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This space is about the ship Bombay (1864/5 voyage).
It is currently a work in progress. - Palmer-9783 10:29, 1 August 2022 (UTC)

"Bombay a 937-ton, fully rigged ship with dimensions of 186 feet (57 m) x 33 ft 4 in (10.16 m) x 20 feet (6.1 m). Built in Harwich, England by John Henry Vaux, and was the second ship owned by G. D. Tyser and his sons (company Tyser and Haviside). It was then chartered to Shaw Savill. It undertook several trips to New Zealand from London in the 1860s. That included taking emigrants from London to Auckland, who settled in the Bombay Hills region. In 1872, the ship was wrecked on a reef in the Balabac Strait, Philippines." [1]

passenger list -

ARRIVAL OF THE BOMBAY FROM LONDON., New Zealander, Volume XXII, Issue 2382, 20 March 1865, Page 3, PapersPast

ARRIVAL OF THE SHIP BOMBAY—DISMASTED., Taranaki Herald, Volume XIII, Issue 660, 25 March 1865, Page 2, PapersPast

A SHIP DISMASTED., Hawke's Bay Herald, Volume 8, Issue 590, 28 March 1865, Page 1, PapersPast

Shipping., Press, Volume VII, Issue 756, 1 April 1865, Page 2, PapersPast

SHIP'S DESERTERS & DISOBEDIENT SEAMAN, Monday. [Before H, C. Balneavis, Esq.; and S. Browning, Esq , J.P. ], Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXI, Issue 2398, 28 March 1865, Page 5, PapersPast

SHIP DESERTERS & DISOBEDIENCE TO LAWFUL COMMANDS, New Zealand Herald, Volume II, Issue 428, 28 March 1865, Page 6, PapersPast

IMMIGRATION, Daily Southern Cross, Volume XXI, Issue 2401, 31 March 1865, Page 5, PapersPast


Extracted from `They came by Ship' Centenary of Bombay 1865 - 1965.

Bombay Jubilee 1915

From the New Zealand Herald, 19 March 1915:


The promoters of the Bombay Jubilee picnic and sports, which were held yesterday in celebration of the jubilee of the arrival of the ship Bombay, laden with 400 immigrants, had good cause to complain of the weather. The rain at Bombay yesterday was not by any means as heavy as in the city and elsewhere, but it was quite sufficient to prevent many of the old settlers from undertaking the journey. The rain stopped during the morning, and there were hopes of a fairly fine day, but by 2.30 p.m. it recommenced and fell heavily. Instead of an attendance of 1000, only about 300 persons were present.

Almost every year since 1865, the Bombay pioneers have had some celebration, but on this occasion they prepared a more comprehensive programme, which, however, had to be considerably curtailed. The principal attraction was the sports, and a large number of items were decided. An orchestra supplied the music. A strong committee, of which Mr. H. J. Flay was president, and Mr. R. Cornthwaite secretary, was responsible for the arrangements, which were successfully carried out.

The Pioneers.
Chief interest centred in those of the pioneers, who were able to be present at the celebration. Those in attendance numbered about 25, which is a little less than half of those still alive. The following contains the great majority of the survivors, with their places of residence :—
Living in Bombay are the following :— Mr. and Mrs. W. Vince Mr. and Mrs. D. Allison, Mr. W. Caie, Mr. K. Carter, Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Cornthwaite, Mrs. Roke, Mrs. Cuthbert, Mrs. E. Fahey, Mrs. W. Landon, Messrs. C., G., and R. Wootten, Mrs. R. McClune, Mrs. S. Ferguson, Messrs. John, James, and Andrew Sturgeon, Mr. H. J. Flay, Mrs. G. Balme, Mr. J. N. Sawyer, Mrs. T. O'Neill, and Mr. John Donovan.
Those residing elsewhere are:—Mrs. Powell, Waikato; Messrs. A. and G. Sawyer, Gisborne; Mrs. Jones, Morrinsville; Mrs. Joyce, Devonport; Mrs. Martin, Hamilton; Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Parker, Maungatawhiri Valley; Mr. R. J. Tregoweth, Mercer; Mrs. J. Warren, Mrs. D. McKenzie, Mr. Thomas Worden, Mrs. W. Piggott, sen., Mr. W. Piggott, Mrs. Griffith, Mrs. Buttermore, Mrs. Fenton, Mr. John Jessup, Mrs. R. Warin. Mrs. Waugh, Auckland; Mrs. Warin, Helensville; Mr. Sam Hall, Swanson; Mr. Dalbeth, Rotorua; Mr. Thomas Johnston, Waihi; Mrs. J. H. Wright, Messrs. H., J., R., and E. Bilkey, Pukekohe; Mrs. Davey, Buckland; Mrs. G. Kearns, Mr F. Bollard, Ramarama; Mrs. C. Rau, Hauraki Plains; Mrs. Bonner, New Plymouth; Mr. J. H. Harrison, Hamilton; Mrs. Jones, Tuakau; and Mr. Collings, Waikino.

Visitors Welcomed.
All through the day the pioneers and •their descendants, who are legion, continued to arrive at Mr. A. French's paddock, where the celebration was held. A long line of conveyances, of the horsedrawn variety principally, lined the roadway. As each party arrived it was accorded the hearty welcome characteristic of the people, and the old folk were promptly conducted to the refreshment tent. Tea and provisions enough to supply three times as many people had been provided. Naturally the pioneers spent their time in renewing old acquaintances and in exchanging reminiscencies [sic] with their shipmates.

Choosing Settlers.
An interesting story was told by Mr. W. K. Cornthwaite, who explained that the object of the voyage of the Bombay was to to take up land offered by the Government for the purpose of promoting settlement to form a bulwark against the Maoris. The venture attracted attention all over England, and many hundreds forwarded applications,. The agents adopted a selective process, and chose those best fitted to combat the wilderness and make good settlers. They chose well. Mr. Cornthwaite, then a municipal employee at £1 1s a week, made strenuous endeavours to get away, but had difficulty because he was unmarried. He convinced the agents at the Clarendon rooms, Liverpool, that he would be a useful man, and such he proved. The story of the voyage of the Bombay has been often told. The gale of March 8, 1865, will never be foregotten [sic] by the passengers.

Maori War Echoes.
Almost the first activity of the settlers was the formation of a volunteer corps, called the Razorback Rangers. The late Mr. R. Proude was captain, Mr. Jessup was lieutenant and drill instructor, and Mr. Cornthwaite was ensign and afterwards senior sergeant. Mr. Jessup had been in the Royal Marines, and had seen active service on H.M.S. Arrogant; engaged in the suppression of the West African slave trade. The war was in progress when the immigrants arrived, and before long they were ordered to Mercer to guard the ammunition. It was only playing at soldiers, declared Mr. Cornthwaite, because they had no ammunition themselves, and had the Maoris come they would have had to be met with the bayonet only. Soldiers were present from Wairoa and Pokeno, and the Bombay contingent numbered between 60 and 70. No fighting ever took place at Bombay, but one day, prior to the arrival of the emigrants, the Maoris rushed out of the bush to secure arms laid down by the soldiers, who were engaged in bushfalling. It was a race to see who could get there first. The troops had the better of the race, it was said, and one Maori met his death. A dog held the native until a soldier shot him.

The opening of the Thames goldfield gave a fillip to Bombay. Many worked in the mines and invested their earnings on their holdings. A few years later cocksfoot came and when a man secured £25 for the product of five acres he was considered to be the possessor of a small fortune. Many went in for cows, one of which was sold by Mr. John Martin to Mr. W. Piggott for £30. The settlers churned their butter, for which they received 1s 2d in winter and about 5d in summer. Eggs fetched 7d per dozen in summer. The development of the dairying industry in later years really made Bombay, which is now the centre of an extremely prosperous district.


TOWED IN BY WARSHIP. The Herald of March 20, 1865, contains the following account of the arrival of the Bombay:—Considerable excitement prevailed in the town during the morning of Saturday, in consequence of the report which had been current that the Curacoa had been signalled in sight with a ship dismasted in tow. On arrival in harbour the ship proved to he the Bombay, Captain Sellars. The ship had been out 111 days from the Downs, with 400 passengers and general cargo. The Bombay had fallen in with the terrific gale which had been experienced along the coast of New Zealand. Much anxiety had been felt as to the condition of the ship and passengers. We are happy to say the passengers were in the best health and spirits, and that the ship was a model of cleanliness, evincing the greatest care and attention on the part of her commander and officers. When the condition of the ship is considered, knocked about as she must have been in the gale of two days' duration, terrific seas running, and freighted with passengers who had never before been so situated, calm and presence of mind and other sailor-like high qualities were necessary to, preserve discipline and prevent anything. like disturbance, which in such circumstances might have been fatal. The passengers speak in the very highest terms of their captain.
The following is the list of passengers: —George and Maria Marshall, John and Elizabeth Parkers, Thomas and Sarah Hardwicks, Richard, Elizabeth, William, Thomas, and Julia Marsden, Andrew, Ellen, Elizabeth, Margaret, and Andrew Sturgeon, Edward, Catherine, and Edward Milbourne, Joseph and Jane Hall, William, Agnes, and Thomas Blair, James, Ann, and Jessie Robinson, Thomas, Elizabeth, Elizabeth, and Hedley Currie, James and Jane Bensley, William R. and Eleanor Ecob, Robert and Elizabeth Marten, Read, Sarah, Mary Ann, and Frederick Wykes, Thomas, Isabella, Isabella, and Elizabeth Younger, Richard, Christina, Emmeline, and Mary Tregoweth, Robert, Jane, Robert, Jane, Edwin, Robert, and Mary Bulkey, Thomas, Catherine, Mary Ann, and Thomas Langham, George and Esther Rooke, William, Jean, and Beatrice Cuthbert, Herbert, Sophia, and Sophie Day, Mary, Henry, Henry, and Charles Barns, Thomas and Jemima Edwards, Frederick, Rhoda, and Sarah Piercy, William, Mary, and George Reed, William, Ann, Ann, and Fanny Burtimore, James, Bridget, Michael, and Margaret Hennessy, George, Susan, Peter, and Ann Winter, Samuel and Sarah Buttress, George, Harriett, George William, Sarah, and Augusta Wreford, John, Susan, Arthur, Charles, Tom, and Emily Gillard, Andrew and Mary McSkein, Joseph, Sarah, R., Mary, and J. Williams, Joseph, Emma, and Catherine Wooderson, John B. and Jane Tabb, George and Jane Church, Edwin, Maria, and Edwin Clark, Robert and Julia Jamieson, Henry, Susannah, and Charles Cantell, John and Margaret Swinbank, William, Mary, and Andrew Johnston, George Johnston, Henry, Mary, and Eliza Cander, Charles, Mary Elizabeth, arid James Flag, John and Jane Randall, Christopher, Esther, and' George Woff, Thomas and Esther Taylor, Walter, Elizabeth, Elizabeth, and William Bird, Thomas, Sarah, and Emily Brooke, William, Mary, Ann Elizabeth, Ellen, Arthur, and Augustus Sawyer, Henry, Harriett, and Harry Evans, Joseph, Coney, Joseph, George, and Henry Wooton, Luke, Elizabeth, Matthew, and Leah Ballard, Hugh and Margaret Thomas, John, Catherine, and John Cowen, Edward and Margaret Hall, James, Elizabeth, Emma, and James Evans, Joseph and Eliza Mays, Thomas, Ann, Alfred, and Sarah Jones, George, Catherine, and George Martin, John and Sarah Jessup, William and Ann Turpin, Alfred and Harriett Abbott, Joseph, Eliza, and Harriett Harrison, Solomon, Esther, and Mary Stockman, Thomas, Ann, Mary, Rose, and Benedict Waring, Thomas, Ann, Ann, and Mary Eaves, John and Fanny Wilkinson, Theodore, Elizabeth, and Edwin Lucas, W., C., Elizabeth, William, and Elizabeth Pegott, John C. and Ann Freesh, Edward and Ellen Fahy, William, Margaret, James, and William Jones, John, Harriett, Mary, and Harriett Dalbeth, William, Jessie, and Ellen Case, Edward and Ellen Allison, John Parker, Richard Warden, Patk. Connelly, John and James Sturgeon, James Mellburn, Robt. Curry, Wm. Tregoweth, Harry and John Bukey, Wm. Richard, Thomas Bullock, J. Webber, Frank and Matthew Wreford, John William Gillard, John Fearnley, John Williams, Fairy Matson, Thomas Wills, Samuel Breach, Robert Wooderson, Wm. Surnbank, Thos. Robert Johnston, George Saunders, Hugh Mann, Wm. Clark, Waiter Patteson, W. Partridge, Thos. Jones, W. L. Charles, Anderton, Wm. Sturgess, Thomas Perry, Charles John and Wm, Sawyer, Daniel Boyle, Alfred Andrews, Fred. Smith, Henry Golding, W. Vince, W. Goodfellow, Thos. Christy, Charles Wooten, David Elder, Thos. and Samuel Hall, James Connell, George McMutton, Duncan Cramb, Wm. Cornthwaite, George Parker, Chas. Collings, Fredk. and George Gouge, Josiah Adams; Mary and Catherine Parker, Alice and Elizabeth Warden, Mary Sturgeon, Margaret and Sarah Robinson, Sarah and Hannah Curry, Elizabeth and Sarah Wykes. Sarah Younger, Mary Nicholls, Maria Higgins, Drucilla Wreford, Jane and Mary Gillard, Julia Lock, Ann Williams, Phoebe Wooderson, Elizabeth Jones, Carl Stockman, Rachael and Leah Moses, Jane Prior, Harriett Woosten, Jane Mary Ellen and Rebecca Hall, Martha Higginston, Joseph Bosworth, Thos. A. Dudley, George Sharp, Thomas Green, Wm. Landen, John Hughes, John Mould. Thomas Funnell, Chas. W. Pearson, John, Harriett, Sarah, and James Bass, Robt. and Jane Boor, Michael, Ellen, and Amelia White, John, Sarah, Margaret, and John Wilson, William and Mrs. Cooper, John, Alice, Ann, and Elizabeth Donovan, Susan and Mary Howe, Mary Le Brun; Ann Ord, Matthew and Thomas Curry, Joseph and Emma Whitworth,. Jacob, Jane, Henry, and Rebecca Wright, Thomas, Mary, and Thomas Le Brun, Emily and Jane Marshall, Alfred. Mary, Ann, Agnes, and Alfred Howe, William and Amelia Jones, John H. Denham; total, 386; Walter Grahame, agent." - New Zealand Herald, 19 March 1915, Page 3 [2]


  1. Wikipedia contributors, "Bombay (ship)," Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, (accessed July 15, 2020).
  2. New Zealand Herald, Volume LII, Issue 15872, 19 March 1915, Page 3 via PapersPast



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