyCarn an Ransaithe 1901 Census, 1911 Census
Griffiths Valuation.
CashelAn Caiseal 1901 Census, 1911 Census
Griffiths Valuation.
CasornaCuas Eorna 1901 Census, 1911 Census
Griffiths Valuation.
CrockanboyAn Cnocán Buí 1901 Census, 1911 Census
Griffiths Valuation.
CrockatantyCnoc an tSeantíCategory:Crockatanty Townland, Bodoney Lower Parish, County Tyrone1901 Census, 1911 Census
Griffiths Valuation.
CrouckCnoc 1901 Census, 1911 Census
Griffiths Valuation.
CulvacullionCúl mhaighe cuillinnCategory:Culvacullion Townland, Bodoney Lower Parish, County Tyrone1901 Census, 1911 Census
Griffiths Valuation.
CurraghinaltCorrach an Aillt 1901 Census, 1911 Census
Griffiths Valuation.
DroitDroichead 1901 Census, 1911 Census
Griffiths Valuation.
DrumleaDroim LéithCategory:Drumlea Townland, Bodoney Lower Parish, County Tyrone1901 Census, 1911 Census
Griffiths Valuation.
DunbunrawerDún Buin Ramhair 1901 Census, 1911 Census
Griffiths Valuation.
Fallagh LowerFolach 1901 Census, 1911 Census
Griffiths Valuation.
Fallagh MiddleFolach 1901 Census, 1911 Census
Griffiths Valuation.
Fallagh UpperFolach 1901 Census, 1911 Census
Griffiths Valuation.
FormilFormaoil 1901 Census, 1911 Census
Griffiths Valuation.
GarvaghGarbhach 1901 Census, 1911 Census
Griffiths Valuation.
GlenlarkGleann LáircCategory:Glenlark Townland, Bodoney Lower Parish, County Tyrone1901 Census, 1911 Census
Griffiths Valuation.
GlenmacofferGleann Mhic ChathbhairrCategory:Glenmacoffer Townland, Bodoney Lower Parish, County Tyrone1901 Census, 1911 Census
Griffiths Valuation.
Gorticashel LowerGort an ChaisilCategory:Gorticashel Lower Townland, Bodoney Lower Parish, County Tyrone1901 Census, 1911 Census
Griffiths Valuation.
Gorticashel UpperGort an Chaisil 1901 Census, 1911 Census
Griffiths Valuation.
GortinAn GoirtínCategory:Gortin Townland, Bodoney Lower Parish, County Tyrone1901 Census, 1911 Census
Griffiths Valuation.
GreenanGrianáinCategory:Greenan Townland, Bodoney Lower Parish, County Tyrone1901 Census, 1911 Census
Griffiths Valuation.
KeerinCaorán 1901 Census, 1911 Census
Griffiths Valuation.
LeaghanLeathán 1901 Census, 1911 Census
Griffiths Valuation.
LeckinLeaicín 1901 Census, 1911 Census
Griffiths Valuation.
LenaghLéanach 1901 Census, 1911 Census
Griffiths Valuation.
LenamoreLéana Mór 1901 Census, 1911 Census
Griffiths Valuation.
LigatraghtLag an tSneachta 1901 Census, 1911 Census
Griffiths Valuation.
Liggins  1901 Census, 1911 Census
Griffiths Valuation.
Liggins Townland is shown on Logainm.ie and Townland.ie and also appears in Griffiths Valuations. It is not however found in the search of PlacenamesNI but can be identified on their map.
LiscabbleLios Capall 1901 Census, 1911 Census
Griffiths Valuation.
MeenadooMín DubhCategory:Meenadoo Townland, Bodoney Lower Parish, County Tyrone1901 Census, 1911 Census
Griffiths Valuation.
MeenaroddaMín an Róda 1901 Census, 1911 Census
Griffiths Valuation.
MonanamealMuine na Míol 1901 Census, 1911 Census
Griffiths Valuation.
OaghmonicroyUcht Muine Crua 1901 Census, 1911 Census
Griffiths Valuation.
RouskyRúscaighCategory:Rousky Townland, Bodoney Lower Parish, County Tyrone1901 Census, 1911 Census
Griffiths Valuation.
RylandsRéileán 1901 Census, 1911 Census
Griffiths Valuation.
SheskinshuleSeisceann Siúil 1901 Census, 1911 Census
Griffiths Valuation.
StradowanSrath Domhain 1901 Census, 1911 Census
Griffiths Valuation.
Teebane EastTaobh Bán 1901 Census, 1911 Census
Griffiths Valuation.
Teebane WestTaobh Bán 1901 Census, 1911 Census
Griffiths Valuation.
TievebrackTaobh Breac 1901 Census, 1911 Census
Griffiths Valuation.
TievenameenaTaobh na Míne 1901 Census, 1911 Census
Griffiths Valuation.
TrinamadanTrian Uí Mhadáin 1901 Census, 1911 Census
Griffiths Valuation.
Woodbrook  1901 Census, 1911 Census
Griffiths Valuation.


External Resources

  • A list of external resources for this parish may be placed here. More general sources for Tyrone should be added to the main Tyrone page. If you are adding a source here it would be helpful if you could let me (David) know so I don't accidentally overwrite your input with an automatic update. Thanks.
Whilst care is taken to ensure links are not made to disreputable, phishing or other sites of doubtful integrity it is your responsibility to ensure that you are not going to such a site by clicking on one of the links which may have been added after this page was created.

Townland Category Information Boxes

For the full 'How to' on creating Irish location categories please read 'Creating Location Categories for Ireland'
The pre-formatted line for each townland and the fully formatted CIB header can be seen below this page when in edit mode. Please ensure you have read the 'How to' before doing anything. Briefly, the pre-formatted line in the hidden text is used to replace the line above. The CIB text is pasted into the category which is created by clicking on the red category link.

Version Notes

Current parish format version 4.3. Linking of townlands to parishes, parishes to baronies etc.
4.2 Addition of proper Placenames Northern Ireland links on categories implemented.; 4.1 Changed Electoral Divisions to show 1901 and 1911 names. 4.0 Addition of Griffiths valuation on parish pages.; 3.6 Change to teams structure implementation.; 3.5. Addition of 'Places Nearby' link where coordinates are known. Upgrading Logainm links to match new Logainm web site


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