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Bowers surname

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Surname/tag: Bowers
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My Bowers family was somewhere in North Carolina ca 1806. My ancestor left the state and relocated in Edgefield Co., SC, by 1827. His family was in Georgia by 1831 and in Marion Co., GA, by 1848 and left there ca 1868 for Dallas Co., AR. (1850 Marion Co., GA, census)

I'm uncertain if this family was English, Scottish or German, but suspect they were Scots-Irish.

My EKA was Giles or James Giles Bowers. He had a brother, William, who located in Lincoln Co., GA, and a probable brother, Levi, who went to Blount Co., TN. Levi was in the Burke/McDowell Co., NC, area before settling in TN.

I suspect their parents may have been John Bowers, who died in Burke Co. in 1814, and Mary Ann or Marianne Evans, who died ca 1815 in Person Co., NC, after remarrying Charles Rountree.


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My Bowers family is from central NJ, primarily Monmouth, Middlesex and Mercer Counties. The lineage goes like this:

Lewis Combs Bowers (1875-1941) married to Ada Denison Reuben T Bowers (1839-1905) married to Catherine Combs Joseph T. Bowers (1807 - 1871 ish) married to Rachel Tolman; there might be a first wife as well Joseph Bowers Jr. (1772- 1845) married to Ann Nancy Ford Joseph Bowers Sr (1744 - ) married to Sarah Maple Joseph Bowers (1720 -1760)

Much of that lineage is based on people with the right name in the right place, but I cannot find any direct linkages between the Joseph Bowers. I have not been able to identify the original immigrant. One family history says the family comes from Wales and England. Based on DNA samples, ikf we go back further we seem to be from North Rhine - Westphalia part of Germany. I know that a branch of the Bowers family moved to Clinton County Ohio in 1841. They are well documented in the "History of Clinton County Ohio" , 1882.

I am interested in any information other may have about Bowers in Central New Jersey. I am anxious to document the linkages and identify who emigrated and where they came from.

Lew Bowers

posted by Lew Bowers II
Bowerses in North Carolina late 1700s/early 1800s

1790 Wilkes Co - Jno Bowers 1-2-2-0 1 male over 16 / 2 males under 16 / 2 females (all ages) / 0 slaves

Other Bowers in NC in 1790: Saul - Craven Co -- black -- not ours Philemon, Jesse & Giles - Franklin & Granville (sue's) -- not ours Giles - Jones Co Jno - Lincoln Co -- probably german Silas - martin Co Benj, Benj Sr, John & Wm - Pitt Co -- awaiting dna Henry - rockingham Co -- not ours Adam, George, Jacob - Rowan Co -- not ours John - Wake Co -- may have had ties to southampton co., va

1800 - none in Wilkes

Other Bowers in NC Giles - Anson Adam & Adam - Cabarrus -- not ours John - Caswell -- m mary ann evans, d 1814 burke co, nc John - Chatham Co James, John & William - Franklin Co -- (sue's) not ours Rachael - Nash Rebecca - Northampton Anna, Benjamin, John, John, Reuben, William - Pitt Co Adam, Jacob, James - Rowan Co -- not ours Francis & George - Stokes Co

posted by Rodney Bowers