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Bowling Family Mysteries

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Location: [unknown]
Surname/tag: Bowling
Profile manager: Bob Bowling private message [send private message]
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I have SPECULATED a lot about from where William came. He just fell out of the blue in Granville Co, NC and there is a lot of information about him in Granville as well as documentation on his descendants.

I SPECULATED that he married Elizabeth Kidwell in the Stafford Co, VA area. There is proof that this marriage took place, but no proof that the William Bowling in Stafford Co, VA is the same William Bowling in Granville Co, NC.

I would appreciate any help identifying where William Bowling was located before he moved to Granville Co, NC.

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If you are referring to William, twin brother to Elizabeth, please grab Oakley Dean Baldwin's book, "Pocahontas to Benjamin Bolling"


Thanks for the comment, but I'm definitely a blue Bowling, so not buying into the unsourced relationship to Pocohontas.
posted by Bob Bowling Jr

Categories: Family Mysteries