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Boyce Families in Upper Canada - Land Petitions Index and Loyalists

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Date: [unknown] [unknown]
Location: Upper Canadamap
Surnames/tags: Boyce Boice Buis
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Boyce and Related Families in Upper Canada


This page was designed to help sort out of the Boyce, Boice, Buis, and Buys families who lived in Upper Canada (now Ontario) in the late 1700s and early 1800s.

It started out strictly as an index of Land Petitions for both United Empire Loyalists (and their families) and for other (non-Loyalist) settlers to Upper Canada. However, since the central purpose of the page is to help users keep the different families straight, it made sense to include a cross-reference to names included in The Loyalists In Ontario - The Sons and Daughters of The American Loyalists Of Upper Canada, by William D. Reid[1] so additional sections were added and the role of this page was extended.

Errors or Additions

If you find an error in any entry in this table please send a message (with as much relevant information as possible) to the page manager Alan Boyce.

Trusted List

This page is readable by the public, but because of all the nasty syntax involved in building tables in WikiTree, edit access is limited.

If you would like to be on the trusted list, please send a message to the page manager Alan Boyce. Really, though, it is very easy to mess up the table.

Cross-Reference to The Loyalists In Ontario[1]

Reid, Pages 24 and 25

  • Boice, John Sr. of Niagara, m. Elizabeth [Russell] See O.C. 24 Jan 1797.
    • Elizabeth, married Peter Coghill of Niagara, 13 Aug 1799. O.C. 9 July 1802.
    • Mary, married James Cushman of Niagara, 19 Jan 1802. O.C. 10 Mar 1804.
    • Jacob of Niagara. O.C. 29 Sept 1819.
    • Sarah, married Richard Springer of the Town of Hamilton. O.C. 3 Dec 1840.

Reid, Pages 29 and 30

  • Boyce, John of Matilda
    • Jenny, m. Siah Pedge of Matilda
    • Mary, m. Feather
    • Sarah, m. Robert B. Dick of Hamilton
    • Nancy, m William Hanes of Ernestown
    • John of Matilda, Not recommended[?]
    • Mary, m. John Shaver of Matilda
    • Elizer, (son) of Matilda
    • William
    • Jane, m. Thomas Langhorn of Matilda
    • Margaret, m. Mac Putney of Matilda
    • Elizabeth, m. Richard J. Empey of Williamsburgh
    • Phoebe, m. Paul Comer of Ernestown.
    • Lemuel of Pittsburgh,
    • Theophilus of Pittsburgh,
    • William of Darlington.
  • Boyce, Stephen of Ernestown and Kingston, m. Elizabeth Conklin.
    • Mary O. C. 3 March 1809.
    • Abraham of Ernestown, O. C. 18 June 1799.
    • Joseph of Kingston. O. C. 4 April 1839.
    • Clara, b. 22 Apr 1799; m. Tobias McGuire of Kingston. O. C. 26 May 1840.
    • Jane. O. C. 18 May 1833.
    • Harriet, m. William Leonard of Kingston. O. C. 27 November 1834.
    • Mishel, m. William Caldwell of Sidney. O. C. 24 March 1835.
    • Experience, m. William Reed of Loughborough. O. C. 3 January 1827.
    • Andrew. O. C. 7 May 1828.
    • Sarah, m. Charles Abrams of Loughborough. O. C. 7 May 1828.
    • Almira m. Michael Quin of Town of Kingston. O. C. 7 May 1828.

Cross-Reference to The UELAC Website Directory

Jehoiada Boyce U.E. (1759-1835) [2]

  • Jehoiada and Millicent (Keeler) Boyce had 12 children, as follows:[2]
    • Millicent Boyce m. Samuel B. McCabe
    • Phoebe Boyce m. Cornelius Degroot
    • Jehoiada Boyce, Jr. m. Mary (?)
    • Isaiah Keeler Boyce m. Mary Ann Howard
    • Elizabeth Boyce m. Artemas Crittenden
    • Prudence Bogart Boyce m. Daniel Harvey Shipman
    • Elijah Woolsey Boyce m. 1) Mary Ewing 2) Margaret Raymond
    • David G. Boyce m. Delilah Booth
    • Olive Boyce m. Abraham Dayton
    • Stephen McCabe Boyce m. Delight Booth
    • Rachel (Betsey) Boyce m. Samuel Booth, Jr.
    • Harvey Boyce (died at about 7 months old)

Cross-Reference to The Old UEL List

Pg 139

  • John Boice, Senior
    • Home District
    • Soldier B. R. (Butler's Rangers), p. P. a wife and four children, P.L. 2d, 1786. Soldier R.R.N.Y. Muster Roll
  • John Boice, Junior [Jr. of Matilda??]
    • Home District
    • Son of John, senior

Pg 142

  • John Boyce
    • E. District, Matilda
    • RRNY, had a wife adn 4 children, P.L. 2d, 1786. Joseph Griffin says in Albany Gaol; afterwards en listed with the Rebels, deserted in two days; for 7 years lived after on Connecticut River.
  • Stephen Boyce
    • Ernest Town
    • Soldier in Jessup's Corps, p. M. (P.L.1786)

Finding Any Upper Canada Land Petition

Step 1

Start by doing a search on the person whose petition you are seeking. Try several searches with different spellings of both first and last names, and allow for mistakes in the transcriptions of the original documents regarding names, places, etc. (The search tool is not very sophisticated.)

Link to search page is here:

This will give you, among other vital info, the number of the microfilm on which the specific petition can be found. It will (likely) be accessed from this page or a subsequent page.

Step 2

Link to the (first page of the) list of microfilms (including hotlinks to each film):

Step 3

Click to the number of the film to which you have been directed and scroll through the images on that film to find the petition you are seeking. The petition number is typically written near the top of each page but the sequence may appear to be illogical.

Be forewarned: this is a slow and laborious exercise. Adding to the challenge, these documents are mostly hand-written. With some patience you'll get the hang of it.

Index to U.C. Land Petitions for Boyces, Boices, Buises, etc.

See these notes!!

The table below has been created for easy access to Upper Canada Land Petitions filed by Boyce, Boice, Buis families and some relatives. It was assembled to help with my research. There are probably other variants of the spelling that slipped through; they can be added later. Images of the original petitions are on the website of Library and Archives Canada.

Embedded links to original documents are included in this table.

Also provided in the source links are text descriptions of source documents so the documents can be located when Library and Archives Canada changes their website... again.

Where possible, based on my reading of the petitions, the listing is sorted by:

  1. Whether the petitioner is
    1. an Initial United Empire Loyalist or UEL (i.e. fought for the English in the Revolutionary War), or
    2. a Son or Daughter of an Initial UEL, or
    3. a settler petitioning for land, not as a UEL or descendant.

The rows in this table may be sorted on any column by clicking the sort symbol in the column header. When sorted, though, the grouping noted above is lost. To restore the original sort order, refresh the page.
The note N.F. indicates that the petition probably exists, but has not yet been located by this researcher.

Table of Land Petitions for Boyce, Boice, Buis, Buys, Bice, etc.

Surname Given Name(s) Place Year Vol Bndl Pet Pgs Ref Film Notes WTree ID Ref
U.E. Loyalists
BICEJohnNiagara179628B 281601-603RG 1 L3C-1619Initial U.E.L. (Niagara). Fought with Butler's Rangers. Asking for land for his family.Boice-622[3]
BOYCEJohnNiagara179728B 2120707-708RG 1 L3C-1619Initial U.E.L. (Niagara). Fought with Butler's Rangers. Came to Canada 1781 with Wife Elizabeth & 2 Kids.Boice-622[4]
BOICEMaryKingston179729B 340966-968RG 1 L3C-1619Arrived 1781. Mother of Stephen and 2 other brothers in Rev. War. Two (Stephen & [Buys-1301|John]]) in Maj. Jessup's Corps & one (Andrew) in 2nd Batt. Sir. John Johnston's Regiment. Arrived in Canada as a widow. NOT Mary Van Camp.Unknown-669772[5]
BOICEAndrewMatilda1794N.F.N.F.N.F.N.F.N.F.N.F.Initial U.E.L. (Matilda) Mother: Mary (Unknown) Buys. Petition not yet located, but referenced in his 1797 Petition.Buys-1299[6]
BOYCEAndrewEastern District & Midland District179730B 3191317-318RG 1 L3C-1620Initial U.E.L. (Matilda) Fought with Johnson's Royal Yorkers (King's Royal Regiment of New York (KRRNY)).Buys-1299[7]
BOICEJohnMatildaN.F.N.F.N.F.N.F.N.F.N.F.N.F.Initial U.E.L. (Matilda) Mother: Mary (Unknown) Buys. Petition not yet located.Buys-1301[8]
BOICEStephenUnknownUnk.29B 31051187-1187RG 1 L3C-1619Initial U.E.L. (Matilda) Mother: Mary (Unknown) Buys. Fought with Jessup's Rangers. Petition missing. See Land Book Vol C pg 268Buys-1287[9]
Loyalist Sons & Daughters
BOICEAbrahamToronto184269B 1106649-653RG 1 L3C-1636Lived in Toronto; Land in Haldimand Twp. Father: Stephen Boice U.E. Boice-611[10]
BOICEAbrahamHaldimand185380B 737718-752RG 1 L3C-164234 pgs. Carpenter, Lived in Toronto; Land dispute (L28+34 Con 10) in Haldimand Twp. Father: Stephen Boice U.E.; Stephen's will on pgs 743, 744; rel. of Phebe Conklin.Boice-611[11]
BOICEAndrewKingston182850B 1582240-242RG 1 L3C-1628Father: Stephen Boice U.E.Boice-607[12]
BOYCEJohnMatilda184084B Misc. 1799-184329877-879RG 1 L3C-1644Father: [[Unknown Buys (abt.1720-abt.1779)]]. Petition to locate a Lot of his father's.Boyce-5029[13]
BOYCEJohnMatilda184070B 218780-790RG 1 L3C-1636Father: Unknown Buys (abt.1720-abt.1779). This petition to deconflate his father from John Boice U.E. of Niagara.Boyce-5029[14]
BOICEMaryMatilda1799186F 41274-275RG 1 L3C-1894Father: John Boyce (abt.1767-aft.1851); Husband: Philip Feder/Fether (abt.1778-) Lived in Matilda. Same petition as husband.Buys-1303[15]
FETHERPhilipMatilda1799186F 41274-275RG 1 L3C-1894Father: Lucas Feder; Wife: Mary (Buys) Feder (abt.1778-) Lived in Matilda. Same petition as wife.Feder-153[16]


BOYCEAbrahamLoughborough181986B Leases 1816-1837171477-481RG 1 L3C-1645Just a settler. Our guy.Boyce-3885[17]
To Be Cleaned Up
BOICECorneliusRawdon183457B 1827594-96RG 1 L3C-1631Father: Andrew Boice U.E. Rawdon Twp, Hastings Co.Boice-604[18]
BOICECyreniusHungerford183457B 1827284-86RG 1 L3C-1631Father: Andrew Boice U.E. Hungerford Twp in Hastings Co.Boice-602[19]
BOICEDavidErnestown181237B 105588-92RG 1 L3C-1623Father: Andrew Boice U.E.Boice-598[20]
BOICEElizabethMatilda180735B 863163-165RG 1 L3C-1622Father: Peter Prunner U.E.; Husband:. John BoiceTBD[21]
BOICEElizabethNiagara180333B 630399-403RG 1 L3C-1621TBD[22]
BOICEJacobNiagara181942B 12181537-539RG 1 L3C-1625TBD[23]
BOICEJosephKingston183863B 21139931-933RG 1 L3C-1633Father: late Stephen BoiceBoice-612[24]
BOICEJosephLoughborough184269B 173495-496RG 1 L3C-1636Addington Militia 1812WBoice-612[25]
BOICEMargaretErnestown180735B 849111-112RG 1 L3C-1622Father: Thomas Comer; marr. William BoiceComer-2029[26]
BOICEMaryHome District179931B 442542-543RG 1 L3C-1620Father: James McLaughlin; marr. John BoiceNew Mary[27]
BOICEMaryNot specified179931B 464614-615RG 1 L3C-1620Father: John Brundage; marr. Peter Boice3rd Mary[28]
BOICEMathewMountain180785B Leases 1802-18187884-87RG 1 L3C-1645TBD[29]
BOICEMatthiasHungerford183457B 1827491-93RG 1 L3C-1631TBD[30]
BOICENicholasMarysburgh182457B 1827179-83RG 1 L3C-1631Father: Andrew BoiceBoice-601[31]
BOICEPhoebeYonge181137B 103915-18RG 1 L3C-1623Father: Eleazar Fairchild; marr. Robert BoiceTBD[32]
BOICETheophilusPittsburgh183357B 18295181-183RG 1 L3C-1631TBD[33]
BOICEZachariahMarysburgh182457B 1827387-90RG 1 L3C-1631Father: Andrew BoiceBoice-603[34]
BOICE / AMEYHannahErnestown183357B 1825832-35RG 1 L3C-1631Father: Jonas AmeyTBD[35]
BOICE / CUSHMANMaryNiagara180494C 661936-938RG 1 L3C-1649dau. Of John BoiceTBD[36]
Boice / McGuireClaraKingston1839310Mc 2211853-55RG 1 L3C-2141Father: Stephen Boice; marr. Tobias McGuireBoice-613[37]
BOICE / SCHRIVERSusannahLoughborough182951B 163556-558RG 1 L3C-1628Schriver-271[38]
Boice / SpringerSarahHamilton1840474S 22152733-736RG 1 L3C-2821dau. Of John Boice of NiagaraTBD[39]
Boice / Van WicklinMaryErnestown1812514AV 1011772-773RG 1 L3C-2947Father: Andrew (Buys) Boice U.E.; Marr Adam VanwicklinBoice-599[40]
CALDWELL / BOICEMishelSidney1835116C 18387341-342RG 1 L3C-1728TBD[41]
DICK / BOICESarahHamilton (Twp., Northumber-land Co.)1818154D 1110863-67RG 1 L3C-1745Dau. of John Buys U.E. of Matilda.Buys-1306[42]
Empey / BoiceElizabethWilliamsburg1833179AE 182761-63RG 1 L3C-1890dau. Of John BoiceTBD[43]
Putney / BoiceMargaretMatilda1836408AP 19541284-1285RG 1 L3C-2731Adau. Of John BoiceTBD[44]
Quinn / BoiceAlmiraKingston1828422Q 152808-810RG 1 L3C-2739Boice-619[45]
BUISEAndrewLunenburg, Richmond179467B Misc. 1788-1795218502-503RG 1 L3C-1635U.E. Served in Royal York Reg'tBuys-1299[46]
BOYCEIsaiahElmsley185076B 597897-904RG 1 L3C-1640Isaiah Kelsey (?) BoiceTBD[47]
BOYCEJamesAdelaide183761B 20148996-1002RG 1 L3C-1632From U.K. Soldier served in Royal Waggon Train. Discharged at Quebec. Pet. for land in Warwick, Lambton, (Adelaide is in Middlesex) TBD[48]
BOYCEJamesOxford184169B 141331-332RG 1 L3C-1636Served in Provincial Light DragoonsTBD[49]
BOYCEJamesWhitchurch181885B Leases 1802-1818137341-342RG 1 L3C-1645TBD[50]
BOYCEJamesYork183261B 20127887-889RG 1 L3C-1632"...a native of England... served in the Roayal Waggon Train"TBD[51]
BOYCEJaneKingston (Ernestown)183355B 1828116-117RG 1 L3C-1630Father Stephen Boice; not marr.Boice-614[52]
BOYCEJehoidaElizabethtown180735B 847101-106RG 1 L3C-1622Boyce-3953[53]
BOYCEJehoidaElizabethtown180835B 888262-282RG 1 L3C-1622Boyce-3953[54]
BOYCEJohnBelleville181739B 1193474-477RG 1 L3C-1624TBD[55]
BOYCEJohnBelleville181840B 11163781-785RG 1 L3C-1624TBD[56]
BOYCEJohnElizabethtown178967B Misc. 1788-1795163361-362RG 1 L3C-1635Just a settler. Late from Westminster, NHBoyce-1206[57]
BOYCEJohnYork179729B 3511002-1003RG 1 L3C-1619John, Peter, Mathew, sons of John. In John Johnson's Royal RangersTBD[58]
BOYCELemuelPittsburgh183357B 18294178-180RG 1 L3C-1631TBD[59]
BOYCEMacauleyBayham184976B 542543-547RG 1 L3C-1640TBD[60]
BOYCEMatthewYork179729B 3511002-1003RG 1 L3C-1619John, Peter, Mathew, sons of John. In John Johnson's Royal RangersTBD[61]
BOYCEPeterYork179729B 3511002-1003RG 1 L3C-1619John, Peter, Mathew, sons of John. In John Johnson's Royal RangersTBD[62]
BOYCE / HARTMANElizabethErnestown179267B Misc. 1788-1795162359-360RG 1 L3C-1635Father: (Johan) David Hartmann U.E.; marr. Andrew (Buys) Boice U.E.Hartman-6600[63]
Boyce / ShaverMaryMatilda1840474S 22128616-617RG 1 L3C-2821dau. of John (Buys) Boice U.E. of MatildaBuys-1307[64]
Boyce / SpringerSarahBarton1812447S Misc. 1798-1812130486-490RG 1 L3C-2805dau. Of John BoiceTBD[65]
COMMER / BOYCEPhebeKingston1790127C Misc. 1788-1794208240-241RG 1 L3C-1732Father John Boyce; Late Serj't in the Royal Yorkers, marr Paul Commer; This Boyce/Comer petition is 44 years before the one below. Different couple?TBD[66]
BOYCE/COMERPhoebeErnestown1834116C 1831035-38RG 1 L3C-1728Father John Boyce; marr Paul Commer; This Boyce/Comer petition is 44 years after the one above. Different couple?TBD[67]
BUISAbrahamErnestown181137B 10201007-1010RG 1 L3C-1622Father: Stephen Boice;Boice-611[68]
BUISElizabethSidney179467B Misc. 1788-1795217500-501RG 1 L3C-1635Father: Joseph ConklinConklin-3887[69]
BUIS / AMEYHannahKingston (Ernestown)181237B 105381-83RG 1 L3C-1623Father: Jonas Amey; marr. David BuisTBD[70]
BUIS / BICEMaryErnestown180936B 945653-654RG 1 L3C-1622Father: Stephen Boice;Boice-610[71]
Boice / LanghornJaneMatilda1836294L 19571015-1016RG 1 L3C-2130Father: John Boice of Matilda new person[72]
Pedge / BiceFannyMatilda1806401P 7311446-1449RG 1 L3C-2489Father: John Buys U.E. of MatildaBuys-1305[73]
SchryverJacobFredericksburg1826447AS Misc. 1799-18421241100-1102RG 1 L3C-2805TBD[74]
ScriverGeorgeFredericksburg1817457S 1183963-967RG 1 L3C-2811TBD[75]
Edgar / SnyderElizabethLancaster1850182AE 529216-217RG 1 L3C-1892Father: John Snyder; marr. James EdgarTBD[76]
COMSTOCKAbigailMatilda1791127C Misc. 1788-1794209242-243RG 1 L3C-1732TBD[77]
Babcock / SmithSarahKingston1820460AS 12354751-754RG 1 L3C-2813Benjamin Babcock 4 – mysteryBabcock-1584[78]
BOYCEJ.Adelaide Township1835151 1592-1594RG 5 A1, Land Petitions in Upper Canada SundriesC-6885TBD[79]
BOYCENelsonZorra Township1835154 1351-1353RG 5 A1, Land Petitions in Upper Canada SundriesC-6886TBD[80]
BOYCERobert1836162 93-94RG 5 A1, Land Petitions in Upper Canada SundriesC-6889TBD[81]
BICE / UMPHRYNancyEdwardsburgh180534B 746783-785RG 1 L3C-1621Father: James Umphry of Edwardsburgh; Husband: John Bice, EdwardsburghNew [82]
BICENancyHope181638B 10143490-493RG 1 L3C-1623Married: Peter Bice of Hope; Father: John BrundageNew [83]
BICEWilliamDarlington182648B 14271789-795RG 1 L3C-1627Father: John Bice Sr. Matilda (Formerly)New [84]
BICEElijerMatilda183659B 19107106-107RG 1 L3C-1632Looks like: Elijer; Indicates he is Son; Father: John Bice Sr. Matilda (Formerly)New [85]
BICEWilliamMatilda183659B 19108108-109RG 1 L3C-1632Father: John Bice Sr. Matilda (Formerly)New [86]
BICEElijahDarlington183660B 2071648-654RG 1 L3C-1632Request not grantedNew [87]
BICENelsonPickering184674B 431002-1005RG 1 L3C-1638New [88]
HANES / BICENancyErnestown1840241H 2290512-514RG 1 L3C-2097Father: John Buys (Bice) U.E. of MatildaNew [89]
BOISEBenjaminErnestown183355B 1838152-154RG 1 L3C-1630Father: Andrew BoiceBoice-600[90]

Other Links


  1. 1.0 1.1 William D. Reid: The Loyalists In Ontario - The Sons and Daughters of The American Loyalists Of Upper Canada. Hunterdon House, Lambertville, New Jersey, 1973. pg. 24.
    The Loyalists in Ontario:
    Ancestry Sharing Link - Ancestry Image (accessed 9 January 2024).
  2. 2.0 2.1 United Empire Loyalists Association of Canada online registry.
  3. Library and Archives Canada, Land Petitions of Upper Canada, 1763-1865
    Surname: BICE
    Given Name(s): John
    Place: Niagara
    Year: 1796
    Volume: 28
    Bundle: B 2
    Petition: 81
    Pages: 601-603
    Reference: RG 1 L3
    Microfilm: C-1619
    (Accessed on 16 January 2024)
    Search Results at:
    Microfilm Index at:
    Record at:
  4. Library and Archives Canada, Land Petitions of Upper Canada, 1763-1865
    Surname: BOYCE
    Given Name(s): John
    Place: Niagara
    Year: 1797
    Volume: 28
    Bundle: B 2
    Petition: 120
    Pages: 707-708
    Reference: RG 1 L3
    Microfilm: C-1619
    (Accessed on 16 January 2024)
    Search Results at:
    Microfilm Index at:
    Record at:
  5. Library and Archives Canada, Land Petitions of Upper Canada, 1763-1865
    Surname: BOICE
    Given Name(s): Mary
    Place: Kingston
    Year: 1797
    Volume: 29
    Bundle: B 3
    Petition: 40
    Pages: 966-968
    Reference: RG 1 L3
    Microfilm: C-1619
    (Accessed on 16 January 2024)
    Search Results at:
    Microfilm Index at:
    Record at:
  6. N.F.
  7. Library and Archives Canada, Land Petitions of Upper Canada, 1763-1865
    Surname: BOYCE
    Given Name(s): Andrew
    Place: Eastern District & Midland District
    Year: 1797
    Volume: 30
    Bundle: B 3
    Petition: 191
    Pages: 317-318
    Reference: RG 1 L3
    Microfilm: C-1620
    (Accessed on 16 January 2024)
    Search Results at:
    Microfilm Index at:
    Record at:
  8. N.F.
  9. Library and Archives Canada, Land Petitions of Upper Canada, 1763-1865
    Surname: BOICE
    Given Name(s): Stephen
    Place: Unknown
    Year: Unk.
    Volume: 29
    Bundle: B 3
    Petition: 105
    Pages: 1187-1187
    Reference: RG 1 L3
    Microfilm: C-1619
    (Accessed on 16 January 2024)
    Search Results at:
    Microfilm Index at:
    Record at:
  10. Library and Archives Canada, Land Petitions of Upper Canada, 1763-1865
    Surname: BOICE
    Given Name(s): Abraham
    Place: Toronto
    Year: 1842
    Volume: 69
    Bundle: B 1
    Petition: 106
    Pages: 649-653
    Reference: RG 1 L3
    Microfilm: C-1636
    (Accessed on 16 January 2024)
    Search Results at:
    Microfilm Index at:
    Record at:
  11. Library and Archives Canada, Land Petitions of Upper Canada, 1763-1865
    Surname: BOICE
    Given Name(s): Abraham
    Place: Haldimand
    Year: 1853
    Volume: 80
    Bundle: B 7
    Petition: 37
    Pages: 718-752
    Reference: RG 1 L3
    Microfilm: C-1642
    (Accessed on 16 January 2024)
    Search Results at:
    Microfilm Index at:
    Record at:
  12. Library and Archives Canada, Land Petitions of Upper Canada, 1763-1865
    Surname: BOICE
    Given Name(s): Andrew
    Place: Kingston
    Year: 1828
    Volume: 50
    Bundle: B 15
    Petition: 82
    Pages: 240-242
    Reference: RG 1 L3
    Microfilm: C-1628
    (Accessed on 16 January 2024)
    Search Results at:
    Microfilm Index at:
    Record at:
  13. Library and Archives Canada, Land Petitions of Upper Canada, 1763-1865
    Surname: BOYCE
    Given Name(s): John
    Place: Matilda
    Year: 1840
    Volume: 84
    Bundle: B Misc. 1799-1843
    Petition: 29
    Pages: 877-879
    Reference: RG 1 L3
    Microfilm: C-1644
    (Accessed on 16 January 2024)
    Search Results at:
    Microfilm Index at:
    Record at:
  14. Library and Archives Canada, Land Petitions of Upper Canada, 1763-1865
    Surname: BOYCE
    Given Name(s): John
    Place: Matilda
    Year: 1840
    Volume: 70
    Bundle: B 2
    Petition: 18
    Pages: 780-790
    Reference: RG 1 L3
    Microfilm: C-1636
    (Accessed on 16 January 2024)
    Search Results at:
    Microfilm Index at:
    Record at:
  15. Library and Archives Canada, Land Petitions of Upper Canada, 1763-1865
    Surname: Fether
    Given Name(s): Philip
    Place: Not specified.
    Year: 1799
    Volume: 186
    Bundle: F 4
    Petition: 1
    Pages: 274-275
    Reference: RG 1 L3
    Microfilm: C-1894
    (Accessed on 27 February 2024)
    Search Results at:
    Microfilm Index at:
    Record at:
  16. Library and Archives Canada, Land Petitions of Upper Canada, 1763-1865
    Surname: Fether
    Given Name(s): Philip
    Place: Not specified.
    Year: 1799
    Volume: 186
    Bundle: F 4
    Petition: 1
    Pages: 274-275
    Reference: RG 1 L3
    Microfilm: C-1894
    (Accessed on 27 February 2024)
    Search Results at:
    Microfilm Index at:
    Record at:
  17. Library and Archives Canada, Land Petitions of Upper Canada, 1763-1865
    Surname: BOYCE
    Given Name(s): Abraham
    Place: Loughborough
    Year: 1819
    Volume: 86
    Bundle: B Leases 1816-1837
    Petition: 171
    Pages: 477-481
    Reference: RG 1 L3
    Microfilm: C-1645
    (Accessed on 16 January 2024)
    Search Results at:
    Microfilm Index at:
    Record at:
  18. Library and Archives Canada, Land Petitions of Upper Canada, 1763-1865
    Surname: BOICE
    Given Name(s): Cornelius
    Place: Rawdon
    Year: 1834
    Volume: 57
    Bundle: B 18
    Petition: 275
    Pages: 94-96
    Reference: RG 1 L3
    Microfilm: C-1631
    (Accessed on 16 January 2024)
    Search Results at:
    Microfilm Index at:
    Record at:
  19. Library and Archives Canada, Land Petitions of Upper Canada, 1763-1865
    Surname: BOICE
    Given Name(s): Cyrenius
    Place: Hungerford
    Year: 1834
    Volume: 57
    Bundle: B 18
    Petition: 272
    Pages: 84-86
    Reference: RG 1 L3
    Microfilm: C-1631
    (Accessed on 16 January 2024)
    Search Results at:
    Microfilm Index at:
    Record at:
  20. Library and Archives Canada, Land Petitions of Upper Canada, 1763-1865
    Surname: BOICE
    Given Name(s): David
    Place: Ernestown
    Year: 1812
    Volume: 37
    Bundle: B 10
    Petition: 55
    Pages: 88-92
    Reference: RG 1 L3
    Microfilm: C-1623
    (Accessed on 16 January 2024)
    Search Results at:
    Microfilm Index at:
    Record at:
  21. Library and Archives Canada, Land Petitions of Upper Canada, 1763-1865
    Surname: BOICE
    Given Name(s): Elizabeth
    Place: Matilda
    Year: 1807
    Volume: 35
    Bundle: B 8
    Petition: 63
    Pages: 163-165
    Reference: RG 1 L3
    Microfilm: C-1622
    (Accessed on 16 January 2024)
    Search Results at:
    Microfilm Index at:
    Record at:
  22. Library and Archives Canada, Land Petitions of Upper Canada, 1763-1865
    Surname: BOICE
    Given Name(s): Elizabeth
    Place: Niagara
    Year: 1803
    Volume: 33
    Bundle: B 6
    Petition: 30
    Pages: 399-403
    Reference: RG 1 L3
    Microfilm: C-1621
    (Accessed on 16 January 2024)
    Search Results at:
    Microfilm Index at:
    Record at:
  23. Library and Archives Canada, Land Petitions of Upper Canada, 1763-1865
    Surname: BOICE
    Given Name(s): Jacob
    Place: Niagara
    Year: 1819
    Volume: 42
    Bundle: B 12
    Petition: 181
    Pages: 537-539
    Reference: RG 1 L3
    Microfilm: C-1625
    (Accessed on 16 January 2024)
    Search Results at:
    Microfilm Index at:
    Record at:
  24. Library and Archives Canada, Land Petitions of Upper Canada, 1763-1865
    Surname: BOICE
    Given Name(s): Joseph
    Place: Kingston
    Year: 1838
    Volume: 63
    Bundle: B 21
    Petition: 139
    Pages: 931-933
    Reference: RG 1 L3
    Microfilm: C-1633
    (Accessed on 16 January 2024)
    Search Results at:
    Microfilm Index at:
    Record at:
  25. Library and Archives Canada, Land Petitions of Upper Canada, 1763-1865
    Surname: BOICE
    Given Name(s): Joseph
    Place: Loughborough
    Year: 1842
    Volume: 69
    Bundle: B 1
    Petition: 73
    Pages: 495-496
    Reference: RG 1 L3
    Microfilm: C-1636
    (Accessed on 16 January 2024)
    Search Results at:
    Microfilm Index at:
    Record at:
  26. Library and Archives Canada, Land Petitions of Upper Canada, 1763-1865
    Surname: BOICE
    Given Name(s): Margaret
    Place: Ernestown
    Year: 1807
    Volume: 35
    Bundle: B 8
    Petition: 49
    Pages: 111-112
    Reference: RG 1 L3
    Microfilm: C-1622
    (Accessed on 16 January 2024)
    Search Results at:
    Microfilm Index at:
    Record at:
  27. Library and Archives Canada, Land Petitions of Upper Canada, 1763-1865
    Surname: BOICE
    Given Name(s): Mary
    Place: Home District
    Year: 1799
    Volume: 31
    Bundle: B 4
    Petition: 42
    Pages: 542-543
    Reference: RG 1 L3
    Microfilm: C-1620
    (Accessed on 16 January 2024)
    Search Results at:
    Microfilm Index at:
    Record at:
  28. Library and Archives Canada, Land Petitions of Upper Canada, 1763-1865
    Surname: BOICE
    Given Name(s): Mary
    Place: Not specified
    Year: 1799
    Volume: 31
    Bundle: B 4
    Petition: 64
    Pages: 614-615
    Reference: RG 1 L3
    Microfilm: C-1620
    (Accessed on 16 January 2024)
    Search Results at:
    Microfilm Index at:
    Record at:
  29. Library and Archives Canada, Land Petitions of Upper Canada, 1763-1865
    Surname: BOICE
    Given Name(s): Mathew
    Place: Mountain
    Year: 1807
    Volume: 85
    Bundle: B Leases 1802-1818
    Petition: 78
    Pages: 84-87
    Reference: RG 1 L3
    Microfilm: C-1645
    (Accessed on 16 January 2024)
    Search Results at:
    Microfilm Index at:
    Record at:
  30. Library and Archives Canada, Land Petitions of Upper Canada, 1763-1865
    Surname: BOICE
    Given Name(s): Matthias
    Place: Hungerford
    Year: 1834
    Volume: 57
    Bundle: B 18
    Petition: 274
    Pages: 91-93
    Reference: RG 1 L3
    Microfilm: C-1631
    (Accessed on 16 January 2024)
    Search Results at:
    Microfilm Index at:
    Record at:
  31. Library and Archives Canada, Land Petitions of Upper Canada, 1763-1865
    Surname: BOICE
    Given Name(s): Nicholas
    Place: Marysburgh
    Year: 1824
    Volume: 57
    Bundle: B 18
    Petition: 271
    Pages: 79-83
    Reference: RG 1 L3
    Microfilm: C-1631
    (Accessed on 16 January 2024)
    Search Results at:
    Microfilm Index at:
    Record at:
  32. Library and Archives Canada, Land Petitions of Upper Canada, 1763-1865
    Surname: BOICE
    Given Name(s): Phoebe
    Place: Yonge
    Year: 1811
    Volume: 37
    Bundle: B 10
    Petition: 39
    Pages: 15-18
    Reference: RG 1 L3
    Microfilm: C-1623
    (Accessed on 16 January 2024)
    Search Results at:
    Microfilm Index at:
    Record at:
  33. Library and Archives Canada, Land Petitions of Upper Canada, 1763-1865
    Surname: BOICE
    Given Name(s): Theophilus
    Place: Pittsburgh
    Year: 1833
    Volume: 57
    Bundle: B 18
    Petition: 295
    Pages: 181-183
    Reference: RG 1 L3
    Microfilm: C-1631
    (Accessed on 16 January 2024)
    Search Results at:
    Microfilm Index at:
    Record at:
  34. Library and Archives Canada, Land Petitions of Upper Canada, 1763-1865
    Surname: BOICE
    Given Name(s): Zachariah
    Place: Marysburgh
    Year: 1824
    Volume: 57
    Bundle: B 18
    Petition: 273
    Pages: 87-90
    Reference: RG 1 L3
    Microfilm: C-1631
    (Accessed on 16 January 2024)
    Search Results at:
    Microfilm Index at:
    Record at:
  35. Library and Archives Canada, Land Petitions of Upper Canada, 1763-1865
    Surname: BOICE/AMEY
    Given Name(s): Hannah
    Place: Ernestown
    Year: 1833
    Volume: 57
    Bundle: B 18
    Petition: 258
    Pages: 32-35
    Reference: RG 1 L3
    Microfilm: C-1631
    (Accessed on 16 January 2024)
    Search Results at:
    Microfilm Index at:
    Record at:
  36. Library and Archives Canada, Land Petitions of Upper Canada, 1763-1865
    Surname: BOICE/CUSHMAN
    Given Name(s): Mary
    Place: Niagara
    Year: 1804
    Volume: 94
    Bundle: C 6
    Petition: 61
    Pages: 936-938
    Reference: RG 1 L3
    Microfilm: C-1649
    (Accessed on 16 January 2024)
    Search Results at:
    Microfilm Index at:
    Record at:
  37. Library and Archives Canada, Land Petitions of Upper Canada, 1763-1865
    Surname: Boice/McGuire
    Given Name(s): Clara
    Place: Kingston
    Year: 1839
    Volume: 310
    Bundle: Mc 22
    Petition: 118
    Pages: 53-55
    Reference: RG 1 L3
    Microfilm: C-2141
    (Accessed on 16 January 2024)
    Search Results at:
    Microfilm Index at:
    Record at:
  38. Library and Archives Canada, Land Petitions of Upper Canada, 1763-1865
    Given Name(s): Susannah
    Place: Loughborough
    Year: 1829
    Volume: 51
    Bundle: B 16
    Petition: 3
    Pages: 556-558
    Reference: RG 1 L3
    Microfilm: C-1628
    (Accessed on 16 January 2024)
    Search Results at:
    Microfilm Index at:
    Record at:
  39. Library and Archives Canada, Land Petitions of Upper Canada, 1763-1865
    Surname: Boice/Springer
    Given Name(s): Sarah
    Place: Hamilton
    Year: 1840
    Volume: 474
    Bundle: S 22
    Petition: 152
    Pages: 733-736
    Reference: RG 1 L3
    Microfilm: C-2821
    (Accessed on 16 January 2024)
    Search Results at:
    Microfilm Index at:
    Record at:
  40. Library and Archives Canada, Land Petitions of Upper Canada, 1763-1865
    Surname: Boice/Van Wicklin
    Given Name(s): Mary
    Place: Ernestown
    Year: 1812
    Volume: 514A
    Bundle: V 10
    Petition: 11
    Pages: 772-773
    Reference: RG 1 L3
    Microfilm: C-2947
    (Accessed on 16 January 2024)
    Search Results at: Wicklin&GivenName=Mary&
    Microfilm Index at:
    Record at:
  41. Library and Archives Canada, Land Petitions of Upper Canada, 1763-1865
    Given Name(s): Mishel
    Place: Sidney
    Year: 1835
    Volume: 116
    Bundle: C 18
    Petition: 387
    Pages: 341-342
    Reference: RG 1 L3
    Microfilm: C-1728
    (Accessed on 16 January 2024)
    Search Results at:
    Microfilm Index at:
    Record at:
  42. Library and Archives Canada, Land Petitions of Upper Canada, 1763-1865
    Surname: DICK/BOICE
    Given Name(s): Sarah
    Place: Hamilton
    Year: 1818
    Volume: 154
    Bundle: D 11
    Petition: 108
    Pages: 63-67
    Reference: RG 1 L3
    Microfilm: C-1745
    (Accessed on 16 January 2024)
    Search Results at:
    Microfilm Index at:
    Record at:
  43. Library and Archives Canada, Land Petitions of Upper Canada, 1763-1865
    Surname: Empey/Boice
    Given Name(s): Elizabeth
    Place: Williamsburg
    Year: 1833
    Volume: 179A
    Bundle: E 18
    Petition: 27
    Pages: 61-63
    Reference: RG 1 L3
    Microfilm: C-1890
    (Accessed on 16 January 2024)
    Search Results at:
    Microfilm Index at:
    Record at:
  44. Library and Archives Canada, Land Petitions of Upper Canada, 1763-1865
    Surname: Putney/Boice
    Given Name(s): Margaret
    Place: Matilda
    Year: 1836
    Volume: 408A
    Bundle: P 19
    Petition: 54
    Pages: 1284-1285
    Reference: RG 1 L3
    Microfilm: C-2731A
    (Accessed on 16 January 2024)
    Search Results at:
    Microfilm Index at:
    Record at:
  45. Library and Archives Canada, Land Petitions of Upper Canada, 1763-1865
    Surname: Quinn/Boice
    Given Name(s): Almira
    Place: Kingston
    Year: 1828
    Volume: 422
    Bundle: Q 15
    Petition: 2
    Pages: 808-810
    Reference: RG 1 L3
    Microfilm: C-2739
    (Accessed on 16 January 2024)
    Search Results at:
    Microfilm Index at:
    Record at:
  46. Library and Archives Canada, Land Petitions of Upper Canada, 1763-1865
    Surname: BUISE
    Given Name(s): Andrew
    Place: Lunenburg, Richmond
    Year: 1794
    Volume: 67
    Bundle: B Misc. 1788-1795
    Petition: 218
    Pages: 502-503
    Reference: RG 1 L3
    Microfilm: C-1635
    (Accessed on 16 January 2024)
    Search Results at:
    Microfilm Index at:
    Record at:
  47. Library and Archives Canada, Land Petitions of Upper Canada, 1763-1865
    Surname: BOYCE
    Given Name(s): Isaiah
    Place: Elmsley
    Year: 1850
    Volume: 76
    Bundle: B 5
    Petition: 97
    Pages: 897-904
    Reference: RG 1 L3
    Microfilm: C-1640
    (Accessed on 16 January 2024)
    Search Results at:
    Microfilm Index at:
    Record at:
  48. Library and Archives Canada, Land Petitions of Upper Canada, 1763-1865
    Surname: BOYCE
    Given Name(s): James
    Place: Adelaide
    Year: 1837
    Volume: 61
    Bundle: B 20
    Petition: 148
    Pages: 996-1002
    Reference: RG 1 L3
    Microfilm: C-1632
    (Accessed on 16 January 2024)
    Search Results at:
    Microfilm Index at:
    Record at:
  49. Library and Archives Canada, Land Petitions of Upper Canada, 1763-1865
    Surname: BOYCE
    Given Name(s): James
    Place: Oxford
    Year: 1841
    Volume: 69
    Bundle: B 1
    Petition: 41
    Pages: 331-332
    Reference: RG 1 L3
    Microfilm: C-1636
    (Accessed on 16 January 2024)
    Search Results at:
    Microfilm Index at:
    Record at:
  50. Library and Archives Canada, Land Petitions of Upper Canada, 1763-1865
    Surname: BOYCE
    Given Name(s): James
    Place: Whitchurch
    Year: 1818
    Volume: 85
    Bundle: B Leases 1802-1818
    Petition: 137
    Pages: 341-342
    Reference: RG 1 L3
    Microfilm: C-1645
    (Accessed on 16 January 2024)
    Search Results at:
    Microfilm Index at:
    Record at:
  51. Library and Archives Canada, Land Petitions of Upper Canada, 1763-1865
    Surname: BOYCE
    Given Name(s): James
    Place: York
    Year: 1832
    Volume: 61
    Bundle: B 20
    Petition: 127
    Pages: 887-889
    Reference: RG 1 L3
    Microfilm: C-1632
    (Accessed on 16 January 2024)
    Search Results at:
    Microfilm Index at:
    Record at:
  52. Library and Archives Canada, Land Petitions of Upper Canada, 1763-1865
    Surname: BOYCE
    Given Name(s): Jane
    Place: Kingston (Ernestown)
    Year: 1833
    Volume: 55
    Bundle: B 18
    Petition: 28
    Pages: 116-117
    Reference: RG 1 L3
    Microfilm: C-1630
    (Accessed on 16 January 2024)
    Search Results at:
    Microfilm Index at:
    Record at:
  53. Library and Archives Canada, Land Petitions of Upper Canada, 1763-1865
    Surname: BOYCE
    Given Name(s): Jehoida
    Place: Elizabethtown
    Year: 1807
    Volume: 35
    Bundle: B 8
    Petition: 47
    Pages: 101-106
    Reference: RG 1 L3
    Microfilm: C-1622
    (Accessed on 16 January 2024)
    Search Results at:
    Microfilm Index at:
    Record at:
  54. Library and Archives Canada, Land Petitions of Upper Canada, 1763-1865
    Surname: BOYCE
    Given Name(s): Jehoida
    Place: Elizabethtown
    Year: 1808
    Volume: 35
    Bundle: B 8
    Petition: 88
    Pages: 262-282
    Reference: RG 1 L3
    Microfilm: C-1622
    (Accessed on 16 January 2024)
    Search Results at:
    Microfilm Index at:
    Record at:
  55. Library and Archives Canada, Land Petitions of Upper Canada, 1763-1865
    Surname: BOYCE
    Given Name(s): John
    Place: Belleville
    Year: 1817
    Volume: 39
    Bundle: B 11
    Petition: 93
    Pages: 474-477
    Reference: RG 1 L3
    Microfilm: C-1624
    (Accessed on 16 January 2024)
    Search Results at:
    Microfilm Index at:
    Record at:
  56. Library and Archives Canada, Land Petitions of Upper Canada, 1763-1865
    Surname: BOYCE
    Given Name(s): John
    Place: Belleville
    Year: 1818
    Volume: 40
    Bundle: B 11
    Petition: 163
    Pages: 781-785
    Reference: RG 1 L3
    Microfilm: C-1624
    (Accessed on 16 January 2024)
    Search Results at:
    Microfilm Index at:
    Record at:
  57. Library and Archives Canada, Land Petitions of Upper Canada, 1763-1865
    Surname: BOYCE
    Given Name(s): John
    Place: Elizabethtown
    Year: 1789
    Volume: 67
    Bundle: B Misc. 1788-1795
    Petition: 163
    Pages: 361-362
    Reference: RG 1 L3
    Microfilm: C-1635
    (Accessed on 16 January 2024)
    Search Results at:
    Microfilm Index at:
    Record at:
  58. Library and Archives Canada, Land Petitions of Upper Canada, 1763-1865
    Surname: BOYCE
    Given Name(s): John
    Place: York
    Year: 1797
    Volume: 29
    Bundle: B 3
    Petition: 51
    Pages: 1002-1003
    Reference: RG 1 L3
    Microfilm: C-1619
    (Accessed on 16 January 2024)
    Search Results at:
    Microfilm Index at:
    Record at:
  59. Library and Archives Canada, Land Petitions of Upper Canada, 1763-1865
    Surname: BOYCE
    Given Name(s): Lemuel
    Place: Pittsburgh
    Year: 1833
    Volume: 57
    Bundle: B 18
    Petition: 294
    Pages: 178-180
    Reference: RG 1 L3
    Microfilm: C-1631
    (Accessed on 16 January 2024)
    Search Results at:
    Microfilm Index at:
    Record at:
  60. Library and Archives Canada, Land Petitions of Upper Canada, 1763-1865
    Surname: BOYCE
    Given Name(s): Macauley
    Place: Bayham
    Year: 1849
    Volume: 76
    Bundle: B 5
    Petition: 42
    Pages: 543-547
    Reference: RG 1 L3
    Microfilm: C-1640
    (Accessed on 16 January 2024)
    Search Results at:
    Microfilm Index at:
    Record at:
  61. Library and Archives Canada, Land Petitions of Upper Canada, 1763-1865
    Surname: BOYCE
    Given Name(s): Matthew
    Place: York
    Year: 1797
    Volume: 29
    Bundle: B 3
    Petition: 51
    Pages: 1002-1003
    Reference: RG 1 L3
    Microfilm: C-1619
    (Accessed on 16 January 2024)
    Search Results at:
    Microfilm Index at:
    Record at:
  62. Library and Archives Canada, Land Petitions of Upper Canada, 1763-1865
    Surname: BOYCE
    Given Name(s): Peter
    Place: York
    Year: 1797
    Volume: 29
    Bundle: B 3
    Petition: 51
    Pages: 1002-1003
    Reference: RG 1 L3
    Microfilm: C-1619
    (Accessed on 16 January 2024)
    Search Results at:
    Microfilm Index at:
    Record at:
  63. Library and Archives Canada, Land Petitions of Upper Canada, 1763-1865
    Surname: BOYCE/HARTMAN
    Given Name(s): Elizabeth
    Place: Ernestown
    Year: 1792
    Volume: 67
    Bundle: B Misc. 1788-1795
    Petition: 162
    Pages: 359-360
    Reference: RG 1 L3
    Microfilm: C-1635
    (Accessed on 16 January 2024)
    Search Results at:
    Microfilm Index at:
    Record at:
  64. Library and Archives Canada, Land Petitions of Upper Canada, 1763-1865
    Surname: Boyce/Shaver
    Given Name(s): Mary
    Place: Matilda
    Year: 1840
    Volume: 474
    Bundle: S 22
    Petition: 128
    Pages: 616-617
    Reference: RG 1 L3
    Microfilm: C-2821
    (Accessed on 16 January 2024)
    Search Results at:
    Microfilm Index at:
    Record at:
  65. Library and Archives Canada, Land Petitions of Upper Canada, 1763-1865
    Surname: Boyce/Springer
    Given Name(s): Sarah
    Place: Barton
    Year: 1812
    Volume: 447
    Bundle: S Misc. 1798-1812
    Petition: 130
    Pages: 486-490
    Reference: RG 1 L3
    Microfilm: C-2805
    (Accessed on 16 January 2024)
    Search Results at:
    Microfilm Index at:
    Record at:
  66. Library and Archives Canada, Land Petitions of Upper Canada, 1763-1865
    Surname: COMMER/BOYCE
    Given Name(s): Phebe
    Place: Kingston
    Year: 1790
    Volume: 127
    Bundle: C Misc. 1788-1794
    Petition: 208
    Pages: 240-241
    Reference: RG 1 L3
    Microfilm: C-1732
    (Accessed on 16 January 2024)
    Search Results at:
    Microfilm Index at:
    Record at:
  67. Library and Archives Canada, Land Petitions of Upper Canada, 1763-1865
    Surname: BOYCE/COMER
    Given Name(s):
    Place: Ernestown
    Year: 1834
    Volume: 116
    Bundle: C 18
    Petition: 310
    Pages: 35-38
    Reference: RG 1 L3
    Microfilm: C-1728
    (Accessed on 19 March 2024)
    Search Results at:
    Microfilm Index at:
    Record at:
  68. Library and Archives Canada, Land Petitions of Upper Canada, 1763-1865
    Surname: BUIS
    Given Name(s): Abraham
    Place: Ernestown
    Year: 1811
    Volume: 37
    Bundle: B 10
    Petition: 20
    Pages: 1007-1010
    Reference: RG 1 L3
    Microfilm: C-1622
    (Accessed on 16 January 2024)
    Search Results at:
    Microfilm Index at:
    Record at:
  69. Library and Archives Canada, Land Petitions of Upper Canada, 1763-1865
    Surname: BUIS
    Given Name(s): Elizabeth
    Place: Sidney
    Year: 1794
    Volume: 67
    Bundle: B Misc. 1788-1795
    Petition: 217
    Pages: 500-501
    Reference: RG 1 L3
    Microfilm: C-1635
    (Accessed on 16 January 2024)
    Search Results at:
    Microfilm Index at:
    Record at:
  70. Library and Archives Canada, Land Petitions of Upper Canada, 1763-1865
    Surname: BUIS/AMEY
    Given Name(s): Hannah
    Place: Kingston (Ernestown)
    Year: 1812
    Volume: 37
    Bundle: B 10
    Petition: 53
    Pages: 81-83
    Reference: RG 1 L3
    Microfilm: C-1623
    (Accessed on 16 January 2024)
    Search Results at:
    Microfilm Index at:
    Record at:
  71. Library and Archives Canada, Land Petitions of Upper Canada, 1763-1865
    Surname: BUIS/BICE
    Given Name(s): Mary
    Place: Ernestown
    Year: 1809
    Volume: 36
    Bundle: B 9
    Petition: 45
    Pages: 653-654
    Reference: RG 1 L3
    Microfilm: C-1622
    (Accessed on 16 January 2024)
    Search Results at:
    Microfilm Index at:
    Record at:
  72. Library and Archives Canada, Land Petitions of Upper Canada, 1763-1865
    Surname: Baice/Langhorn
    Given Name(s): Jane
    Place: Matilda
    Year: 1836
    Volume: 294
    Bundle: L 19
    Petition: 57
    Pages: 1015-1016
    Reference: RG 1 L3
    Microfilm: C-2130
    (Accessed on 5 Feb 2024)
    Search Results at:
    Microfilm Index at:
    Record at:
  73. Library and Archives Canada, Land Petitions of Upper Canada, 1763-1865
    Surname: Pedge/Bice
    Given Name(s): Fanny (or Jenny?)
    Place: Matilda
    Year: 1806
    Volume: 401
    Bundle: P 7
    Petition: 31
    Pages: 1446-1449
    Reference: RG 1 L3
    Microfilm: C-2489
    (Accessed on 5 Feb 2024)
    Search Results at:
    Microfilm Index at:
    Record at:
  74. Library and Archives Canada, Land Petitions of Upper Canada, 1763-1865
    Surname: Schryver
    Given Name(s): Jacob
    Place: Fredericksburg
    Year: 1826
    Volume: 447A
    Bundle: S Misc. 1799-1842
    Petition: 124
    Pages: 1100-1102
    Reference: RG 1 L3
    Microfilm: C-2805
    (Accessed on 16 January 2024)
    Search Results at:
    Microfilm Index at:
    Record at:
  75. Library and Archives Canada, Land Petitions of Upper Canada, 1763-1865
    Surname: Scriver
    Given Name(s): George
    Place: Fredericksburg
    Year: 1817
    Volume: 457
    Bundle: S 11
    Petition: 83
    Pages: 963-967
    Reference: RG 1 L3
    Microfilm: C-2811
    (Accessed on 16 January 2024)
    Search Results at:
    Microfilm Index at:
    Record at:
  76. Library and Archives Canada, Land Petitions of Upper Canada, 1763-1865
    Surname: Edgar/Snyder
    Given Name(s): Elizabeth
    Place: Lancaster
    Year: 1850
    Volume: 182A
    Bundle: E 5
    Petition: 29
    Pages: 216-217
    Reference: RG 1 L3
    Microfilm: C-1892
    (Accessed on 16 January 2024)
    Search Results at:
    Microfilm Index at:
    Record at:
  77. Library and Archives Canada, Land Petitions of Upper Canada, 1763-1865
    Surname: COMSTOCK
    Given Name(s): Abigail
    Place: Matilda
    Year: 1791
    Volume: 127
    Bundle: C Misc. 1788-1794
    Petition: 209
    Pages: 242-243
    Reference: RG 1 L3
    Microfilm: C-1732
    (Accessed on 16 January 2024)
    Search Results at:
    Microfilm Index at:
    Record at:
  78. Library and Archives Canada, Land Petitions of Upper Canada, 1763-1865
    Surname: Babcock/Smith
    Given Name(s): Sarah
    Place: Kingston
    Year: 1820
    Volume: 460A
    Bundle: S 12
    Petition: 354
    Pages: 751-754
    Reference: RG 1 L3
    Microfilm: C-2813
    (Accessed on 16 January 2024)
    Search Results at:
    Microfilm Index at:
    Record at:
  79. Library and Archives Canada, Land Petitions of Upper Canada, 1763-1865
    Surname: BOYCE
    Given Name(s): J.
    Place: Adelaide Township
    Year: 1835
    Volume: 151
    Pages: 1592-1594
    Reference: RG 5 A1, Land Petitions in Upper Canada Sundries
    Microfilm: C-6885
    (Accessed on 16 January 2024)
    Search Results at:
    Microfilm Index at:
    Record at:
  80. Library and Archives Canada, Land Petitions of Upper Canada, 1763-1865
    Surname: BOYCE
    Given Name(s): Nelson
    Place: Zorra Township
    Year: 1835
    Volume: 154
    Pages: 1351-1353
    Reference: RG 5 A1, Land Petitions in Upper Canada Sundries
    Microfilm: C-6886
    (Accessed on 16 January 2024)
    Search Results at:
    Microfilm Index at:
    Record at:
  81. Library and Archives Canada, Land Petitions of Upper Canada, 1763-1865
    Surname: BOYCE
    Given Name(s): Robert
    Year: 1836
    Volume: 162
    Pages: 93-94
    Reference: RG 5 A1, Land Petitions in Upper Canada Sundries
    Microfilm: C-6889
    (Accessed on 16 January 2024)
    Search Results at:
    Microfilm Index at:
    Record at:
  82. Library and Archives Canada, Land Petitions of Upper Canada, 1763-1865
    Surname: BICE/UMPHRY
    Given Name(s): Nancy
    Place: Edwardsburgh
    Year: 1805
    Volume: 34
    Bundle: B 7
    Petition: 46
    Pages: 783-785
    Reference: RG 1 L3
    Microfilm: C-1621
    (Accessed on 16 January 2024)
    Search Results at:
    Microfilm Index at:
    Record at:
  83. Library and Archives Canada, Land Petitions of Upper Canada, 1763-1865
    Surname: BICE
    Given Name(s): Nancy
    Place: Hope
    Year: 1816
    Volume: 38
    Bundle: B 10
    Petition: 143
    Pages: 490-493
    Reference: RG 1 L3
    Microfilm: C-1623
    (Accessed on 16 January 2024)
    Search Results at:
    Microfilm Index at:
    Record at:
  84. Library and Archives Canada, Land Petitions of Upper Canada, 1763-1865
    Surname: BICE
    Given Name(s): William
    Place: Darlington
    Year: 1826
    Volume: 48
    Bundle: B 14
    Petition: 271
    Pages: 789-795
    Reference: RG 1 L3
    Microfilm: C-1627
    (Accessed on 16 January 2024)
    Search Results at:
    Microfilm Index at:
    Record at:
  85. Library and Archives Canada, Land Petitions of Upper Canada, 1763-1865
    Surname: BICE
    Given Name(s): Eliza
    Place: Matilda
    Year: 1836
    Volume: 59
    Bundle: B 19
    Petition: 107
    Pages: 106-107
    Reference: RG 1 L3
    Microfilm: C-1632
    (Accessed on 16 January 2024)
    Search Results at:
    Microfilm Index at:
    Record at:
  86. Library and Archives Canada, Land Petitions of Upper Canada, 1763-1865
    Surname: BICE
    Given Name(s): William
    Place: Matilda
    Year: 1836
    Volume: 59
    Bundle: B 19
    Petition: 108
    Pages: 108-109
    Reference: RG 1 L3
    Microfilm: C-1632
    (Accessed on 16 January 2024)
    Search Results at:
    Microfilm Index at:
    Record at:
  87. Library and Archives Canada, Land Petitions of Upper Canada, 1763-1865
    Surname: BICE
    Given Name(s): Elijah
    Place: Darlington
    Year: 1836
    Volume: 60
    Bundle: B 20
    Petition: 71
    Pages: 648-654
    Reference: RG 1 L3
    Microfilm: C-1632
    (Accessed on 16 January 2024)
    Search Results at:
    Microfilm Index at:
    Record at:
  88. Library and Archives Canada, Land Petitions of Upper Canada, 1763-1865
    Surname: BICE
    Given Name(s): Nelson
    Place: Pickering
    Year: 1846
    Volume: 74
    Bundle: B 4
    Petition: 3
    Pages: 1002-1005
    Reference: RG 1 L3
    Microfilm: C-1638
    (Accessed on 16 January 2024)
    Search Results at:
    Microfilm Index at:
    Record at:
  89. Library and Archives Canada, Land Petitions of Upper Canada, 1763-1865
    Surname: HANES/BICE
    Given Name(s): Nancy
    Place: Ernestown
    Year: 1840
    Volume: 241
    Bundle: H 22
    Petition: 90
    Pages: 512-514
    Reference: RG 1 L3
    Microfilm: C-2097
    (Accessed on 16 January 2024)
    Search Results at:
    Microfilm Index at:
    Record at:
  90. Library and Archives Canada, Land Petitions of Upper Canada, 1763-1865
    Surname: BOISE
    Given Name(s): Benjamin
    Place: Ernestown
    Year: 1833
    Volume: 55
    Bundle: B 18
    Petition: 38
    Pages: 152-154
    Reference: RG 1 L3
    Microfilm: C-1630
    (Accessed on 16 January 2024)
    Search Results at:
    Microfilm Index at:
    Record at:



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