
Bradshaw Families, Canada West

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Surnames/tags: bradshaw canada
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This Free Space Page is to consolidate research notes and sources concerning Bradshaw families who lived in Canada West (now Ontario) before 1867.

This is done in an effort to reduce conflation and duplication of similar families.

There are two Rachel's who were born around the turn of the 19th Century. Both married men with the surname Bradshaw.


Rachel Eamon, Wife of James Bradshaw

James Bradshaw was married to Rachel Eamon in Osnabruck in December 1816. See attached photo.

In 1824, Rachel Bradshaw petitioned for Land at Cornwall, in the Eastern District. She was recognized as the wife of James Bradshaw, and the daughter of Jacob Eamon, U.E. Loyalist. See attached photo.

James and Rachel are known to have had the following children:

  1. Nancy, born about 1826
  2. James Henry, born in 1827, died in 1890
  3. George, born in 1829, died in 1902.
  4. William Cyrus, born in 1831, died in 1910. His parents were named as James Bradshaw and Mary Eamon on his death record.
  5. Jane Diana, born about 1837, married George Andrews in 1865. Her brother-in-law, Gordon Warner, was a witness at her wedding. Jane died in 1913; her parents were named as James Bradshaw and Rachel Eamon on her death record.
  6. David, born in 1838, died in 1869 and was buried at Willis Cemetery.
  7. Ellen Martha, was born on February 11, 1842. She married Gordon Warner in 1863, and died in 1925.

They are also credited with another daughter:

  1. Maria, born in 1817. She married Elias Shaver, and died in 1888.

There are no other known children born between 1817 (Maria) and 1826 (Nancy). None of their children appear in the Wesleyan Methodist Baptismal Register.

James and Rachel were enumerated in the following Censuses:

1851 Census, Osnabruck, Stormont, Canada West. The household consisted of:

  • James, farmer, born in Canada, W. Methodist, married, age 58 (born about 1794)
  • Rachel, born in Canada, married, age 54, (born about 1798)
  • Nancy, 26 (born about 1826)
  • George, 23 (born about 1829)
  • William, 20 (born about 1832)
  • Jane, 15 (born about 1837)
  • David, 13 (born about 1839)
  • Elen M., 10 (born about 1842)

1861 Census, Osnabruck, Stormont, Canada West. The household consisted of:

  • James, farmer, born Canada West, Wesleyan Methodist, married, 66 (born about 1796)
  • Rachel, born Canada West, Wesleyan Methodist, married, 63 (born about 1799)
  • Jane, 23 (born about 1839)
  • David, 22 (born about 1840)
  • Ellen, 19 (born about 1843)

In the 1871 Census, James is noted to be of Irish origin, and Rachel is Dutch.

James and Rachel were buried at Willis Cemetery, in Lunenburg, Osnabruck Township, Stormont County.

Rachel LaRue, Wife of Horatio Bradshaw

Horatio Bradshaw was married to Rachel Dockon in Elizabeth [Elizabethtown], Leeds County.

Their marriage record reads:

I do hereby certify that on the sixteenth of November in the year of our Lord eighteen hundred and thirty one Horatio Bradshaw and Rachel Dockon were married by me William Hallock, Minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church in the town of Elizabeth, County of Leeds, District of Johnstown, Province of Upper Canada, in the presence of Thales Caswell, Nathaniel Powers. November 16, 1831.[1]

At the time of her marriage to Horatio, Rachel was the widow of Heman/Herman Dockham. She was formerly Rachel LaRue, daughter of Henry LaRue.

Rachel petitioned for land in 1836. Her petition reads:

To His Excellency Sir Francis Bond Head, Lieutenant Governor of the Province of Upper Canada, &c., &c., &c., In Council, The Petition of Rachel Bradshaw, of the township of Elizabethtown, in the District of Johnstown in the Province of Upper Canada, Humbly Shewith: -- That the petitioner is the daughter of Henry Larue, late of Elizabethtown, in the District and Province aforesaid, yeoman, a U.E. Loyalist. -- That she was married to Horatio Bradshaw and that she has never received any Land or order for Land, from the Crown. -- Wherefore your Petitioner humbly prays, that your Excellency will be pleased to grant her Two Hundred Acres of Waste Lands of the Crown, and permit Richard Coleman of Brockville to locate the same, and take out the Deed when completed; And your petitioner as in duty bound will ever pray. Rachel Bradshaw.
District of Johnstown: Rachel Bradshaw of Elizabethtown in the said District, married woman, maketh oath and saith, that she is the person she describes herself to be in the within Petition, and that she has not received any Land or order for Land, from the Crown.
Sworn before me, in open Sessions, at Brockville, in said District, this 19th day of May 1836.

In the publication The Loyalists In Ontario[2], the children of Henry La Rue of Yonge (Township) are listed as follows:

  1. Mary, OC 4 Jan 1805
  2. Rebecca, m. Nathaniel Powers of Yonge, OC 16 Aug 1810
  3. Henry of Yonge, OC 24 Dec 1811
  4. Criness of Yonge, OC 19 May 1812
  5. Rachel, m. Horatio Bradshaw of Elizabethtown. OC 28 July 1836

Current Profiles

Bradshaw-1245, James Bradshaw, married to Eamon-10, Rachel Eamon, daughter of Jacob Eamon.
Bradshaw-5598, Horatio Bradshaw, married to
LaRue-1323, Rachel LaRue - needs to be merged with LaRue-597


  1. "Canada, Ontario District Marriage Registers, 1801-1858," database with images, FamilySearch ( : 20 February 2019), Johnstown > 1801-1872, vol 14 > image 22 of 156; citing The Archives of Ontario, Toronto.
  2. The Loyalists in Ontario [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Operations Inc, 2006. Original data:Reid, William D. The Loyalists in Ontario: The Sons and Daughters of the American Loyalists of Upper Canada. Lambertville, NJ, USA: Genealogical Publishing Co., 1973.

See Also:

Ontario Locator

Elizabethtown, found in Elizabethtown Township, Leeds County
Williamsburg, found in Williamsburgh Township, Dundas County
Lunenburg, found in Osnabruck Township, Stormont County


Jane Diana Bradshaw, daughter of James Bradshaw and Rachel LaRue
Jane Diana Bradshaw, daughter of James Bradshaw and Rachel Eamon
Rachel LaRue
Rachel Eamon
James Bradshaw
James Bradshaw

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