Location: New York
Surnames/tags: Brasher Brasier
Yale University Library - Manuscripts & Archives. Colgate Collection
Brasher Family Records," containing: Genealogical information, 1663-1775 (part in Dutch).[1]
Hand written notes of the Brasher family which appear to have been written at the time of the events as the handwriting changing during the recording of events. Also some are written in the first person e.g. "my dafter (daughter) Susanna dyed July 4 between 11 and 12 in the morning."
Includes the families of :-
Abraham Brasher 1668-1717
Luke Brasher 1697-1736
Abraham Brasher 1705-1747
Kortright family (in Dutch) 1727-1775.
Document 1
This document consisted of two entries at the top of the page and two at the bottom. A large piece is missing from the top left corner.
Top of page :-
(Line 1 has 1/3 left of page missing) born (missing) daye of
(Line 2 has 1/3 left of page missing) 1668
separating line
(Line 3 has 1/3 left of page missing) ber 11 in the yere 169 (presumably meant to be 1669)
(Line 4 has 1/3 left of page missing) wife
Bottom of page :-
brader (brother?) hanre (Henry) was born gulie (July) 29 in the yere 1663.
brader isacke (Isaac) was born maye the 16 in the yere 1666.
Document 2
Children of Abraham Brasher & Lysbeth Schouten
1. Was borne Henry Brasher (missing rest as paper frayed).
2. Susana Brasher was borne December 17th 1694 about (missing)
a nightt.
3. John Brasher was borne December 17th 1694 aboute
ten a nightt.
4. Abraham Brasher was borne Feb. 24th 1696 aboute eight
att nightt.
5. Luke Brasher was borne December 20th 1697 about
eleven att nightt.
6. Susana Brasher was borne Janauery 21st 1700 a
ten in ye morning.
7. Elizabeth Brasher was born May the 22 1701
about six & seaven in the morning.
8. a dater (daughter) born agest (August) 21 1702
about tene in the morning.
- here if nomore come to late(?) more(?) at this side
- so wee will torn(?) to the toer(?) side of the (missing).
1. Susana Brasher dyed Sept. 9th 1694.
2. John Brasher dyed May 10th 1699.
3. Abraham Brasher March 13th 1700.
4. Elizabeth Brasher dyed genuari (January) 14th 1702.
5. a dater (daughter) dyed agest (August) 21 1702.
9. John Shouten Brasher was borne March 12th 1704.
10. Abraham Brasher was born agest (August) 22 (missing)
aboute tane (ten) and alaven (eleven) at (missing).
Document 3
The reverse side of Document 2 - top part of page is missing frayed.
(First line is mostly missing and no useful words can be made out.)
(missing) Brasher was ????? by the nurs
(missing) if she ? daye a boute too aclocke at nite in m....
in the yire 1712.
he was mared April the ...nith daye 1711.
separating line
my wife was brote a bade ofe a dater in
?????? the fiften daye and if did wan it foling (following)
came in the world in a fife 1712.
separating line
Susan Brasher was mared the 24 of Jenuary 172?
and bured her husband the 10 day of May foling (following)
and she departed this life 13 of Sept foling abou
6 a clock in the evning.
separating line
Luke Brasher was mared November the 25 1723
to Judy Gasare (Gasherie).
Document 4
Children of Luke Brasher & Judith Gasherie
Luke Brasher was born
December 20 In the year 1697.
And was marryed to Judy Gasharie
November the 23 in the year 1723.
1. My sun Abraham Brasher wass born September the 6 day a bout a 11 at nytt 1724.
2. Angells '('Engeltje) Brasher was born March the 26 a bout 9 and 10 at night In the year 1726.
3. Elebet (Elizabeth) Brasher was born August the 4 day 1727 abut 7 in the morning.
(separating line)
- my dafter (daughter) Elebet Brasher dyed the 25 of August at 4 in the morning 1728.
- my sun Abraham dyed December 25 about 3 in the morn 1728.
- my dafter Angells Brasher dyed Aprill 5 about 12 and 1 in the afternoon 1729
4. My dafter is borren April 25 be twean ten and eleven at night and agin named Elebet (Elizabeth) 1729.
5. my dafter is bornen January the 20 about 5 in the after and nammed Susanna Brasher 1730/1.
- my dafter Susanna dyed July 4 betwan 11 and 12 in the morning 1731.
6. my dafter Judey is born May the 10 at 9 in the mornin 1732.
- my dafter dyed Aprill the 15 at 1734 named Judy at 10 in mornin.
7. my sun Abraham Brasher was born December the 2 at won in the morning 1734.
Elizth Brasher.
The other two documents, first features the Kortright family, the second has the names Cannon, Legran and maybe more.
- ↑ Yale University Library - Manuscripts & Archives. Colgate Collection - call # MS144 - Box 4, "Brasher Family Records," containing: Genealogical information, 1663-1775 (part in Dutch).
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