Location: [unknown]
In the name of god Amen
The eighte daie of October in the xxijth yeare of the raigne of oure soveraigne ladye Elizabethe by the grace of god Queene of England Fraunce and Ireland defender of the faith etc.
I Humfrey Bradburne of the Lee in the parishe of Bradburne in the countie of Darbye knighte, being whole of mynde and perfecte memorie (thanckes be to god) And knowing that I muste dye, but not when, Doe therfore ordaine and make this my laste will and testamente in manner and forme followinge.
First I bequeathe my sowle to allmightie god my maker and redeemer, by whose passion (and not by my owne dessertes) I truste to be saved, And my bodye to by buried in sainte Oswalds queare in Ashburne churche.
Item I will that twentie poundes of currante englishe monneye shalbe distributed by my executrix to the poore people on the daie of my buriall.
Item I will that my funerall expenses and blackes for my frends be wholie ordered by myne executrix at her discretionne.
Item I will that myne executrix shall within one yeare nexte after my decease cawse a Tombe of alabaster to be made uppon my grave, and the pictures of my selfe and my wiefe and of all my childrenne to be sette theruppon withe myne owne Armes and my wieffs and that there be a pale of yron made aboute the same Tombe. And my will is that my executrixe shall bestowe of my gooddes for the makinge and trymmynge of my saide Tombe in manner as is aforesaid at the leaste twentie poundes.
Item I geve and bequeathe to Bradburne Churche towardes the reperations therof fortye shillinges.
Item I geve and bequeathe to Asheburn Churche towardes the reperations therof thirtene shillinges & fower pence.
Item I geve and bequeath to the vicar of Asheburne sixe shillings eighte pence.
Item I doe geve and bequeath unto William Bradburne my sonne and heire apparente my seale ringe of Armes conteyninge in it three mulletts to be delyvered unto him ymmediatelie after my decease.
Item I doe geve and bequeathe unto the saide William Bradburne my bason of sylver and percell gilte that hath in it my Armes and my wyves also my ewer of sylver and percell gilte that belongethe to the same bason havinge a mullett uppon the Cover therof to be delyvered unto him ymmediatelie after my decease and my wyves, if he be then lyvinge.
Item for the better performaunce of this my laste will and testamente I doe geve and devise unto Dame Elizabethe Bradburne my wief all my landes tenements and hereditamentes hereafter specified To have to her and to her assignees for and duringe the tearme and space of sixtene yeares nexte followinge after my decease towardes the paymente of my debtes and performaunce of this my laste will and testamente, That is to saie, The mannor howse of Boilstone in Boilstone in the saide countie of Darbye with sixe Oxegangs of land and all meadowes pastures landes and hereditaments to the same belonginge in the occupation of Robt Alsoppe, one meisse withe three oxeganges of lande in Bradburne aforesaid called Whitehowse, and all other the landes and hereditaments to the same belonginge in the occupation of George Buxstones, one meisse in Bradburne aforesaid withe all the landes and hereditaments therto belonginge in the occupation of Robt Couppe, one close in Bradburne aforesaide called Grenes late in the occupation of William Dethick esquire deceased, one meisse or tenemente in the same Bradburne withe three oxgange of lande and all other the landes and hereditaments to the same belonginge in the occupation of Richard Harrison, one other meisse or tenemente in Bradburne aforesaide withe fower Oxganges of lande and one Cottage, and all other the landes and hereditaments therunto belonginge late in the occupation of Elizabethe Hall widdowe, one Tenement in the same Bradburne withe fyve Oxganges of lande, and all the other the lands and hereditamentes thereunto belonginge in the houldinge of Humfreye Wilsonne, one messuage or tenemente withe nyne oxganges of lande in litle Bradburne in the parrishe of Bradburne aforesaide And all other the landes and hereditamentes therto belonginge late in the occupation of Thomas Derneleye and nowe in the occupation of mee the saide Sir Humfrey Bradburne, One meise in the saide litle Bradburne withe sixe oxgangs of lande & all other the landes and hereditamentes therto belonginge late in the occupation of Richarde Alsoppe and nowe in the occupation of me the saide Sir Humfreye Bradburne, one other messuage or tenemente in litle Bradburne aforesaid withe sixe oxeganges of lande and all other the landes and hereditamentes therto belonginge late in the houldinge of Robart Alsoppe and nowe in the houldinge of me the saide Sir Humfreye Bradburne one other messuage or tenemente in litle Bradburne aforesaide withe eighte oxgangs of lande and all other the landes and hereditamentes therto belonginge in the occupation of Edwarde Maddocke or of his assignes, one Cottage in Bradburne aforesaide and all other the landes and hereditamentes therunto belonginge in the occupationne of Roger Foster, one messuage or tenemente in litle Bradburne aforesaid withe eighte oxganges of lande and all other the landes and hereditamentes therto belonging in the occupation of Thomas Hande, one meisse in the saide litle Bradburne with all the alndes and hereditamentes therto belonginge in the occupationne of John Smethleye, one tenement in Kniveton in the saide countie of Darbye withe fower oxganges of lande withe all other the landes hereditamentes therto belonginge in the occupationne of Robart Wooodwarde, oone meisse in the same Kniveton withe three oxganges of lande and all other the landes hereditamentes therto belonginge in the occupation of Humfreye Briddes, Common of pasture for fower beaste in Hatchette medowe in Kniveton aforesaide late in the occupation of John Alsopp, Seaven shillinges of Cheife Rente goinge owte of a meisse in the same Kniveton of one Mr Gilberte in the occupation of Christofer James, sixe oxgangs of lande withe the appurtenances and certeyne meadowe in Parwich in the saide Countie of Darbye late in the occupation of William Dethick esquier deceased, all such other landes tenementes and hereditaments in Parwich aforesaide as nowe be or latelie weare in the occupation of George Thomlinsonne of the Yearlie valewe of fiftene shillings, one messuage or tenement in Parwich aforesaide with all the landes and hereditaments therto belonginge late in the occupation of Richard Verney the younger, Twoe shillings of cheife rente goinge forthe of a meisse in the same Parwich nowe in the houldinge of Thomas Ball, Twelve pence of cheife rente issuinge and goinge forthe of one messuage in the same Parwich nowe in the houldinge of Thomas Golde, one messuage withe twoe oxganges of lande and all other the landes and hereditaments therto belonginge in Hilton in the saide countie of Darbye in the occupation of Richard Harrison, one messuage in the nether Burrowes in the parishe of Langleye in the saide Countie of Darbye with all landes and tenements thereto belonginge in the occupation of Thomas Prowdlove, All manner the landes and tenements, rents and revercions, services and hereditaments of me the said Sir Humfrey Bradburne sett lyinge and beinge in Tadington and Pr[iest]cliffe in the saide countie of Darbye withe theire appurtenances, seaven shillinges of cheife rente goinge owte of a meisse or tenement in Hollyngton in the saide countie of Darbye in the occupation of John Holme, Twoe shillinges fower pence of cheiffe rente goinge owt of a tenement in Wiaston in the saide countie of Darbye in the occupation of Humfreye Knivetonne one messuage in Hogneston in the saide countie of Darbye withe twoe oxganges and three quarters of lande and all other the landes and hereditamentes therunto belonginge late in the occupationne of Edmunde Eyre, one messuage withe twoe oxganges and three quarters of lande in Hognaston aforesaide, and all other the Landes and hereditaments therunto belonginge nowe in the occupation of Thomas Thomlinsonne, one other meisse ion the same Hognaston in the occupation of Dionize Alsoppe, one crofte in the same Hognoston in the houldinge of Rollande Ferne, Twoe shillinges of cheife rente issuinge owte of certeine landes and tenements in Hognoston aforesaide of William Bassette esquier, sixtene pence of cheife rente goinge forthe of a tenement in Hognoston aforesaide of John Mason fower pence of cheife rente issuing and goinge forthe of one tenement in Hognoston aforesaide in the occupation of Henry Slater, sixe pence of cheiffe rente goinge forthe of a messuage in Hognoston aforesaide in the occupation of Roger Anoble, one messuage and other the landes and tenementes of me the saide Sir Humfrey Bradburne in Asheburne in the saide countye of Darbye in the occupation of William Manforte one close in Offecote called Gooddens Fenne in the parishe of Ashburne aforesaide in the occupation of Rauphe Allen, certeyne landes and tenements in the Longlee in Offecote and underwoodde in the parrishe of Asheburne aforesaide in the occupation of the same Rauphe Allen, one howse in Asheburne aforesaide called the Chantrie howse in the occupation of Richarde Cooppe, one messuage in the same Asheburne withe all landes and hereditamentes therto belonging in the occupation of Roger Hurte, one acre and a halfe of lande in the feildes of Ashburne aforesaide in the occupation of Rauphe Allen, one messuage withe the appurtenances in Ashburne aforesaide and all the landes and hereditamentes therto belonginge in the occupation of John Hall, one crofte in Ashburne aforesaide called Hebecrofte in the occupation of Robert Streete, certeine arable landes in the feildes of Ashburne aforesaide to the yearlie valewe of three shillinges sixe pence late in the occupation of Robt Lorte, one close called Cobbycliff and a croft called Kilnee crofte withe certeine other landes in Ashburne aforesayde to thee yearlie valewe of seaven shillinges late in the occupation of the saide Robert Lorte, one other close in Ashburne aforesaid called litle Brickeholme in the occupationne of the saide Robert Lorte, certaine landes lyinge in a close called Pelleclose in Ashburne aforesaide late in the occupation of Richarde Smythe of Combrigg, certeyne landes in Offecote aforesaide called Sagravfeild in the occupation of the righte honourable the Earle of Shrewsburie, one messuage called Milliland withe landes & meadowes therto belonginge called Darvent feildes in Duffeilde Frithe in the sayde countye of Darbye nowe in the occupation of Anthonye Fletcher, certeine landes and tenements withe theire appurtenances lyinge in Fawlde in the parrishe of Hanburye in the countie of Stafford in the occupation of Thomas Dybank, twoe closes named Smythes closes, and the ould orchard withe a Cottage in Dovebrigg in the saide countie of Darbye, and certeyne closes and pastures in Sommersall Harberte and Broughton in the said countie of Darbye withe the appurtenaunces in the occupation of Henrie Gilbert, three acres and a roode of meadowe in Sturston meadowe in Ashburne aforesayde in the occupation of me the saide Sir Humfreye Bradburne, a litle meadowe called Gillman close lyinge in Bradlie in the said countie of Darbye in the occupation of John Topleies, all the landes tenements and hereditaments of me the saide Sir Humfreye Bradburne whatsoever sett lyinge and beinge in all Stouffelde in the sayde countie of Stafforde in whose soever occupation the same bee, beinge no parte nor percell of the landes and tenements lymytted and appointed to and for the Joyncture of the saide Dame Elizabethe Bradburne, and certeyne arrable landes in Sturston close and certeyne other landes lyinge in Mirie Lathe in Ashburne aforesaide in the occupation of Richard Couppe.
Item I geve and bequeath to Martha Bradburne my daughter one hundrethe poundes of lawfull englishe monneye to be paide unto her within three yeares nexte after my deceasse (if shee be then lyvinge.
Item I doe constitute ordeyne and make the said Dame Elizabethe Bradburne my saide wiefe my sole and lawfull executrixe of this my last will and testamente, to whome I doe geve and bequeathe all my gooddes and chattells movable and unmovable of what nature or degree soever theie be, towardes the paymente of my debts & performance of this my last will and testamente.
And I make and ordeyne John Maners of Hadden in the saide countye of Darbye Esquier overseer of this my laste will and testamente, to see the same performed accordinglie, to whome I geve for his paynes my best horse or geldinge that I shall have at my decease.
And I utterlie revoke and adnull all and everie other former testaments, will, legacies, bequeasts, executors, and overseer by me in anye wise before this tyme made, named, willed, and bequeathed.
In witne wherof that this is my verie and trewe last will and testament I the saide Humfreye Bradburne have hereunto sette my hand and seale at the Lee aforesaide, the daye and yeare firste above written, in the presence of us whose names are endorsed uppon the backe syde of theise presentes.
Humfreye Bradburne Knight
Read sealed subscribed and delyvered in the presence of us the xxvth daie of Januarye Anno regni Regine Elizabethe vicesimo tertio John Maners. Fraunces Rolleston. Adam Beresford. Robert Fitzherberte. George Maners. Fraunces Fitzherbert. Thomas Beresford. John James. Robt Nedham. William Mylnes. William Monffort. Richard Harrison.
Probatum ac per Sinam diffinitivam approbatum et insinuatum fuit suprascriptum testamentum apud London coram venerabili viro mro Willmo Drury legum doctore curie prerogative Cantuarien commissario etc. decimo quarto die mensis Junij anno domini millimo quengentesimo octogesimo primo. Juramento Richardi Windor notarij publici procuratoris Domine Elizabethe Bradburne relicte et executricis in huiusmodi testamento nominat. Cui commissa fuit administracio bonorum etc. de bene etc. Jurat
(There follows a passage in Latin which appears to summarise an unsuccessful challenge to the will by Ann Bradburne alias Ferrys, natural and legitimate daughter of the deceased.)
Transcribed by Stephen Heathcote from probate records of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury viewed on Ancestry.co.uk. "England & Wales, Prerogative Court of Canterbury Wills, 1384-1858"
The National Archives; Kew, Surrey, England; Records of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, Series PROB 11; Class: PROB 11; Piece: 63
Ancestry Sharing Link - Ancestry uk Record 5111 #921983 (accessed 3 February 2024)
Will of Humfrey Bradburn, granted probate on 14 Jun 1581. Died about 1581 in Bradburne, Darbye.
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