Location: Rutland, England

Surnames/tags: Breton Belgrave
Contents |
Will of Eudosia Breton 1760
The Will of Eudosia Breton of Lyndon in Rutland was proved in London on 29 August 1760.[1]
In the Name of God Amen
The 14 day of March 1758. I Eudosia Breton of Lyndon in the
county of Rutland being in perfect Memory praised be God do
make and ordain this my last Will and Testament in manner
and Form following First I bequeath my soul into the Hands of
Almighty God my Maker hoping through the Meritorious death and
Passion of Jesus Christ my only Saviour and Redeemer to receive
? Pardon and Forgiveness of all my Sins and as for my
Body to be buried in Christian Burial at the discretion of my
Executor hereafter nominated Item I give to my Sister Eudosia
Fox of Uppingham the sum of ten Pounds Item I give unto
her son Mr John Fox ten Pounds
I give unto her son Mr Robin? Fox
fifty Pounds Item I give to the said Mr John Foxs Eldest daughter
five pounds and to his youngest daughter five Pounds I give to
my brother the Reverend Mr John Breton one Silver Pint
up? Item I give to my Sister Moyese of Exton the sum of ten
Pounds I give to her son Mr Samuel Moyese of Exton the sum of ten
Pounds Item I give to her daughter Mrs Cotborn Chapman the
sum of fifty Pounds Item I give to my sister Mrs Cathrin Watson
of Corby in Lincolnshire ten Pounds Item I give to my Brother
Mr George Bretton the sum of ten Pounds Item I give to his
son Mr George Breton of Grayby ten Pounds Item I give to my
Nephew Mr Samuel Belgrave of Grafton Street London one
Guinea Item I give to his Son my Nephew Mr Thomas Belgrave
five Pounds to my cousin Rose Belgrave I give one guinea Item
I give to Mary Belgrave Junior the sum of five Pounds I mean
the daughter of my niece Mary Belgrave Widow Item I give
my Niece Carr Wealldon of Leicester five Pounds Item I give
unto my Nephew the Reverend Mr Belgrave of Preston one Guinea
I give to my Nephew John Belgrave of London one Guinea I give
to my Nephew George Belgrave of Uppingham one Guinea I give
my Niece Elisabeth Scott one Guinea to my Niece Mary Belgrave
my best Cloaths Item I give the sum of three Pounds 3s unto the
Poor of the Parish of Oweston in Leicester I make my
Nephew the Reverend Mr Con Belgrave of Lyndon my Executor
upon condition that he shall pay my debts and Legacies of this my
last Will and Testament in witness whereof I have hereunto set
my Hand and Seal Eudosia Breton our Hands and Names as
Witnesses. Susannah Noble, Sarah Quenbrough the mark of Judith Bull
See the Codicil registered after the Act.
This Will was proved in London with a Codicil the twenty ninth
day of August in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred
and sixty before the Worshipful George Harris Doctor of Laws and
Surrogate of the Right Worshipful Edward Simpson also Doctor of
Laws Master Keeper or Commissary of the Prorogative Council
of Canterbury lawfully constituted by the Oath of the Reverend Con
Belgrave Clerk the sole Executor named in the said Will to whom
Administration was granted of all and singular the Goods and Chattels and
Credits of the deceased he having been first sworn only to administer.
Desire my Nephew Mr Belgrave of Lyndon to give these
things direct to my Sister Mary Belgrave I give her my Grey
Silk Negligee and my Purple Sattin quilted Petticoat that is all
I mean to give unto her in my Will and Nothing more to my
Niece Mrs Frances Belgrave at Preston I give unto her my
Polonoise and my largest Lawn Ruffles and four yards of thick
black silk and my Diamond Ring if my Nephew Con Belgrave
will not wear it I then give it unto her I hope he will accept
of my Gold Rings to my Niece Mrs Mary Belgrave Widow
I give unto her my brown flowered Silk Gown and some fine Lawn
Linen Ruffles and Apron and for her Head and Neck all Lawn
I give unto my Sister Eudosia Fox my black Silk Gown and best
black quilted Petticoat and a fine Lawn Apron and Ruffles the
same for her Head and Neck and some shifts I give to her
daughter my Kinswoman light Silveret Gown and my
Grey Silk quilted Petticoat and fine lawn Apron Ruffles Head
And Neck Lawn Linen and some Shirts I give to my Servant
that lives with me at the time of my death I give unti her
my light Camlet Gown my old Silveret Gown I mean the
darkest and my best White Pettycoat and my best Cloak
and my old Capuchin and black stiff quilt and some Flannell
Pettycoats and some Linen for her Head and Neck and Sleeves
and Ruffles Aprons and Shifts and the light stuff that is cut for to
be quilted and my dark cotton Gown and my blue tabby Gowns I
give to my servant and I give unto her old Chest of Drawers
the Tea Board and Common China that stands upon the Tea
Board and the little Tea Waiter and White Stone Tea Potts and
Sugar Potts and I give to her the Bed I lye upon Bedstead and
Curtains and Feather Bed Pillows and Bolster Blanketts Matt
And Cord and that Counterpain that is striped with Purple and
White and I give her the Widow Curtains the same to the
Counterpain and I give to her my Coffee Will and my best
Looking Glass and Close Stool and my best Bible and my two
little tea tables and my While deal Table 2 little round stools
my Wash Tub and Washpan I give to her and I give to her my
Tinderbox Copper Coffee Pott a Brass Candlestick with Hookfoot? and
another flat Brass Candlestick and I give her my best black silk
Gloves Shoes and Clogs and Stockings I give to Sarah my Nephews
Maid a dark Stuff Gown a White Petticoat and a Flannel
Apron Shift a pair of my Gloves I likewise give to my Servant
Some Chairs and a pair of Sheets Pillowcases and Huckeback?
Table Cloths and 6 Napkins and some Towells these things I desire
Nephew Mr Con Belgrave will give as I have desired this
day of May 1760 as if put in a formal Will by me.
Will of Rev. John Breton 1770
The Will of John Breton was proved in London on 20 December 1770. [2]
Will John Breton of Tranby
In the Name of God Amen
I John Breton of Tranby in the County of Nottingham
Clerk being of sound mind memory and understanding Praised
be God I do make and Ordain this my last Will and Testament
in manner following First I give to my Brother George
Breton to my Sister Eudoria Fox Widow to my sister Catherine
the wife of Anthony Watson and to my Niece Catherine
the Wife of Bartholemew Chapman One annuity or yearly
sum of five pounds a piece to be paid to them respectively
by my Executor hereafter named for and during their respective
natural lives and my will is that the said several yearly
sums of five pounds above given to the said Catherine Watson
and Catherine Chapman shall be paid to them for their own
separate Use and that their receipts (notwithstanding their
Coverture) shall be sufficient Discharges for the same Item
I give to my Wife Elizabeth Breton one annuity or
the yearly sum of seven pounds to be paid to her by my Executor
for and during the term of her natural life and I also give
unto my said Wife as many of my household Goods as
she shall choose to furnish one room (except those here
after specifically given to my Executor) and it is my meaning
that what I have herein before given to my said Wife shall
be in lein of all Dower or thirds which she may Claim or be
intitled to out of the Lands and Tenements I shall die
seized or possessed of Item I give to my Nephews Samuel
Moysey and John Fox ten pounds a piece to be paid by my
Executor within twelve calendar months after my decease
I give and devise unto my Nephew George Breton of
Graby in the County of Lincoln all my Lands and Tenements
and esewditaments? in Hose or elsewhere in the County
of Leicester to hold to my said Nephew George Breton
and his Heirs for ever and I hereby charge all my said Lands
and Tenements and all of my personal Estate with the payments
of the said several annuities and Legacies abovementioned
Lastly I give and bequeath unto my said Nephew George
Breton One Silver Tankard three large Silver Spoons four
Silver tea Spoons and all the rest and residue of my Goods
Chattels and personal Estate ( after my Wife shall take
a bed and Bedding and such other household Goods as
she shall chuse to furnish one Room) and I constitute and
appoint my said Nephew George Breton Sole Executor
of this my last Will and Testament hereby revoking all former
Wills by me made in ? whereof I have hereunto set
my hand and seal the twentieth day of June in the year of
Our Lord One Thousand Seven Hundred and Sixty John Breton
signed sealed and published and declared by the above
named John Breton as and for his last Will and
Testament in the presence of us who have hereunto
subscribed Our names as Witnesses thereto in the presence
of the said Testator and in the presence of each other Edw
Brown Ben Smith Sarah Marriott
This Will was proved at London
before the Right Worshipful George Hay? Doctor of
Laws Master Keeper or Commissary of the Prerogative
Court of Canterbury lawfully constituted the twentieth day
of December in the year of Our Lord One thousand Seven
hundred and Seventy by the Oath of George Breton the Sole
Executor named in the said Will to whom Administration
was granted of all and singular the Goods Chattels and
Credits of the deceased he having been first sworn by
Commission only to administer
Ouston Monumental Inscriptions
Everard Breton
On a mural at the East end of the church:[3]
- Here lieth the Rev. Mr Everard Breton,
- late rector of Withcote and minister of Owston
- who distcharged the duties of his ministry with
- care and fidelity, his heart being fixed on the holy
- works thereof, and fervent in devotion and
- piety towards God.
- He departed this life Jan. 7, 1755, aged 67.
- Dan xii. 3. They that be wise shall shine as the
- brightness of the firmament; and they that turn many to
- righteousness, as the stars for ever and ever.
Eudocia Breton
On another mural stone:[3]
- Here lieth the interred body of
- Mrs Eudocia Breton,
- wife of the Rev. Mr. Everard Breton,
- late vicar of this parish,
- the daughter of William Belgrave esq.
- and Prudence his wife,
- of North Kilworth, in this county.
- She died Aug. 5, 1760, aged 82.
- ↑
Will of Eudosia Breton:
"England & Wales, Prerogative Court of Canterbury Wills, 1384-1858"
The National Archives; Kew, Surrey, England; Records of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, Series PROB 11; Class: PROB 11; Piece: 858
Ancestry Sharing Link - Ancestry au Record 5111 #223935 (accessed 22 December 2021)
Will of Eudosia Breton of Lyndon, Rutland, England, granted probate on 29 Aug 1760. Died Abt 1760. - ↑
Will of John Breton:
"England & Wales, Prerogative Court of Canterbury Wills, 1384-1858"
The National Archives; Kew, Surrey, England; Records of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury, Series PROB 11; Class: PROB 11; Piece: 962
Ancestry Sharing Link - Ancestry uk Record 5111 #298244 (accessed 26 December 2021)
Will of John Breton of Granby, Notthingham, granted probate on 20 Dec 1770. Died Abt 1770. - ↑ 3.0 3.1 Monumental Inscriptions Nichols, J, The History and Antiquities of the County of Leicester: pt. 1. Framland Hundred. 1795. pt. 2. Gartree Hundred. Volume 2, Part 2 of The History and Antiquities of the County of Leicester,1798 digitised by By John Nichols 1971, pages 763-764 |Google Books (accessed 25 Dec 2021)
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