Location: [unknown]
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Bonaventure (Merchant), sailed 1634-35
The Bonaventure (Merchant), Master Ricroft, sailed 1634/5, departing London, England, arriving St. Domingo/Virginia.
"Post festum Natalis Christi 1634. usqe ad festum Na; Christi 1635. Secundo Januarii 1634.
Secundo Januarii 1634
Theis under-written are to be transported to Virginea imbarqued in ye Merch bonaventure James Ricrofte Mr bound thjither have taken ye oath of Allegeance."
James Riccoste listed as the 1634 master[1], with the same passenger list. Headed for St Domingo then Virginia?
Contents |
Passenger List
- Abby Jo 22
- Alis Protherock 24
- Anderson John 20
- Anderson Tho. 18
- Andrew Jeffries 24
- Ashley Mary 24
- Ashley Sam 19
- Ast Richard (b. c. 1605, age 30 in 1635).
- Atkinson Jo. 24
- Atkinson Jo. (b. c. 1605, age 30 in 1635).
- Aunnie Henry 16
- Baggley, Jo. 14
- Bamford, John 28
- Bolton (Belton), Tho. 18
- Bomer, Manuell 18
- Bostock, Loughton 16
- Brooke, Brazill 20
- Browne, Michaell 35
- Bryan, Jo. 25
- Burch, William 19
- Burd, John 18
- Burlingham, Geo. 20
- Carlton Mary 23
- Carnoll Christopher 23
- Cave Richard 28
- Chambers Jane 23
- Champion Richard 18
- Champion Richard 19
- Clark Edward (b. c. 1605, age 30 in 1635).
- Clerk John 19
- Conner Phillipp 21
- Cooke Jo. 47
- Cooper Richard 18
- Cowper Averyn 20
- Crane James 17
- Cranfield Edward 24
- Cranfield Uxoy (wife) Ann 18
- Daniell Daniell 18
- Davies, Edward 25
- Derrick, Victor 23
- Dole, Peter 20
- Doll, Richard 25
- Dunn, John 26
- Dunnell, Henry 23
- Dunton, Andrew 38
- Edenburrow, Tho. 37
- Edmonds, John 16
- Ellis, Richard 29
- Evans, Leonard 22 (b. c. 1613, age 22 in 1635).
- Feeldhouse, Jo. 19
- Fisher, Edward 35
- Fisher, Robert 34
- Fountaine, John 18
- Furbredd, Margarett 20
- Futror, Jo. 18
- Garland Hugh (b. c. 1615, age 20 in 1635).
- Glaister Richard 31
- Goodman Thos. 25
- Grafton James 22 (b. c. 1613, age 22 in 1635).
- Graston James 22 (b. c. 1613, age 22 in 1635).
- Green Daniel 24
- Greene George (b. c. 1615, age 20 in 1635).
- Greenwood John 16
- Grimscroft Jo. 27
- Grund James 17
- Guy William 18 (b. c. 1617, age 18 in 1635).
- Hargrave, Richard (b. c. 1615, age 20 in 1635).
- Harman, Richard (b. c. 1615, age 20 in 1635).
- Harris, Reginoll (b. c. 1610, age 25 in 1635).
- Harris, Robert (b. c. 1616, age 19 in 1635).
- Harvy, Nicholas (b. c. 1605, age 30 in 1635).
- Hawes, Richard 14
- Hebden, Thomas (b. c. 1615, age 20 in 1635).
- Hill, John 50
- Hillard Charles 22 (b. c. 1613, age 22 in 1635).
- Hodges John 37
- Hopkinson Michell 27
- Hore Richard 24
- Howell Arthur (b. c. 1615, age 20 in 1635).
- Hudson William (b. c. 1607, age 32 in 1635).
- Hughes Richard 19
- Huntley Margaret (b. c. 1615, age 20 in 1635).
- Hurman Richard (b. c. 1615, age 20 in 1635).
- Hutchinson Jo. 11
- Hutton William 24
- Hyet Tho. 22 (b. c. 1613, age 22 in 1635).
- Irish Henry 16
- Jackson, Elizabeth (b. c. 1618, age 17 in 1635).
- James, Thomas (b. c. 1615, age 20 in 1635).
- Jesopp, Thomas (b. c. 1617, age 18 in 1635)
- Jones, Ellin (b. c. 1617, age 18 in 1635).
- Kenneday, Symon 20
- Kersley, Robert 22 (b. c. 1613, age 22 in 1635).
- Lee, John 17
- Lewes, John 23
- Luck, Robert 25
- Marshall, Mathew 30
- Mason, William 19
- Mawr, Edward 19
- Meston, Jesper 27
- Metcalf, James 22 (b. c. 1613, age 22 in 1635).
- More, Robert 19
- Morgan, Walter 23
- Mosely, Jo. 18
- Moyser, James 28
- Muddock, Margaret 21
- Munday, William 22 (b. c. 1613, age 22 in 1635).
- Murfie, Tho. 20
- Nicolson, Ralph 20
- Nubold, Joan 20
- Nunick, Elizabeth 20
- Ogell, John 18
- Parson, Tho. 30
- Payton, Robert 25
- Percy, Robert (b. c. 1595, age 40 in 1635).
- Perkyns, James 42
- Perry, Thomas 34
- Uxor Dorothy (wife) 26
- Perry, Ben 4
- Pitt, Richard 19
- Pownder, Garret 19
- Pryce, Lancelot 21
- Quinton, Henry 20
- Redding, Henry 22 (b. c. 1613, age 22 in 1635).
- Redding, James 19
- Redding, Jerremy 18
- Ridgell, William 24
- Ridgely, Thomas 23
- Riley, Garrett 24
- Riley, Miles 20 (b. c. 1615, age 20 in 1635).
- Rogers, Henry 30
- Rolinson, John 26
- Russell, John 19[2]
- Saunders, Mary 26
- Sayer, William 58,[3]
- Session, George (b. c. 1595, age 40 in 1635).
- Silvester, Abram (b. c. 1595, age 40 in 1635).
- Silvester, Abram 14
- Singer, Thomas 18
- Skorie, John 16
- Smith, Tho. 14
- Smith, William (b. c. 1615, age 20 in 1635).
- Smithson, Robert 23
- Smyer, Tho. 18
- Sotterfoyth, Jo. 24
- Spemgall (Sringall) Jo. 18
- Spencer, Francis 23
- Spicer, Richard 18
- Stanton, Thomas (b. c. 1615 age 20 in 1635).
- Sturdevant, Roger (b. c. 1614, age 21 in 1635).
- Surgisson, William 25
- Symons, Thomas 27
- Taylor, Tho. 19
- Thomazine uxor (wife)
- Tomason Thomas 26
- Topsall Humphrey 24
- Townsend, Thomas 14
- Towse, John 26
- Turner, Sara 20
- Underwood, Jo. 23
- Washborn, Joseph 22 (b. c. 1613, age 22 in 1635).
- Watson, Jo. 28
- Weston, William 30
- Wetherfield, Leonard 17
- Wigg, John 24
- Wilkinson, John 19
- Wise, John 28
- Wise, John 30
- Withy, Jesper (b. c. 1614, age 21 in 1635).
- Wood, John 26
- Yate, Kat. 19
Hotten's P of Q states "Post festum Natalis Christi 1634. usqe ad festum Na; Christi 1635. Secundo Januarii 1634."
Roughly translated, this reads "After festival birth of Christ 1634. unto to after festival birth of Christ 1635. Second of January 1634."
Where the rolls taken 1634 to 1635 and the ship sailed 1635, or did they compile the list between 1634 and 1635, after the ship had sailed in 1634?
Bonadventure sources
Hotten, James Camden. (Editor). The Original Lists of Persons of Quality… Reprinted: Empire State Book Co. New York. (Original London). 1874. Page 36. Retrieved from http://www.archive.org/details/originallistsofp00hottuoft
Crozier, W.A. (1971). Virginia County Records, (Vol VI, pp.153 - 155). Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc. (citing John C. Hotten, 1874). archive.org
- Hotten P of Q pages 35 - 37
- ↑ Crozier, 1971; web.archive.org
- ↑ Possibly from Chalfont, Buckingham, bound for Dochester. 36 pg 7
- ↑ From Leighton, Bedfordshire, bound for Salem 1640, Wenham 1643, Newbury 1645. Ref: Parish Reg. 36 pg 2
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